Other Characters
Maya Gallo:
Dennis Finch:
Elliott DeMauro:
Nina Van Horn:
Jack runs Blush very efficiently, mainly because
he is a big womanizer (I'd call him male chauvenist,
but he can be so nice!!) Not only does he constantly
comment on the women he works with, he has been married
four times, and never for very long. His most recent wife
is a very young woman, much to Maya's outrage. Jack
firmly asserts that they are truly in love this time,
but who can know? Jack knows that Maya resents him
because he never gave her the love and attention she
needed growing up. He deeply regrets that, and wants to
not only make it up to Maya, but teach her that he is
a changed man. Jack is involved in a constant rivalry
with Donald Trump, often calling him up to proclaim
some small victory (ie. "Hey, Donald, I was just
voted Humanitarian of the Year, so kiss my @#%!").
Jack also seems to be mainly a cheerful man.
Jack and Maya seem to be more like friends than
father and daughter, but Jack is trying to prove
that he's a good man and is there for his daughter.
He obviously loves Maya and wants to protect her.
Jack gets along quite well with Elliott, being
that they are both womanizers. Oh well. Birds
of a feather...
Jack and Nina don't seem to have much of a
relationship at all. He's there, she's there.
They don't interact much, but they are friendly
to each other.
Since Finch is Jack's right-hand man, they have
a very boss-employee relationship, but Jack seems
to regard Finch as a protegee. Of course, Finch
probably doesn't mind this, considering he's
such a kissup. ^_^