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Richard Thomas was born in
New York City, NY, June 13, 1951. He was just seven years old
when he appeared on Broadway in Sunrise at Campobello in 1958.
Soon after he appeared in a television presentation of A Doll's
House co-starring alongside Julie Harris, Christopher Plummer
and Hume Cronyn. This was in 1959. |
Between 1969
and 1971 he made several television movies, including The
Homecoming which lead to the role of John Boy Walton in the
series. Richard remained with The Waltons until the end of the
fifth season, when he left the show to pursue his acting career
further. Whilst playing John Boy, however, he was still able to
make several more television movies, including The Red Badge of
Courage in 1974. He also directed several of The Waltons
During the 1990's he has also received
critical acclaim for his stage roles in Shakespeare's Richard 11
and Richard 111. He has recently made some television
appearances in episodes of Touched By an Angel and The Road
Home. He is also listed as being the narrator on several audio
books, including Earl Hamner's The Homecoming. Richard obviously
has other talents too, as he has had already had two books of
poetry published and is working on a third. He is the father of
Richard and triplet daughters, Pilar, Barbara and Gwyneth from a
former marriage. More recently though he has remarried and
Richard and his new wife have since celebrated the birth of
their first baby.