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The Complete Women's Herbal  This is a great book for all women.So many books and research studies are based on men and they don't take into account that a women's body is different with different health and herbal needs this book does and in an ever so well way. As a women this book has truely been a jewel in my life. It covers all  bases for women it is complete, detailed and easy to use and loaded with good information.  Some of the chapters you will find are, about herbs, well women, puberty (and this would be a great book for a young girl to REALLY understand how her body works), menstrual cycle and some great tips on how to help PMS, those herbs have sure helped me, preconception and fertility, pregnancy and child birth, postnatal care and mother hood, breastfeeding and infant care, adult life and menopause, later years, first aid, healing yourself, herbs for beauty, housekeeping herbs, herbs and ailments, where to find herbs, and  this is just some of the information you will find. It is 287 pages of superb wisdom for women. You will be blown away by it like I am almost every time I open it up to look something up.

Here to purchase The Complete Women's Herbal 20.00 plus shipping and handling

Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs I have the hard back and it really has been worn over time. It gets lots of use. This book is good for the hardcore and beginner herbalist. All most all of the common herbs are covered and quite a few rare ones also. It tells you the history, uses, including medical uses, some research that has been done of the medical uses of the herb, and how the herb works, how much to take and what for and some precautions. It also includes how to cultivate the herbs which any gardener will enjoy or window box herbalist like myself. Also tells of the Aromatic uses. Like the Eucalyptus section has a oil to use as an natural insect repellent for humans and animals. Just take one teaspoon of the Eucalyptus oil (mixed oil not pure Eucalyptus) and 1/2 pint warm water mix it together and rub into skin or fur. The culinary, cosmetic and dye uses are also included. it is an all inclusive book and I really do believe that know one should be without it.

Here to purchase -->Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs  Paperback 14.38

Here to purchase - - >Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs  Hardback 18.87

The Doctors Book of Home Remedies: This is a must have in every home. I have had this book for about 8 years and have found it to be invaluable. It has almost everything in it from Acne to Depression, Backache to Varicose Veins, PMS to Earache and how to treat everyday and not so everyday aches and pains safely and with simple things you will find around the house and suggestions of when one should not self treat. There have been many times when I was to tired to run out and get something and I opened this book only to find that I didn't need to that I had something at home to take care of the problem. Like last week when I had one of those pesky little canker sores. There were also more then a few times that this book saved me from going to a doctor saving my time and theirs and my money. This really is an excellent book and a must have. You will be thankful you have it many times over especially for 6 bucks.

Here to purchase- - - >  The Doctors Book of Home Remedies from Prevention Magazine Books  

Vitamin Bible: There are two Bibles I think everyone should have in their home. One is the Holy Bible the other is the Vitamin Bible. As we eat more and more processed foods our bodies get less and less of what they need. This book tells us what the vitamins will do for us, how they can replenish us and also tell us what vitamins at what levels can be toxic. It has chapters in such as, herbs and folk remedies, your special vitamin needs and the right vitamin at the right time. It even has a chapter for you pets. This book is good for beginners and hard core health consumers alike. It has something for everyone and can teach even the most learned a few things that didn't know.  It is a great reference book and at  you can't beat the price, 5.59.

Here to Purchase - - -> Vitamin Bible, by Earl Mindell's

Healing With Magnets: This 224 page paperback is chalked up with lots of good information on magnets and is little bit above the basics. It is not a hard read, but one needs to take their time reading it to absorb all the useful information. If you are doing research on magnetic therapy this is the book to get. There are 115 pages just of scientific studies. At the back of the book there are also a good  list of resources of where to get magnets and which ones to buy. It is a well put together book and it doesn't surprise me that it was given a 5 out of 5 star review from its readers in

Here to purchase- - -> Healing With Magnets by Gary Null Ph. D

Magnet Therapy: The Pain Cure Alternative: This book is a very easy read and great for the beginner and hard core magnet user. It gives some of the history of magnets, how they are being used in the health field, how to use magnets correctly and well it covers just about everything. If you are a loved one are in pain and are thinking about magnet therapy, but aren't sure buy this book. This really is a must by book. The only problem I had with the book was the author ego and everything was written so, well I was able to look of that. This book also has 5 out of 5 stars on Amazon.con by its readers.

Here to purchase - - - > Magnet Therapy: The Pain Cure Alternative

by Ron Lawrence, Judith Plowden, Paul Rosch, Ronald M. Lawrence

Your Body Doesn't Lie: This is an easy to read book on Behavioral Kinesiology. When I was done reading the book I had a good idea of what Kinesiology was and how to use it, although, I must say I still remain somewhat skeptical as to Kinesiology, but I was much more then this when I picked up the book. Now I think well maybe at least and it has got to be the safest none intrusive healing method available. The author gives pictures showing one how to practice Kinesiology with very easy instructions which is very helpful. Most of his book concentrates on Thymus activity and how to increase your Life Energy by improving Thymus activity He also has some interesting views on T cells and how the Thymus gland prepares the T cells to do their work.

Here to purchase - - - >  Your Body Doesn't Lie, by John Diamond M.D.

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