WEDG Interview / John 12-2-99

JR: What's up Bull?

B: You look bright eyed and bushy tailed, man

JR: Well, it's because that guy that runs the radio station made me drink all night with him. Look at him. Look at him.

B: Let me let you in on a secret. About 10 minutes ago he goes, "Dude, don't mention the party after the show last night.

JR: (laughs) I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

B: A show by the way that I wasn't privy to be invited to.

JR: Oh . . . .

B: A little bitterness in the show

JR: I'm sorry dude

B: No that's alright

JR: I'm sorry dude

B: No that's alright, that's fine. I'll just be coming tonight. So welcome back to Buffalo

JR: Thank you

B: You having a good time?

JR: I'm having a real good time. It's been really great. You know the show last night was great and uh we like got a ton of toys. It's unbelievable man, you know. That was one of the best things about it ya know. Got to see some friends ya know and uh ya know I just want to remind everybody tonight that if you are coming please bring a new unwrapped toy and you'll get an autographed photo of the band. Bring 10 toys you'll still get 1 photo. But bring em on down. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe how much we got.

B: Are you on any kind of a painkiller for the cramps in your hand?

JR: Yes, um, I'm going to a chiropractor right now to help my hand straighten out.

B: Very nice.

JR: Do they do that? I don't know. I don't even know anymore.

B: I want to talk to you about uh you know half of the toys are staying here and the other half are going to Bosnia.

JR: Yes

B: You going on that whole USO thing

JR: Yeah

B: You guys are now being mentioned in the same light as Bob Hope, Jane Fonda and Marilyn Man . . . er Marilyn Manson Marilyn Monroe hello.

JR: Well ya know that's pretty good company. I love Bob Hope.

B: Is he still alive?

JR: Uh, I . . . no. I don't know.

B: Is he? Yeah?

JR: He's still sort of alive.

B: So there will be another Christmas special this year.

JR: Well, ya know I don't know about that. They're going to wheel him out and have Brook Shields make ya know, I don't know, never mind. I heard Bob Hope gets a massage every day.

B: Really?

JR: Yeah.

B: I guess when you get to that level, its something you deserve.

JR: Well he owned, he owned most of Beverly Hills at one point in time.

B: And apparently a nice massage parlor at one time too

JR: Yeah great massage parlor

B: And you've been there I take it?

JR: No. No, I don't do things like that.

B: Never had a massage huh, me neither.

JR: Have you never had a massage?

B: No honestly I've never had a massage.

JR: Come on girls, girlfriends?

B: Yeah, like that. But never the Japanese massage, never had one of those.

JR: The shiatsu. I did it, I did it actually a couple of times. It's cool.

B: Really? Very relaxing, does what it's supposed to do?

JR: Well, you've got to make sure you get either a guy or a really unattractive woman to do it.

B: Otherwise there's some stress relief that you really didn't need right

JR: Yeah

B: That's kind of what I thought. I noticed in your uh soundcheck yesterday you are like really hands on man. Like I never realized you're like telling, directing everybody to do this, do this, do this. That was amazing.

JR: Well, uh I don't know I guess I know what I want to see. And these guys are great. We got an amazing crew. We got an amazing crew but uh you know we're just trying to tie it together. First day jitters ya know. It's like if I suck in South Dakota it's no big deal. Cause I can leave, I leave. But this is Buffalo, it's different.

B: And you hear about it.

JR: Oh yeah.

B: Is it cold enough for ya by the way?

JR: It's, it's not bad. It's not as cold as I thought it was going to be.

B: Tolerable.

JR: Yeah it's good man. Feels good.

B: Fantastic. Let's play a song

JR: Good for the lungs

B: Any song you want to play? Think quickly and we're gonna play whatever Johnny wants to play.

JR: Let's hear that new Korn song or did you just play it?

B: No I want something from you guys.

JR: Something from us?

B: Yeah.

JR: Uh, I don't know lets do uh let's do Naked.

B: Naked?

JR: Naked.

B: Sounds good (they cue the guy in the studio to play it and he does)

B: I was backstage for a little while last night and I didn't see any nakedness. Maybe I was in the wrong room.

JR: You were in the wrong room bro

B: With Johnny Goo, it's Bull. We're live at Shay's show number 2 of the 3 homecoming shows for uh benefiting kids. Bosnia and Buffalo. I want to go back to the whole USO thing which is really cool. You guys I guess, ya know, obviously it's a military thing, but you're gonna fly in F-15's is that right?

JR: Yeah well they're letting, they're going to give us 5 hours of training and medical tests and then they put you in the back seat of the plane.

B: That's awesome.

JR: Yeah I'm supposed to throw up I guess. I'm told I'm going to puke.

B: And you got that mask on so it's going to stick right to you.

JR: I know right in there. It's going to be gross.

B: That's really disgusting.

JR: It's alright, it's ok.

B: Are you looking forward to it I guess?

JR: I am looking forward to it. How often does a guy get to puke? Well, mostly every Friday, but uh, but not at 50,000 feet he doesn't.

B: Yeah right! So you're gonna be in one plane and like uh Robby will be like Mav, you'll be like Mav and Robby will be like Goose in the other plane? JR: Yeah, that's going to be it. Ice and Goose

B: Very cool

JR: Except I think my nickname is going to be like Sissy.

B: Top Goo. Regis and Kathy Lee. You were on there a couple of days ago.

JR: Yeah

B: How could you not avoid "Is that your final answer?"

JR: You know what, I couldn't do it man. I was gonna but I couldn't do it. But Regis did give me an autographed copy of his album which came out in 1968.

B: Come on

JR: Yeah

B: Have you listened to it? Oh you're not even gonna . . .

J: No I heard it, right away yeah. It was horrible. (starts singing "Toot Toot Tootsie goodbye") He was cool.

B: And Kathy Lee was nice?

JR: She didn't really say anything to me.

B: But she was nice to look at?

JR: She was really good looking.

B: Really?

JR: Yeah, yeah

B: Fantastic

JR: But she had, she may have had a lot of work done I don't know. But she looked pretty good.

B: So you're saying she could be plastic.

JR: Probably


JR: I would imagine so.

B: You were telling me off mic about meeting Kirk Douglas. Now I can see you standing next to Kirk Douglas and even a similarity.

JR: Well, this is how I met him. I was on the plane and uh there he was sitting with his wife and I uh said I gotta meet him, I gotta meet him. So I got up I walked over. I said "Excuse me I don't mean to bother you guys on your flight, but I'm a really big fan of your movies. I saw Spartacus 29 times and I'm really pleased to meet you and I shook his hand. An the I stuck my jaw out and said, "I know it's nothing compared to yours, but what do you think?" He was like, Uh ah that's great, get the hell away from me. So you know Kirk and I compared jaws on the plane.

B: And he didn't beat the piss out of you so you've got that going for ya.

JR: He did not beat the piss out of me which I'm thankful for.

B: Very very nice.

JR: I did humiliate Katherine Zeta Jones who is another Kirk Douglas connection because Michael Douglas goes out with her.

B: Are we playing, is this the Six Degrees of Kirk Douglas?

JR: I had to introduce her at some thing and I did a bug rock n roll, remember like on KISS Live "You wanted the best, you got the best. The hottest chick in the world" (I'm not sure who says this)

JR: Yeah pretty much. She was so red you could like warm your hands on her face. But I don't think she liked me.

B: That's a shame.

JR: And then I took my shirt off in front of Gwyneth Paltrow. And I don't think she'll be talking to me anymore.

B: Man! Dude! I'm just going to touch you now.

JR: Like, you know what. She was really, she was really cool. She was really nice. Her date was a prick but ya know . . . but she was cool.

B: You're also going to be doing the VH1 show The List? That's pretty cool show.

JR: I was the host though. I wasn't a panelist, I got to be the host for 5 shows.

B: Got to moderate.

JR: Yeah, it was really a lot of fun. I met Jeff Conaway, the guy from Taxi. Out of his skull man. That guy was whacked out of his skull. It was amazing. It was so weird. Punky Brewster was on.

B: She's amazing now.

JR: Yeah I know.

B: She grew up into a beautiful woman.

JR: Oh, she's beautiful. Devastating. She's really really beautiful. Who else did I meet? Leonard Maltin, the film critic.

B: Really?

JR: He was real cool too.

B: That's the cool thing about the show because they pick people from like every different kind of you know music and arts and film . . . .

JR: So what do you think, one of the categories on the show was Best Rebel Song. What do you think the best rebel song of all time is? 10 seconds.

B: Rebel Yell

JR: Rebel Yell?

B: It's the first thing that came to mind.

JR: Ok I know it is because it's got Rebel in it.

B: Let's face it on the show they give the people the questions ahead of time. They're not thinking on their feet.

JR: No, no. Everybody's prepped. I had to watch . . . we did a category which was best Rock N Roll Movie which Grease won I think. Nobody even picked Quadraphenia. Or the Decline of Western Civilization So it was lame in that respect, but yeah you know what? They gave me a Palm Pilot at the end of the day. So I was like, cool man thanks.

B: That was your departing gift?

JR: That was my uh consolation prize.

B: Copy of the home game?

JR: Absolutely.

B: Now you guys are going to be recording the show tonight?

JR: Yeah we're recording the show tonight so when you come down scream extra loud. Maybe you'll hear yourself on a record someday.

B: Could there be a live Goo Goo Dolls album in the works?

JR: There might be I don't know. I don't know. Could be.

B: No better place to record it than in Buffalo.

JR: Oh no there ain't.

B: Nod nod wink wink. (John repeats this!)

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