These are some Aussie Facts about the place we call the Land Down Under...
 gold Area:           7,300,848 sq km (2,966,150 sq miles)

 gold Population:    18,242,000

 gold Capitol:         Canberra

 gold States:            New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory,
                         Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania.

 gold Major Cities:    Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth,
                         Sydney and Hobart
 gold Government:    Federal Parliamentary State

 gold Religion:          Christianity

 gold Currency:       Australian dollar

The world's smallest continental landmass, is a vast and sparsely populated island state in the southern hemisphere and is comprised of six states. The most mountainous region is the Great Dividing Range which runs down the entire east coast.
 Because of it's great size, Australia's climates range from tropical monsoon to cool temperature and also large areas of desert.
  The majority of the country's natural inland lakes are salt water and are the remnants of a huge inland sea. The 'Great barrier Reef ' is approximately 2010 km (1250 miles) long and is the largest coral formation known in the world, central and South 'Queensland' are subtropical while North and Central New South Wales are warm temperatures.
Much of Australia's wealth comes from agriculture, with huge sheep and cattle stations extending over large parts of the interior known as the Outback. Australia is the world's leading producer of wool, particularly the fine Merino wool. Cereal growing is dominated by wheat, Mining continues to be an important industry and produces coal, natural gas, oil, gold, and iron ore. Australia is the largest producer of diamonds.
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