P.A.S.T. - Sheep Poetry!

Sheep Poetry!

Many of us have a poem that touches us. It reaches into us and tugs at our soul. We keep it close to our memories. Often they remind us of someone or some event with forms of significance about it.

Our only contributed piece thus far in our campaign for sheep poetry is from an unknown writer only known by the name S.Donner. He's thought to be an American post 20th Century writer with few accounts of family influence. Often using sarcasm. His outgoing hate for "hicks" as he has put it before is astonishing. He has touched all of us at P.A.S.T. in more ways than one with his poems. Here now is what is known to be his first poem that broke through the undergound scene. Here now we present to you, Sheep sheep sheep.

Sheep, sheep, sheep

Sheep sheep sheep
the thrills are cheap
lets hop on in the chevy jeep
and go to new zealand
where the farmers keep
those wonderful wonderful
wonderful sheep!!!!!!

- S. Donner

"Take time to discover your inner sheep."

If you have any poetry that is sheep related we'd love to hear it. Send it to us at P.A.S.T. Sheep Poetry Iz Baaaad and we'll put it on this page.

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