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Shows: - Larry King (or Dodgers) Mo-Fr 8-9p KFWB 980 AM ||| KNX 1070 AM: KNX Drama Hour daily 9-10p (We 10-11p), "60 Minutes" Sun 7-8p, "60 Minutes II" Wed 9-10p, Sat: Bush 7:06a, Dems 8:06a.

  • L.A. Weekly's ?program picks? ||| NPR streams & news ||| "Ask the Mayor/Chief/School" Weds 10a KFWB 980 AM

  • Warren Eckstein pet show Sa 11a-1p KRLA 870 AM.
  • China Radio Internation in English, Mo-Fi 9:30-10p, KRLA 870 AM.
  • Radio-Iraq war bb.
  • War coverage & 3/19.1/03.
  • Talk America expands weekend shows, noon to midn, & may stream.
  • Karel Sa & Su 7-10p KGO 810 AM - streams? See 3/11.6/03 Flash.
  • Alan Colmes' new show, Mo-Fr, 7-10p, KFMB 760 AM San Diego.
  • 2/8/03 - new KABC & my schedule - comments.
  • 3/21/03 Arbitrons.
  • New Talk Radio Now.
  • Computer Shows Streaming.
  • ===> Radio news 24/7 (almost) at Larry Shannon's www.radiodailynews.com/.
  • Top National talk-show hosts.
  • RAIN - Radio and Internet Newsletter.
  • new KFI 640 AM schedule.
  • Ask the ...: Mayor 3/26.
  • 2003 KNX Drama Hour schedule.
  • 24 hours of L.A. radio: LAT or text.
  • David Tanny's radio news.
  • Jackie Olden - food/cooking.
  • Michael Jackson's web site.
  • 3/2003 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight.

  • Do you know the answers? See the questions at the very bottom of this page.

    3/31/03 - holiday

    3/30/03 - busy

    3/29.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Jack is usually good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Jack Benny Program," starring Jack Benny.
    Guest: Alan Ladd [from "Box 13" and more]
    Original airdate: 3-25-45"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Great Gildersleeve"
    Episode: Hobby
    Synopsis: Gildy is in need of taking up a hobby.
    Original airdate: 2-24-46"

    3/29.6/03 - "Bush On Radio: Expect More Deaths. Bush Still Confident Of War's Outcome. CAMP DAVID, Md. -- President George W. Bush used his weekly radio address..." More at www.wral.com/money/2073429/detail.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip and more. See Bush/Dems schedule in Shows, above.

  • Dems at www.wric.com/Global/story.asp?S=1205616.

    3/29.5/03 - Bob Hope is 100. "...Bob Hope will turn 100 on May 29 but NBC will pay its respects on April 20 with a two-hour special..." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick28.3mar28.story.

    3/29.4/03 - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A Lesson for Dixie Chicks. More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-le-welk29mar29,1,3318541.story. Please stop the coverage, before I post again.

    3/29.3/03 - Sandy Wells, radio person, who also writes an about-every-two-week radio column for the Daily News is scheduled for the war-coverage zoo/pool on KABC 790 AM this afternoon. But, I was only half listening. They may have just said he'd be on 4-6p and 6-9p.

    3/29.2/03 - April Winchell fans might tune to "The Mr. KABC Show," Mo-Fi, 10p-1a, on KABC 790 AM. He had her on last night and has done it before. They do a better show together, than as individuals.

    3/29.1/03 - Warren Eckstein and his pet show move to KRLA 870 AM today, 11a-1p, but the KRLA shedule shows 11a-noon. Warren's site is warreneckstein.com/, and that links to the KRLA site where they stream. He did this show on KABC for about 14 years till they cut him back to one hour recently.

    3/29/03 - War coverage over this weekend. Unlike last weekend when some stations did war all day, there will be less coverage this weekend, unless something big happens. KFI and KABC will do some specials today, but maybe not Sunday. KPCC and KCRW (and other low-number FM stations) may have been on their normal schedules this morning. As usual, keep an ear on KNX and KFWB for updates.

    3/28.16/03 - "Increasing reception. ...I live in the San Fer Valley, and I want to know if there is a way that I can upgrade my stereo receiver..." There are a few more comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2796, since I first linked to this. Tip: ask twice, spend once; or something like that.

    3/28.15/03 - Music - "JJ Waves No More. Don Barrett is reporting that JJ Jackson has left the Wave..." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2873.

    3/28.14/03 - "For Broadcast Media, Patriotism Pays. Consultants Tell Radio, TV Clients That Protest Coverage Drives Off Viewers." More at www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40057-2003Mar27.html. Tip from and discuss at www.talkradionow.com/.

    3/28.13/03 - "Clear Channel Streams... (pic). Is there any way to get past the dead air or music beds when the CC stations go to a stopset?" More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23129.

    3/28.12/03 - FYI - "War in Iraq invades sports talk radio. A caller to KNBR (680-AM) chewed out Gary Radnich last Friday for talking more about the war in Iraq than the Warriors game against the Houston Rockets that night in Oakland." Why not? More at www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/sports/5502373.htm. Both www.moreover.com/ and www.newradiostar.com/ had this one.

    3/28.11/03 - "Monday's FCC field hearing will be streamed, live from Duke. Democratic Commissioners Copps and Adelstein will be there (but not Republicans Powell, Abernathy or Martin). The "unofficial" hearing starts at 12:30pm Eastern time, at www.law.duke.edu/webcast." Says www.insideradio.com/.

    3/28.10/03 - "KKBE/Oxnard, CA Goes CHR/Pop. The Gold Coast Broadcasting station last night dropped its AC "Breeze" presentation and is now "Live 105-5" under Gold Coast Director/Programming & Broadcast Operations Mark Elliott. KKBE is now using the calls KFYV and is targeting listeners 18-49. Core artists include Justin Timberlake, Avril Lavigne... Elliott will also host KFYV's morning show." Says www.radioandrecords.com/.

    3/28.9/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" good, "The Shadow" usually not. At 9:30p go to KRLA 870 AM for China Radio International.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Gunsmoke"
    Episode: The Pacifists
    Synopsis: A grudge battle leads to murder.
    Original airdate: not available"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Shadow"
    Episode: Death and the Black Fedora [kool titles]
    Synopsis: The Shadow intervenes when a man can’t remember if he killed his uncle.
    Original airdate: 1-18-48"

    3/28.8/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps. (Was it Dodgers last night?)

  • Tonight - "What role does the media play in the war on Iraq? Journalists Bob Woodward and Bob Schieffer and Judith Miller, bioterror correspondent for the New York Times, discuss the latest developments and the ongoing coverage. Also, we bring you the latest from the front lines."

    3/28.7/03 - From yesterday - "F.C.C. Chief Wants Rules Eased. Michael K. Powell, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, said today that he wanted to ease rules that prevent newspapers from owning television or radio stations in the same market. "It's hard to see how a complete ban on newspapers' owning TV stations serves the public interest," Mr. Powell said..." Well, more likely the other way around, but is someone nuts or what? More at www.nytimes.com/2003/03/28/business/28FCC.html?ex=1049518800&en=15fd56c461c5e0fa&ei=5040&partner=MOREOVER. www.moreover.com/'s tip. Usually, the NYT requires regrestration?

    3/28.6/03 - "Placerville radio station is sold. Privately held Moon Broadcasting of Los Angeles is selling its Spanish-language radio station in Placerville...KZSA-FM 92.1 [in Sacramento] is being acquired by Dallas-based First Broadcasting Investments...didn't know whether the company plans any changes to the station's programming format." More at www.sacbee.com/content/business/story/6354539p-7307575c.html. Larry's tip.

    3/28.5/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/. I know nothing except bolded.

  • ""Clear Channel Tells Us Just to Make More $$" - KFI's Bill Handel"
  • "Bill Handel disputes stories about Clear Channel orchestrating pro-war rallies" Actually, it was a listener's email.
  • "KPFK reporter deported"
  • "Format change in Ventura/Oxnard" See 3/28.10/03 Flash.
  • "Danny Bonaduce is a super trooper driving truckload of supplies to military base in San Diego"

    3/28.4/03 - Sports - "Hughes' thoughts with troops." Specifically, "Radio Daze. KSPN (710) had its highest showing in the most recent Arbitron ratings. The station earned an 0.4 share among persons 12-plus. XTRA (690, 1150)..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-sp-tvcol28mar28.story.

    3/28.3/03 - "Agreeing Only on Hope for the End." Mostly for, "The Chevy pickup parked in front of Arturo Rodriguez's Norwalk home bears a KPFK bumper sticker. In his living room, the radio plays that Pacifica Network station born of the peace movement during World War II." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/complete/la-war-2families28mar28,1,7838200.story.

    3/28.2/03 - "Hitting the right note to go with war news. During their network's coverage of the Iraq war, National Public Radio executives say they're working hard to strike the right balance..." More at www.calendarlive.com/cl-et-carney28mar28.story.

  • Also, further down the page, "April Fools' Day, without pranks?"

    3/28.1/03 - "Dixie Chicks airplay threatened " and other radio stuff in Sandy Wells' about-every-two-weeks column at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E26698%257E1275403,00.html.

    3/28/03 - Today's "Radio calendar" of program tips from the OCR is at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=32090§ion=SHOW&subsection=LISTINGS&year=2003&month=3&day=28.

    3/27.12/03 - Narsai David, with food/cooking/restaurant spots on KCBS 740 AM in San Francisco, did a half-hour show a few weeks ago. I'd have to guess it was Sunday morning, maybe around 5a or 6a. He interviewed Alice Waters, the SF restaurant lady who started the fresh-local-seasonal-ingredient trend. But, I don't see anything about a half-hour show on their site at www.kcbs.com/. P.S. - Narsai has had at least one cooking show on PBS. Alice has a site at www.chezpanisse.com/.

    3/27.11/03 - "Infinity Radio To Begin Streaming. I haven't seen any public releases anywhere yet, but I've been told by a few sources that a number of Infinity radio stations will be made available on AOL's new Broadband service." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23103. On AOL only? NYC stations only?

    3/27.10/03 - "Premiere Launches The Weekend With Mike McConnell. McConnell, the 20-year midday host at Clear Channel News/Talker WLW/Cincinnati, takes over as permanent host of The Weekend..." Says www.radioandrecords.com/ Could this fill some of the strange 'holes' in the KFI weekend schedule? Except, live in L.A. would place it in Melinda Lee's Saturday, 9a-noon slot. Maybe KLAC?

  • More at www.radioink.com/HeadlineEntry.asp?hid=104895&pt=Ink+Headlines.

    3/27.9/03 - Michael Jackson's site streams, but he says there could be problems. Try www.michaeljacksontalkradio.com/Michael_Jackson_streaming.htm.

    3/27.8/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Dragnet"
    Episode: The Big Trunk
    Synopsis: [LAPD] Friday searches for a missing woman.
    Original airdate: 9-7-54"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Box 13"
    Episode: Double Mothers
    Synopsis: A letter leads Dan to a secret rendezvous in the park.
    Original airdate: 5-3-48"

    3/27.7/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps and/or two-hour-plus old news.

  • Tonight - "As the desert warfare in Iraq intensifies, Gulf War veteran and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Hugh Shelton shares his unique battlefield insights. Also, Larry talks with U.S. Marine Col. Tom Bright, the chief of operations at Central Command in Qatar. Then, CNN correspondents Martin Savidge and Nic Robertson report the latest from the front lines and around the Gulf region. Also, Omar Al Issawi a correspondent for Al-Jazeera satellite news network, discusses the latest developments. Plus, Larry discusses the war in Iraq with Jordan's Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher."

    3/27.6/03 - FYI - "Prison radio station to keep inmates updated." More at c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?j65746974&w=457570. www.moreover.com/'s tips. Or, use www.sabcnews.com/south_africa/social/0,1009,55880,00.html.

    3/27.5/03 - "Gridlock top issue in L.A., LaBonge says... creating a 24-hour traffic radio station...Creating a 24-hour radio traffic talk program..." More at www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~1273038,00.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/27.4/03 - "Diamond Dave [David Lee Roth] Takes Over The Airwaves. The former front-man for Van Halen is this week hosting the morning show (6am-10am) at Arrow 93.1 in Los Angeles." More at www.undercover.com.au/news/2003/20030327_davidleeroth.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/27.3/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:

  • "John Kobylt and Lisa Stanley have perspective on low Oscar ratings"
  • "50,000 watt PD postpones wedding while war rages" At KFI, see link below.
  • "Univision pays heavy price to acquire HBC" Yesterday's news linked below.

    3/27.2/03 - "Dixie Chicks sales dive. The fan backlash and radio airplay woes of the Dixie Chicks have taken their toll..." More at www.calendarlive.com/music/pop/cl-wk-album27mar27.story. Is this more coverage than anyone wants?

    3/27.1/03 - "Conditional OK for Univision, Hispanic Deal. Antitrust regulators say the Spanish-language broadcaster must scale back its stake in TV and radio firm Entravision." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-univision27mar27,1,1428048.story.

    3/27/03 - "News and war politics mix. News/talk station KOGO jumped on the patriotic bandwagon last weekend, holding a rally at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station to support American troops in Iraq." This and more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html, which is on time this week.

    3/26.14/03 - "MSN Web Design is anti-free speech." One of the minor L.A. radio bb's is on MSN, and there are questions/comments about their policies. Check groups.msn.com/losangelesradio/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=520&LastModified=4675415051731364238. But, hunt around for other comments. It's the strange format and the you-must-register-to-use-it rule that keeps me off this board.

    3/26.13/03 - "San Diego Winter P2s." That refers to the Arbitron ratings. More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2780. R&R should have the raw numbers. P.S. - Several San Diego stations can be received in L.A.

    3/26.12/03 - "Increasing reception...I live in the San Fer Valley, and I want to know if there is a way that I can upgrade my stereo receiver..." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2796. Hint: talk with someone who knows before you spend your money.

    3/26.11/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Wells can be ok, and note Tehran local.

  • "9:00 PM 60 MINUTES ll - KNX simulcasts the CBS newsmagazine." Preview and recaps.
  • "10:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Third Man"
    Episode: Every Frame Has a Silver Lining
    Synopsis: Lime gets involved with drug dealers in Tehran.
    Original airdate: 10-26-51"
  • "10:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Tales of the Texas Rangers"
    Episode: Dream Farm
    Synopsis: Kindness ends in the wounding of a boy and murder of his parents.
    Original airdate: 3-9-52"

    3/26.10/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps. It was Dodgers last night.

  • Tonight - "Larry discusses U.S. military strategy with Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and retired U.S. Army Col. David Hackworth. Then, Larry talks with the families of soldiers missing or taken prisoner in Iraq, including Wayland Piestewa, the brother of missing soldier Lori Piestewa."

    3/26.9/03 - "KGO Tops Bay Area Again. The ABC News/Talker enjoys a one-share lead in San Francisco and a 1.4-share lead in San Jose in the winter 2003 Phase Two Arbitrends." From www.radioandrecords.com/. This I can't understand since their hosts (at least the few I've heard) are rather dull compared to L.A. hosts, but the recent addition of Karel could help. KGO 810 AM is easy to hear at night in L.A.

    3/26.8/03 - "Univision's Bid to Buy HBC Is Cleared. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. antitrust enforcers said on Wednesday they had approved Univision Communications Inc.'s UVN.N bid to buy Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. HSP.N after Univision agreed to cut its stake in a string of radio stations." More and hot links at asia.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=U3LVDZZZPD3KECRBAELCFEY?type=businessNews&storyID=2454152. www.moreover.com/'s tip. Univision is based in L.A.

    3/26.7/03 - FYI - "Radio Host Organizing Pro-America Rallies." He has a site at www.glennbeck.com/. More at www.gainesvillesun.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20030326&Category=APE&ArtNo=303260912&Ref=AR. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/26.6/03 - "Television: Civilian or military target?. The bombing of Iraqi television raises the issue of whether a radio or television station in a country at war can be seen as a military target or whether it is purely civilian." More at news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2888627.stm. www.moreover.com/'s tip. Frankly, I was surprised the U.S. took out Iraqi TV.

    3/26.5/03 - "Signing Petition Was a Mistake, Hahn Says." Specifically, "The mayor's signature sparked outrage among veterans' leaders and was criticized on talk radio in Los Angeles." But, I don't remember hearing it mentioned. More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-hahn26mar26,1,4640324.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dcalifornia. www.moreover.com/'s tip cause I missed it in my Times search.

    3/26.4/03 - "Parker: War delays wedding bells for radio execs. War can be hell on weddings. Radio big shots Don Martin and Robin Bertolucci [KFI PD] were supposed to get married on Kaui on Saturday, but their noses for news has them singing the Wedding Bell Blues." More at www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/news_columnists/article/0,1299,DRMN_86_1837160,00.html. Larry's tip.

    3/26.3/03 - "LET'S SHOW OUR SUPPORT. Beginning Friday, March 28th at 6am with the Peter Tilden Morning Show and continuing all the way through the Billy Burke afternoon show, KZLA is taking "Operation Hugs From Home" on the road. In support of our troops, KZLA is asking listeners to join us at Huntington Beach Dodge and donate items from home to our men and women on the front lines." From www.kzla.com/events/military.aspx. Larry's tip. Didn't I read not to send pork products?

    3/26.2/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #567, dated 3/25/03. With, "AM & FM STATIONS MAY IMPLEMENT IBOC [HD radio] WITHOUT SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY - FCC MUST BE NOTIFIED WITHIN 10 DAYS" and more.

    3/26.1/03 - "Latino studio signs big names. Arenas Entertainment, the first Latino film studio in Hollywood, has signed deals with...syndicated radio host Renan Almendarez Coello, better known as "El Cucuy"...heard locally on KSCA-FM (101.9)..." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick26.3mar26.story.

    3/26/03 - "Ask the Mayor" with Mayor Jim Hahn is scheduled for 3/26/03, 10-11a, on KFWB 980 AM. Details at "Ask the Mayor/Chief/School".

    3/25.11/03 - China Radio Internation seems to have a half hour on Mo-Fr 9:30-10p on KRLA 870 AM. The show is from China, I assume related to www.crienglish.com/.

    3/25.10/03 - "Neil Norman's Outer Limits" Wednesday 12-2a on KCSN 88.5 FM. Sci-Fi, etc, see www.kcsn.org/programs/neilnorman/bottom.htm.

    3/25.9/03 - Top 'casters per www.measurecast.com/: KFI, the only L.A. 'caster on the list, moves up to number 12 on the top-25 internet 'caster list. Clear Channel Worldwide becomes the top internet radio network. Weren't they much lower on the list just months ago?

    3/25.8/03 - "Latest RADAR 76 Shows ABC Daytime As Top Network ." Interesting cause sources don't usually mention the radio networks. More at www.radioink.com/HeadlineEntry.asp?hid=104743&pt=Ink+Headlines.

    3/25.7/03 - "More public radio stations are delaying fundraisers because of the war." Says www.insideradio.com/. Also, like KPCC and KCRW have about the most complete war coverage.

    3/25.6/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/:

  • "Talk Radio Takes Pulse Of America On War"
  • "Protesters, Live TV Coverage Draw Fire From Talk Radio Listeners"
  • "Listeners Followed KSCA/L.A.'s Cucuy To Afternoon Drive"
  • "Most Influential Women In Radio Choose Mentoring Program Finalists"

    3/25.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Frontier Gentleman"
    Episode: Gold Digger
    Synopsis: Kendall meets an elderly lovesick miner.
    Original airdate: 9-28-58"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Nightbeat"
    Episode: Molly Keller
    Synopsis: Greed and fear lead to murder.
    Original airdate: 7-17-50"

    3/25.4/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps.

  • Tonight - "Larry talks with the families of soldiers missing or taken prisoner in Iraq. Larry's guests include Arlene and Norman Walters, the parents of missing soldier Donald Walters, and Ronald and Kaye Young, the parents of Chief Warrant Officer Ronald D. Young, Jr., an Apache helicopter pilot taken prisoner. Plus, journalist Bob Simon spent 40 days in an Iraqi prison during the Gulf War. He shares his experiences and discusses U.S. troops in Iraq's custody. Also, we bring you the latest developments from the front lines."

    3/25.3/03 - FYI - "Talk Radio Heats Up Amid Latest War Developments. Callers Discussing POWs, Comments On Oscars." More at www.nbc5i.com/news/2059484/detail.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/25.2/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/. I don't have details, except LA Patent doesn't seem to have a site now.

  • "Ellen K "Un" Covered Parent"
  • "Sneak preview: KIIS' Ellen K and son Calvin grace cover of LA Parent Magazine"
  • "Ex-KABC's Rod Lurie wrote and directed the 2000 release Deterrence, which eerily mirrors our turmoil in Iraq"
  • "How did Country KZLA handle the Dixie Chicks controversy? RJ Curtis answers the question"
  • "KLSX's Doug Steckler sends personal kudos to Donald Rumsfield"
  • "KABC's Al Rantel shares England morning drive show"

    3/25.1/03 - "We Switch You Now to a Roundup of News on the Home Front." Specifically, "* Jerry Lewis...may or may not sue an L.A. radio station for mimicking his voice in a call to French President Jacques Chirac...Anyway, it turns out it probably wasn't really Chirac on the other end of the phone, either. C'est la guerre." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-patt25mar25,1,5745258.story.

  • Also, "Comedian Lewis may sue over DJ's call to Chirac. Impersonation fooled Frenchman" at www.signonsandiego.com/news/uniontrib/sun/news/news_1n23jerry.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip with another.

    3/25/03 - "Jerry Lewis "Irate" About KROQ Stunt," "Back At Ya," "Pet-Smart," "We Get Letters," and "JAM" in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early. I also commented on and linked to most of these below.

    3/24.8/03 - "Re: Clear Channel Streams.
    >> Does anyone know the address for CC Strams? Thanks.

    Replace the call letters with the calls and suffix of the station you want."

    I tried to make it into a hot link but it didn't work. It seems to work at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=22974, but I don't stream. For KFI try www.kfi640.com/interactive/streaming.html.

    3/24.7/03 - "It’s Back To Regular Programming For Most Stations. Radio has returned to more normal programming, but industry analysts warn an escalation in hostilities in Iraq could still prompt stations to break format and offer wall-to-wall war coverage." Says www.radioink.com/. The 3/21.8/03 Flash said that also, but weekend radio was full of war talk.

    3/24.6/03 - Swim with tunes. "If you like to swim, now you can do it with FM radio. Aqua Sphere has built an FM receiver into a snorkel, says the Wall Street Journal -- using technology originally developed for the hearing-impaired." Says www.insideradio.com/. What about an AM snorkel?

    3/24.5/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/:

  • "...KYKY takes over the No. 1 slot in San Diego, and KFRG leapfrogs past KGGI in Riverside." The new ratings are available.
  • "ABC, Premiere Dominate RADAR 76 Network Rankings"
  • "PPM: Radio Usage High As Listeners Awaited Bush War Decision"

    3/24.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be good, but complicated.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR - "Mr. and Mrs. North"
    Episode: Brother Danny
    Synopsis: The Norths are involved in the killing of a policeman.
    Original airdate: 1953"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR - "The Lone Ranger"
    Episode: Strange Letter
    Original airdate: 11-9-55"

    3/24.3/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps.

  • Tonight - "Former Vietnam POW Sen. John McCain joins Larry to discuss U.S. troops in Iraq's custody. Then, Spc. Joseph Hudson was one of the soldiers captured in Iraq. His mother Anecita Hudson joins Larry tonight. Larry also talks with Shane Parker, half brother of U.S. Army Pfc. Patrick Miller, who is also held captive in Iraq. Plus, we bring you the latest from the front lines and discuss the U.S. military strategy with retired U.S. Col. David Hackworth.
  • Tuesday 3/25 - "Closing in on Baghdad: We bring you the latest developments from the front lines. Plus, CBS News anchor Bob Simon spent 40 days in an Iraqi prison during the Gulf War. He shares his experiences and discusses U.S. troops in Iraq's custody."

    3/24.2/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:

  • "Jerry Lewis considering lawsuit against KROQ for impersonating the comedian in a conversation with French President Chirac"
  • "Did KABC "steamroll" over KFI? Listener reaction to weekend war roundtables" For weekend war coverage, I'd put KPCC/KCRW is first place and KFI in second, mostly cause I like their hosts.
  • "KFWB Trendy with big leaps"
  • ""K-Mozart" gives away gasoline but avoids the long lines"

    3/24.1/03 - "'Bias' that bends over backward to right itself ." Specifically, ""Dan Rather and Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw want nothing to do with the people who listen to talk radio and drive pickup trucks," he said. "In the high levels of the New York media, these people are regarded as yahoos."" More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/suncal/cl-ca-shaw23mar23.story.

    3/24/03 - "The medium's message ." Specifically, "1930, the first radio broadcast. Angelenos got their first taste of Oscar on April 3, 1930, when KNX radio covered the second annual Academy Awards from the Cocoanut Grove at the Ambassador Hotel." And, "...on April 14, 1969...It was also their last time on radio." More at www.calendarlive.com/movies/oscars/cl-ca-king23mar23.story. From yesterday since I didn't notice it in my typical, but rushed, radio search; I found it by knowing the title from the paper.

    3/23.1/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.

  • "7:00 PM 60 MINUTES - KNX simulcasts the CBS newsmagazine." Preview and recaps.
  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Lux Radio Theater" (one hour).
    Episode: Mildred Pierce
    Synopsis: A woman succeeds in business but fails as a mother.
    Guest star: Rozalind Russell
    Original airdate: 6-6-49" Movie review at us.imdb.com/Title?0037913.

    3/23/03 - OCR radio stuff:

  • Gary Lycan's column - "'The Pet Show' strays to KRLA " and more at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=31232§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=3&day=23.
  • "Radio calendar" at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=31234§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=3&day=23.
  • "Hot Wave" at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=31233§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=3&day=23
  • "Web Chat" at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=31235§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=3&day=23.

    3/22.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Jack Benny Program," starring Jack Benny.
    Synopsis: How Jack Met Mary
    Original airdate: 3-18-45" Still doing war-time shows.
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Great Gildersleeve"
    Episode: Leroy Gets the Flu
    Synopsis: Gildy has to play nurse to Leroy.
    Original airdate: 2-17-46"

    3/22.6/03 - Today, Bush and Dems say (aired on KNX 7a & 8a):

  • Bush - www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,81884,00.html via google.
  • Dems - www.wcax.com/Global/story.asp?S=1193506 via www.moreover.com.

    3/22.5/03 - FYI - Links to Internet news. "Access to latest news, opinions on war rests at your fingertips" at www.courier-journal.com/localnews/2003/03/22/ke032203s385101.htm hot links to many news sites, but some links run together, so you'll need to cut and paste.

    3/22.4/03 - "TALKRADIO 790 KABC ON-AIR HOSTS BROADCAST LIVE, 48 HOURS STRAIGHT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY." With a detailed schedule and more at www.radiodailynews.com/abcwartalk.htm. Larry's tip. KFI is doing this Saturday. Sunday also?

    3/22.3/03 - "Jerry Lewis 'irate' over Los Angeles radio hoax with Chirac. Los Angeles-AP -- Jerry Lewis is more than a little ticked off at a radio station whose disc jockey impersonated him in a conversation with French President Jacques Chirac." More at www.kesq.com/Global/story.asp?S=1192468. Larry's tip. Old news, but someone suggested it my not have been Chirac either.

    3/22.2/03 - "KCET show to return next month. "California Connected"...The series, which again will be hosted by David Brancaccio of public radio's business program "Marketplace"..." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick22.5mar22.story.

    3/22.1/03 - FYI - "Hussein's Worst Weaponry Is a No-Show, So Far ." Specifically, "At sundown Friday, Israel entered its first Sabbath since the start of the war. Radios were broadcasting on "silent frequencies" that sounded only for missile alerts, so that observant Jews who do not listen to radios during the Sabbath could leave them on and still learn of any impending danger. Israel was expected to re-evaluate the risk of attack after the weekend [when the war could be over]." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-war-worstcase22mar22,1,7668056.story.

    3/22/03 - FYI - "First day's TV ratings down. NEW YORK - With the nation's attention on the war in Iraq, TV ratings for the first evening of NCAA tournament coverage dropped more than 20 percent from last year." More at www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200%257E27118%257E1261985,00.html?search=filter. What about radio?

    3/21.14/03 - Message boards and trades, out of time, will try to catch up Saturday. Check:

  • boards - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.
  • trades - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#more.

    3/21.13/03 - KFI and KABC expand war coverage?

  • KFI 640 AM on Saturday will do "Handel on the War" in the morning and afternoon and bump their food and computer shows. Phil Hendrie has been doing war talk rather than voices.
  • KABC 790 AM plays a UK talk show some weekday evenings, whatever. KABC says they're returned to live streaming.

    3/21.12/03 - "L.A. FM Radio deserves an "F" for war coverage. On some stations you wouldn't even know we were in a war. Not one FM above 92.1 has done a good job. There was TONS more coverage during the 1991 war. Hardly a station made mention of todays "shock and awe" campaign. I'm not even crazy about what I am hearing on AM. KFWB is doing the best job with CNN. KNX and KABC OK with CBS and ABC news but they could simelcast the TV audio from their networks more. Everyone else, terrible. And KFI especially is doing a bad job." From radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2657. KFI has used their own hosts to talk the news, rather than using outside news readers, and it's ok.

    3/21.11/03 - Los Angeles Arbitron ratings for today are at www.radioandrecords.com/Subscribers/ratings/ratmain.asp?mkt=los. Comments as time allows.

    3/21.10/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. If not bumped: "Gunsmoke" is one of the best westerns and "The Shadow" even with Orson Wells is seldom even ok.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Gunsmoke"
    Episode: New Hotel
    Original airdate: not available"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Shadow"
    Episode: The Shadow Challenged
    Synopsis: The Shadow is accused of murder.
    Original airdate: 1-19-41"

    3/21.9/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps. Reminder: this info is at least two hours old.

  • Tonight - ""A-Day": U.S. officials say the massive bombing campaign of "shock and awe" on Iraq has begun. We bring you the latest from the front lines. Plus, Larry will discuss U.S. military strategy with retired U.S. Col. David Hackworth and retired U.S. Lt . Gen. Robert B. Johnston who was Norman Schwarzkopf's chief of staff during Desert Storm. Larry also talks with Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Dick Durbin and former Sens. Alan Simpson and George McGovern."

    3/21.8/03 - "Radio Back to Near Normal Despite War. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - U.S. radio operators returned to more normal programming on Thursday with few other than some all-news channels offering uninterrupted coverage of the war in Iraq, a move that relieved pressure on advertising revenues, experts said on Thursday." More at www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=industryNews&storyID=2419824. www.moreover.com/'s tip. This may not be true as KFI and KABC plan expanded war coverage over Saturday and/or the weekend. See below.

    3/21.7/03 - "Univision earnings rise on advertising." And, "Executives with the Los Angeles-based company also said they expected to win...acquisition of radio chain Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. of Dallas." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-univision21mar21,0,6372884.story?coll=la%2Dcalendar%2Dheadlines%2Dmanual. Larry's tip.

    3/21.6/03 - Pet show moves from KABC to KRLA. "Nationally recognized pet expert, Warren Eckstein, brings his popular “The Pet Show” to SmartTalk 870, KRLA-AM. Beginning Saturday, March 29, the KRLA phone lines will be jammed from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. with pet owners seeking advice on a myriad of topics from America’s favorite pet authority (visit his site)" From Larry's site with hot links.

    3/21.5/03 - "Talking dirty to the American people An estimated 22 per cent of Americans get their daily news from Talk Radio..." More at www.indexonline.org/news/20030319_unitedstates.shtml. Larry's tip.

    3/21.4/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:

  • "War Coverage the Lead Story"
  • "Outside of news/talk stations, L.A. radio returned to normal programming"
  • "KABC brings in starting line-up for round the clock weekend programming" See the 3/21.2/03 Flash about KFI. KABC says they're returned to live streaming.

    3/21.3/03 - FYI - "A different war, a different time." Specifically, "She remembers gathering around the radio every night to hear the latest war news." And more at www.latimes.com/news/local/pilot/columnists/la-dpt-allowed21mar21,1,445294.story.

    3/21.2/03 - "A military town joins the Dixie Chicks flap. In San Diego, where one in four people is associated with the military, a pair of competing country-music stations are getting an earful in the Dixie Chicks controversy." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney21mar21.story.

  • But, the "L.A. stations join war coverage" is of value. Someone said the war could be over by Monday, so some stations could go 24/7 on war coverage. Like, on Saturday KFI 640 AM will do "Handel on the War" in the morning and afternoon and bump their food and computer shows. See above, KABC could also?

    3/21.1/03 - FYI - "Prototype eliminates stacks of CDs with automated play lists at song level. A REVOLUTION in the way consumers listen to music is about to occur. Closets full of compact discs in disorganized jewel cases, cassette tapes and even radios are about to be replaced forever." More at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E26698%257E1242891,00.html?search=filter.

    3/21/03 - "Dixie Chicks Upset Fans," "Stern Suit," " and "Reader Request" in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/. See if you can help a reader locate recordings of a radio series called "Night Watch" by Peter Lee.

    3/20.16/03 - "In Focus: Radio And The War. As the war begins, we've setup a board dedicated to the discussion to the war as it pertains to radio (and a little television too) in order to keep the remaining boards free for other discussions as we expect the war discussion to be very thorough. Please keep your political beliefs to yourself as they don't pertain to the discussions at hand." From radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=22739.

  • See the Radio And The War on Iraq bb at radio-info.com/boards/focus/index.cgi.

    3/20.15/03 - "You Know You're A Radio Geek When....... This comes from our friends in the UK: http://www.mediauk.com/article/13. If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to add. Mega Dittos!" From radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=22795 with a hot link to www.mediauk.com/article/13. It's not quite the same in UK speak.

    3/20.14/03 - "State of LA Radio." With, "LA radio is better than Chicago radio anyday." It continues at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2588.

    3/20.13/03 - "FM War Coverage- Los Angeles. These FM stations above 92.1 ran President Bush's address to the nation live:

  • 93.9, 95.9, 96.3 (spanish translation), 97.1, 98.3 (spanish translation), 100.3, 101.9 (spanish translation), 102.3, 102.7, 103.5, 103.9 (spanish translation) and 104.3." From radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2615. See above and below for other info.

    3/20.12/03 - Message boards and trades, out of time, check:

  • boards - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.
  • trades, but my quick look didn't notice any L.A.-specific topics - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#more.

    3/20.11/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Dragnet"
    Episode: The Big Office
    Synopsis: [LAPD] Sgt. Friday wants to stop the city’s rising crime rate.
    Original airdate: 8-31-54"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Box 13"
    Episode: Short Assignment
    Synopsis: A diminutive detective hires Dan to help him on a case.
    Original airdate: 4-26-48"

    3/20.10/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps.

  • "Tonight - "Strike on Iraq: We bring you the latest from the front lines. Hear live reports from Christiane Amanpour in Kuwait, Nic Robertson in Baghdad and Brent Sadler on the Iraqi border. Also, Larry will discuss U.S. military strategy with Dr. James Roche, secretary of the U.S. Air Force; Gen. John P. Jumper, chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force; and Gen. Hugh Shelton, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Larry is also joined by Kuwaiti Ambassador Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Also, Sens. Trent Lott and John D. Rockefeller." A busy show.

    3/20.9/03 - Do you believe this one? - "Scalia accepts Free Speech award, bans TV, radio coverage of event. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was lauded by a Cleveland club Wednesday as a champion of free speech. But then he insisted that television and radio reporters leave the room before he spoke to the lunch crowd about his views of the U.S. Constitution." More at www.startribune.com/stories/459/3768266.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/20.8/03 - Some headlines at wwwilaradio.com/. Most are old news, look for links.

  • "News/Talk Stations Blanket Start of War Coverage"
  • "AM news/talk stations cover national and local angles at the start of war"
  • "FM stations basically ignored the start of war"
  • "Who is the "go-to" Iraqi War station? KABC morning show producer answers KFI morning show producer"

    3/20.7/03 - "NBC gets jump in Baghdad." Specifically, "Other news organizations that remain in Baghdad include the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Associated Press, the BBC, National Public Radio and Arnett, who is reporting for National Geographic Television and NBC." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-war-media20mar20.story.

    3/20.6/03 - "War Anxiety's Not Enough to Stop Persian New Year, Celebrants Say. Alexander the Great couldn't stop Persian New Year, and neither will war in the Middle East." Specifically, "Hossein Hedjazi is program director and host of a show on Iranian radio, KIRN-AM (670). For Norooz, the station programs traditional New Year's music, jokes and satire. "It's a playful time of year," Hedjazi said." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-persian20_mar20,1,1691295.story.

    3/20.5/03 - "City at the ready for war. Response teams in Huntington Beach..." Specifically, "...warnings will be provided by health and safety officials through radio and TV broadcasts." And, "Unless it's the last Friday of the month at noon, if you hear the sirens, turn on the AM/FM radio..." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/indynews/news/la-hbi-security20mar20,1,4360188.story.

    3/20.4/03 - FYI - "AROUND TOWN." "APRIL 5 - The American Shortwave Listeners Club will meet at noon at 16182 Ballad Lane in Huntington Beach. There will be coffee, doughnuts, colas and chips for all attendees to enjoy. Worldwide shortwave radio listening will be discussed. Please bring your questions and comments. Information: Stewart MacKenzie -- WDX6AA -- at (714) 846-1685 or wdx6aa@earthlink.net." There is radio besides AM/FM. More at www.latimes.com/news/local/indynews/news/la-hbi-town20mar20,1,6228537.story.

    3/20.3/03 - FYI - "Military's 'Weapon of Mass Persuasion'. Broadcasts and leaflets instruct Iraqi soldiers how to surrender and include soothing messages of America's good intentions." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-war-sway20mar20003429,1,7636738.story.

    3/20.2/03 - FYI - "Iraqi Exiles Eagerly Await Chance to Go Home." Specifically, "...the Iraqi regime killed his brothers, one for listening to an Iranian radio station..." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-war-exiles20mar20003429,1,1512012.story.

    3/20.1/03 - "County Readies for Possible Terrorism." Specifically, "* Listen to your local radio station for up-to-date information from authorities." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/complete/la-war-command20mar20,1,7545024.story.

    3/20/03 - "The envelope, please? Yes, it's Oscar season again. This Sunday, war permitting, we'll see annoying actors and actresses prattle on about world affairs. Then they'll go back to dealing with the affairs they're most qualified to handle ---- the extramarital kind." This and more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.

  • "Liberals on the march": last week's column was posted today? See "Liberals on the march. To hear conservatives tell it, liberals control Hollywood, the news media, higher education and the public school system. Lefties say this is absolutely not true, and then they go back to their jobs as actors, journalists, professors and teachers." And more.

    3/19.12/03 - Saddam Hussein's 48 hours expire at 5p tonight. President Bush could speak at or after 5p. Drudge says at 6p. Stand by your radio. All existing program schedules could get bumped. See 3/19.1/03 and 3/19.3/03 Flashes.

    3/19.11/03 - Message boards and trades, out of time, check:

  • boards - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.
  • trades - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#more.

    3/19.10/03 - "CONTEMPORARY RADIO GETS READY FOR WAR...Morning shows will take on somber tone..but..." at www.newradiostar.com/, with several hot links.

    3/19.9/03 - Some headlines from www.insideradio.com/:

  • "War's coming -- have you thought of everything? INSIDE RADIO has just web-posted a concise one-page "War Prep checklist" that you might find valuable. Get it by CLICKING HERE." That's a free hot link on their site.
  • "Several networks are offering deadline-to-war radio specials tonight. ABC News Radio's "Brink of War" Instant Special runs in the 7pm hour. The CBS program is called "Time's Up" and starts at 8pm." Check KABC and KNX?

    3/19.8/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/:

  • "America's Most Wanted Comes To Radio"
  • "Dixie Chicks Airplay Drops Amid Political Flap"
  • "USA Radio Network Offers News Coverage To All Stations" Looks like it's free. Congratulations USARN.
  • "RADAR 76 Preview: Radio Reaches Affluent, Educated Listeners" But, we listen also.
  • "Canada's Radio Regulators Say Fake Orgasms OK On-Air"

    3/19.7/03 - FYI - "New York shock jocks, the same damn songs played over and over, media megamonsters — who took the "Boston" out of Boston radio?" More at www.bostonmagazine.com/ArticleDisplay.php?id=77. Tip from the ctcr bb, and it says, "The references may be Boston but it applies anywhere."

    3/19.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Wells can be ok.

  • "60 MINUTES ll" won't be on tonight, it was bumped for "Star Search." Strange timing. Preview and recaps.
  • "10:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Third Man"
    Episode: Blue Bride
    Synopsis: Lime tangles with counterfeiters in France.
    Original airdate: 10-19-51"
  • "10:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Tales of the Texas Rangers"
    Episode: Ice Man
    Synopsis: A burglar leaves his mark with an ice pick.
    Original airdate: 2-24-52"

    3/19.5/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps.

  • Tonight - "Will there be a war against Iraq? Larry discusses the latest developments with Bob Simon of CBS News, retired Army Brig. Gen. John C. Reppert, and Sens. John McCain, Orrin Hatch, Dianne Feinstein and others."
  • Thursday 3/20 - "Larry discusses the latest developments in the showdown with Iraq with Sen. John Kyl, former Sen. Gary Hart and others." What, couldn't Larry get quests, or what?

    3/19.4/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:

  • "Interviews for vacant KKBT general manager position begin first thing this morning"
  • "KABC's broadcast war plan"
  • "Second-longest running KABC weekend show jumps ship to KRLA" Working.
  • "KLSX's Conway & Steckler tell producer Malibu Dan to "pack up your crap and go home"" Comment?
  • "Dance KDL 103.1fm has a new Web site" Yesterday's or even Monday's news.

    3/19.3/03 - Radio mentioned in:

  • "Don't Panic, Prepare" at www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editorials/la-ed-prepare18mar18,1,4724613.story?coll=la%2Dnews%2Dcomment%2Deditorials.
  • "How to detour the hazards blocking your safe travel" at www.calendarlive.com/tv/reviews/cl-et-tips19mar19.story.
  • Also, "Lesson of 'Hanoi Jane' Leads Antiwar Forces to Shift Strategy" three places at www.latimes.com/la-war-antiwar19mar19,1,2548686.story.

    3/19.2/03 - FYI - Some ham radio operators include: www.latimes.com/news/local/burbank/news/la-blr-bizbit19mar19,1,3258733.story.

    3/19.1/03 - "Saturation coverage ahead for news, talk radio. Local outlets have had time to plan for a war with Iraq. Music stations expect to stick to what they do best." Who will carry the war or what at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/complete/la-et-carney19mar19001434,1,7146873.story. P.S. - Other AM stations (maybe KLAC) and low-numbered FM stations like KCRW could/will probably have coverage also.

    3/19/03 - "Dixie Chicks back on K-FROG, but play is limited" at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E23540%257E1253041,00.html?search=filter.

  • Also, "Fans not buying Chicks' apology" at www.calendarlive.com/music/cl-et-boucher19mar19.story.

    3/18.13/03 - FYI - "Local radio station drops Canadian Program." With, "...because of the non-support of the United States by the Canadian government, and the remarks by host Prior Smith." More and comments under radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=22651.

    3/18.12/03 - "Sports, Rock Formats See Top Power Ratios," rather long but of interest to me. From www.radioandrecords.com/.

  • "Sports stations saw a 1.35 power ratio in 2002, outpacing all other major formats in terms of their sales power. In simplest terms, Sports stations can sell 35-times higher than their ratings share.
  • AOR, which includes Classic Rock, enjoys a 1.24 power ratio, while
  • AC places at 1.19,
  • Rock (and Active Rock) gets a 1.11,
  • News gets a 1.10,
  • Talk gets a 1.08,
  • Country gets a 1.06, and
  • Oldies gets a 1.02. Formats that presently have power ratios under the 1.0 threshold of outperformance include
  • CHR (0.93),
  • Smooth Jazz (0.85),
  • Urban (0.82),
  • Spanish (0.68),
  • Nostalgia (0.47) and
  • Classical (0.46). The information comes from BIA Financial Network's first edition of its Investing in Radio 2003, which went to press last week and features an in-depth look at 2002 power ratios by format category."
  • I think this means: You have two stations, each with the same number of listeners. If one station with a power ratio of exactly 1.0 (there isn't one now) sells an ad for $1.00, a sports station with the same number of listeners could sell the ad for $1.35.

    3/18.11/03 - "Is this the first nail in Coast-to-Coast's coffin? ABC-AM is cancelling their pickup of Coast-to-Coast. I think the show has tanked since George Norry took over--oh, if they'd only given the show to Barbara Simpson! WHAT A SUPERB TALENT! Anyone know how the show's ratings have been since Art Bell left?" From and comments under musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/194726.html.

    3/18.10/03 - "How much should stations alter regular programming when the war starts? A new study by MediaVest says humorous ads during the early part of the war may be a turn-off. Same with edgy reality-TV shows -- which has implications for some radio morning shows, we'd say." Asks www.insideradio.com/.

    3/18.9/03 - FYI - "FCC Dismisses 484 LPFM Applications. That's because they did not comply with the congressionally mandated third-adjacent channel protection low-power FMs must afford existing full-power services." More at www.radioandrecords.com/. L.A. won't get LPFM anyway.

    3/18.8/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Frontier Gentleman"
    Episode: The Actress
    Synopsis: An actress captivates a town and invites trouble.
    Original airdate: 3-23-58"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Nightbeat"
    Episode: ‘Twill Be the Death of Me
    Synopsis: An actor’s expectations run too high.
    Original airdate: 7-10-50"

    3/18.7/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps.

  • "Tonight - "He made a stand by stepping down in protest of military action against Iraq. Larry talks with former House of Commons Leader Robin Cook. Then, in an exclusive interview, former British Prime Minister John Major joins Larry to discuss the possibility of war in Iraq. Also, renowned journalist Bob Woodward gives his reaction to President Bush's address to the nation."

    3/18.6/03 - "WLTW-FM Was Top Radio Biller in 2002." www.mediaweek.com/mediaweek/headlines/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1840427. Larry's tip.

  • "...KIIS-FM, which fell to the No. 2 spot, with $60.5 million in revenue."
  • "...No. 3-ranked Alternative Rock KROQ-FM..."
  • "specializing in programming to African-Americans...Urban KKBT-FM...anchored by comedian Steve Harvey...billed $44 million in 2002, to come in at No. 10..."
  • Also, see "BIA Financial Network Ranks Radio’s Top 2002 Billers" at www.radioink.com/.
  • For an easy-to-read list see musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/194808.html:

      1. WLTW New York $65.1 million (Clear Channel)
      2. KIIS Los Angeles $60.5 million (Clear Channel)
      3. KROQ Los Angeles $53.9 million (Infinity)
      4. WINS New York $53.6 million (Infinity)
      5. WFAN New York $52.3 million (Infinity)
      6. KPWR Los Angeles $49 million (Emmis)
      7. KOST Los Angeles $46.9 million (Clear Channel)
      8. WXRK New York $46.2 million (Infinity)
      9. KYSR Los Angeles $45 million (Clear Channel)
    10. KKBT Los Angeles $44 million (Radio One)

    3/18.5/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #566, dated 3/18/03.

    3/18.4/03 - KDL 103.1 FM gets site soon? So reports dave's site. See www.1031kdl.com/. And, there's a phone number on the site. Also, you'd expect it at www.entravision.com/template.cfm?Page=Media&SubPage=radioAll&TitleResult=Search_Radio_Title, someday.

    3/18.3/03 - Some headlines at www.laradio.com/:

  • "Can You Turn Around a Big, Hulking Radio Station?"
  • "Need to create a "buzz" to turn a big, hulking radio station around"
  • "KIIS/fm and KROQ the top two L.A. revenue billers in 2002"
  • "Three Years Ago Today - Karel & Andrew Pass the Baton to Phil Hendrie at KFI"

    3/18.2/03 - FYI - "LETTERS TO THE TIMES Citizen Sheen's Freedom of Speech." Specifically, "Strange that there is little comment about a few radio talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, who blather on for hours daily." More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-le-ottaino18mar18,1,725825.story.

    3/18.1/03 - FYI - "Bush Gives Hussein 48 Hours. President Sets Stage for War, Warns Iraqi Leader to Step Down." Specifically, "At Camp Matilda, desert headquarters for the 1st Marine Division, troops listened to the president's speech on a radio at 4 a.m. Kuwait time..." More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/la-fg-bush18mar18001438,1,6431772.story.

    3/18/03 - FYI - "'It Is Too Late for Saddam Hussein ...'" Following is the text of President Bush's speech to the nation." Specifically, "MANY IRAQIS can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for them: ..." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-bushtext18mar18,1,1401860.story.

    3/17.16/03 President Bush speaks tonight at 5p on the usual stations (like KPCC, KCRW, KNX, KFWB, KFI, KABC). Expect 'analysis' to follow. But, who did and didn't carry the Sunday speech? See the 3/17.13/03 Flash. Update: KFI says they've seen tonight's speech, and it's war in 48 hours unless Saddam leaves. Drudge says, "BUSH TO GIVE SADDAM 48-HOURS TO LEAVE IRAQ, OR FACE WAR."

    3/17.15/03 - "Same Time, Same Station" with Jerry Haendiges moves. For years at noon-2p, the old-time radio show moves to 5-7p, still Sunday on KCSN 88.5 FM, in the San Fernando valley. A stronger signal in the last few years may make them more hearable in more of L.A. Don't believe the L.A. Times radio listings: John and Larry Gassman haven't hosted this show for a few years, whatever. For other details, see the show's page at www.kcsn.org/programs/sametimesamestation/bottom.htm. See their revised schedule at www.kcsn.org/, with more Beatles and other stuff.

    3/17.14/03 - "Radio War coverage. With war seemingly imminent now, which NY radio station figures to give the best breaking war news, plus analysis...and why?..." See comments under musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/194693.html, the NYr bb.

  • In L.A.: KNX 1070 AM and KFWB 980 AM could be almost 24/7.
  • KFI 640 AM and KABC 790 AM should have updates.
  • KPCC 89.3 FM and KCRW 89.9 FM should carry the NPR feed and could have the most complete coverage.
  • Also try other FM stations below 92 MHz, KLAC 570 AM, and others?

    3/17.13/03 - Azores Summit outcome didn't get much coverage. KFI carries the Bush speech live but didn't interrupt Melinda Lee for the bulk of it. KNX had slightly more coverage. A fast tune through KFWB and KABC found nothing. KCRW and KPCC seem to have covered about the whole thing. See one Azores story at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-azores17mar17004429,1,5145231.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dworld%2Dmanual. TV - about two broadcast station covered it.

    3/17.12/03 - Karel's new show on KGO. I heard parts of it Saturday and he did ok, but it wasn't the old, fun, Karel. See reminders, above.

    3/17.11/03 - Other shortwave listings. In addition to the shortwave clubs listed in the 3/15.5/03 Flash below, the clubs also post tip on the groups.msn.com/losangelesradio/_homepage.msnw?pgmarket=en-us bb.

    3/17.10/03 - "Nokia debuts a cellphone headset that also delivers high-quality FM. The new FM Radio Headset works with the Nokia 6100 phone and includes a digital FM tuner -- so you can switch between talking on the phone and listening to the radio." Says www.insideradio.com/.

    3/17.9/03 - Some headlines and more at www.radioandrecords.com/:

  • "Call Letters Available On eBay." Like KNFL.
  • "Ventura County Gets First Full-Time Christian Music Station." KLFH.
  • "Museum Of Broadcast Communications Completes Purchase Of New Home." Chicago.

    3/17.8/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be ok.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR - "Mr. and Mrs. North"
    Episode: Bet on Murder
    Synopsis: The North’s interrupt a beating.
    Original airdate: 1953"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR - "The Lone Ranger"
    Episode: Johnny Becket’s Courage
    Original airdate: 11-02-55"

    3/17.7/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps.

  • "Tonight - "President Bush speaks to the nation about the possibility of war. Larry gets immediate reaction from Sens. John Warner and Carl Levin, and national security expert and former Sen. Warren Rudman."
  • Tuesday 3/18 - "In an exclusive interview, former British Prime Minister John Major joins Larry to discuss the possibility of war in Iraq. Also, renowned journalist Bob Woodward gives his reaction to President Bush's address to the nation.

    3/17.6/03 - Sports - XRPS? 1090 AM in San Diego has a web site at www.mty1090.com/ reports Dave's site. What are their real call letters? I'm not sure.

    3/17.5/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:

  • "Dr. Laura Schlessinger details her panic attacks"
  • "Wonder what happened to Mike "I'm In Your Corner" Boguslawski, the tv consumer advocate reporter? He's on the radio" KRLA?
  • "KRTH shifting jock line-ups"
  • "Kenny Morse receives strange request" Has a car show.
  • "St. Patrick's Day celebrated on radio this morning with remotes" I missed it.

    3/17.4/03 - FYI - "'One Minute We're Going, the Next Minute We Ain't'." With, "Each day, Capt. Steven T. Barry and other officers of Company C huddle around a shortwave radio waiting for word that they will move from their rudimentary camp. Little information comes down the chain of command." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-jittersb17mar17004429,1,3528699.story.

  • P.S. - That quote is also in a longer item "Apparent Suicide Raises Stress Fears" at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/homefront/la-fg-jitters17mar17,1,1623825.story.

    3/17.3/03 - FYI - "Dixie Chick sorry for Bush comment." With, "Angry phone calls flooded a Nashville radio station Thursday, some calling for a boycott of the trio's music. Two Dallas sstations topped playing the group's music because of Maines' comments." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-chicks17mar17.story.

    3/17.2/03 - FYI - "Time for Moral Courage on Both Sides. With, "Although antiwar demonstrations have dwarfed pro-invasion rallies thus far, that is beginning to change as the president's backers, including conservative talk-radio stations across the country, mount an offensive to support the war." More at www.latimes.com/news/opinion/orange/la-oe-oc-hubbard16mar16,1,6583769.story.

    3/17.1/03 - FYI - "Anti-war anthems battle for attention." With, "But to John Ivey, vice president of programming for Clear Channel's cluster of L.A. radio stations (among them KIIS-FM, KOST-FM, KYSR-FM, KBIG-FM)..." More at www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-et-itkpop17mar17,1,2593942.story.

    3/17/03 - OCR's radio stuff from yesterday:

  • Gary Lycan's column - "A golden oldie is heard for last time" with a few cold links - www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=30036.
  • 'Radio calendar' - about 14 pages of programs - www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=30014§ion=SHOW&subsection=LISTINGS&year=2003&month=3&day=16.
  • 'Hot Wave' - about 4 pages of programs - www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=30037§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=3&day=16.

    3/15.5/03 - Try the BBC, for years the most trusted radio-news service in the world at www.bbc.com/. Or, dig out that old general-coverage/short-wave radio, and see what's on. Also, several international broadcasts stream on the internet.

  • Two club sites might help. They also link to station sites that may stream. Google will find more. Try:

    3/15.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good, with another war-time show.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Jack Benny Program," starring Jack Benny.
    Synopsis: Jack goes to his vault.
    Original airdate: 3-4-45"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Great Gildersleeve"
    Episode: Need For a Car
    Synopsis: Gildy goes car shopping.
    Original airdate: 2-10-46"

    3/15.3/03 - "How to kill a radio station. Death of WNEW-FM a cautionary tale. NEW YORK (AP) -- For 32 years, it was the place where rock lived. WNEW-FM once ruled as the nation's premier rock station, boasting an influence that extended far beyond its Manhattan-based signal." More at www.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/Music/03/03/wkd.wnew.woes.ap/index.html. Found on a bb.

    3/15.2/03 - "Bush: Little Reason to Hope Saddam Will Disarm. President Bush, bracing the American people for war, says there is little reason to hope that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein will disarm to avoid a war. In his weekly radio address Saturday..." More at www.voanews.com/ - too long. www.moreover.com/'s tip. Check VOAnews.com.

    3/15.1/03 - "Democrats seek a voice among radio talk shows ." More of the same as below? at www.fresnobee.com/local/story/6375188p-7323207c.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/15/03 - "Effort afoot to steer talk radio to left." More at www.sacbee.com/content/politics/story/6277562p-7231503c.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/14.13/03 - KFI changed the link to their program grid. Now use www.kfi640.com/prog/schedule.html, and I'll have to change it all over this site. Meanwhile, just backspace the link back to the .com/. On their site they changed the font, whatever.

    3/14.12/03 - Randy Dotinga's Thursday radio column for this week is still NOT posted at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. I believe they were last week also.

    3/14.11/03 - "Dell shuns Microsoft's hate-radio toilet shockjock. By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco. A hate-radio shockjock whose toilet rants have proved too deranged even for readers of the extreme right-wing Free Republic has received a massive career boost thanks to Microsoft here in the United States." More and link at www.theregister.co.uk/content/7/29754.html. Tip from www.newradiostar.com/.

    3/14.10/03 - "Talk America Expands Weekend Coverage. Talk America Radio Networks is launching “The Best of Talk America Weekend,” which will be broadcast from noon until midnight." And more at www.radioink.com. The Talk America site is www.talkamerica.com/, and they seem to stream. I didn't see a local station on their list at talkamerica.com/idttarnmedia/aff/CA/, except for KFMB 760 AM in San Diego. “Ask Heloise” could be interesting and I haven't heard “Barry Farber Show” for years. Except for Doug Stephan and his good show, the others may not be available on L.A. radio (except here).

    3/14.9/03 - Some headlines from www.insideradio.com/:

  • "Will the Dixie Chicks flap die down?...until Natalie Maines apologized to the president." Now they're in trouble for comments on another's song.
  • "Harry Harrison says goodbye to New York listeners after 44 years." Who's he? See several comments on the NYr bb under musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/194304.html.
  • "Elizabeth Smart's dad blasts Congress for not passing an Amber Alert bill."

    3/14.8/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the better westerns. "The Shadow" even with Orson Wells never gets very good. (The KNX site was slow just now.)

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Gunsmoke"
    Episode: Kitty’s Outlaw
    Original airdate: not available"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Shadow"
    Episode: The Ghost Building
    Synopsis: The Shadow looks into mysterious deaths at the site of a new building.
    Original airdate: 1-12-41"

    3/14.7/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.

  • Tonight - "Larry talks with members of Elizabeth Smart's family about her kidnapping, the nine months she was missing and their incredible reunion. Also, Larry is joined by Mark and Derrick Thompson, stepsons of Elizabeth's alleged kidnapper. Then, our panel discusses the key questions in this case. Hear from Court TV's Nancy Grace, attorney Mark Geragos and Marc Klaas, the founder of the Klaaskids Foundation whose daughter was kidnapped and murdered in 1993."
  • "Plus, tune in for an exclusive interview with actor Don Johnson." He might be in trouble.

    3/14.6/03 - FYI - "Bill Press to write for WorldNetDaily. TV, radio host and author joins WND commentary lineup." More and link at www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=31491. Minor L.A. reference. Larry's tip.

    3/14.5/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:

  • "Paranoia Runs Rampant at Infinity Meetings" and ""What is said here, stays here" - Infinity/LA cluster head"
  • "Reaction to conversation between KROQ and the President of France" Dumb is the word.
  • "Jim Rome talks about the Augusta Open and the KKK"
  • "Friends star Matthew Perry guest hosts at KYSR"
  • "Classical gas giveaways" Linked below.
  • "KFI copying KABC, according to Ken Minyard"
  • "KLAC clips voices"

    3/14.4/03 - FYI - "Stern Sues ABC Over TV Show " at www.latimes.com/la-fi-stern14mar14,1,3202702.story.

  • same? at "Stern Sues ABC Over TV Show www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-stern14mar14.story.
  • Also, "Howard Stern Sues ABC Over "Are You Hot?". By City News Service. LOS ANGELES, March 14, 2003 -- After venting on the air for weeks, Howard Stern Thursday sued ABC and the producers of the reality series Are You Hot? for $10 million, for allegedly ripping off his idea and ruining a TV deal." From www.hollywood.com/news/detail/article/1710082. www.moreover.com/'s tip, with even more similar links.

    3/14.3/03 - sports - "Dodgers Take New Approach. It's almost springtime and Dodger baseball is in the air." More sports and some radio at www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-tvcol14mar14,1,6652343.story.

    3/14.2/03 - "Univision Faces New Obstacle From FCC. The regulators have antitrust concerns about the acquisition of Hispanic Broadcasting." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-univ14mar14,1,7988383.story.

    3/14.1/03 - "Taking up battle stations. Both sides in the war debate have their outspoken outposts in Los Angeles radio."

  • Also, "Monsieur Chirac, KROQ is calling." Dumb or a joke?
  • More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/complete/la-et-carney14mar14001443,1,331119.story.

    3/14/03 - OCR's 'Radio calendar', about seven pages of program info, is at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=29808§ion=SHOW&subsection=LISTINGS&year=2003&month=3&day=14.

    3/13.16/03 - French boycott? See my 3/13/03 comment at members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/news/flashes.html.

    3/13.15/03 - Someone likes L.A. FM radio and several comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2291: "L.A. FM radio is great. After spending the past week in L.A..." Who likes AM?

    3/13.14/03 - "Broadcast Engineering boards. Anyone know some good Radio Engineering boards to get help or tips on broadcast engineering problems?" One link so far and two offers to help at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/194264.html, the NYr bb.

  • the one: www.broadcast.net/blists.html.
  • Plus, my list includes: radio-info.com/boards/engineering/.

    3/13.13/03 - "The myth of interference. Internet architect David Reed explains how bad science created the broadcast industry." Tech stuff, three files long, and more at www.salon.com/tech/feature/2003/03/12/spectrum/index.html?x. www.newradiostar.com's tip.

    3/13.12/03 - Some headlines and more at www.radioandrecords.com/. Bring your spin-sick pills.

  • "David Field: Radio Was 'Trivialized' By Ownership Caps." Check this spin.
  • "Owner: Clear Channel Can't Compete In Small Markets"
  • "Fortune: Clear Channel Once Again An Admired U.S. Company"
  • "Talk America Launches Weekend Package." Remind me to check for details.

    3/13.11/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Dragnet" is classic L.A. police drama. In "Box 13" writer finds mystery and a story.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Dragnet"
    Episode: The Big Shock
    Synopsis: [LAPD] Friday investigates gang robberies.
    Original airdate: 8-24-54"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Box 13"
    Episode: Shanghaied
    Synopsis: Dan is kidnapped and taken out to sea.
    Original airdate: 4-19-48"

    3/13.10/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.

  • Tonight - "Elizabeth Smart is found alive. Did the power of prayer bring her home? Larry talks with the Smart family's bishop. Plus, publishing heiress Patricia Hearst talks about her own kidnapping ordeal and the Elizabeth Smart case."
  • "Friday 3/14 - "Now that Elizabeth Smart is back home, there are so many questions. Where was she these past nine months? What happened to her? Who are her kidnappers? We bring you the latest developments and look for the answers."

    3/13.9/03 - "Spector's lawyer says he is innocent in LA slaying." Note the KFI reference, and KFI says they broke this twist on the story, but KFI didn't mention any connection to the email. Headline and more at in.news.yahoo.com/030312/137/22516.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip and they have more links.

    3/13.8/03 - "SmartTalk 590 KRLA-AM is the Official Dodger Station For the Inland Empire. Pre-Season Game Broadcasts Begin Thursday, March 27." More at www.radiodailynews.com/krlabaseball.htm. Larry's tip.

    3/13.7/03 - "TALKRADIO 790 KABC PUMPS YOU FREE GAS AT JERRY’S SHELL SERVICE CENTER, SHERMAN OAKS THIS FRIDAY, March 14." More at www.radiodailynews.com/kabcgas.htm. Tell them I sent you, but expect the mother of all lines. Larry's tip.

    3/13.6/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #565, dated 3/11/03. Again, it just hit their site, but they do email it sooner. FCC, jobs, and more.

    3/13.5/03 - Some headlines at www.laradio.com/.

  • ""The President is On The Line" The Shocking Conversation with the President of France and KROQ Morning Team"
  • "KROQ's Kevin & Bean call the President of France and get through"
  • "KROQ's Ralph Garman, impersonating Jerry Lewis, talks with French President Jacques Chirac for over 8 minutes"
  • "AirWatch gets airborne while others grounded"

    3/13.4/03 - FYI - "All-day online news launched. ABC News on Wednesday launched a 24-hour online service with live feeds and coverage... For a fee. More at www.latimes.com/technology/la-wk-quick13.4mar13,1,2255749.story. Price was mentioned below? in yesterday's news?

    3/13.3/03 - FYI - "Brainstorms brew in L.A. The Thinker can join like company and revel in intellectual stimuli at an array of events. It was a balmy night at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Hundreds of Angelenos were gathered..." More at www.calendarlive.com/visitor/cl-wk-cover13mar13.story. Mentions radio hosts.

    3/13.2/03 - FYI - "COMMENTARY The Yelling Drowns Out the Ideas. The subject of media bias is turning out to be the Rasputin of public debate. It just won't die." Only mention of radio is, "Then, last month, a group of wealthy Democratic donors announced plans to launch a liberal talk radio network to take back the airwaves and the debased but crucial marketplace of drive-time ideas." More at www.latimes.com/la-oe-vincent13mar13,1,1685143.story, but that part is old news.

    3/13.1/03 - FYI - "Government to Amend Tough Media Laws.

  • "Zimbabwe's information minister said the government would soon amend tough media laws that critics say are aimed at muzzling the press, but he gave no details of the proposed changes."
  • "Jonathan Moyo, the minister of information and publicity, said the government would issue licenses to private organizations to run community broadcasting stations -- breaking the state's monopoly in radio and television. Several journalists have been detained under current laws."
  • From www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-briefs13.3mar13,1,412932.story. L.A. might have these "community broadcasting stations" some day, but it's not in the FCC's plan.

    3/13/03 - www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-golden13mar13,1,6949077.story.

    3/12.13/03 - Karel with a new show on Sa and Su, 7-10p, on KGO 810 AM (see reminders above) also has another site at www.karel-andrew.com/KARELCHANNEL/INDEX.HTML. This site suggested KGO might stream the show, but I can't find it again at www.kgoam810.com/.

    3/12.12/03 - Message boards and trades, out of time, check:

  • boards - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.
  • trades - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#more.

    3/12.11/03 - XM and Sirius info. One posting on the Satellite Radio Board asks, "This Board Is Losing Steam. Ok people I don't know what is going on with this board..." The next, "go here for more comprehensive xm and sirius info and discussion>>." This started at radio-info.com/boards/satellite/index.cgi?read=1504.

    3/12.10/03 - "3RD RADIO STATION UP FOR SALE ON EBAY. This is starting to be a trend. Following on the heels of two other radio stations sold on ebay that went for well above their asking price, KTHO in Lake Tahoe is for sale on Ebay." More at www.newradiostar.com/. Also, link to KTHO below.

    3/12.9/03 - Some headlines and more from www.radioandrecords.com/.

  • "GLAAD Still Mad At Michael Savage, MSNBC"
  • "WABC/New York's Batchelor and Alexander Go National." And, "The duo's show airs in the 10pm-1am ET slot." Too late for L.A.??
  • "NBC News Radio Affiliate Count Reaches 100"

    3/12.8/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Wells can be ok, as is "Tales of the Texas Rangers."

  • "9:00 PM 60 MINUTES ll - KNX simulcasts the CBS newsmagazine. Preview and recaps.
  • "10:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Third Man"
    Episode: Golden Fleece
    Synopsis: Lime has a high seas adventure.
    Original airdate: 10-12-51"
  • "10:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Tales of the Texas Rangers"
    Episode: Hitchhiker
    Synopsis: A fugitive hitches a ride.
    Original airdate: 2-10-52"

    3/12.7/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps.

  • Tonight - "One year ago, his wife was convicted of killing three of their five children. Now Russell Yates speaks out on the shocking crime."
  • Thursday 3/13 - "Is war in Iraq a foregone conclusion? Should the United States wait for U.N. support? CBS News anchor Bob Schieffer, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell and others join the debate."

    3/12.6/03 - "Radio is going digital. But dueling standards complicate transition." Sent me a "AM/FM/LW/SW/DRM/HD/DAB radio." Rather long with some details at www.msnbc.com/news/883723.asp?cp1=1. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/12.5/03 - "Talk about dullsville, so goes 'The Savage Nation'. Talk-show terror Michael Savage's sign-off is, "Be here, or else you'll be nowhere!"" More at seattlepi.nwsource.com/tv/111865_tv11.shtml. Larry's tip. He's on like KPLS 830 AM evenings?

    3/12.4/03 - "TalkRadioDailyNews.com Coming within a few days -- You won't be able to live -- or work -- without it! ( click )" Also from Larry's site.

    3/12.3/03 - "Truckin' Bozo Radio Show: One trucker called in to the show and suggested that the U.S. bring back to the U.S. all the World War II soldiers who are buried in France (Web site)." From Larry's site at www.radiodailynews.com/. This show is on KLAC 570 AM overnight (like Tu-Sa?).

    3/12.2/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/. Some I mentioned/linked below. Concerning KWVS 101.5 FM, Radio-Locator lists it at www.radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/info?call=KWVS&service=FL but doesn't know it's on the air.

  • "New Radio Station Debuts at 101.5fm"
  • "KWVS debuts on Pepperdine/Malibu campus"
  • "Engineer wanted!" Below.
  • "7 LARP make list of 30 Most Influential African Americans in Radio" Below.
  • "You are invited to the Phil Hendrie NBC pilot taping"
  • "KRLA's Mark Larson hosts Bill Simon business luncheon"

    3/12.1/03 - FYI - "Panel will discuss Southern California transportation needs...hosted by Warren Olney...The free program starts at 7 p.m. at Galileo Hall...Olney is the host of the KCRW-FM (88.9) program "Which Way L.A.?" and National Public Radio's "To the Point."" More at www.latimes.com/la-ivo-olneybrfmar12,1,5379413.story.

    3/12/03 - "Abracadabra! Magician makes radio go ga-ga...He's Ricky Jay, famed magician and author, and his new show just started this week on KCRW-FM (89.9). The program, at 3:55 p.m. Thursdays, is only four minutes long." More at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E23523%257E1228739,00.html?search=filter. Repeat of LAT story?

    3/11.11/03 - Michael Jackson was on R&R's right-versus-left panel. See his 3/10/03 column at www.michaeljacksontalkradio.com/Michael_Jackson_Journal.html.

    3/11.10/03 - 3/12/03 is "Ask the School Chief" Wednesday 10-11a KFWB 980 AM. Details at "Ask the Mayor/Chief/School".

    3/11.9/03 - Message boards, out of time, check:

  • boards - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.

    3/11.8/03 - "Female Programmers Still A Rarity. Opportunities for women to program radio stations of any format are exceedingly rare." More at www.radioink.com/HeadlineEntry.asp?hid=103869&pt=Ink+Headlines. In L.A. it's KFI and ???

    3/11.7/03 - FYI - "Your latest chance to buy a [radio] station on eBay -- KTHO in Reno." Mentions www.insideradio.com/. I have read that it didn't sell. Radio-locator lists the basic, web-sightless station info at www.radio-locator.com/cgi-bin/info?call=KTHO&service=AM.

    3/11.6/03 - "Talk Vet Karel Joins KGO/San Francisco. The former KFI/Los Angeles host moves up the coast to join ABC Radio's News/Talk KGO as a weekender. His show airs 7-10pm on Saturdays and Sundays." From www.rronline.com/Subscribers/TodaysNews/homepage.htm. KGO 810 AM is easy to receive in L.A. in the evening. I say: Don your boa, Karel, and go for it; that's when you're at your best. The Saturday 7-9p slot in L.A. can be dull, so this will help. He has a site somewhere, plus a page at www.kgoam810.com/showdj.asp?DJID=13535.

    3/11.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Frontier Gentleman," a snapshot of the old West, is usually good; as is "Nightbeat," reporter finds human-interest story.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Frontier Gentleman"
    Episode: On the Mullin Wagon
    Synopsis: J.B. Kendall encounters gold prospectors and trouble.
    Original airdate: 3-9-58"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Nightbeat"
    Episode: Nightbeat
    Synopsis: Randy Stone looks into a jailbreak.
    Original airdate: 6-26-50"

    3/11.4/03 - Larry King bumped for Dodger baseball. It happened last night. I tuned into KFWB 980 AM (Mo-Fi) 8-9p, last night, and Larry King was bumped for Dodger baseball. Baseball is a kid's game played by grown-up who make way too much money and act like kids anyway. KFWB has a few sports pages like kfwb.com/sports.asp.

    3/11.3/03 - R&R's "2003 News/Talk Industry Achievement Awards," a very short list. See www.rronline.com/Convention/trs2003/Awards/index.htm. Larry's tip.

    3/11.2/03 - Some headlines at www.laradio.com/:

  • "Dance KDL (103.1fm) begins hiring on-air personalities"
  • ""Savage Nation" gets skewered by critics"
  • "Howard Stern thinks Mel Karmazin will stay with Viacom/Infinity" Mel who?

    3/11.1/03 - Clinton-Dole debate on KNX 1070 AM also, same time. Others didn't care for it. More at www.latimes.com/business/custom/cotown/la-et-lowry11mar11001504,1,147241.story.

    3/11/03 - Golf, "New Exhibit," "Speaking Of The Evil Empire ...," and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.

    3/10.16/03 - "Board Meeting. Lately, many people on the board as well as some of us at Radio-Info feel that there is too much negativity on this board and it is steering away from the real purpose, which is to discuss Los Angeles area Radio." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2135. Are even the comments are off-topic?

    3/10.15/03 - Message boards, out of time, check:

  • boards - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.

    3/10.14/03 - Triplets hype. Have you notices all the hype at www.laradio.com/ about the Triplets show on KLSX? A show to which even I won't listen for long. So why the hype? Anything to do with the KLSX email, "Join Frosty, Heidi, and Frank for a live broadcast Friday, March 14 from 12pm to 3pm Hennessey's on Pier Ave in Hermosa Beach. It's all to celebrate "Willard" starring Crispin Glover in theaters Friday!" Is someone pushing this show?

    3/10.13/03 - "ALL ACCESS REPORTS KDL MOVING TRANSMITER TO MT. WILSON within next two months." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=2089.

    3/10.12/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR - "Mr. and Mrs. North"
    Episode: The Comic
    Synopsis: A gangster tries to take over one partner in a comedy act.
    Original airdate: 1953"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR - "The Lone Ranger"
    Episode: Valley of Creeping Death
    Original airdate: 10-31-55"

    3/10.11/3/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.

  • Tonight - "Is a war with Iraq just days away? What is the next step in the showdown? Larry talks with former Sens. Bob Dole, George Mitchell, Gary Hart, George McGovern, Warren Rudman and Alan Simpson."
  • Tuesday 3/11 - "Our religious panel debates the morality of war and discusses keeping faith in uncertain times. Larry is joined by conservative Christian leader Dr. Bob Jones, president of Bob Jones University; author Max Lucado; Father Michael Manning, host of "Word in the World"; John MacArthur, pastor at the Grace Community Church; and Bishop Melvin Talbert, Ecumenical Officer of the United Methodist Church."

    3/10.10/03 - "Radio Ink Names 30 Most Influential African Americans In Radio. WEST PALM BEACH—March 10: Radio One’s Alfred Liggins and Catherine Hughes again take the top two slots on Radio Ink’s annual list of the most influential African Americans in the radio industry." The complete list is at www.radioink.com/.

    3/10.9/03 - "NPR content will be available on the re-launched "AOL Radio@Network." That includes Morning Edition and All Things Considered." Says www.insideradio.com/ and more. NPR has it also.

    3/10.8/03 - "Who Are News/Talk Radio's 10 Most Important People? At R&R's Talk Radio Seminar, they were the 10 average Los Angeles-based listeners to Talk and News stations who were taking part in a live focus group led by veteran researcher Jon Coleman — and they offered a fascinating look into their listening habits and desires. Renee loves listening to KABC/L.A. and to ABC Radio Networks syndicated host Sean Hannity. David enjoys listening to EIB's Rush Limbaugh on KFI/L.A., but admitted that he changes the station after 20 minutes because he already knows what Limbaugh's going to say. "I agree with him 100%," David said, "so I flip over to Dennis Prager [on KRLA] and Gloria Allred [formerly on KABC] to hear what the enemy has to say." Meanwhile, many of the listeners believed legendary talk host Michael Jackson was still on the air at KABC; Jackson has not been on the station for several years. Fred, a painter, loves FM Talker KLSX/L.A.: "It's just adult radio. It's not The Disney Channel. I'm not sitting in the First Baptist Church." No one on the panel disliked KLSX, the home of Howard Stern and Tom Leykis, and most of the listeners enjoyed listening to Stern's morning drive show. Listener Scott commented that he has to be captivated if he's going to listen to a station for more than 10 minutes, while listener Eric lamented about the quality of weekend programming at Talk radio. "At KLSX," he said, "they just put things on that are from the bottom of the barrel." Rather long, but from www.radioandrecords.com/. See them for more of today's news. One comment: I can't hardly listen to KLSX except for Merrill Shindler's weekend restaurant show.

    3/10.7/03 - FYI - What about the clock radio? "Phones may rival clock radio...This combo might be headed the way of the clock radio." Of what do they speak? It's from www2.ocregister.com - too long.

    3/10.6/03 - "Public radio sees future in acquisitions. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Public radio has always been known more for its high-minded news shows and soothing classical music than for its business savvy." And, "That seems to be the case in Los Angeles. Three years ago..." More at www.modbee.com/state_wire/story/6337735p-7286579c.html. See the part about L.A. Larry's tip.

    3/10.5/03 - FYI - "About Roadstar Radio. Newport Communications has expanded its reach beyond award-winning trucking industry magazines...now produces the nation's only timely syndicated radio news program aimed at the nation's 3 million professional truck drivers." More at www.roadstarradionews.com/about.asp. Larry's tip. See list of Affiliate Stations like KERN 1410 AM in Bakersfield, California (plus Sirius and MX), and it looks like they stream and archive from www.roadstarradionews.com/.

    3/10.4/03 - "LARadio.com reports that Linda McInnes, KLOS personality for the first half of the 1980s, took her own life on February 27... Friends said that she was despondent over the current state of radio." From Larry's site at www.radiodailynews.com/.

    3/10.3/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #564, dated 3/4/03. "FCC ADJUSTS ALLOCATIONS BELOW 28 MHZ," jobs, letters, and more. Dated 3/4, but I just found it on their site. Reminder - they may email to some?

    3/10.2/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com:

  • "How Far Is Too Far in Today's Talk Radio?"
  • "Many LARP sit on R&R Talk Radio Seminar panel to discuss challenges facing talk radio"
  • "Is $$ the root cause of Frosty & Frank name-calling feud at KLSX?" Or, is it for numbers? Same thing.

    3/10.1/03 - FYI - "New Breed of Media PCs Could Revive Slow Market." Specifically, "But sources familiar with the development effort say it will integrate at least one more tried-and-true entertainment function: FM radio reception." What, no AM? More at www.latimes.com/la-fi-hp10mar10,1,1526137.story.

    3/10/03 - "All the rage. Talk-show host Michael Savage draws listeners - and controversy - with his outspoken views." More at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=28829.

    3/9.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.

  • "7:00 PM 60 MINUTES - KNX simulcasts the CBS newsmagazine." Preview and recaps.
  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Lux Radio Theater" (one hour).
    Episode: To Have and Have Not
    Synopsis: Bogart reluctantly becomes involved with the French resistance during WW2.
    Guest star: Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall
    Original airdate: 10-14-46" Movie review at us.imdb.com/Title?0037382.

    3/9.2/03 - Message boards, out of time, check:

  • boards - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.

    3/9.1/03 - FYI - "Afghanistan Gets Radio Station for Women. KABUL, Afghanistan - The first Afghan radio station programmed solely for women has begun broadcasting in the capital, the station's director said Sunday." More at www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/world/5353675.htm. Larry's tip.

    3/9/03 - OCR radio stuff:

  • "Sick of cookie cutter? Taste KUCI." Gary Lycan's Sunday column and more, posted 3/8, at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=28826.
  • 'Hot Wave' - www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=28827§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=3&day=9.
  • 'Radio calendar' - www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=28828§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=3&day=9.

    3/8.6/03 - "How Real Are Arbitron Ratings?? Just curious of how Arbitron conducts ratings?" More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=21928. Check R&R for updates on the PPM.

    3/8.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good, but I don't care for "The Great Gildersleeve."

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Jack Benny Program," starring Jack Benny.
    Synopsis: Jack gets a statue of himself.
    Original airdate: 2-25-45"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Great Gildersleeve"
    Episode: Growing Old
    Synopsis: Gildy tries to console Leila when she fears she’s getting old.
    Original airdate: 1-27-46"

    3/8.4/03 - If you missed President Bush this morning, catch up at www.wric.com/Global/story.asp?S=1169864. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/8.3/03 - Talkers magazine 'heavy hitters' 2003. Larry has at least two links to this story, but one needs a sign-in and the other doesn't have the actual list. It should be on their site soon at www.talkers.com/heavy.html.

  • Also, try their 'milestones in talk radio' under www.talkers.com/talkaud.html#MILESTONES%20IN%20TALK%20RADIO'S%20DEVELOPMENT.

    3/8.2/03 - FYI - "CNN silences 'TalkBack Live'. With, " Although its ratings were strong, "TalkBack Live" was an anomaly on the CNN schedule, with its studio audience and frequent panels of shouting talk radio hosts." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick8.4mar08.story.

    3/8.1/03 - Michael Savage? His book is, "8 The Savage Nation by Michael Savage (WND Books: $24.99) The confrontational radio show host is on a mission to save the nation from itself, railing against feminism and the lack of school prayer." From www.calendarlive.com/books/bestsellers/cl-bk-bestsellers9mar09.story. More at the 3/7.3/03 Flash.

  • Also, about his new TV show at www.gwinnettdailyonline.com/GDP/archive/article56EF940A702E4196888D6A7FB7C485B5.asp. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/8/03 - "Sick of cookie cutter? Taste KUCI." Gary Lycan's Sunday column and more, a day early, at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=28826.

    3/7.13/03 - Do you know the answers?. If you listened to Bill Handel the other day, you may know the real name of SHMBO (say swim-bow). Name this person, what does SHMBO mean, and if it's from an old movie, which one? Big money could reward correct answers, but it's not likely. Hint: I haven't heard it used as an abbreviation before, it was spoken as a phrase.

    3/7.12/03 - No KDLD web site yet? Phone nunber? Entravision still isn't listing a web site for their new KDLD/KDLE 103.1 FM station. You can keep an eye on www.entravision.com/template.cfm?Page=Media&SubPage=radioAll&TitleResult=Search_Radio_Title. But, they do show an address and phone numbers when you click on the call letters.

    3/7.11/03 - The KFI web site wasn't working just now as I tried to recheck their recently revised weekend schedule. It's www.kfi640.com/. Some slots are still unstable. Like Sat noon-2p was Mario Martinoli's restaurant/food show once, but has also been several others. Mario, with about the best restaurant/food show, last on KABC, needs a station. Now the site works; they've revised the fonts, whatever.

    3/7.10/03 - FYI - "Surviving The Radio BLOODBATH. Reprinted from Talkers magazine. Mom & Pop: Alive & Well. You want to blame Randy Michaels. But it's really Larry King's fault. Larry showed station owners how to keep the transmitter on with no local talent in the building..." More at members.aol.com/cookeh/steveandbill.html. Tip from the ctcr bb at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=21943, with comments.

    3/7.9/03 - "Is it time for a new radio dial? With the addition of IBOC and less space on the FM dial, would it be better if the FCC allocated new space for commercial radio in addition to FM and AM bands?" More and several comments under radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=21937.

    3/7.8/03 - "Clinton, Dole To Debate On 60 Minutes. Former President Bill Clinton and his 1996 Republican president opponent Bob Dole have agreed to revive 60 Minutes’ "Point-Counterpoint" feature this Sunday (March 9). The two retired politicians have signed with CBS to do ten “mini-debates” over the next few months for an undisclosed fee." More at www.radioink.com/.

    3/7.7/03 - "Ready for war? If you're using a TV news feed -- check again." Says www.insideradio.com/, where only the headlines are free. P.S. - Even the radio hosts check the TV while on air; for example, the "John and Ken Show"'s coverage of the car this week came from their TV.

    3/7.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the better westerns. "The Shadow," even with Orson Wells, isn't very good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Gunsmoke"
    Episode: Scared Kid
    Synopsis: Not available.
    Original airdate: not available"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Shadow"
    Episode: The Precipice Called Death
    Synopsis: The Shadow tracks down a monster-like killer.
    Original airdate: 1-21-40"

    3/7.5/03 - "Talk Execs Agree: Opie & Anthony Shouldn't Have Been Fired." So said most of the talk programmers, consultants and talent..." More at too long url. Larry's tip. Actually, they were fired for having dumb names; their content was just an excuse.

    3/7.4/03 - Some headlines as www.laradio.com/ returns:

  • "Are KLSX's "Triplets" on the Verge of Becoming "The Pair"?"
  • "Frosty Stilwell and Frank Kramer in verbal battle during KLSX noon Triplets show"
  • "Frank Kramer walks off the show for two hours and then returns"
  • ""You were the hardest working man in radio with the lowest ratings" - Kramer to Stilwell"
  • ""Our largest R&R Talk Convention ever!" - Erica Farber"
  • "Kitty Felde's original musical play debuts tonight"
  • Also, see how to turn one, weak story into four headlines and how to promote the associated weak program.

    3/7.3/03 - "Tearing it up. Michael Savage, once an angry white man who couldn't get the job he wanted, is now a voice of ultraconservatism. His popular radio talk show can be nasty and politically incorrect. Tough." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-tempest7mar07.story.

    3/7.2/03 - "Minnesota Public Radio more in tune with West Coast. Hoping he can bring the same success to the entire network as he has to its popular "Marketplace" program, Minnesota Public Radio this week promoted one of the show's creators to nurture new series and help the company capitalize on its West Coast properties, including KPCC-FM (89.3)." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney7mar07.story.

  • Also includes, "Format ventures beyond Mexico. It wouldn't divulge its secret recipe beforehand, but when Spanish Broadcasting System changed formats at KFSG-FM (93.5) as last Friday turned into Saturday, it served up "La Sabrosa," "the flavorful one." And more.

    3/7.1/03 - "Host brings humor to biz show. David Brancaccio, the host of public radio's "Marketplace" business show, figures he's doing a good job if he leaves the environment a little worse off each day." This and more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html, which wasn't up yesterday.

    3/7/03 - "Radio soap warns of the perils of immigration. Tales of life north of border has some Mexicans thinking twice. MEXICO CITY – After listening to the first harrowing episodes of the radio soap opera "Tortillas Duras," Maribel Trejo was so shaken by the experience of the fictional migrants that she swore off following her family, neighbors and friends who have gone to the United States." More at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=28675§ion=NATION_WORLD&subsection=NATION_WORLD&year=2003&month=3&day=7. A follow-up on old news.

    3/6.15/03 - President Bush talks tonight, live at 5p says KABC 790 AM. Also, try the usual talk stations. More at www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/A/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1046925897487, like, "According to Israel Radio, US President Bush is expected to announce the capture of arch-terrorist Osama Bin Laden." www.moreover.com/'s tip. But, KABC says others say that isn't true.

    3/6.14/03 - Message boards and trades, out of time, check:

  • boards - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.
  • trades - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#more.

    3/6.13/03 - Talker KFI 640 AM moves into 15th spot on Measure Cast's top-25 list. And, it's the only L.A. station on the list. And, that may be the highest spot I remember for an L.A. station. See www.arbitron.com/newsroom/archive/WCR03_06_03.htm. It is nice to see three talkers on the list, plus three classical stations.

    3/6.12/03 - Some stuff from www.insideradio.com/. Only these types of headlines are free.

  • "Radio listeners in markets with a "60 Minutes" simulcast can hear the new feature by Bill Clinton and Bob Dole. CBS is reviving "Point/Counterpoint" and will run the short debate in the middle of the hour, starting this weekend."
  • "Sam Donaldson will anchor Bush's news conference tonight for ABC News Radio. Sam -- who always seems up for radio assignments -- will do this one along with White House correspondent Ann Compton."

    3/6.11/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows are usually good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Dragnet"
    Episode: The Big Cad
    Synopsis: [LAPD] Sgt. Friday investigates a drug manufacturer robbery.
    Original airdate: 8-17-54"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Box 13"
    Episode: Extra, Extra
    Synopsis: Dan receives a request for help from a newspaper boy.
    Original airdate: 4-12-48"

    3/6.10/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. King's site also link to Dr. Weil's site at www.drweil.com, from yesterday.

  • Tonight - "After the president's prime-time news conference, renowned journalist Bob Woodward gives his reaction to Bush's remarks. Larry is also joined by Sen. John Warner, Rep. Chris Shays and Sen. George McGovern."
  • Friday 3/7 - "In a rare one-on-one interview, the always-outspoken Sen. Robert Byrd talks to Larry about everything from the threat of war with Iraq to his 50 years in Congress."

    3/6.9/03 - "No fighting it: War issue good for Pacifica. The Pacifica Radio Network...and KPFK in Los Angeles." More at www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/story/64700p-60294c.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/6.8/03 - Florida's WDBO streams Alan Colmes and several other talkers. See 580wdbo.com/inside/shows.html, and convert to L.A. time. Larry's tip.

    3/6.7/03 - "OPEN LETTER TO FCC CHAIRMAN MICHAEL POWELL. I applaud Los Angeles Times writers..." More and links at www.firststrategy.com/johnrookpowell.htm. Larry's tip.

    3/6.6/03 - Radio and Records Talk Radio Seminar in L.A. Larry's tips.

  • Schedule - www.radioandrecords.com/Convention/trs2003/Agenda/index.htm.
  • Awards 'Of The Year' - www.radioandrecords.com/Convention/trs2003/Awards/index.htm. See what L.A. won - just John (Kobylt) and Ken (Chiampou) on KFI: Mo-Fi, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM.

    3/6.5/03 - FYI - "What's My Beef: Pizza Chains Getting It All Wrong!" Dave talks about pizza. He's mostly correct, but healthy pizza? It's not for everyone; please stick to radio. See calradio.tripod.com/.

    3/6.4/03 - FYI - Bill O'Reilly does TV. "Point-counterpoint: Commentator Bill O'Reilly debates actress and antiwar activist Janeane Garofalo on the newsmagazine "The Pulse" (9 p.m. Fox)." From www.calendarlive.com/tv/reviews/cl-wk-tvhighlights6mar06.story.

    3/6.3/03 - FYI - "Reality TV 'Single' Is Already Hitched. In the latest background check gaffe to strike TV's so-called reality series, it was revealed on a San Diego radio show..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-me-marry6mar06.story.

    3/6.2/03 - FYI - "WITH THE KIDS Opening Beethoven's door. A lyricist tampers with the classics, adding words to draw kids into a new world." Mentions radio. More at www.calendarlive.com/family/cl-wk-kids6mar06.story.

    3/6.1/03 - "FCC's Media Chief Inclined to Lift Curbs. Ferree leans toward a mathematical formula instead of blanket caps on cross-ownership." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-media6mar06,1,2413238.story.

    3/6/03 - Sean Hannity does his show from L.A. today, and he has a bunch of guests. Mo-Fr, noon-3p, KABC 790 AM

    3/5.9/03 - For "Judicial Watch Report" fans. The LAT says it's on Tue, 11p-midn, on KPLS 830 AM. Is this the show that was on KRLA 870 AM? I'm not sure cause stupid KPLS doesn't have a site or a schedule (only a partial list in the PennySaver) and on KRLA it's hard to locate a show (you have to search seven schedules - dumb).

    3/5.8/03 - KPRS? What's that construction on Vanowen St., west of Reseda in Reseda, where the police station was? The sign in front says KPRS. But, I don't see any info on the FCC site except for the one in Kansas City, MO. The now very out-of-date www.radiowatch.com does list a "KPRS-AM 1090." What's that?

    3/5.7/03 - Mentions our Neil Saavedra and his shows at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=21727.

    3/5.6/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com. These two are related, but you can skip the specific numbers. Our Salem talk outlet is KRLA 870 AM.

  • "Ed Atsinger Says Salem Is Replacing Lost Affiliates. Although he notes that the launches of shows by Sean Hannity on ABC Radio Networks and Bill O'Reilly on Westwood One..." This explains the next.
  • "Salem Shares Plunge 22% On Q4 Results, Q1 Warning"

    3/5.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Wells can be ok. Did "Tales of the Texas Rangers" inspire "Dragnet"?

  • "9:00 PM 60 MINUTES ll - KNX simulcasts the CBS newsmagazine." Preview and recaps.
  • "10:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Third Man"
    Episode: Rogue’s Holiday
    Synopsis: Harry Lime goes on a cruise after bilking some investors.
    Original airdate: 9-21-51"
  • "10:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Tales of the Texas Rangers"
    Episode: The Rub Out
    Synopsis: A prizefighter dies as a result of a pre-fight rubdown.
    Original airdate: 2-3-52"

    3/5.4/03 - "Hank Ballard, father of "The Twist," dies in L.A. LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Singer-songwriter Hank Ballard, the R&B legend who wrote and recorded "The Twist" with little fanfare only to see Chubby Checker turn the song into a rock 'n' roll dance sensation a year later..." Specifically, "...sexual innuendo that left many of the songs banned on mainstream pop radio..." More at in.news.yahoo.com/030305/137/21rxw.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/5.3/03 - "[www.]LARadio.com will be dark Wednesday and Thursday and will resume on Friday." Why did 'dark' become another term for 'closed'? Is it just that the lights are out?

    3/5.2/03 - "FCC Commissioners to hold Public Hearing On Media Concentration in Seattle on March 7. More at www.radiodailynews.com/seattlefcc.htm. Larry's tip.

    3/5.1/03 - FYI - "A Busy Signal for FCC Chief. Michael Powell vows to weather a policy setback and press his agenda for deregulation. Critics question whether his style suits his job." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-powell5mar05,1,37927.story. This doesn't mention radio, but it's on their front page.

    3/5/03 - "On cable news, it's all shoutmanship." Mentions radio several times at www.latimes.com/business/custom/cotown/la-et-lowry5mar05001428,1,4979699.story.

    3/4.8/03 - "UNDER FIRE, MSNBC HOST VOWS: 'I WON'T LET THESE BASTARDS WIN'. A gay-rights group says it plans to meet with NBC chairman Robert Wright this week in a last-minute attempt to head off Saturday's TV debut of controversial radio talk show host Michael Savage...." More and hot links at www.talkradionow.com/.

    3/4.7/03 - "SAME OLD SONG AND DANCE. The recording companies are tired of paying radio to play their songs. No wonder: They’ve been doing it for 80 years. Last month, the Senate convened a hearing on the presumed problem of “payola” in the radio industry." More at www.washingtoncitypaper.com/cover/cover.html. Tip from the NYr mb from yesterday. Remember when radio started? The stations had live bands cause they couldn't play records. What a switch. This is about 16 pages long, but read this for a history of records on the radio.

    3/4.6/03 - Some headlines at www.radioandrecords.com/:

  • "Kevin Martin May Be 'Swing Vote' On FCC Rewrite Of Ownership Rules"
  • "Apple Jumps Into Digital-Music Biz"

    3/4.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Frontier Gentleman" can get interesting. "Nightbeat" is often good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Frontier Gentleman"
    Episode: Frontier Gentleman
    Synopsis: J.B. Kendall almost encounters Custer’s battle.
    Original airdate: 2-23-58"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "Nightbeat"
    Episode: Vincent and the Painter
    Synopsis: Randy Stone’s story ends with the murder of a dream.
    Original airdate: 6-19-50"

    3/4.4/03 - "Emmis Cancels Plan to Separate Radio, TV Stations; Shares Fall. Indianapolis, March 3 (Bloomberg) -- Emmis Communications Corp., an owner of radio and television stations in cities such as Los Angeles and New York, canceled a plan to separate the two businesses. The shares fell 13 percent." More at quote.bloomberg.com/...too long. Larry's tip.

    3/4.3/03 - FYI - "The Mighty 1090 has started to relay the Sporting News radio network. 6 a.m. will be a vastland of fans gathered around their radios..." More, their schedule, and other San Diego radio news at www.sdradio.net/. Larry's tip.

    3/4.2/03 - "Chase is news, stations say. Despite pleas, most stations run with video. Chase is news, stations say. Less than a week after Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn and Police Chief William Bratton asked media leaders to curtail their coverage of live police chases, most local television stations broadcast video of a shoplifting suspect evading police on a wild chase through the Cahuenga Pass on Monday afternoon." More at www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~1218905,00.html. Larry's tip, cause my LAT search didn't find it. I heard the chase on the "John and Ken Show," and this sounded like a good one.

  • The LAT story is here and they don't mention radio: "Despite Officials' Appeal, Stations Air Car Chase. Mayor, LAPD chief, sheriff had asked that pursuits not be televised. Driver is arrested." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-chase4mar04,1,5281926.story.

    3/4.1/03 - Some headlines at www.laradio.com/:

  • "Santa Barbara Classical station hanging on" Was it a college or what that wants to buy it? Old news?
  • "Phil Hendrie's "doctor" gets revenge on patients with unnecessary prostate exams with three fingers and not washing tongue depressors" This is funny?

    3/4/03 - "KFSG leaves the air" and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.

    3/3.18/03 - But, where is the host? Does it matter? See several comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=21624.

    3/3.17/03 - Remember "Cynic's Choice," the British comedy show? It's been gone for a few years, but it may have reappeared on Sunday, 3-3:30p, on KXMX 1190 AM. I just heard a few minutes, and it sounded like it, but I didn't hear an ID. This was listed in the L.A. Times Sunday radio tips a few weeks ago.

    3/3.16/03 - Comment line for KDL 103.1 FM? "No website yet but there's a comment line for KDL that you can call. It's 323-878-5535. You can call them and beg for a website to be made. :O)" says radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=1938.

    3/3.15/03 - "Computer Talk with Larry Piland" shortened. On KFMB 760 AM in San Diego their computer show "Computer Talk with Larry Piland" has been reduced to one hour on Sat and Sun at 1-2p. I don't listen much and don't know why. It was about three hours each day. So says www.760kfmb.com/schedule/schedule.shtml.

    3/3.14/03 - "New LA Radio Scoreboard - 5 New Spanish Stations, 1 New English Station." More and a dozen comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=1896.

    3/3.13/03 - Elmer Dills, they said on his show, did have an operation last week, is doing ok, and could be out for a few weeks. It took the doctors a while to figure out what it was, which I can't spell or remember. Enjoy Steve Knight for a while.

    3/3.12/03 - "Friday's FCC media ownership hearing in Seattle should have a hip-hop flavor." Whatever, from www.insideradio.com/.

    3/3.11/03 - "SBS Unveils 'La Sabrosa' In Los Angeles. Longtime simulcast partners KFSB & KFSG, which Foursquare Church had been operating via an LMA for 1 1/2 years until relinquishing control back to SBS this weekend..." Old news at www.radioandrecords.com/.

    3/3.10/03 - Message boards and trades, out of time, check:

  • boards - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.
  • trades - members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#more.

    3/3.9/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be interesting. Did anyone watch the new "The Lone Ranger" TV movie last week, past the first four minutes?

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR - "Mr. and Mrs. North"
    Episode: Coat of Arms
    Synopsis: A coat leads to murder.
    Original airdate: 1953"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR - "The Lone Ranger"
    Episode: Glory Pass
    Original airdate: 11-1-55"

    3/3.8/03 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. This fluff week starts with:

  • Tonight - "What's ahead for the Osbourne family? Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne join Larry live for the hour to discuss Sharon's battle with cancer, parenthood and living life on TV."
  • Tuesday 3/4 - "Exclusive: LaToya Jackson speaks out. Michael Jackson's outrageous older sister joins Larry for the hour and takes your calls."
  • Wednesday 3/5 - "Is alternative medicine safe? Can herbal supplements kill? Integrative medicine expert Dr. Andrew Weil weighs in. He joins Larry for the hour and takes your calls."

    3/3.7/03 - FYI - "Radio station is a tie that binds. Signal links the vast rural Navajo Nation with its cultural roots. WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – Two o'clock in the afternoon and the mightiest radio station in these parts is on a roll." That's KTNN 660 AM. Can anyone hear it in L.A.? More at www.signonsandiego.com/news/features/20030303-9999_1c3navajo.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.

    3/3.6/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com:

  • "KFWB news is part of Friday abduction story" ??
  • "Will Doug McIntyre jump ship to KFI?" A better time is needed!
  • "Baseball broadcasts reviewed"
  • "Univision just got bigger"
  • "SBS launches "La Sabrosa" at 93.5fm"
  • "R&R prepares for Talk Convention this week"

    3/3.5/03 - "LETTERS Her bias or balance? As one who finds Linda Gradstein's reporting on National Public Radio to be extremely biased against Israel..." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/suncal/cl-ca-letters2mar02.story.

    3/3.4/03 - FYI - "Are liberals really ready for their own Limbaugh? So, a group of wealthy Democrats plans to start a new radio network in hopes of creating liberal talk-show alternatives to Rush Limbaugh." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/suncal/cl-ca-shaw2mar02.story.

    3/3.3/03 - FYI! - "Poll Finds L.A. Leads in Disaster Readiness. Quake threat is cited as possible reason for rank as most prepared of the nation's 10 largest cities. New York is found most fearful but least ready." Specifically, "...disaster supply kit...usually contain food and water supplies, flashlights and a portable radio." More at www.latimes.com/la-me-harris3mar03,1,6535880.story.

    3/3.2/03 - FYI - Realtors introduce Spanish radio ads. The National Assn. of Realtors kicked off the sixth season of its multimillion-dollar public awareness campaign with the addition of Spanish-language radio advertisements last week.
    The trade group said that this year it will spend almost $20 million on more than 3,400 network television and radio spots.
    The Spanish-language ads will run on Latino radio networks, targeting the top 25 Latino markets nationwide." From www.latimes.com/la-re-update2.2mar02,1,4198447.story.

    3/3.1/03 - "Radio program will tape locally. "Justice Talking," a program that airs on National Public Radio, will record two shows March 11 at San Bernardino Valley College Auditorium dealing with racial statistics and water rights." And, "There is no fee to attend the taping of the programs, which will be recorded before an audience. Space may be reserved through the program's Web site: www.justicetalking.org/ [needs a password]. For information: 384-4444 or visit www.kvcr.org/." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/ontario/news/la-ivo-justice01mar01,1,2410160.story, but my hot links.

    3/3/03 - OCR radio stuff from 3/2/03:

  • Gary Lycan's column "KPWR has the power on the air" - www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=27753.
  • "Hot Wave" - www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=27754§ion=SHOW&subsection=RADIO&year=2003&month=3&day=2.
  • "Radio calendar" - www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=27729§ion=SHOW&subsection=LISTINGS&year=2003&month=3&day=2.

    3/2/03 - busy

    3/1.4/03 - Confused about LPFM (low-power FM). See several comments under radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=21528. The last I heard, there will NOT be any LPFM in L.A. due to lack of space.

    3/1.3/03 - "George Noory Moves to L.A. From coasttocoastam.com: "West of the Rockies! Beginning Monday March 3, 2003, George Noory will begin broadcasting Coast to Coast live from Los Angeles, California. Tune in and welcome George to the Golden State!"" More at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=21544.

    3/1.2/03 - Goodbye KFSG, hello SBS. Comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=1874. Like, "Nice sign-off from KFSG thanking their listeners and until an appropriate radio station can be found, may God bless everyone. They were not cut-off or anything like that...went very smooth. I have it on tape."

    3/1.1/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy tonight. "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good.

  • "9:00 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Jack Benny Program," starring Jack Benny.
    Guest: Jane Wyman
    Original airdate: 2-18-45"
  • "9:30 PM KNX DRAMA HOUR — "The Great Gildersleeve"
    Episode: Deputy Gildy
    Synopsis: Gildersleeve jumps into action when a palm reader comes to town.
    Original airdate: 1-20-46"

    3/1/03 - Pay-per-view (PPV) fights, on Saturday night, may be reported as round-by-round summaries on KNX 1070 AM. They did report last week's 47-second-long fight and many other fights in the past, and there may be another PPV fight tonight. I haven't heard KNX announce this recently, but in the past they have said the fights start about 6p. However, KNX only reports on the main event which could start before 8p and is usually over before the Drama Hour at 9p. To be safe, try about 7:30-9p. If the fight runs late, the Drama Hour follows.

  • Do you know the answers?. If you listened to Bill Handel the other day (from 3/7/03), you may know the real name of the person they called SHMBO (say swim-bow). Can you name this person, what does SHMBO mean, and if it's from an old movie, which one? Big money could reward correct answers, but it's not likely. Hint: I haven't heard it used as an abbreviation before, it was spoken as a phrase.
    See the Radio pages on MENU for more info.

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