Some of these are more noticable than others. I prefer the slide transitions. The others are more difficult to notice, but they also add a nice effect.
To use these codes for plus webtv users, put this in your <<>body<>> tag:
<<>body transition=slideleft<>>
To use these codes for classic users, it's a little more difficult. Here's three easy steps to remember:
1.) Make a seperate page and entitle it "transition"
2.) Enter the following code on the page and the following code only:
"name of transition"
<<>body bgcolor=black transition=slideleft<>>
3.) On the page you wish to use the transition, put the url of your transition page in your <<>bgsound<>> or <<>embed<>> tag as if you were using it as a music source:
<<>bgsound src="transition.html"<>>
<<>embed src="transition.html" autostart="true"<>>
I prefer the bgsound tag, because it's simpler and you don't need to have a code that all browsers can see since it's only a webtv code. ¿C0ñƒU$éD?