More Goo Stuff

John: Hi, how are you doing?

Elliot: Hey Johnny, what's going on?

John: Oh, not much. I'm hanging out here in Florida today.

Elliot: Just to get away. First of all, Johnny Rzeznik, why did you taunt the people like that?

John: Taunt people?!

Elliot: Why were you taunting with the shoes?

John: I didn't do anything!

Elliot: I know you didn't.

John: You know, I feel really bad. You know, I got pissed and -

Elliot: Let me be the first to tell you there's no reason to apologize because I would have walked my ass right off the stage as well.

Diane: Yeah we actually talked about that this morning saying that we would have done the exact same thing.

John: I felt bad because a majority of the people were there having a great time and it was a really great show.

Elliot: The show was excellent.

John: The crowd was great, we were having a really great time. It was just that last shoe, man, I was just like "forget it". You know, I shouldn't have - I felt bad. I was sitting in the van on the way back to the hotel going "Man, you look like an idiot. You look like an a-hole."

Elliot: It's true. It only takes one or two assholes to ruin it for everybody.

John: It was weird. And then I thought I should have just singled them out and said "get rid of that dude" but I didn't do that.

Elliot: We did talk to somebody today and apparently it was some old dude whose hair kinda went flying into some chicks mouth. She's still all pissed off about that.

Diane: Some chick wound up sucking on this guys hair!

John: Wait a minute, some old guy's hair wound up in your mouth?

Elliot: No not my mouth!

Diane: Some girl next to the shoe-thrower in question.

John: Oh. Yeah. You know, I just can't figure it out. I mean, it was like - it was going to wind up just perfectly. I mean that was the end of the show anyway but it was just like I - you know, I don't know man. It was just a couple of dudes who obviously don't dig my band were there and its like "Why do you come?" you know.

Elliot: We were trying to figure out - I don't know if its that -

Diane: I think it was just somebody being drunk and being stupid. I don't think it was anything against you.

John: Yeah well its hard not to take it personally when you're getting something thrown at you.

Elliot: And even if it is somebody who doesn't like you or the rest of the band, ok well then get out of the way and come back later.

John: It was kind of - it was a little weird. And I'm sorry I missed the rest of the show because I wanted to stick around and see what was going on.

Elliot: Oh please. Well first the fencing went down and then it was mayhem to get back to the Metro.

Diane: Yeah, nothing good happened afterwards.

John: Ok, now I'm getting guilty.

Elliot: No but the one thing that I want to thank you for is - once you guys split, dude, all that brisket back stage -

John: Yeah.

Elliot: Oh my God, I chowed down! They were like "You can't eat that, that's artist food." And once all hell broke loose I was like "While everybody's chasing the van out of here I'm eating!"

John: You ate the brisket?!

Elliot: Oh yeah! Well I can't let that go to waste.

John: I didn't get nothing man. I got nothing.

Elliot: I'm not gonna let that go to waste.

John: Aw man. You know, I got no chili, I got nothing.

Elliot: You kept telling those people "Come on, I dare you to throw a shoe at me" and that's what happens. Now I don't want you to think that we're mad.

John: The people came to hang out and have a good time. I mean, it was a pretty rowdy crowd. It was an amazing crowd. I love it when people are all packed in like that and just having a good time. You can feel the energy in the room. But a couple of guys just gotta be wise-asses. And its cool, I understand it.

Elliot: And you've been to shows before where people will throw shirts up on stage or hats - well I guess in your case flowers and panties, including Diaper Dan who was all ready to hook you up.

John: Aw man, I got nothing!

Diane: You were out of there, I'm like "Left?! What?!"

John: I know.

Diane: I was over at the VIP tent and I'm like "Damn, I lost my chance!"

John: Oh no, I lost mine. Believe me.

Elliot: Well now that we've broached that subject, who was missy hanging on your arm there?

Diane: Yeah I saw you with a blond in the back stage area.

John: Oh, that's my good friend.

Elliot: Is that a friend with privileges?

John: know what? I think she actually used that term once.

Elliot: Well let me ask you, did she manage to sooth you in the van ride?

John: She didn't actually say much to me. She said, "You know, you probably should have just went backstage and took a minute and gone back on."

Elliot: No, you couldn't go back on.

John: And I went, "Yeah, I know you're right." But you know, it was a weird thing. It was the heat of the moment. I just got really pissed you know. Especially during that song. There's something about it.

Diane: Yeah, it's a nice slow mellow song.

John: Believe me, we spent 10 years playing every dive in the world. I've had plenty of things thrown at me, I can take it. It was just that last one was just the LAST one. Well she almost wound up getting hit by a beer bottle which - Diane: Really?

John: Oh my God, yeah.

Elliot: Oh, sorry about that. I was just trying to deposit nicely.

John: "Where's the garbage can? Oh, there's one behind the stage."

Diane: So was she side-stage or backstage when she almost got hit?

John: She was sitting right behind my guitars. She didn't get hit, it just smashed on the floor in front of her. There's people with kids there and you know. People were running around and moshing and stuff and you don't see a lot of that anymore - unless youre at a Korn concert.

Diane: Right

John: Which is cool, I enjoy that kind of stuff. But it was like, you know - "Man, here comes a shoe" and then I was like "Oh sh*t!". I don't know, whatever. I just wanted to say I'm sorry to all the people who came out and wanted to have a good time.

Elliot: Well you know its funny. We've gotten thousands upon thousands of calls and emails from people going "If you talk to them, make sure they understand that's not DC."

John: No, we've always had a great time there.

Elliot: You guys have played here a million times.

John: A million times. We played at the old 930 (Club) about 20 times and then the new one. We've always had a great time. I was having a great time too and then of course people are going to throw things and its just like whatever. And then it just went to a certain point and then that shoe just came at my head and it was like -

Elliot: "Peace out, see you people."

John: Yeah, well, you know.

Elliot: Hey did you get in trouble for breaking that little battery pack thing or whatever that thing is you threw back stage?

John: Oh no. You know what, it didn't work! I own that so I just gotta buy a new one which sucks but you know. For some reason it didn't work and I kind of tossed it on the floor.

Elliot: "I kind of tossed it on the floor."

John: Ok, alright. No, you know

Diane: No, I know. You get pissed off when the equipment doesn't work and everythings supposed to be running smooth and its not.

John: Oh yeah, I had a bad day. No, my friend was very nice to me but she also called me on it and said "I'm not saying you meant it to be acting like a rock star but it may have looked like you were acting like a rock star" and I'm like -

Elliot: Uh oh.

John: And I went "I hate every rock star I ever met. I don't want to be like that!"

Elliot: But that's all right. But here's my question though. You still owe me 2 1/2 minutes of "Iris" so when are you coming back to town?

John: You know, I was actually thinking about that. I wanna - I don't have a guitar with me. I was thinking I'll call the station, I'll just play the damn song over the phone.

Elliot: Well all right. Go ahead.

John: I don't have a guitar!

Elliot: Oh what, did you break that too?!

John: Yes, that was the guitar that was broken.

Elliot: Well, you've been known from time to time to sing acapella.

John: Yeah, yeah. All right, I'll do it. *pause* *laughing* I can't do it!

Elliot: What, you got stage fright?

John: Yeah, I got phone fright.

Elliot: Dude, I can't hit you with a shoe from here!

John: All right, ok. That's good. As a matter of fact, I guess this is the safest way to do it. I'll just sing the last part.

**sings last chorus of "Iris"**

John: This was how it was supposed to end. "Thank you Washington! Good night!"


Elliot: Very nice. Now I feel that the cook-off was complete.

John: Yeah, I know man. Aaaaahhh.

Elliot: Well listen Johnny, I'm glad we were able to hook up with you today.

John: I am too, man. And hopefully we'll be back in Washington soon.

Elliot: Absolutely. No bad blood.

John: And I'll finish the damn show! Next time, I'll be ready. Something comes flying at me, I'll just put my football helmet on.

Elliot: Perfect. We'll take care of that. So you guys are in Florida and when do you get to go back home?

John: I gotta go back to Los Angeles this afternoon for this ASCAP thing I gotta go to.

Elliot: Oh, that's business stuff.

Diane: Some industry thing.

John: Yeah, some industry butt smooching so I gotta go do that then coming back to Florida to do a thing. We're just taking like a month off we're going to start writing for the new record.

Diane: Great!

Elliot: From what I understand, I don't know if this is true, but there was a report in the paper that Doc Martin wants to sponsor you when you go out on the road?

John: Yeah, Doc Martin, yeah. Doc Martin, and Rollings or whatever that helmet company is. Bell Helmets!

Diane: You should do Tiva, they're lighter.

John: Tiva? Ok, cool.

Elliot: Alright Rzeznik, we'll talk to you soon.

John: Thanks guys.

Elliot: Thanks Johnny.

** The End **