
All wallpapers in this section are made by and used with permission from Subaru X Sumeragi, a fellow member from the Clamp4ever mailing-list. All are 800 x 600 pixels. If you want a smaller version [640 x 480 pixels], you can email me. But for bigger versions, I can't help(it'll be terrible!).

=*= Wallpaper Gallery 1 with wallpapers 1-6 =*=

=*= Wallpaper Gallery 2 with wallpapers 7-11 =*=

=*= Wallpaper 12-18 without thumbnails =*=
No matter how many times I tried, I just couldn't open the wallpapers in PhotoShop.

Aya line
=*= Aya: Beautiful Alone Home =*= Aya Information =*= My Personal Opinion =*= Screams Over Aya =*=
=*= Abyssinian =*= Aya Images =*= Aya Fanart =*= Weiß kreuz Links =*=

Aya line