Do Penguins Have Knees???

Q: How often do Penguins have sex?
A: (after some conferring) Once a year.
Voice from back of room: Lucky b*st*rds!

Question #1 - If Barbie's so popular - Why do you have to buy all of her friends?

Questions To Stimulate The Braincells.....

Sometimes you hafta put things into perspective....For instance -

If Fred Flintstone knows that the large order of ribs will tip his car over, why does he order them at the end of every show?

For the Athiests - If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex in the box?

For the Regular Joe - Why does genius have its limits, but stupidity goes on and on?

For the Philosopher - Is a conclusion simply the place where you got tired of thinking?

For the English Major - Would a midget fortune-teller who escaped from prison be called a small medium at large?

For the Psychic - Why couldn't the Psychic Friends Hotline predict thier own bankruptcy?

For the Goofball - If you Lick the Air, does it get Wet?

CERTAIN QUESTIONS JUST CAN'T BE IGNORED!!!!! So for the good of all people I have decided to put up a section solely dedicated to these questions. There are some places on the net where you can find tese but i decided to list the best of the best - AND ITS A LOT! When I think - I really think - So without further ado...

Why do men have nipples?

Aminal Crackers - For The Animal Lover
A page full of questions on kyoot cuddwy aminals! Watch out - THEY BITE!

Body Parting !! - For Those Into Anatomy
What does your tongue taste like? !........Just click here dammit.

Work It Baby!! - For The Working Individual
Workplace Questions A Plenty! Be it home occupation, cubicle man, or eventhe mime....And we all know how frustrating work can be....