Flashes: 2003: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2002: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2001: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2000: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1999: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1998: 10 - 12 ||| Search this site - Read Me |
new Favorites:
Sun |||
old Best of old Favorites: Sat | Su | Everyday | Mo - Fr | Tu - Sa | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr air schedules Columns & Columnists (C&C) ||| Radio Headlines (daily) Calendar | Time or | weather in Los Angeles | New message board MENU |
Shows: - Larry King Mo-Fr 8-9p KFWB 980 AM ||| KNX 1070 AM: KNX Drama Hour daily 9-10p (We 10-11p), "60 Minutes" Sun 7-8p, "60 Minutes II" Wed 9-10p ||| David Letterman Mo-Fi 11:35p-12:37a KLSX 97.1 FM.
1/2003 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight.
1/31.7/03 - "McCain Reintroduces Ownership Diversification Act. WASHINGTON—January 31: As part of yesterday’s Capitol Hill "show and tell,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) re-launched his Telecommunications Ownership Diversification Act,” designed to help minorities and women compete better." More at www.radioink.com/.
1/31.6/03 - "As Expected, KSCA/Los Angeles Picks 'Piolin' For Mornings" and more at www.radioandrecords.com/.
1/31.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the better Westerns. "The Shadow," even with Orson Wells, often disappoints.
1/31.4/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/31.3/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/31.2/03 - "If you like RadioDailyNews.com, you're going to love TalkersDailyNews.com," says Larry's www.radiodailynews.com. There's not much at www.talkersdailynews.com/ yet except "Are you a talk show host, a talk show producer, a talk show booking agent? Hang in there ... TDN will be here soon ... Until then, feel free to talk among yourselves." P.S. - Sorry Larry, but most days I don't even have the time to scan your expanded format at www.radiodailynews.com, it's too big for me.
1/31.1/03 - "Westwood One 16th largest public company in Los Angeles," is a headline at www.laradio.com/. WWI, as it is often abbreviated, has a rather high-content site at www.westwoodone.com/. Their talk shows are describes at www.westwoodone.com/talk_intro.asp, but I didn't notice streaming.
1/31/03 - "Senators Press Clear Channel. Commerce committee grills the radio firm's chairman on claims that the company bullies artists and competitors. WASHINGTON -- Lawmakers grilled the chairman of Clear Channel Communications Inc. on Thursday..." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-clear31jan31.story.
1/30.11/03 - Richard Wagoner column on KDL 103.1 FM, a reader doesn't like Richard. See radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=762, the new sc groove bb. The original column, which I read but forgot, is at www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm25601.html, or see my 1/21/03 Flash. P.S. - I don't agree with the reader.
1/30.10/03 - FYI - "Mark Fuhrman Sued For Misidentifying Beating Suspect On-Air. SPOKANE—January 30: The former O.J. Simpson trial witness—now a radio show host—is being sued by a man who says he was incorrectly identified on the air in a Washington state beating incident." More at www.radioink.com.
1/30.9/03 - "Michael Powell won’t attend LA ownership forum. While his fellow commissioners are expected to attend, the FCC chairman declined an invitation from the USC Annenberg School for Communication, which is sponsoring a hearing on media consolidation on February 18." From www.insideradio.com.
1/30.8/03 - And, what part of yes or no don't you understand? "Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain lobbed some pointed questions at Clear Channel Chairman/CEO Lowry Mays...and actually cut Mays off mid-sentence a few times in order to redirect him to provide a yes or no answer." Is McCain available for other interviews? This and more at www.radioandrecords.com.
1/30.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Dragnet" is the classic LAPD police drama and becomes a new TV series soon. "Box 13" where writer hunts for stories is usually good.
1/30.6/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/30.5/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/30.4/03 - "Clear Channel defends radio biz on Capitol Hill. WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - The head of Clear Channel Communications Inc.CCU.N sought on Thursday to convince skeptical U.S. lawmakers that the nation's largest radio station owner is not the arm-twisting brute portrayed by smaller rivals and musicians." More at www.reuters.com/financeNewsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=CSSASDHCZXJGQCRBAEKSFEY?type=governmentFilingsNews&storyID=2143477. Moreover.com's tip.
1/30.3/03 - 70 years ago? Can it be that long? "In 1933, the first episode of the "Lone Ranger" radio program was broadcast on station WXYZ in Detroit." From www.lmtonline.com/news/s5.htm; moreover.com's tip. Locally, it's on KNX 1070 AM Monday at 9:30p. Google found several links such as a short history at gaga.essortment.com/lonerangerradi_rlmb.htm.
1/30.2/03 - Virus warning at www.wired.com/news/infostructure/0,1377,57467,00.html?tw=wn_ascii. calradio.tripod.com/'s tip.
1/30.1/03 - "Clear Channel Is Facing a Lot of Static Inside the Capitol. Broadcaster lobbies hard against efforts to curb its growth but finds few are willing to listen. WASHINGTON -- Clear Channel Communications Inc., the nation's biggest radio broadcaster, is trying to beat its rap as the media conglomerate lawmakers love to hate. More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-clear30jan30001428.story. Almost the same as below.
1/30/03 - "Clear Channel Fights Efforts to Curtail Expansion. A proposed bill would ban anti-competitive practices in the radio and concert industries. WASHINGTON -- Clear Channel Communications Inc., the nation's biggest radio broadcaster, is trying to beat its rap as the media conglomerate lawmakers love to hate." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-clear30jan30.story.
1/29.10/03 - Message boards? Ran out of time. Check C&C.
1/29.9/03 - The missing mother-to-be Laci Peterson and Scott Peterson are discussed live from Modesto, CA on the 'John and Ken' show, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM. Not much at www.johnandkenshow.com/.
1/29.8/03 - FYI - "Spanish radio show attacked as too racy. Every weekday morning, "El Pistolero" and sidekick Memin crackle...They spin Mexican hits...They laugh a lot...Usually, their audience laughs with them." More at story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/trib/20030128/lo_trib/spanish_radio_show_attacked_as_too_racy. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip.
1/29.7/03 - "How will Hispanic broadcasters react to the latest from Arbitron? Arbitron can't start language weighting until Winter 2006 -- though it's got an idea for adding it to its existing Hispanic Market Service." Says www.insideradio.com/.
1/29.6/03 - Headlines at www.radioandrecords.com/:
1/29.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" can be ok, and "Tales of the Texas Rangers" sounds like it's from the '30.
1/29.4/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/29.3/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/29.2/03 - "'El Cucuy' hits the snooze button, eyes film and TV. Saying the 3 a.m. wake-up call left him little time for other pursuits, the popular DJ moves his show to an afternoon slot." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney29jan29.story.
1/29.1/03 - "Yahoo Launches Subscription Radio Services on Internet. Yahoo Inc. is adding to its roster of paid-subscription services today with a set of commercial-free Internet radio stations." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-launch29jan29.story?null.
1/29/03 - "Not every star is bright. Interviewing a celebrity isn't always easy. Just ask National Public Radio's Terry Gross..." and more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html, a day early.
1/28.12/03 - President's State of the Union address - 6-7p on KFWB 980 AM, KNX 1070 AM, and KCRW 89.9 FM says LAT, but with comments it can run till 8p. KFI 640 AM says they'll have it also.
1/28.11/03 - KABC's new weekend program schedule, to start 2/8, is up at www.kabc.com/programschedule.asp. Overall, I would call this a negative change, but we'll see.
1/28.10/03 - "Clear Channel signs 12-year lease in Burbank. Clear Channel Communications Inc. (NYSE: CCU) has signed a 12-year, nine-month lease for 95,000 square feet of space in a new 4.4-acre office complex in Burbank, Calif., the developer announced Monday." More at sanantonio.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/stories/2003/01/27/daily8.html. Tip from www.newradiostar.com, but it's an old story.
1/28.9/03 - Stories at www.radioink.com:
1/28.8/03 - "Engineer Leonard Kahn petitions the FCC to halt the rollout of iBiquity's HD Radio. Kahn lists a menu of alleged problems, including the "huge costs" and "dramatic increase in interference" in AM signals, which he says "may force many independent rural stations out of business."" Says www.insideradio.com/.
1/28.7/03 - 'Dragnet' started as a 1949 radio show. Some TV stuff at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211~23544~1139947,00.html. Moreover.com's tip. This TV version could be nothing like the radio show, or even the previous TV series.
1/28.6/03 - Old-time radio on the internet, whatever, is the one topic in today's special 'Senior' section of the L.A. Times, but I don't see it on their web site. You may have to read the paper, available in most local libraries.
1/28.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Frontier Gentleman" can be be dull but ok, "Nightbeat" is usually good, at some level.
1/28.4/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/28.3/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #559, dated 1/28/03. KFWB needs engineers and more.
1/28.2/03 - "U.S. Recordings Most Telling, Not Best-Selling. WASHINGTON -- Leave it to the Library of Congress to come up with one of the most eclectic playlists in America. Library officials on Monday unveiled the premiere collection of the National Recording Registry -- an evocative cultural snapshot of the nation over the last century, saluting equally the words of presidents and generals, the artistry of jazz and classical masters, and the raw energy of rock 'n' roll and hip-hop rebels." More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/la-na-recordings28jan28001443.story. Some radio stuff is offered. And, "Access to some of the recordings will be made available at the library's site, www.loc.gov/rr/record."
1/28.1/03 - "Radio Host to Quit A.M. Show. Renan Almendarez Coello of the top-rated 'El Cucuy' plans to move to an afternoon slot on KSCA-FM. Morning radio host Renan Almendarez Coello, who dominates his English- and Spanish-speaking competition in Southland ratings, is scheduled to announce today that he is leaving the program he has hosted for six years." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-coello28jan28.story.
1/28/03 - "Cold Contest," "Crummy Host," "Mas Music," and "Play Thing" in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
1/27.8/03 - Lots of comments on the message boards. See my list at members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message. Groove and others are talking about dance. New York is talking about WNEW, Infinity happenings, and links to a WNEW-only board (http://musicradio.computer.net/newboard/wwwboard/). Coast to coast has this and misc. And more.
1/27.7/03 - Headlines and more at www.radioink.com/:
1/27.6/03 - Headlines and more at www.radioandrecords.com/:
1/27.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" is different and fair. "The Lone Ranger" is mostly for kids.
1/27.4/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/27.3/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/27.2/03 - "Radio reaches digital age. The digital revolution is finally coming to radio." There have been several of these, but there could be something you missed. More at www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/01/27/BU111088.DTL&type=business. Larry's tip.
1/27.1/03 - "Mort Crim Broadcasts Live From Cuba," and it looks like they stream. See www.talkamerica.com/. Larry's tip, last week also.
1/27/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/. I'll bet it's something to which I don't listen. R&R above says it's KSCA/Los Angeles' 'El Cucuy.'
1/26.4/03 - "Infinity format flips in NYC, San Antonio, D/FW, L.A., and S.F.: Any guesses? A question with several comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=19551, the ctc bb.
1/26.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
1/26.2/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/26.1/03 - "Citizens Knocking on FCC's Door. You don't have to be an insider to get a private meeting with the agency's commissioners." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-fcc26jan26.story.
1/26/03 - Gary Lycan's OCR radio stuff:
1/25.7/03 - "On Jan. 25, 1961, President Kennedy held the first presidential news conference carried live on radio and television." Moreover.com/'s tip.
1/25.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy: "The Jack Benny Program" is usually ok, but I never got "The Great Gildersleeve."
1/25.4/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/25.3/03 - "Savage Nation (KPLS afternoons) debuts book #1 on NY Times list," says an older headline at www.laradio.com. Several talk hosts have had hit books recently, but they don't seem to last very long. KPLS 830 AM is that stupid talk station with a web page but no schedule. They deserve their non-existent ratings, for that reason alone.
1/25.2/03 - FYI - TV - "Super Bowl Sunday: What else is on TV? For un-football fans, there are Meg Ryan movies, shows on style and design and even 'Gone With the Wind.'" More at www.latimes.com/business/custom/cotown/la-et-braxton25jan25001440.story.
1/25.1/03 - "2 Firefighters Injured in Radio Station Blaze. Two firefighters suffered minor injuries Friday when a blaze swept through the second story of the Radio Free Vietnam building in Garden Grove, causing about $250,000 in damage." That's in Orange County. Slightly more at www.latimes.com/news/local/orange/news/la-me-ocbriefs25.1jan25.story?null. They don't mention which station, but I'm sure one could identify it.
1/25/03 - Virus hits Internet reports KFI. They say it mostly hit servers, like all over the world, but maybe mostly in Asia. After only a few minutes thing appear normal here.
1/24.10/03 - Super Bowl radio. The San Diego bb at members5.boardhost.com/KFMB/ comments, "KGB will have live coverage of the fireworks show on Saturday night." KGB 101.5 FM has a site at www.101kgb.com/ and lists Super Bowl activities. Fireworks is mentioned on their www.101kgb.com/jacor-common/sandiego/superbowl_page_all.html, after the concert. Caution - you may have to mega-click to back out of their site. I hate this.
1/24.9/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the best westerns, but "The Shadow," even with Orson Wells, is only ok.
1/24.8/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/24.7/03 - "New Katz study shows Arbitron response rates are down in the Fall book. Katz Radio Group's Shaunagh Guinness says the biggest culprit is the "significantly lower consent rates." Read the entire Katz report here." Get it at www.insideradio.com/.
1/24.6/03 - FYI - "Talk America's Mort Crim To Air From Cuba. Crim will broadcast his daily five-minute News Your Care About from Havana next week - some 40 years since the Cuban missile crisis - and will focus on his first-hand impressions of life in one of the world's few remaining Communist countries. Talk America Radio Networks will also offer a special one-hour feature on Crim's trip to Cuba upon his return." Says www.radioandrecords.com/. I'm not sure where to hear this, but check google and C&C. Google found several links like www.mortcrimsecondthoughts.com/ and www.talkamerica.com/ which seems to stream.
1/24.5/03 - "ABC Radio Networks Drops Mitch Albom Weekend Show. The WJR-AM/Detroit-based talk host will continue to host his Monday-Friday nationally syndicated program, but network brass has told affiliates it will no longer offer a weekend "best of" show." Says www.radioandrecords.com/. I never read his book either.
1/24.4/03 - FYI - "BBC Laying Off 61 TV, Radio Journalists. The British Broadcasting Corp. said Friday it was laying off 61 journalists as part of an effort to save $800 million." And, "The BBC is publicly owned and largely funded through a $181 annual license fee paid by all television owners." Do radio owners still pay fees? Bet they do. www.gainesvillesun.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20030124&Category=APF&ArtNo=301240981&Ref=AR. Moreover.com's tip.
1/24.3/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
1/24.2/03 - "It Takes a Truckload of Talent. SAN DIEGO -- On media day this week, between sessions with Raider and Buccaneer players and coaches..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-sp-tvcol24jan24.story. also:
1/24.1/03 - "DJ voices in tune with the standards. Gary Owens and Geoff Edwards are returning to the air as key players in the duel between stations playing big band and pop classics." This and more at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney24jan24.story.
1/24/03 - "Michael Jackson: Talk radio needs liberal, local views. Talk radio host Michael Jackson says more liberal voices are needed on talk radio." Plus KLAC and other schedule info and more. See u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E23540%257E1131184,00.html?search=filter.
1/23.11/03 - Melinda Lee mentioned the cost of her web-site updates the other day. It costs her either $90 or $95 (per each update, whatever?). Does anyone recall the exact details? And, she does update her site every week at www.melindalee.com/.
1/23.10/03 - FYI - Want to teach English in China, have a nice trip, and maybe write some of it off? Check out, "English chat opens doors in China." Also, of interest to me was, "One Chinese teacher of English told me that he and his colleagues advocate making English the official second language of China. By 2040, he hopes, China will be one of the largest English-speaking countries on Earth. Radio and television programs teach it to the public." More and other stuff at the rather short www.latimes.com/travel/advice/budget/la-tr-budget19jan19,0,638355.column?coll=la%2Dtravel%2Don%5Fa%5Fbudget. The group has a site at www.globalvolunteers.org/.
1/23.9/03 - News from MeasureCast at www.measurecast.com/:
1/23.8/03 - "Clear Channel Is The Focus Of Senate Hearing Next Week. WASHINGTON—January 23: The Wall Street Journal reports today that Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain (R-AZ) is planning a hearing next week on ownership concentration, focusing particularly on Clear Channel Communications." More at www.radioink.com/.
1/23.7/03 - Headlines at www.radioandrecords.com/:
1/23.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Dragnet," an early attempt at 'reality' police drama, is often interesting. Another TV version is due Monday??. "Box 13," writer hunts for stories, is usually good.
1/23.5/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/23.4/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/23.3/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
1/23.2/03 - "Take it as a sign they're listening. Watch out. That billboard you're driving by might be eavesdropping -- not on you but the radio station you're listening to. This month Alaris Media Network, an outdoor-advertising company based in Sacramento, is transforming its three electronic billboards in L.A. into "smart freeway signs." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/calwknd/cl-wk-billboard23jan23.story. A previous story talked about these boards in San Francisco, or something.
1/23.1/03 - "TV/radio knighted this Bishop. Not too long ago, a man walked into the Greek restaurant in San Diego's Seaport Village, peered at the owner, and blurted out: "Didn't you used to be Jerry G. Bishop?" And, more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
1/23/03 - "Former DJ knows radios inside and out. A 35-year broadcasting vet now restores vintage sets to museum quality. When Michael O'Brien retired in 1995 from life as a radio personality, he began restoring vintage radios – those built from 1922 through 1942 – to their original factory specifications." More at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=21740§ion=ACCENT&year=2003&month=1&day=23. See, the OCR has other radio stuff; I just don't have the time to find it all.
1/22.14/03 - Chef Jamie Gwen, last on KRLA, already has a web page on KABC. She's not quite as good as Melinda or Jackie, but she's good and has a different view. Also, she has had interesting guests and give-a-ways. See www.kabc.com/showdj.asp?DJID=14468.
1/22.13/03 - Kevin Mitnick is allowed to use a computer again, starting yesterday, and the word was he plans to start a computer security company. He has a site at www.kevinmitnick.com/ and hosted a computer show on KFI. Good luck to Kevin, he deserves it.
1/22.12/03 - So Cal Groove bb is using their new board at www.radio-info.com/boards/la/. They still have stuff at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/ but plan to stop posting here about 1/26/03.
1/22.11/03 - Can I get the Super Bowl on the radio? Check www.westwoodone.com/Press%20Releases/01_21_03(superbowlXXXVII).asp. Stuff like, "New York, NY – January 21, 2003 – Westwood One/CBS Radio Sports’ exclusive live coverage of Super Bowl XXXVII will air on more than 575 radio stations nationwide in 100 of the top 100 markets in America, and on American Forces Radio Network. Affiliates include ... KNX-AM [1070], Los Angeles ... andXTRA-AM [690 & 1150], San Diego. Westwood One/CBS Radio Sports’ pre-game coverage begins at 5:00 p.m. ET [2p L.A. time], followed by kickoff at approximately 6:20 p.m. ET [3:20p L.A. time] on Sunday, January 26, 2003, as the Oakland Raiders face the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Super Bowl XXXVII." For 'XTRA in San Diego', FOX Sports 1150 AM in L.A. and XTRA Sports 690 AM San Diego are now simulcasting as XTRA Sports 690 AM and 1150 AM, which can be heard in L.A.
1/22.10/03 - "HERE COMES THE SUPER BOWL. (January 23, 2003 7:25am) Westwood One says their exclusive radio broadcast of Sunday's Super Bowl will be heard on 575 stations nationwide. Westwood One/CBS Radio Sport's live coverage begins at 4pm Eastern from San Diego." Says www.newradiostar.com/. That 1p L.A. time, but expect the pre-game show to start about now.
1/22.9/03 - Stories and more at www.radioink.com/:
1/22.8/03 - Items at www.insideradio.com/:
1/22.7/03 - Other headlines at www.radioandrecords.com/. Some of these stories have been around for a day or more.
1/22.6/03 - "Study: Listeners Again Ask Radio To Backsell. Most prefer that DJs ID songs after music sets. About 82% of those surveyed by Paragon Media Strategies answered that it was "important [vs. 'not important'] that radio DJs announce artist and title of the songs you hear on the radio."" More at www.radioandrecords.com/.
1/22.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" can be ok, but "Tales of the Texas Rangers" seem rather dated to me, which isn't necessarly bad.
1/22.4/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/22.3/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/22.2/03 - FYI - "Area schools will get weather radios. COLUMBUS - The 42 public and parochial schools in Platte County will receive a belated Christmas gift this spring: Weather radios." More at www.columbustelegram.com/articles/2003/01/22/news/news3.txt. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
1/22.1/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com. See below for some details.
1/22/03 - "Amber Alert Expansion Gains. Senate OKs a bill to close national gaps in a system aimed at quickly finding abducted kids. House passage is still required." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-amber22jan22.story?null.
1/21.16/03 - Working - New KABC weekend schedule starts 2/8/03: (from LAT, Gary Lycan)
Saturday | Sunday |
1/21.15/03 - Gary Lycan's radio stuff from Sunday that my search missed. P.S. - I have bad luck searching the OCR, for some reason. See long URL, Richard Wagoner's board, for other tips.
1/21.14/03 - FYI - "THE SUPREME COURT'S COPYRIGHT EXTENSION DECISION: A Mickey Mouse Ruling." Thanks, but I'll wait for the movie or a better explanation. More at writ.news.findlaw.com/commentary/20030120_sprigman.html. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip.
1/21.13/03 - FYI - "3 Atlanta radio stations rocked by audience shifts. Radio listeners abandoned three longtime favorites in droves last fall, causing soul-searching in corporate offices across Atlanta." More at www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/living/0103/21radio.html. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip.
1/21.12/03 - "For Last Analog Holdout, Radio, a Time to Digitize. Thought much about digital radio lately? I didn't think so. But with all the buzz recently..." Introduces the new stuff and some prices. More at www.newsday.com/business/columnists/ny-pigear3097781jan21,0,4074899.column?coll=ny-business-columnists. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip.
1/21.11/03 - "Not everybody's ready for iBiquity's digital HD Radio. There's already one filing at the FCC asking it to slow down. Is another on the way?" From www.insideradio.com. 'People' are still saying bad things about HD, so who knows.
1/21.10/03 - Headlines at www.radioandrecords.com:
1/21.9/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Frontier Gentleman" has been ok. "Nightbeat" is usually good.
1/21.8/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/21.7/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/21.6/03 - "'Satellite Sisters' Success Story...looking for a program where people seemed to enjoy talking to, rather than arguing with, one another." More at www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/01/17/earlyshow/leisure/main537022.shtml. Moreover.com/'s tip. This ex-NPR show moves to KABC 2/8.
1/21.5/03 - "Salem Los Angeles Launches Five New Internet Stations. Beginning today, Tuesday, January 21, Salem Los Angeles will stream five new Internet-only stations, each featuring free continuous replays of top programs heard earlier in the day on the site’s terrestrial station." More at www.radiodailynews.com/salemstream.htm. Larry's tip.
1/21.4/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #558, dated 1/21/03. Stuff like and more:
1/21.3/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/. I know nothing yet.
1/21.2/03 - FYI - "Al-Jazeera, BBC sign access pact." Al-Jazeera, the Arab satellite television channel that has broadcast statements from Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network, has extended its reach into the West after signing an agreement with Britain's BBC." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick21.4jan21.story.
1/21.1/03 - "Crummey to return to KABC." Talk show host Joe Crummey is returning to KABC-AM (790) as part of an overhaul of the radio station's weekend schedule. His is one of three new shows that will premiere Feb. 8..." He's not one of my favorites. More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick21.1jan21.story. P.S. - Chef Janie was not on KRLA 5-6p on 1/19.
1/21/03 - "Gotta Dance," "Honors," and "Drama!"" in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early. The KNX program schedule is linked from above.
1/20/03 - Holiday
1/19.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
1/19.3/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/19.2/03 - Dance-music chat continues at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/. Some are titled KDL, 103.1, music/dance, whatever.
1/19.1/03 - "Mapping the Boundaries. Complete relaxation of the media ownership caps, as one analyst put it, could clear the way for a massive conglomerate called AOL Time Warner-NBC-Clear Channel-Gannett-New York Times-Tribune." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/politics/la-fi-mediabox19jan19001523.story?null.
1/19/03 - Gary Lycan's radio column. KABC changes etc.
1/18.8/03 New restaurant show, today, noon to 2p, on KFI 640 AM. Another KFI change puts Mario Martinoli, last on KABC, into this slot. He does do about the best restaurant/food show on the air. His old KABC page is still at www.kabc.com/showdj.asp?DJID=3660. Do you remember the station he was on before KABC and/or when Amy Strong was a regular on the show? One Answer: Cooking for Friends with Mario Martinoli, Sat noon-2p was on KYPA 1230 AM. Amy was full-time on that show.
1/18.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
1/18.6/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/18.5/03 - "Entravision Flips KSSC & KSSD/L.A. To Dance. The stations, which both air at 103.1 MHz, ceased their simulcasts of Spanish Contemporary KLYY, KSYY & KVYY/L.A. and KSSE (Super Estrella)/Riverside at 5pm today [1/17] to become "The Party Station, 103.1 KDL." "It was a question of wanting to maximize the opportunity with our combination of signals in the market," Entravision Radio VP/Programming Haz Montana tells R&R. "We felt there was an opportunity for this, and these were the perfect signals among all our assets to throw it on." The stations are airing 10,000 songs in a row commercial-free, and the first hour featured songs by Lasgo, Opus III, Nu Shooz, Stardust and Bob Marley & The Wailers. New call letters are pending for the stations, which are modeled after co-owned Dance-formatted KKDL/Dallas. KSSC & KSSD have a history of Dance programming: The two stations, formerly KACD & KBCD, were "Groove 103.1" in the late '90s and "Mars FM" in the early '90s. Super Estrella will stay on KSSE for now, but Montana says a format flip is imminent." www.radioandrecords.com/ had this yesterday. See the members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/ board for lots of comments, many with 'KDL' in the titles. Also, comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi, the ctcr bb.
1/18.4/03 - "Radio enthusiasts celebrate Marconi's 1903 breakthrough. One hundred years ago today, a young Italian inventor named Guglielmo Marconi stood on a sandy bluff on Cape Cod and sent a 54-word greeting from President Theodore Roosevelt across the ocean to England's King Edward VII." More at www.dominionpost.com/a/news/2003/01/18/aq/. Moreover.com/'s tip.
1/18.3/03 - FYI - Ventura County - "And, No. 1 on your radio dial ... Gold Coast's Q104.7 FM parties on after Arbitron rating." More at www.staronline.com/vcs/business/article/0,1375,VCS_128_1679684,00.html. Moreover.com/'s tip.
1/18.2/03 - KABC's new program schedule. Can you believe they're not displaying any program schedule - old or new? The schedule page just says, "Look for our new program schedule, effective February 8, 2003" Reminder - google probably has the old one.
1/18.1/03 - "LETTERS Filling a void REGARDING "22% of Americans Get News From Talk Jocks"..." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-letters18.3jan18.story.
1/18/03 - FYI - "Doubts on Diva's Airplay Numbers. Radio commercials for a Mariah Carey song fooled computers that tote up stations' spins." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-mariah18jan18001444.story. Once, they did use people to count such things; I didn't know computers were doing it.
1/17.10/03 - Another Jeff Levy computer show schedule change. He lost an hour on Sunday, he was 2-5p, and the 'Best of' Dr. Laura Schlessinger gains an hour. Keep an eye on www.kfi640.com/programming.html.
1/17.9/03 - Dr. Laura Schlessinger was scheduled for Larry King's radio show last night, but she wasn't on. I haven't seen or heard anything about why except that she wasn't suppose to discuss some topics. More if I get it.
1/17.8/03 - "Radio, Radio. Why not let the webcasters play?" Lots more at www.newarchitectmag.com/documents/s=7802/na0203g/index.html. www.insideradio.com/'s tip.
1/17.7/03 - Headlines at www.insideradio.com/:
1/17.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p), KNX 1070 AM.
1/17.5/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/17.4/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/17.3/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
1/17.2/03 - "Switch to Spanish signals industry growth. Last week, when KMXN-FM (94.3) in Orange County abandoned its alternative music format, a few listeners certainly lost their favorite station. But by changing to Spanish-language country and hip-hop, it has the potential to attract hundreds of thousands more." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney17jan17.story.
1/17.1/03 - "Media Ownership Rules Spark Debate at Forum. FCC chairman, artists and executives square off over proposals to relax the regulations. NEW YORK -- Proposals to relax media ownership rules are becoming a political hot potato even before a congressionally mandated review is complete." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-fcc17jan17.story. There have been several stories on this topic, and this is another.
1/17/03 - "Radio Calendar," Gary Lycan's long list of radio-program tips is at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=20873§ion=SHOW&year=2003&month=1&day=17.
1/16.8/03 - "Hispanic Broadcasting to air finance show. Hispanic Broadcasting Corp., the largest U.S. Spanish-language radio broadcaster, is launching a new one-hour, financial advice program Jan. 18. The show, hosted by bestselling author Julie Stav, will be heard on HBC Spanish-language radio stations in 10 markets: Los Angeles..." More at www.bizjournals.com/dallas/stories/2003/01/13/daily32.html. Moreover.com/'s tip. HBC has a site at www.hispanicbroadcasting.com/, but a quick look didn't find the schedule for this show. Their L.A. stations appear to stream and are linked from www.hispanicbroadcasting.com/coverageLA.htm.
1/16.7/03 - FYI - "New place to talk about streaming radio" says radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=19065, the ctcr bb. The site is at www.radiofeeds.co.uk/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi, in the UK, with mostly? UK stuff.
1/16.6/03 - www.radiodrops.com/forums/, a hugh complex of radio message boards, isn't working today. It started on 11/15/02 and only about three or four poeple ever joined. You had to join and provide a real email address to post on the board. Only two or three messages were ever posted. Who knows what happened; maybe the site is just having a bad day.
1/16.5/03 - Headlines at www.radioandrecords.com/:
1/16.4/03 - "Dr. Laura is Larry King's guest for the full hour tonight on CNN. It's her first interview since the death of her mom in late December." Says www.insideradio.com/. KFWB 980 AM, 8-9p.
1/16.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p), KNX 1070 AM.
1/16.2/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/16.1/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
1/16/03 - "Online radio goes offline, again. Do you ever feel like there really are conspiracies in the world, that all those wackjobs with their black helicopters and government plots might actually be on to something?" This and more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
1/15.13/03 - FYI - Giant Lava Lamp - town wants to build it. See www.giantlavalamp.com/. Tip from the LAT at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-lava12jan12.story?null, but they also had two pics and a map in the 1/12/03 paper, page A20. Stay tuned to Lava Lamp Central for new stuff. Also see the 1/10.11/03 Flash.
1/15.12/03 - "Things Jeff Levy got wrong," a site they mentioned on Bill Handel's show, without comment, and google found this one. There could be others. Try home.earthlink.net/~duneboy79/tjlgw.html. Reminder: KABC, KRLA, and other stations have other (better) computer shows. And, the link above lists streamers.
1/15.11/03 - Southern California Groove bb moves to www.radio-info.com. "...I will make another announcement when the new board is ready to go with the URL. Once the board is up and ready, you will no longer be able to post here but must post on the new board. You can also check at http://www.radio-info.com [www.radio-info.com/] to see if the Southern California board is up." More at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/msg/13939.html. This is about the last major L.A. radio bb, but they're stuck on music and a few are busy being mean to each other. See C&C for other and newer bb's. The last L.A radio bb on www.radio-info.com folded 4/10/02, probably due to low usage.
1/15.10/03 - Headlines at www.radioandrecords.com/.
1/15.9/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p), KNX 1070 AM. Note new times on Wednesday.
1/15.8/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/15.7/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/15.6/03 - "LARadio.com Top 10 LARP Stories of 2002. See www.laradio.com/2002top10.htm. You may have to 'X' out the sign-in box a few times to see this.
1/15.5/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/. This is from the free stuff.
1/15.4/03 - "Local radio stations move to Burbank. Clear Channel consolidates eight stations to the Pinnacle building in Media District West. MEDIA DISTRICT WEST -- The reputed media capital of the world is furthering that reputation with the announcement that eight radio stations will set up shop in the city." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/burbank/news/la-blr-radio15jan15.story. This is about their third story on this issue, in case you missed it.
1/15.3/03 - "Is this the last stand for media diversity? The dictionary defines "diversity" as "difference, variety." But is just having more, by itself, better? And is the near-sacrosanct ideal of free expression served if many alternatives are controlled by only a few?" More at www.latimes.com/business/custom/cotown/la-et-lowry15jan15001435.story.
1/15.2/03 - "FCC Chief Reassures Panel on Media Limits. Michael Powell signals to lawmakers that he probably won't throw out ownership rules. WASHINGTON -- The government's chief communications regulator told lawmakers Tuesday that he shares their concerns about growing media consolidation and hinted that he's unlikely to completely eliminate existing broadcast ownership rules, as some have suggested he might." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-powell15jan15.story?null.
1/15.1/03 - "L.A. is Sinatra's kind of town. Radio: Top radio stories of 2002. The year began with Los Angeles Frank Sinatra lovers..." More at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E23540%257E1099868,00.html?search=filter. This didn't appear on previous searches, so, for sure, newspapers searches are a hit and miss deal.
1/15/03 - "Fall Arbitrons" is the topic at Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
1/14.12/03 - "Ask the Chief" Wednesday, 1/15/03, 10-11a, KFWB 980 AM. Also, watch for, ""Ask the Dodgers" generally airs the first Wednesday of each month, at least into Spring Training."
1/14.11/03 - "Ask the ...." schedule. This often doesn't work, but here's their plan, KFWB 980 AM, 10-11a. Keep checking www.kfwb.com/inside.asp".
1/14.10/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #557, dated 1/14/03. More items of consumer interest than usual.
1/14.9/03 - FYI - "Interesting Use of FM Subcarrier." How about AM talk? More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/188893.html, the NYr bb.
1/14.8/03 - "IBOC Audio Samples. For those who have not heard IBOC in it's latest software incarnation, WOR has kindly provided samples and, perhaps, nails for it's coffin." More, links, and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/188862.html, the NYr bb.
1/14.7/03 - KIIS-FM transmitter for sale. See cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=4660&item=3107707464, with pics, specs, etc. Tip from the engineering bb.
1/14.6/03 - "AP Signs NPR To Multi-Year Deal. Associated Press Radio has signed National Public Radio (NPR) to a multiyear agreement to provide them around-the-clock audio, a full stream of text news and information for on-air and online use, and licensing to distribute AP content to key clients." More at www.radioink.com/HeadlineEntry.asp?hid=100430&pt=Ink+Headlines.
1/14.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
1/14.4/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/14.3/03 - "Digital Radio Debuts. At first it sounded like just another AM radio broadcast...Then a few seconds later, the sound quality changed. It grew depth, clarity, bass and warmth. It sounded almost as good as an FM stereo radio broadcast, suitable once again for music." More at www.forbes.com/home/2003/01/14/cx_ah_0114tentech.html.
1/14.2/03 - "The Buzz is about Boortz! For the third year in a row, the readers of Radio&Records Magazine have nominated Neal Boortz as “Talk Show Personality of the Year!”" More at coxradiosyndication.com/press/index.html#buzz. Larry's tip. Locally, he was on KPLS 830 AM, but I don't see him on the current schedules. His site at www.boortz.com/ seems to stream, but it doesn't have a list of his stations - bumb, unless there aren't many stations.
1/14.1/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
1/14/03 - "Sirius Satellite May Face Bankruptcy. Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. said it may be forced to file for Bankruptcy Court protection if the company, which offers more than 100 radio channels that can be heard across the U.S., can't complete a refinancing by June." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-rup14.10jan14.story.
1/13.14/03 - "2002 Broadcast Totals" from radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=18945, the ctcr bb. "From the FCC press release dated January 13, 2003. AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2002..."
1/13.13/03 - Different computer show on KRLA 870 AM, Sunday, noon-1p. Now it's L.A. Jason (or whatever) with a site at www.lajason.com/ that contains info, tips, etc. The 1/12/03 show was his first, about viruses, he's some sort of a computer tech, but he did ok. Next week he'll have someone from Norton anti-virus. It's a brokered show which means he pay for the time up front and tries to sell ads to recover the money. Try the show. He takes calls and gave Norton AV to many callers last week.
1/13.12/03 - The L.A. Times radio tips for Sunday were in the Calendar section. Not in Part I nor in Part II, but in the other Part I, the thin Part I section. I forget the page number, but they had almost a column and a half of tips.
1/13.11/03 - A transistor radio collection was mentioned and linked from the NYr bb. It's at www.transistor.org/collection/collection.html. It could contain hundreds of radios. Comments under musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/188608.html.
1/13.10/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" is different and slightly interesting.
1/13.9/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/13.8/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/13.7/03 - "iBiquity predicts 100 stations be on the air with HD Radio by the end of March." From www.insideradio.com/.
1/13.6/03 - "Most Clear Channel Streams To Resume Soon. The company's New York station streams returned Thursday and more are on the way..." From www.radioandrecords.com/.
1/13.5/03 - The Car Nut is still around at www.steveparker.com/EVENTS/2003_LAAutoShow.htm. Larry's tip. He had a show on L.A. radio.
1/13.4/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
1/13.3/03 - "Thousands Rally Against War in Iraq, Push Peace. Thousands of people protesting a looming U.S.-led war against Iraq marched through downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, with many chanting, "We want peace!" And, "Sponsored by KPFK-FM (90.7) radio and several peace organizations..." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/wire/la-me-protest12jan12.story. See 1/11/03 Flashes for minor info, but I don't recall mention that KPFK was a 'sponsor.'
1/13.2/03 - "NPR awarded $14 million from MacArthur Foundation. National Public Radio is being awarded the largest grant in its history, $14 million, as part of $42 million in gifts announced today by the philanthropic John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-carney13jan13.story.
1/13.1/03 - "Local radio stations moving next door. Clear Channel consolidates eight stations, including Glendale's KBIG and KOST, to Burbank." Another version of last week's story at www.latimes.com/news/local/glendale/news/la-gnp-radio11jan13.story.
1/13/03 - Gary Lycan's column from the OCR:
1/12/03 - see 1/13/03.
1/11.6/03 - Anti-Iraq-war rally live from L.A. from 2-4:30p on KPFK 90.7 FM. Also, the host from noon-2p on KFI took a few calls from witnesses. Also, if you speak Farsi you might keep an ear on KIRN 670 AM.
1/11.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
1/11.4/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/11.3/03 - "A Statement from the Non-Streaming CCU stations." See radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=18665, the ctcr bb.
1/11.2/03 - FYI - "KGO Good As Gold. The Bay Area's perennial chart-topper [all-news KGO] once again takes top honors in San Francisco and San Jose, where KGO opens up a 2.2-share lead over No. 2 KYLD." From www.radioandrecords.com. KGO 810 AM comes in will in L.A. Strange how news/talk is at the top in some areas and lower in others.
1/11.1/03 - "Digital Radio in 2003? With financial backing from major broadcasters and technology companies, start-up company iBiquity is looking to make 2003 the year of broadcasting digitally." More on yesterday's story and link at www.atnewyork.com/news/article.php/1568211. Moreover.com/'s tip. ibiquity is at www.ibiquity.com/.
1/11/03 - Corrections and additions.
1/10.12/03 - Nick Federoff's "Garden Talk," recently Sat 5-6a, once Sat & Sun on KFI 640 AM, is gone. Bill Handel said (or something like) that Nick, the then-senior host on KFI, was offered the 4-5a slot (on Sat?) but left instead. May 2003 would have been about the 14th year for Nick. www.google.com probably has archived stuff like www.kfi640.com/hosts/nick/nick.html. Bill is now the senior host, starting about 1989? Nick's site is at greatdayamerica.com/thingsgreen/, and it may stream.
1/10.11/03 - FYI - Combine Lava Lamps, random numbers, and crypto and you have www.lavarnd.org/, my new favorite graphic site. They plan to update soon. This was in the 'Computer Factoid' column, titled 'Random This' in the 1/2003 www.thetechmag.com/, but I don't see it on their site yet.
1/10.10/03 - San Diego - "Clear Channel Losing Local Listeners Big Time! With the exception of KOCL-FM which played Christmas songs during this period..." More at members5.boardhost.com/KFMB/msg/333.html, the SD bb.
1/10.9/03 - "40 Markets to Broadcast HD Radio in Early 2003. iBiquity Licenses Over 35 Broadcast Groups for Digital AM/FM Conversion Across U.S." More at biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030110/phf012_1.html, the NYR bb and source of this tip. Also see the 1/10.3/03 Flash.
1/10.8/03 - "CC stations to resume streaming - including NYC... Today's Radio and Internet Newsletter reports that 45 Clear Channel stations are set to resume streaming, under a new deal with streaming provider Hiwire. From the report:
"Clear Channel markets that are resuming streaming include New York City, Washington DC, Atlanta, Denver, Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Minneapolis-St.Paul, and Sacramento, according to Brian Parsons, Clear Channel Director of Technology."
Read the full article at this link: RAIN Website." For RAIN see above or the following link. From
musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/188548.html, the NYr bb.
1/10.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the better Westerns. "The Shadow," even with Orson Wells, is only average.
1/10.6/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/10.5/03 - "Bill Gates Reveals New Microsoft “Wrist Radio” LAS VEGAS—January 10: Speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show In Las Vegas, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates announced the development of a new watch designed to receive data over FM radio spectrum leased by Microsoft, a system the company calls DirectBand. [Yahoo!]" Says www.radioink.com/. More non-compatable stuff.
1/10.4/03 - Headlines at www.insideradio.com/:
1/10.3/03 - Headlines at www.radioandrecords.com/:
1/10.2/03 - "KPFK Archival Benefit" is a headline at www.laradio.com. The KPFK site probably has the details.
1/10.1/03 - "22% of Americans get news from talk jocks. Rush Limbaugh...Bill O'Reilly...Talk-radio pioneer Michael Jackson went even further, calling the findings "extremely sad." "I wouldn't want my most ardent listeners to think of me as their major source of news,"..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney10jan10.story.
1/10/03 - Gary Lycan's "Radio Calendar" of program picks, today about 11 pages, at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=19868§ion=SHOW&year=2003&month=1&day=10. It's hard to keep such a big list up-to-date, I know, but check his listings. P.S. - their site is rather quick today, not as slow as most days. And, search seems to work today.
1/9.17/03 - Christmas music results, a few comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=18515, the ctcr bb. Positive results, it seems.
1/9.16/03 - Your pocket guide to the new KFI schedule. Clip and save.
Monday-Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
[Monday only
1/9.15/03 - KFI's new schedule is posted at www.kfi640.com/programming.html. I can't believe they'll keep the 'best-of' shows. Expect (or wish for) more changes.
1/9.14/03 - "FEINGOLD CONTINUING WITH BILL TO STOP CONSOLIDATION. Wisconsin Congressman Russ Feingold told a gathering of the Future of Music Coalition in Washigton that he was continuing to pursue his bill to stop radio and the music business consolidation." More at www.newradiostar.com/ which is often too slow for me due to all the graphics. Just the news please.
1/9.13/03 - "Spending more time in traffic? Arbitron's new study on commuter patterns shows drive-time commutes are up in all 286 metros in the last decade -- up an average 13.8%." Says www.insideradio.com/.
1/9.12/03 - "FCC Yanks Trust Authorization For KFWB/L.A. The commission initially granted Viacom's request to place the News station into a trust - something the company needed because its acquisition of KCAL-TV/Los Angeles put it over the FCC's ownership limits. But now the FCC admits it may have acted hastily in authorizing the trust." More at www.radioandrecords.com/.
1/9.11/03 - FYI - "Digital radio sales go through the roof. The number of digital radios in the UK more than doubled over Christmas as the new £99 set became the year's must-have gift." More at media.guardian.co.uk/radio/story/0,12636,870943,00.html. Moreover.com/'s tip.
1/9.10/03 - How did the talk stations do this month? From the links below.
1/9.9/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
1/9.8/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Fluff week concludes with:
1/9.7/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/9.6/03 - "Warren Duffy, KKLA 99.5 FM’s Award-Winning Broadcaster. To Leave "LIVE FROM L.A" in January, 2004. Earlier this week during his ninth anniversary program on KKLA 99.5 FM, veteran radio personality Warren Duffy announced to listeners that he would be leaving "DUFFY & COMPANY/LIVE FROM L.A." following his10th anniversary show, airing Friday, January 2, 2004." More at www.radiodailynews.com/duffynrb.htm. Larry's tip. Their only 'big' show.
1/9.5/03 - "Radio Ditches Webcasts En Masse. First came the fuss over double compensation for the radio-commercial actors. Then the flap over royalties for recording artists. Now the slap-happy Internet radio business is reeling from another hit, this time from the nation's most popular network of online stations." More at www.wired.com/news/digiwood/0,1412,57134,00.html. Larry's tip. See the link to other misc Randy Dotinga stories.
1/9.4/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #556, dated 1/8/03.
1/9.3/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
1/9.2/03 - "MY FAVORITE WEEKEND KROQ's Kevin Ryder. Kevin Ryder is half of KROQ radio's morning team, Kevin and Bean; Ryder claims he's "the more heterosexual of the two."" More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/calwknd/cl-wk-fav9jan09.story.
1/9.1/03 - "RADIO 106's staying power. The rap outlet remains on top in ratings. Coello, Harvey dominate mornings. Rap outlet KPWR-FM (105.9) widened its lead as the Southland's top radio station..." And, "And Bill Handel at talk station KFI-AM (640) fell from second to fifth as his audience share plunged from 5.5% in the summer to 4.3% in the fall." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/calwknd/cl-wk-carney9jan09.story. P.S. - In the paper they had the top 25 positions listed in an easier-to-see table. And, I do seem to have notices a decline in the quailty of Bill Handel's news.
1/9/03 - "Local music makes a splash. Sometimes you just can't believe the headlines, like the ones on the tabloids at the supermarket: "Hitler predicted rise of J. Lo!" "Pope goes on Zone Diet!" More in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
1/8.7/03 - Computer shows on the radio moves. Out of time - see my bb.
"New Home for Computer Talk Radio Links
Posted by Jack on 1/8/2003, 2:45 pm
I have finally decided to move up to Broadband. Unfortunatly with the move I will be loosing my free web space with my current ISP. A link to my site is listed within this site and I would like to leave the new address.
Thanks for the update on the Jeff Levy show - site has been updated.
Link: Computer Talk Radio Links"
1/8.6/03 - FYI - Expect some heavy-duty group commitments to "HD" digital radio in Vegas. Inside Radio hears Greater Media's Peter Smyth is committing well over $1M to convert all 19 of his stations - as quickly as the end of this year." From www.insideradio.com/.
1/8.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. New times for Wednesday. "The Third Man" even with Orson Wells is only ok.
1/8.4/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/8.3/03 - Today's L.A. Arbitrons:
1/8.2/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/ and that's all for free.
1/8.1/03 - "Clear Channel Stations to Broadcast From Burbank. Clear Channel Communications Inc. will consolidate its eight Los Angeles-area radio stations in a new Burbank office building with a 95,000-square-foot...for FM stations KIIS, KHHT, KBIG, KYSR and KOST, and for AM stations KFI, KXTA and KLAC." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-clear8jan08.story?null.
1/8/03 - Quickies, all on KNX 1070 AM:
1/7.5/03 - KFI's weekend schedule changes. Nothing new today. Check yesterday's Flashes for stuff.
1/7.4/03 - "First U.S. IBOC Station Debuts In The Motor City. Radio One's Urban AC WDMK/Detroit becomes the first commercial station to broadcast using iBiquity's HD Radio in-band on-channel digital broadcast technology, and Radio One President/CEO Alfred Liggins says his company will continue to transition its stations to HD Radio in several of its markets throughout 2003. HD Radio was officially endorsed by the FCC as the recommended delivery method for digital broadcasting in the U.S." Says www.radioandrecords.com/, but there are about three other stations on the air. They have a site which won't let you back out at http://www.1027kissdetroit.com/1027/index.htm, and it doesn't say anything. Just say no; don't go!
1/7.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. I don't recall "The Frontier Gentleman." "Nightbeat" usually has a good story; just don't let the newspaper theme turn you off.
1/7.2/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/7.1/03 - Stuff from www.moreover.com/:
1/7/03 - "KLAC Gets Some Personality," "Big Fan," and "Ibiquity Deal" in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early. See below for newer KLAC stuff.
1/6.7/03 - "KFI shakes up weekends" says www.laradio.com, but he doesn't give any details for free. I'm on the case. Check the 1/4.13/03 and 1/5.5/03 Flashes for some info, and keep an eye on www.kfi640.com/programming.html, but not much yet. So far, looks like:
1/6.6/03 - More public affairs shows on KOST and KBIG. Maybe I'm nuts or maybe I heard public affairs shows on KOST 103.5 FM and KBIG 104.3 FM on Sunday between about 6-7a. I did check their web sites, but I didn't see any info. More if I find it.
1/6.5/03 - Less is more but still too much. Few seem to listen to sports radio in L.A., but this newest story is in the media, like at forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=128.1, a new bb, who says, "FOX SPORTS AM 1150 in L.A. and XTRA SPORTS 690 San Diego are now simulcasting as XTRA SPORTS 690 AND 1150."
1/6.4/03 - Overnight talk on KLAC 570 AM. I warned you. See comments at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/msg/13583.html, the sc groove bb. It's also on the ctcr bb at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=18151. See the 1/3.17/03 Flash for a few details. The Bozo site is at www.thebozo.com/, and it mentions the show being on KLAC and links to the KLAC site.
1/6.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. If I recall corectly, I may like "Mr. and Mrs. North." However, sorry, but "The Lone Ranger" was meant as a kid's show.
1/6.2/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Fluff this week.
1/6.1/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/6/03 - FYI - "Hispanic Deals Get Done. In a series of moves that is sure to crank up competition for the Spanish-language radio audience, four Hispanic radio groups struck deals last week to add to their station clusters in Los Angeles and Chicago." More at www.adweek.com/adweek/headlines/advertising_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1787429. Moreover.com/'s tip.
1/5.6/03 - "Former KFI'er Rabbi Mentz, has created a Web site, as he is anxious to get back on the air. It's www.rabbimentz.com/." From Gary Lycan's "Web Chat" linked below.
1/5.5/03 - Weekend schedule changes at KFI 640 AM are being mentioned this weekend and will start next weekend. Keep an eye on www.kfi640.com/programming.html, but they haven't posted any changes yet. So far only Melinda and Jeff seem secure:
1/5.4/03 - L.A. Times radio tips for today are in the Calendar section, on page E32 - about three half-columns of tips. I'm sure it contains mistakes, like the Rabbi has been gone for weeks.
1/5.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
1/5.2/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/5.1/03 - "Heard It on the Radio. Soap opera warns of hard times in U.S. LOS ANGELES TIMES. Los Angeles - Mexican officials, worried about the problems and dangers facing Mexican immigrants in the United States, are dramatizing the issues to their people with a radio soap opera." More at www.newsday.com/news/printedition/ny-wolati053074395jan05,0,3685054.story?coll=ny%2Dnews%2Dprint. Moreover.com/'s tip. This story has been reported before.
1/5/03 - Gary Lycan's radio stuff in the OCR:
1/4.15/03 - The NOAA weather channels on my Sony radio always had poor reception, but the other day I noticed I could hear reports on five of the seven channels, and two of these channels were strong. The other two channels were just noise. Maybe it's winter or the San Fernando Valley, or whatever.
1/4.14/03 - LA City.com - a new radio info page. These guys linked to me and have L.A. radio info at developer2.imssoft.com/lacity_live/Default.asp. Try it.
1/4.13/03 - Weekend schedule changes at KFI 640 AM are being announced today for next weekend. Keep an eye on www.kfi640.com/programming.html, but they haven't posted any changes yet. This will give us a chance to see what the new PD Robin Bertolucci (who replaced David G. Hall) can do. She needs to fill holes and voids in the schedule. So far:
1/4.12/03 - Talk Radio Now, a newish site, at www.talkradionow.com/. Found it on the NYr bb. One comment was, "Re: Re: Re: And so it starts for the Art Bell cancelations...>>www.talkradionow.com<<... Great site ... good replacement for talkradioroundup. Thanks for posting the link." This could be the new version of www.talkradioroundup cause it already has a link to me, and I'll link back.
1/4.11/03 - FYI - "Iraqi soldiers urged to lay down arms in latest American propaganda effort. US and British forces have been stepping up propaganda efforts to encourage Iraqi soldiers to lay down their arms – dropping millions of leaflets over major cities and encouraging the troops to tune in to special anti-Saddam radio broadcasts." More at news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=366463. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
1/4.10/03 - "HEY! CHECKOUT MY PICS - TANYA 1/3/2003, 11:00 am." This was on a few bb's yesterday, and it locked me up. Don't bother. It's still on the San Diego bb.
1/4.9/03 - "Larry Elder Set For WLS/Chicago Overnights. His ABC Radio Networks-syndicated show fills the midnight-3am slot previously held by Premiere's Coast To Coast AM; that show, hosted by George Noory since Art Bell's Dec. 31, 2002 retirement, will follow Elder's program. The Larry Elder Show, based out of KABC-AM/Los Angeles, is set to debut on WLS on Tuesday. Elder is widely known in Chicago as the host of the syndicated TV show Moral Court." From www.radioandrecords.com/ where they do update the site on Saturday. 'Someone' said George Noory's numbers were up, but stations could reduce or drop the show if his numbers drop.
1/4.8/03 - Michael Jackson on talk radio. His site, linked above, says, "In the first week of January look for Michael's article on Talk Radio in the 'Daily Variety.'" I didn't see anything today, but it's not all free. P.S. - I returned to his site today, and this notice was deleted. What's up?
1/4.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy tonight. Check the date and location of the "The Jack Benny Program." "The Great Gildersleeve" was never one of my favorites, but give it a try.
1/4.6/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/4.5/03 - FYI - Radio...someone sitll loves you. The myth of the radio being a poor cousin of television has been shattered... says Hardeep Singh Chandpuri." From India with radio news, etc., at www.tribuneindia.com/2003/20030104/windows/main1.htm. Larry's tip.
1/4.4/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #555, dated 1/3/03. It also says, "...Steve Blodgett, W7RNA, will assume the helm as Letters Editor."
1/4.3/03 - "LETTERS Getting to the root of raunch. MANY try to imitate Howard Stern...I hear real people speaking the way we do while among friends." I resist comment. More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-letters4.1jan04.story.
1/4.2/03 - "FAMILY TIME Dr. Laura deserves a fair shake." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/pilot/columnists/la-dpt-smith04jan04.story.
1/4.1/03 - "LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The FCC Looks at the Rules ." Two at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-le-spiegelman4jan04.story.
1/4/03 - A reminder. Gary Lycan's top-10 stories of 2002 are still listed in his last-Sunday column at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=18158, but they may not be available for free starting tomarrow.
1/3.18/03 - Concerning Jackie Olden on KCMJ, you probably won't receive the station in L.A. See the 1/2.11/03 Flash for details. The KCMJ daytime (5,000 Watts) coverage map is estimated at www.radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/pat?call=KCMJ&service=AM&status=L&hours=D. Nights (750 Watts) are even worse, check www.radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/pat?call=KCMJ&service=AM&status=L&hours=N.
1/3.17/03 - Watch for an overnight show on KLAC starting Monday, suggested the Bill Handel show this morning on KFI. Details when available. Or, keep an eye on www.570klac.com/, but I didn't notice anything yet.
1/3.16/03 - For Spanish-radio fans:
"Hispanic star turns focus to airwaves. Syndication for radio talk show pursued in major U.S. cities, Mexico, other regions. lga Breeskin has been one of Mexico's most popular all-around entertainers for decades."
And, "Olga Breeskin hosts an entertainment talk show on KRLV-AM, featuring live interviews with the biggest and brightest of Latin America's stars. The show is expected to be syndicated in major U.S. cities and Mexico by the end of the month."
1/3.15/03 - Concerning "Salem may be buying KPLS" below, KPLS may have good shows, but no one knows what or when. A sale could be a good thing. KPLS has been unable to assemble a program schedule on their web site or even keep the site up. However, Salem usually can, but changes can take a while. And, KPLS never gets good Arbitron numbers.
1/3.14/03 - Clear Channel streams in L.A. and San Diego. "Clear Channel Stops Streaming of San Diego Stations only KOGO is still streaming. 91X's website still has a "streaming is back" page, but the stream seems to have been discontinued as well. From Los Angeles, KIIS-FM is still streaming, and so is KBIG 104, KOST 103.5, Star 98.7, Hot 92.3, KFI 640, and KLAC 570. Fox Sports 1150 is offline until January 6th." From members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/msg/13479.html, the sc groove bb.
1/3.13/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke," one of the better Westerns, moves to Friday, and "The Shadow" hasn't been played for a while. I don't remember if I liked it or not.
1/3.12/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/3.11/03 - "From RAIN Newsletter www.kurthanson.com. Their spin on the CCU [CCC] streaming." Details at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=17958, the ctcr bb.
1/3.10/03 - The message board are saying:
1/3.9/03 - Headlines from www.radioink.com/:
1/3.8/03 - Other headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/.
1/3.7/03 - "FCC Clears Move Of KFWB/L.A. Into Trust. Infinity could end up running station again. Without much ado, the official paperwork for the placement of Infinity's News KFWB/Los Angeles into a trust controlled by former Shamrock Broadcasting President Bill Clark received the commission's green light today. The move was necessary to allow Infinity parent Viacom to proceed with its purchase of KCAL-TV/Los Angeles, which put the company over market ownership limits. Still, Infinity is expected to regain control of KFWB following the expected abolishment of the FCC's cross-ownership rules." From www.radioandrecords.com/.
1/3.6/03 - "Clear Channel Stops Streaming of Most San Diego Stations." A headline at calradio.tripod.com/, David Tanny's radio news.
1/3.5/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
1/3.4/03 - silly - "Shoe-Bomber Is Denied Use of Radio in His Jail Cell. A federal judge rejects Richard Reid's request after prosecutors argue that he could try to contact the outside world with the device...posed a national security risk." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-na-reid3jan03.story.
1/3.3/03 - "Surveys seem to conflict. Which is correct?: (a) Americans love radio and say it gives them everything they want and need, or (b) they're fed up with homogenized radio playlists and yearn for more diversity. Well, it's both..."
1/3.2/03 - "Networks Petition FCC on Ownership Limits. Top TV broadcasters say studies show that the media restrictions are not needed to ensure competition, diversity. WASHINGTON -- Three of the nation's top television networks urged the federal government Thursday to scrap all remaining media-ownership rules, which they said are no longer needed to spur competition among broadcasters and ensure diversity on television." Right. More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-media3jan03.story?null.
1/3.1/03 - "Radio calendar" of program tips by Gary Lycan from the OCR, about 15 pages worth, are at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=18858§ion=SHOW&year=2003&month=1&day=3.
1/3/03 - "Another local indie station sold," "XM Christmas," "Switch," and "The Play" in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at www.dailybreeze.com/content/rav/nm6495.html. It's not on his site yet.
1/2.11/03 - "Jackie Olden updated info.
Posted by Debbie on 1/2/2003, 8:43 am.
Here's the latest schedule info on Jackie Olden. She's on every morning, Monday thru Friday.
Link: www.desertfun.com/RecipeOfTheDay/recipe.html."
1/2.10/03 - Clark Howard and Dr. Dean Edell, gone from KLAC, are also on KXNT 840 AM from Las Vegas. The station may be on the same time as L.A. or could be an hour different. See www.kxnt.com/programs.asp for their schedule. KXNT often puts a good signal into L.A., especially on winter nights.
1/2.9/03 - KOMO 1000 AM came in last night, into the San Fernando Valley, between 10-11p like a local station, but they did fade in and out. It's all news from Seattle, Washington. There's also a San Diego station (KCEO) on 1000 AM which I couldn't hear. KOMO has a site at www.komo-am.com/. P.S. - This is the season for longer nights, so check for distant stations. 740 AM, 810 AM, 840 AM, etc. also came in well.
1/2.8/03 - Headlines at www.radioandrecords.com/:
1/2.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
1/2.6/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/2.5/03 - "Radio station sponsors blood drive at Pasadena Town Square Mall. Pasadena Town Square Mall was chosen to be one of the collection sites for KSBJ Radio's 16th Annual Share Life Blood Drive. The blood drive started Tuesday and will continue through Saturday." More at www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=6569074&BRD=1579&PAG=461&dept_id=181233&rfi=6. Moreover.com/'s tip.
1/2.4/03 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
1/2.3/03 - FYI - "ON TV King Stern's legacy: He launched the raunch. Given the excitement that customarily surrounds year-end awards..."On TV" begins its own tradition by naming a media person who best represented the state and tone of television in 2002... congratulations, Howard Stern." More at www.latimes.com/business/custom/cotown/la-et-lowry01jan01001440.story, from yesterday.
1/2.2/03 - "RADIO Making (air)waves. Radio star Renan Almendarez Coello evokes admiration and ire. For five years, Renan Almendarez Coello -- "El Cucuy de la Manana," or "morning Boogeyman" to his radio audience -- has ruled morning radio in Los Angeles." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-mena1jan01.story, from yesterday.
1/2.1/03 - "Diversity Is Urged in Media Ownership. Major ad agency will tell FCC that consolidation will drive up advertising costs, stifle innovation." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-fcc2jan02001438.story.
1/2/03 - "KSDO to try a new path. KSDO, toward the right end of the AM dial, has more history than half the other radio operations in town put together. But it's struggled for years, and now a new owner has come in to try his luck." More in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. KSDO is 1130 AM in San Diego with a site at www.ksdo.com/. Under good conditions it can be heard in L.A., and they have (had) a interesting talk schedule.
1/1.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. About "The Third Man," http://classictheatre.tripod.com/thirdman/ says, "It started as a brilliant novel by Graham Greene, "The Third Man" which became a smash hit movie for 1949. Then, in 1951 to '52 it became a weekly radio show starring Orson Welles as the infamous Harry Lime..." But first:
1/1.3/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
1/1.2/03 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
1/1.1/03 - Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM. Art's last show was 12/31/02 and into 1/1/03, and his web site www.artbell.com/ will be deleted soon. Art will be replaced by George Noory and Barbara Simpson who have a web site at www.coasttocoastam.com/. However, it's not clear to me which stations, if any, will carry the new show without Art. These local stations carry the show now.
1/1/03 - 710 AM and 1110 AM switch. Today, KDIS 710 AM (kids) and KSPN 1110 AM (sports) switch frequencies. KSPN 710 AM will be sports and KDIS 1110 AM will be kids. A story at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney27dec27,0,3027178.story?coll=cl%2Dradio. Too bad, cause I receive 710 better than 1110.
Tuesday |
Wednesday [10-11p starting 1/8/02]
Thursday Friday |
Sunday |
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