The Alifia International Institute

an organisation
dedicated to promote
the use of holistic methods
 of communication and change

Our programmes are designed
to give you the essential
and help you remember to
remember who you really are.
We honor diversity,
we encourage change and
we support individual self-affirmation.

We help developing tools
for global change in the realities
of the world and the self.
We help walls to fall.
We organise in a natural environment
long training programs with
teachers from around the world.

Explore your body, mind,
soul, spirit and relationships.
Celebrate your inner goddess
and open up your sexual energy.

Discover opportunities to travel
to Marrakech, the Sahara,
the French Provence, and
the south of Sweden.

Take a 10 days pilgrimage
to the emptiness of our
Planet Earth.
Allow the silence of
the sacred land of the Sahara
to nourish your heart
with beauty

Trance Energy Trainings | Desert Wisdom | Gnawa Leila | Sahara Caravan | Workshops | Travel | Alternative Holidays

Alifia International
Brunslöv Skolan 1166
S-242 97 Hörby

Tel. +46 415 440 23
Fax. +46 415 441 23

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Web design by Gabriel Kielland . Latest update 6 September 1999.