The next day, everyone went to the airport. There was one differance though. The only people boarding the plane this time is Kate, Kristin, & Beth. Nobody really said anything. Hanson and the girls went to the arcade and played video games. "Are ou guys mad at us?" Kristin asked. "Yeah!" Zac exclaimed. "You didn't have to quit," Isaac said quietly. "Yes, we did," Kate said matter of factly. "Why?" Isaac asked. "We don't want to do this anymore. Answering all those questions about our parents was just too much," answered Kate. "Well, you guys could have stayed with us, you don't have to go back to Minnesota!" Taylor exclaimed. "Taylor, you know how you guys always say that Tulsa will always be home? Well, Minnesota will always be home to us," said Beth, as they walked towards the gate. It was time for the girls to board their flight. Kate went down the line-up first, then Kristin, then Beth. They each gave Walker, Diana, Jessica, Avery, Mackenzie, Isaac, Taylor, & Zac a hug and thanked them for all they have done for them. Then they boarded the plane and headed home.