Chapter    2

As Jamie walked down the sidewalk to the bus-stop she thought about the way Katie hung all over Johnny, "It's not like he's the nicest guy ever," she said to herself, "In fact, he's kind of mean to her, he even hit her that one time." She said.

"Who hit who?" said a little girls voice. "What?" asked Jamie as she looked around, she looked down and saw a little girl with LONG blonde hair and blue eyes looking up at her questioningly, "I said," she said softly, "Who hit who?"

Jamie blushed, "Oh it was no one, just me thinking out loud, so," she changed the subject, "what's your name?"

The little girl smiled, "I'm Jessica, what's yours?"

"Jamie." She replied, "So Jessica, Why are you at the bus-stop all by yourself?"

Jessica frowned, "I'm running away, no one pays attention to me anymore."

"Awww," said Jamie, "Well I don't think running away is quite the answer to your problem Jessica, I'd suggest just talking to your mom and dad about it, and tell them what' bothering you."

Jessica looked up at Jamie with a little lost girl look, "OK, well can you help me go home and come in with me so that they don't yell at me?"

"Of course I will. Let's go now, which way is your house?" Jessica pointed down the street and they both started walking. "It's on this road." Said Jessica as they turned down a side street. Soon Jessica pointed to a medium sized two story house. "That's my house."

As they were walking up the path to the house, Jessica reached out and grabbed Jamie's hand and held onto it. They walked up and Jamie reached out with her free hand and knocked on the door. It was opened by a blonde boy of about 12, Jamie thought he looked familiar but couldn't quite place him. When the boy saw Jessica he started giggling, "Oh MOOOOOOOOOM." He screamed, "Jessie is back!"

Jessica squeezed Jamie's hand tighter and inched into the house pulling Jamie behind her, another blonde girl ran by, this one was followed by a toddler.

"Jessica Grace Hanson! I am very ashamed of you, running off like that, and you know your brothers have a photo shoot to go to." Said an adult woman's voice.

Jamie's mouth dropped open.. Hanson????

Where to?

Chapter 1:
Chapter 3: