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Mary McDonough was born in
Van Nuys, California on May 4th, 1961. She first appeared on our
screens as Erin Walton in The Homecoming, the role she continued
to play in the series of The Waltons. She too, has continued her
relationship with Earl Hamner and The Waltons, by returning to
play Erin in the Waltons specials of the 1980's and 1990's.
During the run of the show Mary was listed in the credits as
both Mary Elizabeth McDonough and Mary Beth McDonough. I believe
she now is credited as Mary McDonough. |
Although she
put her acting career on hold during her illness, she is slowly
rebuilding a career for herself. 1997 saw her making several
television appearances. We saw her as Erin in A Walton Easter,
and another movie, One of Those Nights, was released in June
this year. Perhaps most poignant though, was her role in ER,
where she played the part of a woman suffering from lupus who is
given a kidney transplant from her brother.
Mary married in 1988, but has since
divorced. She is now a single Mum, bringing up her little girl