Other Characters

Maya Gallo:
Jack Gallo:
Dennis Finch:
Elliott DeMauro:


Nina used to be one of the best models in the business. Gorgeous, classy, and smart (not to mention tall), she was the epitome of what a model should be. Now middle age is catching up with her, and poor Nina is at her wits' end...for no reason. She's still gorgeous, classy, and smart (and she's still tall), but she thinks that just because she's entering her second childhood, it means she's no longer desireable in any way. Now she must work out how she's going to hang on to her past and mature to face her aging. Nina works as the fashion editor of Blush, adding her touches of glamour to the slick pages of Jack's magazine.


When they first met, Nina did not seem to
like Maya at all, but over time the former
model has warmed to the young journalist.
Like Jack to Finch, Nina seems to see Maya
as her protegee. She takes it upon herself
to give Maya advice on everything, especially
men and dating.

Nina and Jack don't seem to have much of
anything going on. He's there, she's there;
they work together.

Nina and Elliott are friends, and just like
Nina and Jack, they don't seem to have any
edges to that friendship.

I really think Finch and Nina have a neat
relationship. Their routine exchange of quips
and insults is very cool to watch, and is 
definately a highlight of the show...but is 
there more there than just a simple office
relationship? I'm not suggesting attraction,
though that's possible. It just seems that
Finch and Nina seem to...oh, what's a good
word? I guess they really seem to care for
each other more than anyone else, no matter
wether that caring is friendly or love-oriented.
I don't know. I just think it's there, and I'd
love to talk to anyone else who thinks it's
there, too.