Chapter    3

Meanwhile, back at Katie's house, Johnny and all of his friends were upstairs in Katie's room, Johnny was trying to get Katie to go downtown with them. But she kept on protesting, saying her parents would get mad if she went out without asking first.

"Aww, Come on Kate, I'll ask your parents if you want me to," Johnny pleaded.

"Why d'you want me to go so badly Johnny?" asked Katie, "You never beg this much usually." She smiled at him, "In fact you usually don't want me to even go."

Johnny blushed, "Well I uh just thought you'd like to come tonight, if you don't wanna go that's fine." He stood up abruptly and walked out her bedroom door, the rest of his 'gang' following him.

Katie jumped up quickly and ran to intercept Johnny. "Wait, Johnny! Don't leave, I'll come since you want me to."

Johnny smiled, "Thanks Katie, now, want me to ask your parents or will you take care of that?" he asked.

"I will," answered Katie, "I think they'd be more likely to let me go if I do, ya know?" she walked downstairs and into the kitchen where her parents were and quickly talked them into letting her go. She walked back upstairs and told Johnny she was allowed to go, but that she wanted to change first, so Johnny led his friends downstairs into the living room and Katie looked for something to wear.

"Hmm," She thought to herself. She had finally narrowed it down to a pair of black pants and a blue and black "Princess" T-shirt or a pair of jeans and an "I'm Not Weird I'm Just Gifted" T-shirt.

She finally decided on the black and blue outfit, put it on, grabbed a pair of black Doc Martens and put them on. Then she pulled her Black hair back into a long ponytail and grabbed her black leather jacket and walked downstairs.

"Hey Guys, are we ready to go?" She asked, everyone nodded and they walked out the door into the cool October breeze. They all piled into Johnny's mustang convertible and Donald's *One of Johnny's friends* Ford pickup truck, Katie sat next to Johnny in the front seat of his convertible, he started up and pulled down the street.

After driving down through a few roads of traffic they began approaching a turnoff onto Interstate 101, Katie got bored and turned the radio on, it was a Marilyn Manson song, she made a face and changed the station, the familiar sounds of "Where's the Love" greeted her. Everyone else groaned at hearing that, Katie smiled and turned up the volume louder to shut out the groans.

"You don't mind do you Johnny?" she asked, "Hanson IS my favorite band you know."

Johnny smiled at her, "Of course not, if you like them I guess we can stand to listen to them."

They locked eyes dreamily for a few seconds until Katie turned forward to the sound of honking, she screamed. "Oh my God Johnny! Stop!!! It's a red light!!"

Johnny slammed on the breaks, unfortunately not fast enough, the convertible sped into the open traffic in the middle of the road and got hit by 3 cars at once.

Katie felt her world shatter as the impacts came, one after the other. She screamed again and again as she felt the pain as the windshield broke and the glass rushed into her face, her eyes, her body. Then everything went black.

Chapter 2...:
Chapter 1...:
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