Generations 6 and 7
GERSHOM TWITCHELL JR. , b. 13 Sep 1748 in Sherborn, Middlesex, MA. (372) He was the son of GERSHOM TWITCHELL SR and HANNAH SAWIN. He married PRUDENCE ADAMS on 12 Sep 1771. Gershom and Prudence had the following children:
1. Luther Twitchell, b. 18 Sep 1773 Dublin, Cheshire, NH. All of Luther Twitchell's decendents spelled their name TWICHELL. Joshua and Asaph Twichell spelled their names simiarly. Luther and his family are found on the 1800 Census of Andover, VT. along with his two uncles, Sawin Twitchell and Stephen Twitchell and their families.
Luther married (1) Mary (Polly) Holt on 24 Oct 1796. Mary was b. bef. 1775. (558) She died in 1804 in NH. Children by (1) Mary Holt:
Luther married (2) Persis Twitchell 30 May 1810 in Andover, Windsor, VT. She b. 1790-1800 (558), Dublin, Cheshire Co., N.H., (298) the daughter of Stephen Twitchell and Lucy Norcross. (298) Marriage record indicates both Luther and Persis were of Andover. (298). Children by (2) Persis Twitchell:
2. Hannah Twitchell, b. 20 May 1775 in Dublin, Cheshire, NH. Hannah married (1) Zenas Gibbs. Children:
Hannah Twitchell Gibbs married (2) James Burns.
4. Daniel Twitchell, b. 21 Feb 1781 in Dublin, Cheshire, New Hampshire, d. 13 Oct 1844. [Source Call # 1001047 Type: Film] He married Persis Twitchell. She was b. 4 May 1784 in Dublin, Cheshire, NH., and died 4 May 1851 in Dublin, Cheshire, NH., the daughter of Joseph Twitchell Jr. and Mary Holbrook. Children:
5. Prudence Twitchell, b. 10 Jun 1783 in Dublin, Cheshire, NH. She m. John Minot on 15 Sep 1805. Child:
6. Mary (Polly) Twitchell was born on 22 Apr 1785 in Dublin, Cheshire, NH. She was married Eli Hamilton on 21 Feb 1804. Eli was born 19 Apr 1781 and died 24 Mar 1852. Children:
7. Dorcas Twitchell, b. 1 Jun 1787 in Dublin, Cheshire, NH. She died in 1853 in Sullivan, NH. Dorcas married Jonathan K. Southwick on 11 Jan 1809, he was born in 1784 and died on 8 Apr 1843. Children:
8. Gershom Twitchell, b. 10 Apr 1789 in Dublin, Cheshire, NH.
9. John Twitchell, b. 1792 in Dublin, Cheshire, NH.
JOSIAH TWITCHELL was born on 14 Mar 1779 in Dublin, Cheshire, NH., d. 13 Nov 1850 in Burnham, Waldo Co., ME. The son of Gershom Twitchell and Prudence Adams.
I've seen no information which would date Josiah's arrival in Maine from New Hampshire, so the earliest he can be placed there is at some time before 1809 when he married his first wife.. All evidence points to a residence in Belfast, Knox Co., ME. from at least 1815 through 1821. The Twitchell Genealogy gives Waldoboro as the place of birth for his children through 1812, except for Prudence, the oldest, whom it states was b. in Dublin, N.H. which while possible seems highly unlikely. It seems very probable that all of his children from his third marriage were born in Burnham, Waldo Co., ME. Since Mary, his third wife was already residing there prior to their marriage.
The Twitchell genealogy implies Josiah's first wife was from NH but gave no name for her. It it now known that Josiah m. (1) Catherine Sidensparker aka Sidensberger, bef. 1809 probably in Waldoboro, Lincoln Co., ME. ("Broad Bay Pioneers, 1998) Catherine was b. 03 Aug 1785 in Waldoboro, and d. before 1815 in Belfast, Waldo Co., ME. Annals of Warren notes him as being "of Belfast" at the time of his marriage to (3) Mary Sidensparker Newcomb in 1821. Broad Bay Pioneers lists no children for the couple. Edwin's Twitchell's data base credits four children.
Josiah m. (2) Comfort Pierce in 1815. She died before 1821. There were apparently no children.
Josiah m. (3) widow MARY (POLLY) SIDENSPARKER NEWCOMB, b. 8 Dec 1790 in Waldoboro, Lincoln Co., ME. and d. 11 Oct. 1688 in Burnham, Waldo Co., ME. Mary is buried in the Mount Cemetery in Burnham next to Josiah, "Mary Twitchell .... d. Oct. 13, 1868 78 yrs. 10mo". She was the sister of Josiah's (1) wife Catherine Sidensparker, both being the daughters of JOHN SIDENSBERGER and KATHERINE DEMUTH of Waldoboro, Lincoln Co., ME. The Sidensbergers originated in Erlangen, Bavaria.
"Broad Bay Pioneers states that it was Mary's first cousin, Polly (Mary) Sidensparker b. 1802, dau. of Charles Seidensberger and Caroline Leissner who was the third wife of Josiah Twitchell. Joan Brown has disproved this by comparing Mary Twitchell's date of death (1868), and age at death (78 yrs 10 mo) with the birth date (1802) of Mary dau. of Charles who would have been only 66 in 1868. The 1850 census of Burnham states that Mary was 61 yrs old, again making her birth abt. 1789-1790. The Twitchell genealogy gives Josiah's third wife as Mary Newcomb. The IGI says it was Mary (Polly) Sidensparker.
Mary Sidensparker m. (1) Jedidiah Newcomb 30 July 1810, son of She m. (1) Jedidiah Newcomb on 30 July 1810 in Thomaston, ME. Jedidiah was b. 27 Aug. 1785 at Provincetown, Barnstable Co., MA. and d. on 3 Oct 1818 in Thomaston, Knox Co., ME. when he was run over by a loaded wagon. He was a farmer and the son of Silas Newcomb and Azubah Crowell. Jedidiah and Mary resided in Warren and Thomaston, Knox Co., ME. but according to the Newcomb genealogy their last two children were born in Burnham, Waldo Co., ME. "Broad Bay Pioneers" states that they resided in Belfast but Joan Brown, a descendant of theirs, says she has never found any evidence for this.
When Josiah and Mary combined their families in 1821 Josiah brought his four children by (1) Catherine who were Mary's nieces and nephews and Mary had at least three of her five children by Jedidiah Newcomb, the boys William and John S. and her daughter Betsey. Her first son died young and it is supposed that her last daughter, b. 1818, did also. So the Twitchell household at this point held seven children, ranging in age from about five to twelve years in age, and each set of children being first cousins to the others. Then Josiah proceeded to have seven more children by 1837.
Children of Josiah and (1) Catherine Sidensparker
1. John Twitchell, b. 14 Dec. 1809 in Waldoboro, Lincoln Co., ME., and d. 1 Feb 1874. He m. (1) Marian Ellis, and they had:
John m. (2) Lydia Drake about 1850. Lydia was b. in Albion, Kennebec Co., ME. They had:
2. Josiah Twitchell, b. abt. 1811, in Waldoboro
3. Prudence Twitchell, b. abt. 1812, probably in Waldoboro, ME. She m. George Dodge bef. 1831 in Burnham, Waldo Co., ME. He was b. 25 Aug. 1804 in Burnham and d. 24 Jul 1869, the son of CALEB DODGE and SARAH MESERVE. Both Prudence and George died in Burnham and are buried there in the Mount Cemetery. They had :
4. Dorcas Twitchell, b. 1814; she m. Horatio Hatch. Sr. They had:
Children of Josiah Twitchell and (3) Mary Sidensparker Newcomb:
1. Hiram G. Twitchell, b. 22 Oct 1824 in Waldoborough, Lincoln Co., Maine. Hiram m. Maria Dodge. She was b. 18 Aug. 1820 New Bedford, ME. and d. 1897/98 in Cleveland, Klickitat Co., WA. He moved to the west about 1850, married and left a family and children......TF Book, pg 298. They had:
3. Mary Twitchell, b. 17 Jun 1828 in Waldoboro, Lincoln Co. , ME., and d. 2 Jun 1884. She married Lorenzo Baxter, b. abt. 1818, d. 27 Feb 1912, age 95. On the 1850 Census of Burnham, "Baxter, Lorenzo 32 Farmer Born in Maine, Mary 22, Eliza J. 1". They had:
4. Julia Twitchell, b. 24 Apr 1830 in Waldoboro, Lincoln Co., ME.; m. Haskell R. Burch of Vermont in 1855. They had:
5. Eli A. Twitchell, b. 12 May 1833 in Waldoboro or Plymouth, ME. and d. 1904 in Sacramento, Sacramento Co., CA., without issue.
6. Drusilla Twitchell, b. 13 Dec 1835. Plymouth, Somerset Co., ME., She resided in Barnard, Missouri in 1919 and died aft. that date. (Twitchell Genealogy pg 299). The 1850 census gives her name as Priscilla. There was no husband listed on Edwin's date base but he was apparently surnamed Dodge. They had:
7. Susan J. Twitchell, b. 27 Aug 1837 in Plymouth, Somerset Co., ME.: No issue
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