Moving on to the harder stuff...
Here's how to make a Checkbox Link:
<<>form method="post"<>>
<<>input type="checkbox" action="url of page"<>>
Here's what it does:
Here's how to make a Radio Button Link:
<<>form method="post"<>>
<<>input type="radio" action="url of page"<>>
Here's what it does:
Here's how to make a button link:
<<>form method="post" action="http://url of page"<>>
<<>input type="submit" value="what you want it to say" text="text color"<>>
Here's what it does:
Make your buttons a little "spiffier" by changing their style...this is done by entering the following attributes into your <<>input<>> tag.
Here's an example:
The code used:
<<>form method="post" action="links.html"<>>
<<>input type="submit" value="what you want it to say" text="white" borderimage="file://ROM/borders/buttonborder2.bif"<>>
Here's how to make a Pull-Down Menu:
<<>form method="post" action=""<>>
<<>select name="URLLink" text="black"<>>
<<>option selected="select" value=" "<>>
Select a Destination
<<>option value="news:alt.discuss.html"<>>
<<>option value="sounds/soundsrealm.html"<>>
<<>option value=""<>>
E-mail Me
<<>input type="submit" value="Go There!" text="black">
Here's what it does:
Here's how to make a "jumpbox"
<<>form method="post" action="<>>
<<>select name="URLLink" text="#00ff66" bgcolor="black" size="3"<>>
<<>option selected="select" value=" "<>>
<<>option value=""<>>
Main Page
<<>option value="news:alt.discuss.html"<>>
<<>option value=""<>>
E-mail Me
<<>option value=""<>>
Basic Help
<<>input type="submit" value="go there!" text="black"<>>
This is what it does:
<---------insert jumpbox------------------>
Meta is used in the <<>head<>> of a web page to automatically transfer a viewer from one url to another. This is the code:
<<>meta http-equiv="refresh" content="#;url=http://url"<>>
Just replace the # with the number of seconds you would like the computer to wait until it transfers your viewers to another page. This does not work on e-mails...thank God (that would add a whole new twist to spamming) If you are in the habbit of putting a quotation mark before the http:// this would be a good time to break it...this is a very common mistake.
Here is an example of meta:
Click Here
There's still much more to come. If you have a code to contribute, please let me know.
<---------insert jumpbox code #2------------->
<---------insert jumpbox #2------------------>