More Goo Stuff

WTMX, 101.9FM The Mix
Eric and Kathy show. April 79, 2000
John and Robby stop for a visit.
E: Eric
K: Kathy
J: John
R: Robby
Start with playing "Take Me out to the Ball Game"
E: They're here!
R: Hi!
K: Let me ask you a question, how long ago did you wake up?
J: Oh, about 15 minutes ago.
E: You look great Johnny
J: I feel great.
E: You look fantastic (said laughing)
R: 15 minutes of prep time man, that's all we need.
J: I look pretty good for a dead man.
E: Welcome back to Chicago
J: Always good to be here.
R: John's been floating in the river all night.
J: So I look a little bloated
E: Did you get in town last night? Did you get a chance to get out and that kind of stuff apparently?
J: Umm, we got here, I don't know what time we got here.
R: We went to a great restaurant here.
J: We just had dinner and went to bed.
E: Really, where'd you go? Which restaurant?
K: Do you remember?
R: Carmine's. And the Matre'd sang for us (singing) "Oh when the moon hits your eye ..."
E: That's good stuff
K: Cool
E: You may want to think about incorporating that in the tour. When you guys hit the road.
J & R: Yeah.
K: Although, I like your version of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". Are you guys big baseball fans?
J: Big enough.
R: Yeah
K: Oh wait a minute, you guys are from New York aren't you.
R: No, we're big fans of being on TV. So, uh.
E: Are we on yet? You know we're gonna have TV cameras in here this morning. Did you hear that?
J: It would be this morning. (lots of laughter)
K: You look really good Johnny, it's ok. I was just teasing. Robby you look great. Really.
E: You do, you look fantastic. Alright, I'll tell you what we're gonna do, ...
J: (makes some comment about putting high boots on- hard to hear over all the talking and laughing)
E: It's the Mix with Johnny and Robby of the Goo Goo Dolls in the studio. Hey Swanny (engineer) do we have tape of the last time they were in the studio?
R: Oh no.
E: Do we have a clip of that, when uh, Robby told Mike he was weird?
K: Yeah, we were in the production room and we were talking about New Years Eve plans. It was quite a while ago.
E: The reason I bring it up is because I was just talking to Robby about we have a New Years Eve clock in here still. You know we clean out a lot.
R: Well it's a new years eve clock but it's one of those count-down millenium clocks. But it's counting up now. I'm not sure when it's gonna stop.
E: Yeah, so we'll have to have that (clip) played for ya in a minute. You know, Kathy was mentioning to you off the air that all this week we've been talking about inviting somebody in, giving a fan the opportunity to come in and watch and see you.
K: Let me just say that you guys have a lot of fans. It was crazy.
E: So we were looking for somebody that had the weirdest, craziest, bizarre approach to us.
J: Yeah, thanks for that.
E: No problem Johnny.
K: We hope you don't mind but we invited Rex, the cheerleading GGD fan.
E: Yeah, cause Cynthia our morning show assistant was answering the phone and so we did "Dizzy up the Girl" and had Cynthia play the role of the girl and had people dizzy her up. Yeah so is Rex available? Can he come in to say hello to the GGD?
K: Johnny's like "What?"
E: He's like "Am I almost done?" Here's Rex.
J:. Has Rex been frisked?
R: Wait a minute they told us you would have on a cheerleading outfit.
K: Where's your skirt and your pom-poms?
Rex: Hi guys.
J & R: How's it going Rex. Hey.
E: Now are you going to do a cheer for the guys this morning?
Rex: Um, I guess so.
R: Oh go ahead.
Rex: This is the fourth time. I guess there's moves to it. (the cheer being said while the Notre Dame Fight song is playing) "My name is Rexy, I like the dolls, Gonna get goo goo, with the Goo Goo Dolls. I'm kind of Dizzy, so I think I'll Slide Down to Broadway, with my January Friend Wooooo!! GGD rock!"
J: He rhymed dolls with dolls that's awesome. That's really good.
Rex: I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with dolls. I'm kind of nervous now.
R: I think it would have been really good with pom-poms and a skirt. Which you didn't help us out with.
E: Well you know, there's still 30 minutes left.
R: If we got you pom-poms and a skirt would you do it again for us? That would be 5 times. (Rex must have been making a face because there is a lot of laughter)
J: Yeah Rex is like "You know what? I don't think I like you any more. "
E: Looks like Johnny and Robby are ready to play something for us here. Would you like to play?
J: Uh, sure. Wait hold on, as soon as I wake up I'll ... ok, what are we gonna do?
R: I don't know
J: (plays few notes of slide) Ohh, Ah, we'll do slide. I think.
R: Would you like a firm slap in the face before you start?
J: Yeah that'd be good.
R: Alright, ready, here we go (hear slapping sound)
J: Alright, I feel better. (starts playing slide-stops) You know, I'm just gonna start that again.
E: Take 2, take 2 GGD in the studio, take 2.
(they play Slide- after the song has ended, sounds like Johnny is getting sleepy again and weaving as shown by Eric and Kathy's comments)
K: Coffee?
E: Johnny? Excellent, another diet coke for Mr. Rzeznik please.
J: Yes please.

E: Speaking of WGN, we'll be on with WGN in just a few moments here on TV.
K: Which I'm sure Johnny is real thrilled with.
J: Oh I am so thrilled.
E: You look great!
J: Had I known I'd have shaved. Gone to bed.
R: You guys probably aren't very happy either, you all had to wear pants today
E: yes, exactly, for a change. But you know what? Aren't you guys gonna be on Charmed tomorrow night? Somebody was telling me.
J: I don't know. Are we?
R: One of these nights.
J: Yeah, we were on there
R: Seems like forever ago actually.
E: What did you do on the show?
J: A few weeks ago ...Uh, we just played.
R: It was a stretch, we played the Goo Goo Dolls.
E: Really. Did you have to search for motivation for that or did it come to you right away?
J: Right away. I was searching for Alyssa Milano and she wasn't there. That's the only reason I did that show.
E: To be with Alyssa Milano?
J: I wanted to meet her.
K: Notice the picture up there? The autographed picture for Eric?
R: We didn't get an autographed picture.
J: Ugh I didn't get nothin.
E: Do you want this? It's says to Eric
J: No, it's not to me. I want (???)
K: It's ok. She didn't write that to Eric. Somebody else wrote that in.
J & R: Oh, ok.
J: What, like Boomer over there in the engineering booth.
E: Exactly.
K: Um, you wouldn't mind if I asked you to roll up your sleeve would you? I've seen only half of your tattoo and would like to see the .....Oooh
E: That had to hurt Johnny
J: Yeah, it hurt. Yeah, it hurt a lot actually.
K: What is it a tattoo of?
J: It's a Picasso painting called the dream.
K: Wow. What's on your other arm?
E: A bicep
K: Yes, and a nice bicep at that.
J: Oh why thank you. Um, this was originally a drawing by an illustrator artist guy named Saul Steinburg. And it's sort of a spoof on "The Thinker" like you know, a little statue.
K: Right, very nice. Robby do you have any tattoos?
R: (quickly) No.
E: Robby do you have anything you'd like to show us.
R: No, I don't have any tattoos.
J: (at the same time) You wouldn't believe what this guy has tattooed on him.
K: Any scars?
R: Uh, none I'd like to talk about on the air anyway.
(Eric and Kathy start talking to the WGN reporter asking her what the hold up is and start making fun of the WGN news anchors. )
R: This is like a multimedia extravaganza.
J: This is what the 21st Century is all about. I am like just overwhelmed.
R: Have you some how involved the web in this whole thing?
J: How about where's all your tattoos? (to Kathy)
K: Well I can't show you. There's a TV camera in the studio.
J: No seriously, do you have any tattoos?
K: I do. I have one on my belly and I just had a baby so when I was pregnant it got really ... no I'm kidding. No tattoos.
J: I was gonna ask, cause I'd heard that.
E: Do you like women with tattoos? Do you think that's cool?
J: I don't know it depends what the tattoo is.
K & E: A serpent around the neck. Snaking down the back.
J: No, but I met a girl one time who had a black line tattooed on her thigh. Yeah, around her inner thigh. Just a black line. About half-way down her thigh and above it said "You must be this tall to ride" (laughter)
E: Oh the life of a rock star!
J: That's ok. She let me on anyway.
R: That was way before the rock star thing. I think John was like a bar-back star at that point actually.
J: Yes, I was cleaning up the bathrooms at a punk-rock bar in Buffalo.
R: And that's where you see stuff like that incidentally.
J: And that's where the REAL rock star stuff goes on.
E: That's quality stuff.
K: Do you guys still do Prince covers at your shows?
J: No. Ever since the little bastard called us and said "You gotta stop playing my songs" (In prince-like voice)
E: Did he really?
J: No. I'm lying. But it sounds good doesn't it? I'd be like a great story don't you think?
E: Yeah, except I think WGN just picked up on it and that's gonna be the lead tonight.
E: Marcella, what's the matter with Potash? (Anchor) I'm gonna strangle him.
J: Who is this guy, put me on the phone.
E: There she is, now we're on live TV.
R: That's an awfully bright light for this time of day.
J: How come the guy in the station is so chatty? That's what I wanna know. Just tell him to shut up. It's like it's ridiculous. There's only 60 minutes in an hour. Unless he wants to go on one of those metric days which is like 30 hours. (They play Black Balloon- also seen on TV, unfortunately, John's comments didn't make it to the TV, they only showed part of the song)
E: The GGD in the studio this morning.
J: So let me just ask you guys a question, did we suck that bad that the cameras just left half-way through the song?
K: Come on Johnny, it's TV. Fade to black
E: They only work in 45 second increments.
E: It's Eric and Kathy in the morning. The moment he's been waiting all morning for, ladies and gentlemen, Johnny from the GGD, here's your weather.
J: Thanks guys, Johnny in the weather center here, today it will be sunny with a high around 68 only it will be 55 near the lake. Do you know why?
E: Uh, lake effect? I don't know.
J: Well that's because the water is really cold and when the air passes over the water it's cold! 'Til it warms up! But that's gonna happen later this year.
K: Look at Robby looking at you like "Wow"
R: I'm just wondering where this is going next.
J: So it will be in the 60s well inland but in the 50s near the lake because of what we just on to the extended forcast, for Saturday partly cloudy high in the lower 60s but cooler near the lake. It's really boring here.
R: Why's that? Why's that John? (laughter)
J: (In a Chicago accent) Well that's because Lake Michigan over there it's, it's a lot cooler you know this time of year because it was frozen there for a while. We got the same thing in Lake Erie over there by Buffalo.
R: We like to educate the listeners as we're on.
E: You know what? I'm getting an education this morning.
R: You know, we covered deer ticks pretty heavily about 2 days ago.
J: We're looking for fog though. Well I'm looking for fog because I haven't seen any for in a while. Actually, I'm in a fog right now.
R: You're seeing a lot of fog.
E: And that's not a diet coke he's poppin
K: I think Johnny woke up.
J: But you know, Chicago is so beautiful this time of year, who really cares what the temperature is? You know what I'm saying? It's like you go outside and you're comfortable, just go with it man.
E: Hey John, can I ask you a question?
J: No
E: A question about your childhood please?
J: My childhood?
E: Well your start in music.
J: Yeah ok.
E: Is it true or false that you got your start playing the accordion?
J: This I did as a matter of fact.
E: You know, it's odd that you would say that, because, uh Swanny, do we have an accordion for Mr. Rzeznik please?
J: You know I haven't played it in 25 years.
K: 25 years? Come on, I didn't know you were that old. Is there a reason for that?
R: No, but I know the last song you played. It's probably the one he's gonna do right now.
E: Ladies and Gentlemen, Johnny Rzeznik grabbing the accordion,
K: It's an Astro, I guess that's good.
E: Dennis De Young from Styxx brought that in for us.
J: What? I'm playing Dennis De Young's accordion? Dennis Rules (John starts to play )
E: He does know how to play!
R: Well, sort of.
R: Why don't you try it this time with a Big Wally sort of feel.
J: A Big Wally feel? No it was Little Wally
R: Little Wally, Big Steve
J: Little Wally, Big Steve
E: Boy, Channel 9 wishes they had their cameras on now. (John plays this song from the 80s, Money)
R: It's Money, man.
E: It makes me want to drink beer and eat brats.
J: "The best things in life are never free. ..... I want that money..." I don't know the words.
R: I think when you're a kid and you play the accordion the only way you can prevent constant ass-whippings is learn Black Sabbath songs on it and stuff.
J: I have to tell you something. I had to quit playing the accordion because in the neighborhood that I grew up in it's really hard to run from Edwin's Music Store with an accordion. I mean I was a little skinny kid running away from all the neighborhood bullies.
J: There's nothing like the smell of an accordion let me tell ya.
R: In the morning.
J: Just makes me want to put on some leiderhosen.
K: Didn't you grow up with 4 sisters?
J: Yeah
K: All older?
J: Yeah, 4 sisters, they were all older than me. You have no idea what that's like.
K: Did you ever get in the bathroom?
J: Everybody's like "Oh, you must have been so spoiled." They used to beat the crap out of me! And then I had that one summer where I got taller than them and I systematically went through the house and kicked all their asses.
E: It was go time.
J: It was time for me to establish my dominance.
E: Drop the gloves. It's go time.
J: Yeah. It was a good thing. Ever since I beat my four sisters up we've been friends.
R: Which one was the last one to put down. Gladdy right?
J: Gladys was the last one. She was just, it was absurd man because she's a tough chick.
R: She's an excitable girl.
J: Very excitable lady. It was a good fight though man, I thought she was gonna take me for a while. But I eventually got her because I tripped her.
E: Not opposed to fighting dirty.
R: Got her from behind.
J: I tripped her and then I jumped on top of her and smacked her a few times. And then everything was fine.
K: Brothers and sisters will do that.
J: You ain't kiddin'!
E: That's a quiet Saturday afternoon in the Rzeznik house.
R: There were no quiet Saturday afternoons at the Rzeznik house.
E: That's great. Well you know what, we appreciate you guys coming by this morning.
J: You want us to leave don't you?
E: No, you guys can hang out.
J: No, we gotta go, but uh,
K & E: Why? What are you doing today?
R: We gotta get back to bed!
J: Um, we're just running around town all day. And tomorrow morning we're gonna be on Good Morning America.
R: How's that?
E: Right here in Chicago right?
J: Yes we are.
E: Down there by Buckingham (Fountain- in a park next to the lake) right? Are you playing for those guys?
R: Yeah. We're gonna try and be a little more awake.
K: Oh you were fine.
J: We're gonna have to hit the hay early tonight.
E: Do you think that will happen?
J: Well I was sitting there at Carmine's just eating, and eating, and eating and eating.
K: There's nothing wrong with that.
J: I know but I was like, by the time I was done, I was like laying in bed going "oohh".
E: (In John's groaning voice) I gotta do that stupid radio show tomorrow.
J: I can't eat any more. I love the Illinois pronunciation guide for place names.
E: I don't even know where that came from.
J: Here, lets work on this one.
K: Are there any tough ones in there for ya?
J: I'm looking! I'm looking!
E: I know one. I can find one in there that you can't pronounce.
J: Go ahead, spell it for me, I'll pronounce it.
E: Ok, B-O-U-R-B-A-N-N-A-I-S.. (drumroll) Ladies and gentlemen, the moment of truth.
J: Borbonay?
E: Bourbonay. Very close. Mr. Johnny Rzeznik and your Illinois pronunciation guide right here this morning.
J: Thank you Sheppy. I only know how to pronounce it because it had the word bourbon in it.
E: It's the GGD! Thanks for coming in guys. We appreciate it.