Pagan Poems

the greenman

I wanted to share with the world some of my experiences as a pagan. My best form of expression is my poetry, so I hope this helps explain some of the happiness I feel following the pagan path!!

Goddess Power

by Shadowdance

Oh bountiful Goddess
Your praises be sung
By the light of the silvery moon.

And when your presence
Is felt so near
Let us come and worship soon.

Your powers enormous
And with us you share
To make us all better people.

The altar is up and
The circle cast
Let the power flow around us.

The herbs are spread
The candles lit
We feel the Goddess in us.

Praise be to the Goddess
Her love and light shine brightly
And in the morning when we rise.

The world will be different slightly.
The world will be different slightly.
The world will be different slightly.

This poem copywright 1997 by Shadowdance: aka Lola Ojinnaka

Circled Times
Life and Death--its power!
Power in the Air--Beltain Festival!!!!!
Full moon--about the moon
Four---About the four seasons
Rain---Falling falling...
I dreamed---a dream of vision...
They come back you know---all those souls...
The three are one---Maiden, Mother, Crone...
The power of three---a chant...
Number three---the love of three...
Magic? Yes magic!

Well there you have it! I hope this gave you a better understanding of who I am. I shall be adding more as my inspiration hits me. But for now,
Merry Meet, and Merry Part and Merry Meet again!!!


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To my pagan page