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Natural ways to deal with joint pain and Osteroarthritis
Osteoarthritis, just the word can send crippling pain down someone's spine. For many this painful, even torturess physical ailment seems like it will always take hold of their lives and never let go. However, there is hope, healing, and good pain free days to come. You do not just have to bear with painful arthritis or keep going from one potent drug to another that leaves your body with other arrays of problems. There are other solutions that have helped most arthritis suffers them less reliant on traditional Western medicine.
A combination of Gulcosamine, Chondroitin, Bromelain and Ginger is very affect. It has made many a life not only bearable but enjoyable again, of course always seek the advise of a medical professional before going of on your own. The use of these products for arthritis is not a new use, but it is fairly new in Western culture and it is meeting with excellent results. We are now beginning to realize that arthritis is not in inevitable or is it caused by normal wear and tear. It is caused by problems within the cartilage matrix. If we can fix those problems, adjust the cartilage matrix we can prevent and even go as far dare I say one day cure arthritis.
If you look at a osteroarthrtic joint you can see cartilage damage. The more cartilage rubs away the more bones rub together. Creating pain, bone deformities and inflammation. You will also see that the body is trying to rebuild new cartilage and new bone to for what was lost. This new cartilage is often inferior an unable to protect the bones. Sometimes this cartilage even over grows leaving bumps, sharp edges and even more problems and the joint lining becomes even more inflamed.
For better re-growth of the cartilage Glucosamine and Chondroitin is needed. Our cells are always rebuilding that includes our cartilage cells. "Healthy cartilage needs three things: water for lubricating and nourishment, proteoglycans to attract and hold the water, and collagen to keep proteocoglycans in place. " Jason Thedosakis MD. Glucosamine attract and hold many times their water weight which lubricates, nourishes and acts as act as a shock absorber. Glucosamine also spurs the Chrodrocytes to make more collagen and proteoglycans which are the key elements to the cartilage matrix. This enhances repair of the damaged cartilage and leaves it less likely that the rebuilt cartilage is going to be bumped and sharp. There are many studies done to prove these theories, however, since most find studies boring I will not go into them here, but, many can be found in the book, Arthritis Cure.
One shouldn't stop at using just Glucosamine as I found out, but should use Chondroitin in conjunction with it as they both do some things the other one doesn't. Chondroitin does many of the same things that Glucosamine does, but the one thing that it does that Glucosamine doesn't appear to do is inhibit the enzymes that degrade the cartilage. It also mobilizes the blood vessels and deposits around surrounding joints. The cartilage has no blood supply so this is its only way of staying healthy. The suggested amount varies, but 1,500 mg Glucosamine and 1,200 mg Chondroitin divided into 2-3 doses a day seems to be average. There are no known bad side effects to these nutritional supplements which is great and have proven for most to be more effective than most traditional medications taken for arthritis. "The array of medicine used by typical Western Medicine to bout this offers only a cover-up, symptomatic relief where Glucosamine and Chrodroitin help heal the cause of the Osteoarthritis.
The other two item I mentioned in the beginning are and ginger. Bromelain is an enzymes found in the stem of a pineapple and it is a very powerful enzyme against inflammation. Bromelain blocks production of Kinins which increase swelling as well as cause pain. I take 2 600 GDU a in the morning, two in the afternoon if need and two at night. Unlike other anti-inflammatory it won't rip you stomach apart. Keeping the swelling down is a very important part of conquering arthritis. Most suggest a range between 400 -600 grams three times a day.
Ginger is also very helpful in taming arthritis. It warms the body and helps increase circulation helping to take away the bad things and bring good things to the injured joints. A ginger tea is great on a cold damp morning. Along with these things you must also exercise , your doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist can help you know which ones are best for you. Many of them including my physical therapist use the Mckenzie Method. The one thing most seem to forget to tell you is that you must warm up before you stretch otherwise it will do little good and you may even injure yourself. I jog up and down the steps for a few minutes do something until you start to break a sweat or I stretch as soon as I get out of the tub. Another hint on a really bad day I take a bath in Lavender Oil is it great for bad backs, arthritis etc. . .
These are just a few things that can help you live a pain free live of course all of these things should be discussed with a medical professional before you start or at least take some more time to do more of your own research. Out of all the books I read the best two I found were The Arthritis Cure, which stands leagues about all the rest and Getting Well Naturally Arthritis , by Michael T. Murray N.D.
Have a healthy and happy life,
Tracey October 19, 1999.
Not held responsible for any information used as with any other information always double checks the facts. It is your own body.
***** (This is the very best book on Arthritis really a must have for anyone the suffers from this condition) The Arthritis Cure : The Medical Miracle That Can Halt, Reverse, and May Even Cure Osteoarthritis. Theodosakis, Jason. Fox, Barry. Adderly, B.
The Arthritis Helpbook : A Tested Self-Management Program for Coping With Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Lorig, Kate. Fries, James F.
Arthritis; What Works Sobel, Dava. Nagler, Willibald. Klein, Arthur C.
Are you sure it's Arthritis? A Guide To Soft -Tissue Rheumatism , Paul Davidson, M.D. Macmillan Publishing Company. New York, N.Y.
Mayo Clinic on Arthritis Hunder, Gene, Md Mayo Clinic
Arthritis : How You Can Benefit from Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Exercise, and Other Natural Methods (Getting Well Naturally Series) Murray, Michael T
There is an amazing array of books on Natural Health at Amazon.com and any book you order from my link I earn a small associates fee that helps keep this page and others like it going. Enjoy your search and good health to you.
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