How To Play
Use your mouse to sight an approaching ship in your cross-hairs. A target box will light up when an enemy ship
is in your sights. Keep the sight on the enemy. Click the mouse button to fire.
Whenever an enemy fighter gets past you, it will fire on your ship. You will see the screen flash and shake if they
score a hit. Watch your shields - when they go, so do you.
You will need a fast machine to play this game, recommended at least a 200 MHz. It helps if you use a browser
with a (just-in-time) compiler for Java. Internet Explorer 4.0 seems to work best. Turning off the sound effects
may also increase game speed.

Click in the game area to start

Author: Mike Hall


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Smokey - A part of:
Saffire's "House of Cats",© May 1999.