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This photograph of the pillar of fire and Brother Branham, was taken on January 24, 1950, in the Sam Houston Coliseum in Houston, Texas, was authenticated by George J. Lacey, Examiner of Questioned Documents for the F.B.I., as the only Supernatural Being ever photographed.


That day down there, about thirty-three years ago, or thirty-four, standing on the banks of the Ohio River there, at the bridge, and about five thousand people or more gathered on the banks... I was just about twenty years old, twenty-three, twenty-two, or twenty-three years old, my first revival. I was baptizing five hundred people that afternoon. And the deacons had led me out in the water. About the seventeenth person, when I was baptizing, I heard a Voice say, "Look up." And I turned to look up. Billy's mother, we wasn't even married then, just going together. Here come that Pillar of Fire, circling out of the bright blue skies at two o'clock on June the 15th, coming right down out of the skies, like that. And a Voice roared out, all over the place there, and said, "As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, you have the Message that'll out--forerun the second coming of Christ." Photographers taking the picture...How could we believe that, with just barely a grammar school education, and so forth? But I believed it. That afternoon, when I was so tired when I got finished baptizing, they had to come get me out of the water. I couldn't hardly stand no more of the current of the river. And It went, come down, and they took the pictures of It. It was on the Associated Press, went worldwide almost, up into Canada. Brother Lee Vayle has a copy of it yet, I think, from on the Associated Press, "A mystery Light hangs over a local Baptist minister while baptizing at the foot of Spring Street in Jeffersonville, Indiana." The Louisville "Herald" picked it up, took the pictures, and went off, and away it went across on the Associated Press. Now, that's been many years ago. How could it be so? But it was so. God said so; that makes it right. And what a--a glorious thing to know that we have the living God. And from there has brought forth revival fires all around the world. And now, great healing campaigns and great mysterious things has gone on.


The following are certified testimonies from well-known preachers and evangelists from around the world concerning the ministry of William marrion Branham:

JAMES MORRIS - “It was Branham, more than any other evangelist, who started the post-World War-II fundamentalist healing revival following his encounter with an angel on May 7, 1946. Word radiated in every direction that all manner of diseases and afflictions were healed instantly by the little Indiana preacher. Even cases of raising the dead were published.” (-The Preachers)

GORDON LINDSAY - “Never had we known of any preacher calling deaf, mutes and blind people to pray for, and then to see those people delivered on the spot... a ministry that was beyond any that we had before witnessed.” (-The House that the Lord Built)

TOMMY OSBORN - “ God has chosen diverse and mysterious ways to reveal Himself to His servants especially those called for dispensational purposes as was Brother Branham’s call. In short, the man we know as William Branham was sent to demonstrate God again in flesh. (-William Branham Memorial Service)

JACK MOORE - “The most gifted of all the evangelists.” (-All Thingsare Possible by David Harell, Jr.)

ORAL ROBERTS - “A humble devout man of God.” (-Healing Waters, July 1948)

F.F. BOSWORTH - “When the gift is operating, Brother Branham is the most sensitive person to the presence and working of the Holy Spirit and to spiritual realities of any person I have known.” (-A Prophet Visits South Africa)

GEORGE EKEROTH - “God called this humble man and anointed his ministry to a degree that within a few short years his name was known in the most remote jungle outstation. Wherever you would go in this world you would find that the name of this messenger has preceded you.” (-Introduction of Morris Cerullo’s Book, Wind Over the 20th Century)

DAVID EDWIN HARRELL JR. - “Most of the participants of the healing revival that erupted in 1947 looked upon Branham as its initiator. William Branham became a prophet to a generation. Night after night, before thousands of awed believers, he discerned the diseases of the sick and pronounced them healed. The power of a Branham service remains a legend unparalleled in the history of the Charismatic Movement.” (-All ThingsAre Possible)

THOMAS R. NICKEL - “In Bible days, there were men of God who were prophets and seers. But in all the sacred records, none of these had a greater ministry than that of William Branham, a Prophet and Seer of God, whose photograph appears on the front cover of this issue of Full Gospel Men’s Voice. Branham has been used by God, in the Name of Jesus, to raise the dead.” (-Full Gospel Men’s Voice Magazine, February 1961)

JOSEPH MATTSON-BOZE - “Sometimes I was scared because of the deep sense of holiness that penetrated the meeting, but I never failed to see the gift of God in operation through His servant and feel the warmth of love that flowed through his ministry.” (-The Herald of Faith, February 1966)