Vicky's Native American Indian Place

My name is Vicky.
I am of Klamath, Cherokee, and Lumbee Indian blood. I am proud of who I am and that is my reason for making this website. I hope you will find this site a useful, learning experience.
I lived on different Indian Reservations as I grew up. In the late 1960's and early 70's when I wrote these poems, we, Native American Indians, were in the infant stages of trying to fight for our rights as People.
You see, when American Indian children are small, we were shipped off to boarding school. Schools like Stewart Indian School to be taught the ways of the "White" world. There we were not allowed to speak our own language, dance our dances, or even pray our prayers. For there were severe punishments for doing anything "Indian". We were taught to be "White" and given the impression that to be "Indian" was a bad thing; as I remember it. So in the late 60's and early 70's I was consumed in fighting for my rights to be an American Indian, to be "Proud".
It is a sad thing to be a small child sent away from a loving home and to be told by Strangers that what you are, what your family had taught you is wrong and somehow shameful.It is a sad thing indeed. I was the "Fire-Keeper" for the Womans Native American Religious Society in Norco Califorina.(for the womans Sweat Lodge)
The sweat Lodge is where we prayed and were purified. It was a great honor for me to hold that position. I felt this thing about the Gov. School needed to be told.
People just don't realize what the U.S. Gov. puts Native American Indians through. I am happy to say that Stewart has been closed down now.

Walk softly my friends and have a good life.

Scroll down for a list of all my pages~



Trick or Treat from Vicky and Art~
Vicky and Arts Snowglobe
Vicky and Art's Dance Picture
Vicky and Art Victorian~


~*~ POEMS ~*~

~*~ QUOTES ~*~

~*~ STORIES ~*~

Copyright 1982 - 2012 Vicky Brown All Rights Reserved. All pages in this website are under copyright. You may not copy, change or modify anything here. Pages may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using any part of this website you agree to indemnify Vicky Brown from any liability that might arise from its use. Selling anything form this website without prior written consent is expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and make money off of my website. Obtain permission before redistributing any of this website over the Internet or in any other medium. In all cases copyright must remain intact.


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