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 I will seek Him and know Him

With all things that are eternal, it is not what you know, but who you know that matters.  That is why theological argument is so foolish.  There is only One who is worth knowing; His name is Jesus.  We can know about Him, but that knowledge is not what is lasting.  We can believe in Him with our natural minds, but that is only an extension of knowledge that will cease.  We can obey many laws, which may be helpful but don't bring us to a knowledge of Him.  He is not as concerned that we obey a bunch of laws and follow some forms as He is concerned that we know Him.  He wants our love.  He wants to fellowship with us.

The thing about sin is that it takes us out of His presence, but if we know Him, He will speak to us, and we will obey every law.  Why?  Because when we know Jesus it is different than knowing any other friend.  If we know Jesus, He comes to make His abiding place in us.  He changes our very nature.  He communes with us and changes our mind, step by step, to be the same as His mind.  As we come to know Him more and more, We become more and more like Him.  When we finally see Him face to face, we shall see Him as He is, and so we shall be like Him.

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Jesus is the only Truth that matters.  John 14:6
He's the only Truth that can withstand the test.
In His presence all my arguments are shattered.
In His presence is the only place of rest.

I will seek Him and know Him. Psalm 119:2
I will walk in all His ways yielding to His grace.
I will seek Him and know Him.
Pressing on to know the Lord . . . until I see Him face to face.

The intelligence of men just doesn't matter.
As they analyze, their thoughts are sadly vain.
All their reasoning is so much empty chatter,
When the Lord's the only Truth that will remain.

Reasoned dogma cannot test the True Foundation. 1 Cor. 3:11
Jesus is the Truth and Doctrine I embrace. Eph 2:20
All the ramblings of my interpretation,
I will disregard and I will seek His face.

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Suggestions: how to use these songs