Other Characters

Jack Gallo:
Dennis Finch:
Elliott DeMauro:
Nina Van Horn:


Maya is truly a sweetheart. It's just too bad that she gets dumped on so much. I mean, come on! People have sex in her apartment without her permission! Married congressmen disguise themselves as normal men and hit on her! Her father divorced her mother, and now runs a magazine that "portrays women as objects", and now she has to work for that very same magazine because she was unfairly fired from her first job! What's a girl to do? Maya does handle herself remarkably well for a woman under such pressure. She has a load of smarts behind that pretty face, and it shows. Not only does she try to make Blush more intelligent, but she manages to put up with her father and co-workers. No matter what they do to her, she remains loyal to them, though she doesn't know why. Maybe she's a bit too sentimental, but that's just part of her charm.


Jack and Maya have a somewhat typical 
father/daughter relationship, though at times it 
seems more like a friendship. Maya seems to hold 
very little respect for Jack, due to the fact 
that he was never there for her as a child, but 
she certainly loves him.

Finch seems to be an annoyance to Maya, but a 
friendly one (anyway, isn't he somewhat of an 
annoyance to everyone?).

Maya definately seems to have a thing for Elliott, 
though she doesn't show it often. 

Maya and Nina seem to be good friends, though Nina 
tends to be more trouble to Maya than she's worth.
They make a great team, but poor Maya usually
ends up the victim of circumstance in
their escapades.