Rumor has it that Jeremy has given up acting. He's currently living in France (since 2003). He'll be missed!
Jeremy was in the two-part series finale of Beastmaster, titled End Game and A New Dawn. He played Balcifer -- a really, really evil guy! And he looked fantastic! I hope to have screen caps up soon.
Jeremy is not only a major hunk, he's a talented actor. Luckily for us, the powers behind Hercules and Xena seem to agree because he's been on Xena as two characters and on Young Hercules as yet another.
Blind Faith -- Jeremy's first appearance in the Xenaverse.
When In Rome -- Next we see Jeremy as Julius Caesar's "sidekick," Pompey.
What a great character. He pretty much stole the show.
A Good Day -- Pompey's back! Here are some shots from the preview.
End Game -- I hope to eventually have snaps from this episode.
Winner Takes All -- Did you spot him as Pollox, Herc's half brother?
For a complete listing of Jeremy's work, go to the Acting Credits page.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World -- Jeremy gets drooled over profusely for much of this episode.
The Munster's Scary Little Christmas -- A little bit cheesey, but I loved seeing Jeremy in it!
Xena Magazine, December 2000, Jeremy interview
My Interview of Jeremy -- Jeremy was kind enough to sit down with me for a few minutes during the Pasadena convention.
21-23 January 2000 Pasadena, CA, Convention -- Jeremy finally got invited to a convention.
I'd day it's about time. He was a sweetheart and I hope to see him at more conventions.
Police Rescue Fan Site -- Jeremy's Biography
Angie's Cure for XWS -- She has a fantastic Pollux montage (under the Hercules montages).
The Violent Earth Official Page -- Basically, it's just a synopsis of the mini-series.
Special Feature -- Video clips of Jeremy from the Xena episode, A Good Day.
Young Hercules: Season 1 -- This page has screencaps from Jeremy's episodes, Winner Takes All and Dad Always Liked Me Best (follow the "Continue" links at the bottom of the pages for more snaps)
Beastmaster: Season 3 -- This page has screencaps from Jeremy's episodes, End Game and A New Dawn (I linked to the first pages showing Jeremy; the "Continue" links at the bottom of the pages go to more snaps)
Kiari's 2000 Pasadena Con Pictures
Sura's 2000 Pasadena Con Pictures
Amy Putnam's 2000 Pasadena Con Pictures
Celeb Sites -- My page is listed!
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