
Hi, I am sooo far behind on getting this site up.. *pouts* But alast I am begining it... This is the one place to learn about Michelle Dorman... What she likes, what her dreams are, what she thinks, what her life is like, and where she has been. I think this page will lead you to all the answers to all of your questions as to who I am... Hope to meet you someday on the web or real life. GIGANTIC CYBER HUGS

Wow... I can't believe computers have made it this far into my page!¡

Table of Contents

My Early Childhood
from let's say birth thru 5 years old
The School Years
learn what I was like growing up
The Teen Years
See what I was doing then
The Young Adult Years
Oh... how about the past 7 years
Dreams and Aspirations
learn what life would be like if I had my own way :O)
Where I Have Lived
My father was in the military so I have been all over the USA
my thoughts on life, love and happiness, along with some famous quotes
Poems I wrote mostly in High School
Hobbies and Interests
The things I love to do
Diet Diary
Journey with me thru my battle to lose the buldge
Battling Depression
Follow me thru my journey to reclaim my life... Many of the diary entries are very sad... but Things do always get better.