More Goo Stuff

Howard Stearns

Howard: Sitting here are the very good looking band the Goo Goo Dolls with Johnny, Mike, and Robbie.

John: Hello, how are ya?

Howard: Great to see you guys again.

John: Yeah, last time we were here John Stewart, huh, you know, danced with a man.

Robin: He was in a military outfit.

John: Danced with a man.

Howard: Well, I had said on the air that, huh, that song you guys played made me feel sorta gay, so we had a gay dance party and it was great. and you guys were great sports about it.

John: But you got it all out in the open, it's outta your system now.

Howard: It is. Now you're here and you're just playin your music like regular guys.

Robin: Yeah, there's no dancing.

Howard: I kinda miss the gay dancing quite frankly.

John: C'mon, drop em and go! You got a thong on.

Howard: This album... Yeah, I do but you don't want to see it.

John: Oh

Howard: This album you put out , the uh, um, Dizzy Up the Girl

John: Yeah

Howard: Is one of the biggest selling albums of all time isn't it?

Robin: What does it mean "Dizzy Up the Girl?"

Howard: I mean it's got...

John: It's got 29 million copies...

Howard: Is that true?

John: No, (laughing), please.

Howard: How many copies have you sold?

John: like 3 million.

Howard: But, I mean the single was some sort of record breaking, uh, you know what I'm talking about.

John: yeah

Gary comes on and says something about how "Slide" was the most played single and played around the clock on every station.

Howard: It kinda appeals to every format. I I know stations like ours will play it, soft rock stations will play it, so it's almost like the most played single anywhere.

Robin: Perfect.

Robbie: Yeah, it's created some pretty bizzarre double bills along the way.

John: Yeah

Howard: What do ya mean, like who do you end up with?

John: Well, we opened up for Korn one time and I've never had so many shoes thrown at me in my life.

(everyone laughing)


John: So, that was a good one.

Robbie: Then three weeks later we were opening for NSYNC somewhere.

John: Yeah, it was weird.

Robbie: getting smaller shoes thrown at us.

Howard: right, little tiny baby shoes.

(everyone laughing)

John: yeah, little girly sneakers with the big platforms on em', those really hurt.

Howard: Well, are you guys not at the point where you can have your own shows, you have to open up for other bands?

John: Sometimes, like we were just in Africa , we just opened for Lenny Kravitz and uh...

Howard: Right, uh, how'd that go? anybody throw, uh, sandals or moccassins?

John: someone threw, uh, someone threw, uh, a bottle of urine at us.

Robin gasped

Howard: Really?

Robbie: Yeah.

John: Just one, just one, that's very, that's very...

Robbie: Not bad.

Howard: That's disgusting!

Robbie: for thirty thousand people, not bad.

John: Well, ya know we could have gotten car jacked, ya know (laughing)

Howard: But doesn't that upset you? Seriously, I mean I would think in Africa that like shrunken heads would be thrown. you know what I mean.

(everyone laughs)

John: yeah (laughing) they were throwin bones at us, they were taking the bones outta their nose and throwin em' at us.

(everyone laughing)

Howard: Is it exciting, yeah I like a woman with plates in her lips.

Robin: Well, those plates can hurt.

(everyone laughing hysterically)

Howard: Those plates, they throw em' like frisbees.

(everyone still laughing)

Howard: So, you're tellin me you went to Africa and you opened up for Lenny Kravitz.

John: Yes we did.

Robin: What part of Africa?

Howard: yeah?

John: It was just South Africa, it wasn't like real Africa.

Robin: Oh, okay.

Howard: Oh, South Africa is America.

John: yeah (laughing)

Howard: you know what I mean.

John: well, they told ya to get all these shots, get all these shots, you know, so I got a couple shots, then it was like Jesus, it's like , it's like way safer here than Mexico, ya know.

Robin: It's like Connecticut.

John: It is.

Howard: You had to go to the doctor and receive shots just to perform in Africa, is the money so great in South Africa that it's worth taking that long trip?

John: I don't think we made alot of money, it's just that we never played there and ya know, so you just want people to see ya and he plays in front of a zillion people there, so...

Howard: So in other words the idea is to get your music out to the people in South Africa, maybe they'll buy your records. it's planting the seeds for your next album.

John: yeah, although I'm not, I'm in no hurry to go back.

Howard: Right, it was not fun.

John: No, it was not fun.

Howard: You didn't have fun, you didn't get laid over there?

(everyone laughing hysterically)

Howard: No?

John: It was, it was, the whole country was on "ecstasy" the whole time, so..

Howard: Really?

Robbie: yeah

John: so it was a little weird cause...

Howard: you guys were on "ecstasy" or the whole country was on "ecstasy"?

John: no, no, no.. the entire country, everyone under 40 in that country is on "ecstasy".

Robin: Is that right?

Howard: Is that true?

John: yeah.

Howard: you mean the drug "ecstasy"?

John: yeah, totally.

Howard: you're not kidding me.

John: no, i'm not kidding

Robbie: Nah, it's pretty popular.

John: it's very weird ya know

Howard: Really? Everyone you run into is on "ecstasy"?

John: yeah, and they stay up till like 7 in the morning listening to that music, ya know ecstasy music?

Howard: The white people and thae black people are on uh ecstasy in South Africa?

Robbie and John: I didn't see that many black people (kinda laughing)

Howard: There are no black people

Robin: ya know still in South Africa you cannot find black people.

Howard: See it is like America.

Robbie: It's so weird.

Howard: yeah, where are the black people in South Africa?

John: well, when we were going into Capetown, uh, we were drivin' in and literally I mean it was like tin shacks with uh cardboard walls and

Howard: right.

John: it was crazy, ya know

Howard: and then when you..

John: the despairety between rich and poor ya know, it's like in New York you see it and your like what the hell, but there it's just like "whoa".

Howard: right.

John: it's amazing.

Howard: well, it's kinda weird. so you went to Africa, so yhou guys have been busy.

Robbie and John: oh yeah

Howard: so you guys haven't been just hangin' around the house

John: no, no. yeah, we've been workin'.

Howard: Yeah, what's goin on with chicks? anything?

(everyone laughing)

Robbie: Chicks?

Howard: yeah, anything? Anybody gettin laid or uh?

(everyone still laughing)

John: well, yeah (laughing) I mean uh... it's a part of life.

Howard: I mean, like I talk to Mark from Sugar Ray, he's always gettin laid, Fred from Limp Bizkit constantly getting laid.

John: constantly, yeah.

Howard: Kid Rock with a different uh flousy every night.

Robin: well, fred from Limp Bizkit has now become the embassador, seems like he has to sleep with everyone.

Howard: yeah

John: yeah

Howard: he literally...

Robin: he represents rock n roll.

Howard: he does

(everyone laughing)

Howard: you guys do any, are you guys at the point where you are doing famous women?

John: no, I (laughing)

(everyone laughing)

Howard: I mean it's hard to believe... I mean

John: yeah but, ya know.

Howard: Johnny you're a good looking guy,

(everyone laughing)

John: (in deep voice) oh thank you, thank you

Howard:I mean ( in a deep voice) there's no question about it, I find you very attractive.

John: really? c'mon over.

(everyone laughing)

John: listen, I was thinkin, maybe you can sit on my lap while i'm doing this song.

Howard: no really, you're a good looking man, the band's a nice band, they got good lookin guys, why not, why not get laid a little bit.

John: well, cause, cause, I'm, I'm still married, I'm gettin divorced. but, but..

Howard: oh you are gettin divorced?

Robin: you're kidding?

John: yeah, yeah, yeah...

Howard: oh no kidding, when did that happen?


John: I don't know, around the same time...

Howard: can't you guys hold a marriage together, I don't understand.

(everyone laughing)

John: it's, it's, I don't know.

(everyone laughing)

John: c'mon now..

Robin: How long has he been married?

Howard: yeah, how long were you married?

John: I was uh married for 6 years.

Howard: 6 years, 6 long years.

John: I mean uh she's still super cool, she's my, she's my best friend in the whole world.

Howard: really?

John: I swear and I'm not just saying that, you know how everybody like..

Robin: I love how all the guys say that as they're leaving, "you're my best friend".

John: NO, it's like, no see here's the thing.

Howard: marriage wasn't working for you, but you love your wife.

John: I love her to death, I just, it's just we...

Howard: you want to be with other women

John: No, we just became like brother and sister.

Howard: I see, it was no longer romantic.

John: Right now I don't feel like being with other women. ya know, that's why I'm here with you guys.

Howard:so you haven't worked anything out with her lawyer yet, I get it.

(everyone laughing, john laughing hysterically)

Robin: it's still very painful.

Howard: (laughing) still to painful for you to be with other women, right? your in too much emotional pain?

John: I don't, well yeah, well no not emotional pain, it's just..

Howard: and when did you no it was over, I mean was it a year into the marriage that you became best friends or was it 5 years?

John: well, no, it was about 5 years.

Howard: was it that you became so famous that women were throwing themselves at you?

John: no, it had nothing to do with this.

Howard: Was your wife...

John: cause I never cheated on her, I never ever, I never played around, never cheated on her.

Howard: when you were on tour though and the women would come on to you

John: no, no

Howard: you didn't care

John: no

Howard: was your wife a very beautiful woman, I imagine you with a model

John: she's gorgeous.

Howard: is she a model?

John: she's gorgeous.

Robin: well how did she turn into his sister.

Howard: right?

John: no, we just sort of, I don't know

Howard: can I bang your wife? I'm free.

(everyone laughing)

John: you wanna

Howard: yeah, I'll take her

John: can I bang yours...

(everyone still laughing)

Howard: maybe that's what we should need?

Robin: yeah, you two should trade.

John: yeah, maybe we should just trade.

Howard: you can bang my wife and I'll bang your wife?

John: that's fine. (still laughing)

Howard: so you didn't have any kids or anything, it's not that complicated.

John: no, no.

Howard: right, so maybe that's a good thing that you end it now.

John: it's cool, ya know she's in college, she's going to be a school teacher.

Howard: she is?

John: well that was one of the nice things about doing this, I could, I could help her with school and stuff ya know

Howard: I'll bet you're gonna help with way more than schoool when she gets done with ya

(everyone laughing)

Robin: yeah, she's gonna be some school teacher

Howard: she's gonna own a school.

John: I know, she's gonna have her own school

(everyone laughing)

John: that's okay, I'd buy her her own school.

Howard: all that goo goo dolls money right in her pocket.

John: that's okay.

Howard: yeah, why not. ya know, she worked hard for it.

John: who cares.

Howard: absolutely.

John: ya know when you run outta money... I'm not gonna fight about money with anybody, so

Howard: so how do ya plan not to fight about money? are you gonna give her WHATEVER she wants?

John: whatever, just take whatever you want, I don't care.

Howard: really? you don't care.

John: I'll go make more money.

Howard: boy, I'd like to marry you

(everyone laughing hysterically)

Howard: you're a hell of a catch.

John: listen we're digressing here, to our last visit.

Howard: well, ya know, you'll find though when you become single, they'll have you in the newspaper everyday with a different woman. much to my amazement I am now..

John: are you? are you getting alot of uh...

Howard: oh yes, I mean one day it was angie everheart

John: but you were with her...

Howard: and now I'm linked to robin givens.

John: robin givens?

Howard: yes, robin givens I'm linked to

John: she went out with mike tyson

Robin: she was married to him.

Howard: she was married to him

John yeah, yeah, yeah, she was married to him.

Howard: she is a friend, she's done this show and been over to my place.

John: but you guys are just friends?

Howard: we're friends, we are friends.

John: I would be afraid to have sex with someone who had sex with mike tyson.

Howard: why?

John: I don't know because he's like, he's like the missing link.

(everyone laughing hysterically)

Howard: that's what you say.

Robin: suppose mike tyson reads this wherever came from

Howard: right and comes after me.

Robin: yeah.

Howard: (in his mike tyson voice)"hey, you can have her I don't want her, they had me drugged out on barbara walters"

(everyone laughing)

John: can you imagine if you never saw mike tyson and he's like (in his mike tyson voice) "I'm gonna kick your ass"

(evevryone laughing)

John: and I'd go yeah. come over right now.

(everyone laughing)

John: very scary

Howard: right, but uh nevertheless, great woman and a friend. but I have alot of women friends

John yeah, but see people give you crap for that.

Howard: I know.

John: see, cause I like women, I like hangin out with women, I mean the worst thing in the world is going to a party where there's 12 guys standing around drinking beer

Howard: right

John: ya know?

Howard: you want to hang out with a woman

John: it's a sausage hang

Robbie: it's called a sausage hang

Howard: right, you guys write sensitive songs, but let's face it you don't want to be hanging around a bunch of guys and their sausage.

(everyone laughing)

John: no!

Howard: right. now I imagine you're going to write alot of songs about your breakup, we're going to be hearing alot..

Robin: Is that going to fuel a whole album?

Howard: yeah, I think we've got a whole new album in you.

John: I'm just, I'm just, you know what I love my wife and I don't want to embarrass her, so

Howard: right, but you might write songs about "oh my god, I'm so sorry".

John: I am sorry, ya know but...

Howard: yeah

Howard: Here is Terrin, he's from South Africa on the phone, wants to say hello to you.

John: (laughing) he's from South Africa. Hey Digger.

Howard: yes, that's right. Yes, Terrin?

Caller says hello and thinks the goos are great.

John says "thank you, thank you".

Howard: Well, would you like to hear the guys perform "Slide"?

Caller says yes that would be great.

Howard:and I'll play your new single as well. I mean you guys have tons of hits on this, I mean look at this album.

Robin: They have worked this album.

Howard: yeah, yeah, listen to this. hears some of the

Howard plays the wrong thing and everyone laughs. Howard: well, that's not it.

John: forget that one.

Howard plays the beginning of Iris

Howard: that's Iris

John: that's the Iris.

Howard: I mean you just hear that couple of notes and you know that song. And then uh this song was certainly a hit for you. Hold on I'll cue it right up

Plays the beginning on Black Balloon.

Robbie: that worked.

John: yeah, black balloon

Howard: Black Balloon.

John: wow, nobody knows any of our rock songs, though dude.

Howard: yeah, I know. how come your ballads always become the uh...

Robin: Does that bother you?

John: I don't, well you know, it makes, you get a un uh, I don't know everybody just thinks your a sissy.

(everyone laughing)

Howard: everyone just wants to kick your ass. (still laughing)

Robin: you know I saw them on vh1 and johnny was sitting there going "you know we're so misunderstood".

John: in a little whining voice "I'm so misunderstood".

Howard: yeah come on, what about all the hard songs. I say what do ya care as long as they like some of your songs.

Robbie: exactly, we spent alot of years like deafening secretaries.

Howard: but does the record company now say you have to write sensitive songs.

John: no, they never, they never

Howard: they never tell you what to do

John: they never tell us what to do.

Howard: Again, Sugar Ray has alot of hard driving great music, and their ballads always become the hits.

John: yeah, yeah we toured with those guys all last summer.

Howard: yeah and their like... when you guys go on tour and you start playing really, you know loud metal kinda (john laughing) songs, does the audience freak out?

Robbie: sometimes.

John: They get a little weird, I mean because of the songs that become popular and real mainstream, and it's like the first 20 rows of the crowd are like 14 year old girls.

Howard: right, who are waiting for you to do sensitive songs.

John: right and then you come out and there's a big wall of amps and alot of noise and everbody's like.

Howard: the kids are all deaf.

John: they're just waitin'

Howard: right.

John: they're just waitin'

Howard: waiting for the right song.

John: yeah.

Howard: so, do a little bit of slide for us just because, do the song for us because it is such a huge hit, people like hearing it.

John: okay, you want us to play the whole thing?

Howard: yeah, play the whole thing of course, the goo goo dolls.

John: you wanna sing?

Howard: I'm not gonna sing, you sing.

(They play "slide", it was awesome of course!)

Howard: Beautiful job, beautiful, very nice

(everyone applaudes)

Howard: you know you guys seem very tight, like are you guys like old friends or something?

Robbie: John and I?

Howard: yeah?

Robbie: yeah like 15 years.

Howard: 15 years

Robbie: the band's been together about 13 years.

Howard: and what do you write these songs, do you write them together?

Robbie: no, John writes what he sings and I write what I sing.

Howard: oh really.

Robin: you're not sick of each other yet?

Robbie: sometimes

John: I hate his guts sometimes, ya know and he hates me too.

Howard: well then, it works out.

John: but I'm a way bigger prick than he is.

Howard: yeah, we should mention that mike is back there on the drums, I don't even know if mike has a microphone

Robin: I don't think he does.

Howard: that's what ozzy osbourne was telling his son "don't be a drummer cause you won't have a microphone.

(everyone laughs)

Howard: so you uh

John takes the microphone over to Mike (I'm guessing--that's what it sounds like)

Howard: Don't take the , I just said he didn't have a microphone...

Howard: So you guys are tight and you're old friends, I can see that there's sort of a chemistry between the two of you when you perform.

John: you know alot of people say that Robbie looks like ozzy?

Robbie: yeah, yeah.

Howard: a little bit.

Robbie: you know I met him last night and uh I told him that it was one of the greatest thrills of my life. I think all my friends who are 37 and laying on their parents driveways working on their Nova's would be really excited to...

Mike ( I think, could it be?): their chevy nova's.

Robbie: to know that I uh actually got to hang with ozzy.

Howard: Now, what happened, what happened with you guys. You were in some kind of plane crash or something I read?

Robbie: yeah!

John: yeah!

Howard: and ever since then you found God. You've become very religious.

John: yes.

Howard: is that true?

John: yes.

Howard: it is true.

John: no, well I mean.

Howard: what kind of plane crash?

John: I mean uh God's always there, always been there, but uh.

Howard: what's it like to be in a plane crash?

John: you sit there, do you have the little beeper button?

Howard: what kind of plane were you in?

John: I guess I could say, you know what I looked this up in the dictionary, cause we do alot of radio, F-U-G, fug.

Howard: right.

John: it means a stuffy, smelly room. basically, you could be in a fugged up room.

Howard: right, that's fine to say.

John: so, fine this is what it's like to be in a plane crash. (john begins screaming) "oh fug! oh! I don't wanna die! this sucks! ah sheesh"

(everyone laughing)

Robin: were they in a big commercial plane?

Howard: yeah, where were you on your way to?

Robbie: It was a US Navy DC-9.

Howard: the whole band was on the plane?

John: yeah, the whole band

Robbie: yeah.

Howard: it was a private plane in other words?

Robbie: it was a private plane.

John: it's a navy jet

Howard: a navy jet.

John: it's a navy jet.

Howard: and why did you have a navy jet, because you were touring and ...

John: we had just done USO kinda stuff.

Howard: right, you were doing something nice, something for free, a charity kinda thing?

Robbie: just played in Bosnia, yeah

John: yeah, and they tried to kill us.

Howard: you played in Bosnia.

Robbie: we played in a, in a tent behind sand bags.

Howard: they supply a plane for you because after all you are guests of the us government.

John: yeah, and then, and then we were coming back from Bosnia and we went to Sicily and there was this insane thunderstorm.

Howard: uh huh.

John: and the guy flew right into it and crashed the plane.

Robbie: Basically, flew into the ground.

(everyone says wow!)

Howard: you mean you actually went, I mean it hit the ground.

Robbie: oh yeah, the wheels broke off.

(everyone laughing)

John: the wheels popped off, there's holes in the wings, you know the funny part, the luggage department collapsed on us.

Howard: oh my God.

John: and we were goin "that's it we're dead, we're gonna die".

Howard: and what do you do, I'm being serious, do you pee in your pants while this is going on?

John: about 15 minutes after that, well we waited on the runway in this pouring rainstorm, we went out the little slide on the back of the plane

Howard: right

John: ran around the plane

Robbie: the sicilian police were like (in his italian voice) "we're getting to you, we'll be right there."

John: yeah, so we're like standing there for 15 minutes and nobody showed up.

Howard: right.

John: so the keystone cops of italy come over and load us into this, load us into this ambulance and take us to the hospital.

Mike: which is closed.

Robbie: which is closed.

John: right, which is closed.

Howard: right

John: no one there, they were knocking on the door.

Howard: were you injured, were you bleeding?

Robbie: no

John: no, everybody was okay, but then we were standing there and, and we had stayed in a General's hotel the night before, so I stole all the liquor outta the mini-bar.

Howard: Wait I want to understand something, cause this is a scary thing, most people would freak out even hearing about it. They announce to you I guess "oh my god, we're gonna crash".

John: no, they didn't say anything.

Howard: didn't say anything, could you tell you were gonna crash, did you feel yourselves descending?

Robbie: no, we tried to land

John: the guy tried to land 3 times

Robbie: 4 times

Howard: he did, he kept circling?

John: no, he went in, went down, the plane was rockin like crazy and he went back up and went around again.

Howard: so, he had to keep trying over and over again.

John: so the guy runs outta gas.

Howard: oh my God. So then is that when you crashed? when the guy ran out of gas?

John: well, the plane hit the runway. evedrytime I land in a plane now, I keep waiting for that earth shattering BOOM!

Howard: and what do you do, do you start playing with yourselves, what is your last...

(everyone laughing)

John: right for the nuts

Robin: cause you (talking to Howard) always say that your gonna have sex.

Howard: yeah, I'm gonna have sex, but since there were only guys on the plane, were there any women on the plane? (laughing)

John: yeah, well ya know, we were pleading with the female navy flight attendants for like post crisis sex, but they weren't having it.

Howard: were any people crying? I mean which would be legitimate.

John: yeah, oh yeah, not any of us, the navy girls.

Howard: none of the goo goo dolls cried, I want to make that clear.

(everyone laughing)

John: and nobody soiled themselves

Howard: nobody soiled themselves.

John: cause that was the first thing I asked "alright who crapped their pants".

Howard: were the women crying, were the stewardesses crying?

John: they were crying pretty bad

Howard: and you couldn't get any felacio(sp?) from them whatsoever?

(everyone laughs)

John: well, I was hugging the..

Howard: were you?

John: "it;s alright it's alright"

Howard: no wonder you're divorced.

(everyone laughing)

John: "you did a great job", no I was just hugging her, it was freezing outside.

Howard: right, "god bless you, god bless you".

John: yeah, "you're alright"

Robin: so wait now, where did God enter into the picture

Howard: well, thy're alive

John: yeah.

Robin: no, I meant when the plane is going down

Howard: right

John: I didn't even think about that though

Robin: really?

John: well, ya know I always kiss the little plane when I go in and say "please God don't let me die".

Robin: right, well you've already said your prayers

Howard: you're superstitious

Robbie: not a great flyer

John: yeah I am about flying and uh, at that point and time I was just thinking (start yelling) FUG! FUG! FUG!

(everyone laughing)

Howard: right, so let me ask you this. The planes going down

John: yeah

Howard: did you start thinking about your family, did you think about..

Robin: your life, anything?

Howard: and what did you think about and you really thought ya, there was no puking, nothing?

Robbie: well you can't see anything. it's just like dark, dark, dark and all of a sudden BANG! Robin: did you say "I'm gonna live differently if I survive?

John: we thought a bomb had gone off. no, you know what we did, we went and emptied a couple of bottles of whiskey and got on a plane 5 hours later (laughing).

Howard: really?

Robbie: yeah

John: oh, it was nuts. They were passing out the valium like pez.

Howard: I would have though that your wife would get everything if you died in a plane crash?

(everyone laughing)

John: yes, well, ya know

Howard: By the way, the new single is called "Broadway" from the Goo Goo Dolls.

John: yeah

Howard: and what does that mean "Broadway"?

John: that's the neighborhood I grew up in, in Buffalo, I lived on Broadway and...

Howard: so it's not Broadway like here in New York?

John: no, no, no it's about Buffalo.

Howard: This is Buffalo, upstate New York.

John: you ever been to Buffalo?

Howard: yeah I have

John: what have you done there, cause there's snow and liquor.

Howard: I got arrested there.

(everyone laughing)

John: you did not.

Howard: yeah (laughing)

John: what did you get arrested for?

Howard: well, I was in college and we were...

John: pot?

Howard: no, we were driving up to Buffalo and we were, my friend was on speed and doing 150 miles and hour.

Robbie: ah..

Howard: or something like that and then the Buffalo cops were like "you new yorkers", that's what they, they're from new york too

Robin: they don't know Buffalo's in new york.

Howard: they hold, they left me and a buddy on the side of the road and they hauled off my 2 friends

John: no kidding

Howard: took them to some like Andy of Maybury court house.

(everyone laughing)

Robbie: they're tough man

Howard: and it was tough, it was tough and they were very hard

John: they're a bunch of tough cops.

Howard: and they took all our money and uh

John: was this in buffalo or was this out on a highway

Howard: out on a highway, they took all our money and we had to uh drive back and get gas money, we had to pan handle at howard johnsons

(everyone laughing)

John: really?

Howard: I swear to God

John: well, you know you gotta have those experiences.

Howard: yeah, they bring you to a guys house, he's the judge and he goes "okay give us all your money".

John: yeah, that was probably like Rome New York or some weird

Robbie: but this didn't all happen in like 3 and a half feet of snow or something

Howard: no, no, no, atleast there was no snow.

Robbie: oh okay, that generally figures into the story.

Howard: let me play a little of this "Broadway" and see if I understand what you're trying to say.

Begins playing Broadway in the background

Howard: see what's going on here. See if I can figure it out.

Broadway still playing

Howard: now, who decides this is the single, the record company, or you guys do?

John: I think they said "yeah, we'll go with that one" and we were like "okay"

Howard: we'll go with that one, you don't care where they go as long as they get your songs out there.

Robbie: as long as they get them on the radio.

John: yeah. ya know

Howard: yeah, because this is a softer song too, they will not release your harder songs as singles.

John: it's sort of a rock song.

Howard: this is, this rocks, but I'm just saying that you guys have a much harder sound on some of your songs, right?

John: alot of it, yeah

Howard: yeah, so have you said to them "hey why don't you release some of our harder stuff?"

John: they tried that, it didn't work.

Howard: this is how people accept you this way

Robbie: it can only be played in so many places and this gets played alot

Howard: yeah

John: you remember like the replacements and husker du, and all those bands, nobody else does, but you do.

Howard: right, I sure do

John: all those bands and I'm like from that headset and when we're putting an album together it's like "you gotta have a slowdance on a record"

Howard: right

John: it's like you gotta balance it out.

Howard: I agree, if it's all one thing it gets a little monotinous (sp?)

John: yeah, you hear alot of that these days.

Howard: right

Robbie: it's become really singles driven these days and I don't think

John: yeah as a whole record, except for all that crazy dance music.

Howard: well you guys are good guys man, I always like when you come in

John: thanks alot

Howard: I'm glad you survived the plane crash

Robbie: yeah, we are too

John: it was, it was, yeah

Howard: let's see if you survive your wives lawyer.

Robin: yeah but they make it sound like it's nothing, I want to be in a plane crash

Howard: yeah, ya know I wanna go in a plane crash.

John: it's something. they're gonna open that ride at universal next time you guys are in LA.

Howard: yeah, be in a plane crash


Howard: talking to a caller "what is it Susie?" uh oh, Susie's gone I guess. you can barely hear the voice of a guy on the phone

John: who was that, what was that guy gonna say?

Howard: no, I was looking for Susie.

John: oh okay, I don't want to talk to any guys

Howard: right (laughing)

John: cause they're just gonna be like "you fags"

Howard: really? let me see.

(everyone laughing hysterically)

John: right away

Howard: "Jeremy your on the air, go ahead

caller says hello to Howard and then says "these guys are so gay".

(everyone laughing hysterically)

Howard: oh, you see what I mean. you can't win can ya?

caller says "you know what these guys call their wives?"

John: what?

caller says "decoys"

(everyone laughs hysterically)

Howard: Alright, well you were right, should have avoided the guys

John: see, I told ya, no more guys

Howard: well, what can you do, alright everyone go out and buy it's the goo goo dolls and of course it's dizzy up the girl, we'll be back right after these words. Great to see you guys, the goo goo dolls everybody.

John: cool man thanks for having us in.