Flashes: 2003: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2002: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2001: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2000: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1999: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1998: 10 - 12 ||| Search this site - Read Me |
new Favorites:
Sun |||
old Best of old Favorites: Sat | Su | Everyday | Mo - Fr | Tu - Sa | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr air schedules Columns & Columnists (C&C) ||| Radio Headlines (daily) Calendar | Time or | weather in Los Angeles | New message board MENU |
Shows: - ??Larry King (or Dodgers) Mo-Fr 8-9p KFWB 980 AM ||| KNX 1070 AM: KNX Drama Hour daily 9-10p (We 10-11p), "60 Minutes" Sun 7-8p, "60 Minutes II" Wed 9-10p, Sat: Bush 7:06a, Dems 8:06a.
4/2003 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight.
4/30.7/03 - "Salem aims to raise $1 million tomorrow for the families of servicemen and women. The KRLA, Los Angeles-based national radiothon includes SRN personalities like Dennis Prager, Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt." KRLA 870 AM, says www.insideradio.com.
4/30.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Welles can be ok.
4/30.5/03 - "National Amber Alert Bill Becomes Law. WASHINGTON (AP) -- News of missing children will speed to the public over radio, TV and electronic highway signs in more states under the Amber Alert legislation, signed Wednesday by President Bush." More at www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-Bush.html?ex=1052366400&en=bab61c2cc4495be3&ei=5040&partner=MOREOVER. www.moreover.com's tip, and I went directly into the NYT without the usual signin.
4/30.4/03 - "Museum of Television & Radio Going Virtual. Imagine a museum without walls." More at www.uemedia.com/CPC/article_7589.shtml. www.moreover.com's tip.
4/30.3/03 - "LA County Deputy's Widow Seeks Suspect's Extradition From Mexico" More at www.nbc4.tv/news/2167783/detail.html. The "John and Ken" show on KFI are all over this issue and are trying to get something done. www.moreover.com's tip.
4/30.2/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #572 dated 4/29/03. Like, "FCC BEGINS INQUIRY REGARDING BROADBAND OVER POWER LINES." This is big in Europe.
4/30.1/03 - Some headlines without comments from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free. Some are old news and are linked from this page.
4/30/03 - "Game show's fate isn't trivial. Randy Dotinga North County Times. Mike Cook is one detail-oriented guy. He tracks how many hours of radio broadcasting that he has produced (more than 10,000). He knows how many hours his show, "Hooked on Trivia,"..." This and more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html, a day early.
4/29.14/03 - "FCC delivers Spanish listeners to Bush" at forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=200.1.
4/29.13/03 - Michael Jackson's discussion board opens at www.michaeljacksontalkradio.com/Michael_Jackson_ChatRadio.html. Anyone can read the board as a Guest, but posting requires registration with a valid email address, which I don't like.
4/29.12/03 - Comments on FCC news. Somewhat hard to follow but try "FCC News ...and your comments. FCC Chief Touts Ownership Rule Change" at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24114.
4/29.11/03 - "Sirius Satellite Radio Installed for $49.95. I just had mine installed at Good Guys..they say the special lasts until June. So for $49.95 you get both the hardware and the installation." From radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3763. It's been done before; they could give away the hardware for free to get your monthly payments.
4/29.10/03 - "NBC News Radio affiliates. WW1 has announced in a press release that the new NBC News Radio service now has over 300 affiliates. http://www.westwoodone.com." From radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24105. But, I still don't see a specific list of stations.
4/29.9/03 - The Radio Hall of Fame, for people and shows, has a site at www.radiohof.org/. Looks like lots of stuff.
4/29.8/03 - "Talk Radio Pioneer Jerry Williams has died. Jerry Williams, dean of talk radio in Boston, dies at 79. By Associated Press, 4/29/03. BOSTON — Longtime Boston radio talk show host Jerry Williams, considered one of the pioneers of the talk radio format, died Tuesday." More at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24097. See RHOF above. P.S. - his bio at www.radiohof.org/newstalk/jerrywilliams.html doesn't specifically state when he 'started' talk radio.
4/29.7/03 - "Good news for KDL fanatics? from MTV.com: Name That Tune: Web Site Offers Peek At Station Playlists." More at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3781. It links to www.yes.net/.
4/29.6/03 - "K-Surf has made some changes:" More at forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=199.1.
4/29.5/03 - Some tips from www.newradiostar.com/, the right-side column:
4/29.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
4/29.3/03 - "Huge turnout at FCC meeting. 400 people gather to discuss major changes in media ownership with commissioner." More at www.theargusonline.com/Stories/0,1413,83~1971~1357420,00.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/29.3/03 - History of American Broadcasting Web site. "Steve Eberhart reports that the History of American Broadcasting Web site features audio cuts of ABC, NBC, CBS and Mutual news intros + radio news legends bloopers by Paul Harvey, Lowell Thomas and more. (listen to 'em)." From Larry's site.
4/29.2/03 - "Overnights at KABC Red Hot - 12.5 to KFI's 3.0 in 12+" headlines www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free. This probably refers to "Red Eye Radio With Doug McIntyre, Tuesday - Friday: 1:00 AM - 5:00 AM, Saturday: 1:00 AM - 6:00 AM" on KABC vs George Noory on KFI. Doug McIntyre does a good show in a bad time slot. Is he ready for 'prime' time?
4/29.1/03 - "Satellite Radio for your PC," "Marathon Results," "Marathon II," "Play Thing," "Time Change," and "Improvement Update" are packed into Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
4/29/03 - The list of L.A. Times radio tips for today on page E12 is rather larger than usual, perhaps because they didn't have much material for the Calendar section. Try to find a copy for yourself since this is not on their web site. But, it does contain a few mistakes, etc.
4/28.8/03 - Tripod lost the original 4/28.4/03 thru 4/28.9/03 Flashes (whatever), and I don't have the time (or memory) to redo them. Nothing real important, but I'm not sure how it happened. Most of them probably came from Boards or Trades or www.moreover.com/.
4/28.7/03 - FYI - "Now Clear Channel wants to rule Britain's airwaves." More at media.guardian.co.uk/whitepaper/story/0,7521,749957,00.html. A tip from the ctcr bb.
4/28.6/03 - "AM/FM Frequency Response. Just working on a project, I need to know what the frequency response of AM and FM radio is! Thanks in advance!" A comment under radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1716.
4/28.5/03 - "All Right Wing Talk Radio In San Diego." More at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3747. Try Michael Jackson, the San Francisco stations, and Alan Colmes is now in San Diego.
4/28.4/03 - "Major Media Players Square Off on FCC Rule Change. Independent television producers joined three federal officials on Monday in urging U.S. regulators to rethink and at least delay a June 2 vote on changing broadcasting rules until further studies can be done." More at www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=DEAY3YQLQXM50CRBAEZSFEY?type=industryNews&storyID=2645613. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/28.3/03 - Fund Raisers. This weekend KNX/KRTH in about 36 or 37 hours raised over $200,000. So far KFI has raised over $750, 000 in almost four weeks. This does not seem to compute.
4/28.2/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be ok, but it's easy to loose the plot.
4/28.1/03 - "New Arbitron Radio 2003 Study is Out. Also click on their More and links. More at adrants.rantworks.com/#200209964. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/28/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free. Some are old news and are linked from this page.
4/27.2/03 - FYI - "WWII Code Talker Tells His Tale" See www.columbian.com/04262003/front_pa/32350.html. moreover.com.
4/27.1/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
4/27/03 - OCR radio stuff:
4/26.11/03 - Fund Raiser Ends. Fri 4/25/03 6a till Sat 4/26 7p - 37-Hour Radiothon. "Sister Stations to Help Hope Center. KNX (1070 AM) and KRTH (101.1 FM) have paired up to raise money for expansion and renovation of the Bob Hope Hollywood USO with a 37-hour radiothon entitled, appropriately enough, the USO Bob Hope Center Radiothon. It began this morning [4/25] at 6 AM..." Reports Richard Wagoner in the 4/22/03 Flash. Content: little. Or, 36 hours.
4/26.10/03 - "All news radio. I want to have a complete list of All of the all news radio station in USA... This is a little list..." More at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24026.
4/26.9/03 - MeasureCast changes at www.measurecast.com/: Live365.com becomes the top netcaster, ABC is 8 and CCC is 9. On the top-25 list, for talkers, 5-WLS, 9-The Sean Hannity Show, 11-L.A.'s KFI 640 AM, and 17-WSB. Classical music has the 3, 7, and 14 spots.
4/26.8/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good.
4/26.7/03 - President Bush/Dems Sat talks. www.moreover.com/'s tip. Sat: Bush 7:06a, Dems 8:06a, KNX 1070 AM. Archives, etc.
4/26.6/03 - "On why XTRA 690/1150 didn't show up in the Los Angeles Arbitrons: XTRA's ratings in San Diego slipped about 23 percent, but its L.A. share rose 125 percent, but the increase didn't show up in the official ratings because of a technicality regarding simulcasting." From Larry's site, from the SDU paper.
4/26.5/03 - "Pachyderm gives public radio a boost...Roberts' creation, an ad for radio station KCRW-FM..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-ca-artsnotes27apr27,0,4887572.story?coll=cl%2Dradio. Dated for 4/27.
4/26.4/03 - "Shedding 'Light' on the Holocaust. Temple to recreate radio broadcast Tuesday for Days of Remembrance. BURBANK — On the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, the Temple Beth Emet Players will recreate a radio broadcast of the battle for this year's Days of Remembrance of the Holocaust. The radio drama, "The Eternal Light," originally broadcast in 1961, dramatized the 1943 uprising." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/burbank/news/la-blr-remember26apr26,1,812002.story. Why can't some radio station air it?
4/26.3/03 - "Teen Has No Regrets on Insult Web Site." Specifically, "Soon after an article appeared in The Times earlier this month about the controversial Web site, radio hosts of the "John and Ken Show" on KFI-AM (640) launched a campaign to shut down schoolscandals.com." Lots more at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-scandal26apr26,1,2563916.story. This was in yesterday's news also.
4/26.2/03 - Want to get into radio? Specifically, "RADIO KWRM-AM (1370) is looking for qualified people who are interested in getting involved with sports radio. The station covers high school and college sports throughout Southern California. For information: (714) 278-7922." From www.latimes.com/news/local/ontario/sports/la-ivo-digest26apr26,1,2905743.story. This was in the paper before.
4/26.1/03 - "Things That Bedevil Our City of Angels." Specifically, "...or maybe it was the effects of talk-radio outrage seeping into my brain." And, "I love my city but the radio stations are lousy, especially when it comes to music. Classic rock? Two. Ranchero and Tejano? Lots. Talk? Plenty. Progressive? One. Album-oriented? None." More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-vo-gerloff26apr26,1,2495293.story.
4/26/03 - "BBC chief assails U.S. war coverage. U.S. broadcasters' coverage of the Iraq war was so unquestioningly patriotic and so lacking in impartiality that it threatened the credibility of America's electronic media, the head of the BBC says." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick26.5apr26.story. Repeat of 4/24.6/03 Flash? The 4/9.4/03 Flash links to a story where a UK ship shut off the BBC for being too pro-Iraq.
4/25.12/03 - Funds Raisers. KFI has raised about $695,777. Someone mentioned that was about $50,000 per day. KNX/KRTH raised about $40,000 in the first four hours and hopes to raise $250,000 in 37 hours. The KFI money goes to help troops' families, and the KNX/KRTH money goes to expand the LAX USO. Check their sites for details and the newest totals. See the fund pages at: KNX, KRTH, and KFI.
4/25.11/03 - "Re: Hell Has Frozen Over, Pigs Can Fly, The L.A. TIMES Publishes Extensive Ratin." More comments on the article linked in the 4/25.4/03 Flash, on L.A. Arbitrons. More at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3684.
4/25.10/03 - "Meanwhile, in L.A." Comments on the article linked in the 4/25.4/03 Flash, on L.A. Arbitrons. More at the bottom of radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23981.
4/25.9/03 - "this posted in Don Barrett's column. K-BIG's Disco Saturday Night, hosted by Archer and mixed by dj Ray Rhodes won its time slot in Persons 25-54, moving from #2 last book to #1 overall! It also jumps from 5th place in the last book to #1 with Men 25-54!" From radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3668.
4/25.8/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ with free stories:
4/25.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the best westerns. "The Shadow" even with Orson Wells can be poor.
4/25.6/03 - "Internet radio takes off bit by bit. Internet radio has found a niche. Lots of them, in fact." More at www.signonsandiego.com/news/computing/20030425-0500-technology-radio.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/25.5/03 - Some headlines without comments from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free. Some are old news and are linked from this page.
4/25.4/03 - You asked for it - "Hour by hour in the ratings war. Which station is currently on top? It depends on time of day." Lots more at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney25apr25.story.
4/25.3/03 - "Student Insult Web Site Closed. Specifically, "Ray Lopez, producer of the "John and Ken Show" on KFI-AM (640) radio, said they first aired a segment about the Web site last week after reading about it in The Times, and received hundreds of e-mails and telephone calls from angry students and parents." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-scandal25apr25,1,1974090.story.
4/25.2/03 - Sports - "She Found Vroom in Her Heart." Specifically, "Radio Wars. The Arbitron winter ratings book for local radio stations came out this week..." And, "Laker Radio Update." More at www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-tvcol25apr25,1,159685.story.
4/25.1/03 - "Diana Steele adds to the 'party flava'. By Sandy Wells. Hot 92 Jamz (KHHT-FM 92.3) has added a little more snap and sizzle...Among them, Oldies K-Earth 101 (KRTH-FM 101.1) and news radio KNX-AM 1070...," XM, Blink, and more at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E26698%257E1347557,00.html.
4/25/03 - Some OCR radio stuff:
4/24.14/03 - Question - "Why Was Hooked On Trivia Cancelled? 4-22-03! Dave Sniff, the PD of KFMB 760 [AM in San Diego], had this answer:"
4/24.13/03 - "The state of radio." Dull posting, perhaps about interesting topic, with link. Try radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23951.
4/24.12/03 - "Listeners to Talk Radio." Not very interesting at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/198562.html.
4/24.11/03 - "New Inexpensive XM Radio For Computers. Satellite radio technology marches on, while equipment prices keep coming down. XM Satellite Radio has just announced a receiver made to be used with a PC. Listing for just $69.99..." More at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/198587.html.
4/24.10/03 - "Infinity sales sheet posted by Don Barrett." Some sales details for number-heads at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3631.
4/24.9/03 - "Tell the FCC to let Black radio live." Like, "One of the biggest victims of media consolidation has been Black-owned radio. While deregulation has allowed one Black-owned radio chain (Radio One) to prosper, its 65 stations are just 5 percent of the 1,200 stations owned by Clear Channel, the nation’s largest owner of radio stations." More at www.sfbayview.com/042303/tellthefcc042303.shtml. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip.
4/24.8/03 - Some stuff from www.insideradio.com where details cost:
4/24.7/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ with free stories:
4/24.6/03 - "BBC Chief Attacks U.S. Media War Coverage. The head of the BBC launched a broadside against American broadcasters on Thursday, accusing them of "unquestioning" coverage of the Iraq war and blatant patriotism." Specifically, "The British media veteran also attacked U.S. radio broadcaster Clear Channel Communication Inc. and warned against British media becoming "Americanised." "We are genuinely shocked when we discover that the largest radio group in the United States was using its airwaves to organize pro-war rallies. We are even more shocked to discover that the same group wants to become a big player in radio in the UK when it is deregulated later this year," said Dyke." More at asia.reuters.com/ etc.. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/24.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
4/24.4/03 - "Livewire: Internet radio takes off bit by bit. Internet radio has found a niche. Lots of them, in fact." More and a few cold links at www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=2615171. David's tip.
4/24.3/03 - Some headlines without comments from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
4/24.2/03 - "These Flag-Waving Hits Fly With DreamWorks." Specifically, "Worely's "Have You Forgotten?" was written after the singer returned from entertaining troops in Afghanistan several months ago. It was hurriedly recorded after radio stations began playing a tape of an impromptu performance at the Grand Ole Opry." More at www.latimes.com/la-fi-dreamworks24apr24,1,6789088.story. Sean Hannity (KABC) had him on the show a few times to sing the song, live.
4/24.1/03 - "Going Hollywood." Specifically, ""Network television is the killer application for NASCAR, but NASCAR.com, NASCAR TV, NASCAR IN CAR, and NASCAR Radio all extend and support the experience," he said." From www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-nascar24apr24,1,1027778.story.
4/24/03 - "Internet can make radio better. RANDY DOTINGA For the North County Times. Not too long ago, the future of radio was supposed to be on your desktop. Why listen to your lame local station when the Internet could offer you the best stations in the world for free?" More in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
4/23.15/03 - Michael Jackson discussion board due soon his site says. Check www.michaeljacksontalkradio.com/Michael_Jackson_ChatRadio.html.
4/23.14/03 - FYI - NYC - "Music amid the drumbeat lifts Lite ." Column about NYC Arbitrons at www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/ent_radio/story/77290p-71303c.html. Tip from the NYr bb musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/198319.html, with comments.
4/23.13/03 - "The Most Listened to Radio Talk Show Host. The other day, Rush was described as the most listened to talk host on radio. Hannity was second. Someone said "what about Howard Stern"?" From and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/198482.html.
4/23.12/03 - FYI - San Diego radio & TV - "KFMB & their owners." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23895.
4/23.11/03 - "LA Times radio coverage" and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3538.
4/23.10/03 - "San Diego winter Arbs" with remarks at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3562.
4/23.9/03 - "KROQ wins Morning Drive, KSCA loses. for the first time in over 7 years an English station has the #1 morning show in L.A. Kevin & Bean is now #1. Looks like KSCA's changes screwed them over..." From and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3573.
4/23.8/03 - "Radio QRP - The Art of Low Power (pic). Radio QRP - The Art of Low Power. QRP is The Art of Low Power Radio where the challenge is to operate and/or build AM radio transmitters using a bare minimum of components, money and construction skill." Not quite; QRP and many others are old amateur-radio codes/terms/abbreviations, whatever. From radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1695. It links to www.geocities.com/radio107mhz/, but 5-10 watts is high power without a permit.
4/23.7/03 - FYI - "AFTRA STRIKE AGAINST CLEAR CHANNEL IN NEW YORK AVERTED" reports www.newradiostar.com/ and others. Do check their tips/links on the right side of their site. But, enough with the full caps.
4/23.6/03 - Some stuff from www.insideradio.com/ where details cost:
4/23.5/03 - FYI - "Info Stations Keep Soaring. KGO is once again San Francisco's No. 1 radio station, as the ABC News/Talker holds steady at a 6.3 in the winter 2003 Arbitrons. News KCBS-AM breaks out of a tie for fourth by climbing to second with a 4.2-4.8 move, and Talk KSFO soars from sixth to third. In nearby San Jose, KGO also remains at No. 1 as KSFO zooms into second." From www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
4/23.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Wells can be ok. Groove to the zither music.
4/23.3/03 - "Radio World Newspaper" Online. Newly-found source of assorted radio info at www.rwonline.com/. I believe I've seen this paper before but not for a while.
4/23.2/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #571 dated 4/22/03. Like, "DEBUT OF SHORTWAVE DIGITAL MODULATION SCHEME" links to the very short www.rwonline.com/dailynews/one.php?id=2978.
4/23.1/03 - "San Diego Winter 2003 Arbitrons Out 4-22-03!" I linked yesterday, but specifically, "More lowlights: In sports talk news: XTRA 690/1150 isn't showing up in the Los Angeles arbs, but still does in the San Diego Arbs? Anyone know why?" From and more at David Tanny's calradio.tripod.com/.
4/23/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
4/22.9/03 - "la times article and rick dees" and a comment at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3518. This refers to the L.A. Times story linked in the 4/22.1/03 Flash.
4/22.8/03 - "Reception for KSPN on 710 in Orange County" and other radio stuff at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3521, with a comment.
4/22.7/03 - Friday 4/25 6a - 37-Hour Radiothon. "Sister Stations to Help Hope Center. KNX (1070 AM) and KRTH (101.1 FM) have paired up to raise money for expansion and renovation of the Bob Hope Hollywood USO with a 37-hour radiothon entitled, appropriately enough, the USO Bob Hope Center Radiothon. It began this morning [4/25] at 6 AM..." Reports Richard Wagoner in the 4/22/03 Flash.
4/22.6/03 - "Minimum Rating To Appear In The Ratings. It's normally 0.3 or 0.4. In Los Angeles KVVS just split from KIIS and has a 0.1. I've even seen a station with a 0.0. Why does it vary.[?]" Comments/answers at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23875. Will there be a movie?
4/22.5/03 - "In San Diego, the new No. 1 is XHTZ. Over in Riverside, KFRG reclaims the top spot with a big jump." From www.radioandrecords.com/, also with the ratings at www.rronline.com/Subscribers/ratings/homepage.htm.
4/22.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
4/22.3/03 - "XTRA Sports 690/1150 Gets Gooseegg Arbitron Rating 4-22-03! The latest Arbitrons for Los Angeles show that the merged XTRAs, the 690 from Tijuana and the 1150 from Los Angeles, in their attempt to create a superstation out of two sports radio stations have apparently gone unnoticed by everybody with an Arbitron book." More at David Tanny's calradio.tripod.com/.
4/22.2/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
4/22.1/03 - "Top spot for power player. Hip-hopper KPWR stays ahead of rocker KROQ. 'Kevin & Bean' climbs to first place among morning shows." And, "...while Bill Handel at talk station KFI-AM (640) came in third, with 4.9% of the listeners." More at www.latimes.com/la-et-carney22apr22,1,2385282.story.
4/22/03 - "Sister Stations to Help Hope Center," "Racers Edge," "Winter Book" and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
4/21.15/03 - War board deleted? The Radio-Iraq war bb hasn't worked for the last few days and may have been deleted. Check the complete list of Radio-Info bb's at radio-info.com/.
4/21.14/03 - Free www.laradio.com/ for two weeks? I didn't see anything on Don's site, but Gary Lycan's column below has, "WEB SITE OFFER. Don Barrett, a regular contributor to our weekly radio coverage, writes a daily column at www.laradio.com. He's offering readers a two-week free subscription to his Web site. Write Barrett at db@thevine.net, mention my name, and he will do the rest." I do this site with a zero budget, so I only read Don's free headlines.
4/21.13/03 - ""ASK THE MAYOR" WITH MAYOR JIM HAHN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23" says a KFWB 980 AM page, 10-11a. ""ASK THE SCHOOLS CHIEF" WITH L.A. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT ROY ROMER ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2003" says another. Links, recaps, details from www.kfwb.com/inside.asp.
4/21.12/03 - Captain Dale Dye's war show was on Saturday only this weekend. Sunday was the usual Dr. Laura reruns. Page at Captain Dale Dye, now Sa noon-2p KFI 640 AM.
4/21.11/03 - "Same Time, Same Station" mentioned a web site at www.otrsite.com/. He may have said the OTR programs come from this site, or something. New time is Sunday 5-7p KCSN 88.5 FM. If you're into OTR, or not, check out this site.
4/21.10/03 - Michael Jackson - "Dean of talk radio still without a microphone." See this P-T story and others at www.michaeljacksontalkradio.com/Michael_Jackson_Talk_Radio.htm.
4/21.9/03 - Message boards. I didn't see anything very interesting to me at this moment, but check them out at members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message.
4/21.8/03 - "WINTER ARBITRONS ROLL OUT FOR NY, LA, CHICAGO ...Los Angeles shows Power 106 still #1 pulling a 5.4 from a 5.1 while KROQ stays in second, falling 4.9 to 4.2. KSCA-FM, the top Spanish station in town has a 3.9 from a 3.2 for third. No war effects here...talk station KFI-AM actually falls, 4.5 to 3.6, while all news KNX-FM is in 18th place, 2.1 to 2.2 and KFWB is 25th place 1.6 to 1.8." More at www.newradiostar.com/.
4/21.7/03 - Some stories at www.radioink.com/ were they're free.
4/21.6/03 - 4/03 L.A. Arbitrons. "CHR/Rhythmic KPWR holds onto first place in Los Angeles despite slipping 5.4-5.0, while Alternative KROQ stays steady at 4.4 for second." Says www.radioandrecords.com/. See the details at www.radioandrecords.com/Subscribers/ratings/ratmain.asp?mkt=los. Comments soon, like note that KFI moved into a tie for 4th place with lower-than-normal numbers. What's up?
4/21.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be ok, if complicated.
4/21.4/03 - "Americans get war news through foreign media. Ethnic media tend to be more critical. LOS ANGELES – From Spanish-language newspapers to Farsi-language radio programs, millions of Americans received news about the war in Iraq from the nation's growing number of ethnic media outlets, often more critical than mainstream news organizations." More at www.signonsandiego.com/news/northcounty/20030420-9999_mz0m20americ.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/21.3/03 - "Storm hits US airwaves over radio control. Media giant Clear Channel is accused of censorship and a pro-Bush agenda, reports Edward Helmore. In the shadow war on Iraq - that of propaganda and media spin - no US media giant has been more supportive than Texas-based Clear Channel Communications." More at www.observer.co.uk/business/story/0,6903,939879,00.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/21.2/03 - "95.9 The Fish Spawns Second Annual FISH FEST Christian Music Festival Sunday, July 27 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater." And, "...sponsored by 95.9 The Fish and KKLA 99.5 FM..." More at www.radiodailynews.com/kklafish.htm. Larry's tip.
4/21.1/03 - Some headlines fromwww.laradio.com/. Some are old news and linked below.
4/21/03 - Gary Lycan's and OCR's radio stuff from yesterday:
4/20/03 - holiday
4/19.7/03 - Several changes at KFWB 760 AM in San Diego with a good signal into L.A., especially at night They have: The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Fox News Live with Alan Colmes, Laura Ingraham, many hours of The Clark Howard Show, The Diner Show with Phil Paleologos, Lawn and Garden Show with Ken and Walter Andersen, The KFMB Auto Show with Dave Stall, one hour of Computer Talk with Larry Piland, Legal Impact Live, Golfing Around, Let's Talk Remodeling with Kathy Novo-Shumate, The Satellite Sisters, Talkin' Animals with Dr. Dog, Travel Talk Radio with Sandy Dhuyvetter, Rod 'N Reel Radio, Imagination Theater, and more. Check them out at www.760kfmb.com/schedule/schedule.shtml.
4/19.6/03 - mi2n has become a source of radio news, mostly music oriented. Try www.mi2n.com/category.php3?cat_nb=9&page=1. mi2n is the Music Industry News Network.
4/19.5/03 - Another update for recording radio. The last tip relates to C. Crane equipment at forum.radioandrecords.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=22552.
4/19.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good. Note 29 Palms location and 4-22-45 date, just days before VE Day, May 8 1945.
4/19.3/03 - President Bush/Dems Saturday talks. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/19.2/03 - "To the birthday boy: Thanks for Memories. NBC arranges a party for Bob Hope, with a starry lineup of guests, plus clips of his film, USO and TV performances." Specifically, "Radio Spirits has also released on CD and cassette a 20-hour collection of Hope's NBC radio shows from 1938 to 1954, featuring such guests as Judy Garland, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant and Crosby." Radio Spirits lists it at www.radiospirits.com/. More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/reviews/cl-tv-coverstory20apr20.story.
4/19.1/03 - "FINALLY. On hold: Because of ongoing coverage of the war in Iraq, public radio station KPCC-FM (89.3) has postponed its spring on-air fund-raising drive until April 30-May 9." From www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick19.3.2apr19.story.
4/19/03 - "Donations to help military families. CLAREMONT -- A country music radio station's listeners donated enough food and goods to fill half a semi-trailer Friday at a city auto dealership. The supplies will be donated to families of Marines based at Camp Pendleton, said Brandon Thompson, events coordinator for KZLA-FM 93.9." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/ontario/news/la-ivo-troopsapr19,1,3758976.story. Also see the 4/17.13/03 Flash about KFI's collections.
4/18.11/03 - "Art Bell returns to fill in for George. His guest will be sci-fi novelist and science columnist, Wil Mc Carthy" says http://www.coasttocoastam.com/. That's KFI 640 AM, 10p-5a.
4/18.10/03 - KFI 640 AM moves up to #8 on MeasureCast's list of the top 25 casters. Clear Channel Worldwide drops like a stone to #7 network. See the listings with links at www.measurecast.com/.
4/18.9/03 - FYI - "Dr. Joy Browne: If You’re Not Afraid, Terrorism Can’t Win." And, "WOR Radio Networks talk show host Dr. Joy Browne speaks out on terrorism, fear, and courage." Says www.radioink.com/ where the stories are free, but I don't think she's on in L.A.
4/18.8/03 - "Inside Radio's Monthly Format Track: News/talk adds 6 stations, country drops 7. The top five most-programmed formats -- Country (2100 stations), news/talk (1220), oldies (805), mainstream AC (692), and Spanish-language stations (630). See the full report by CLICKING HERE." Free, from www.insideradio.com/, where details usually cost.
4/18.7/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ with free stories.
4/18.6/03 - "NBA's Los Angeles Lakers To End TV/Radio Simulcast. The team's play-by-play simulcast, which has been simulcast on both TV and radio for more than 42 years, will end starting next season...The Lakers' L.A. radio flagship, KLAC-AM, will reportedly name a new broadcast team possibly as early as next week." From www.radioandrecords.com/ with free stories.
4/18.5/03 - Weekend war coverage?. KFI returns to their normal schedule, except Captain Dale Dye Sa noon-2p, Su noon-3p, KFI 640 AM, should continue. KABC was doing four updates per hour. KNX/KFWB (all day) and KCRW/KPCC (mostly mornings) should update.
4/18.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" - one of the best westerns. "The Shadow" with Orson Wells can have good show titles.
4/18.3/03 - "Sudden Inquiry: Is Rush Limbaugh having hearing problems again? His voice sounds a little "forced," as if he were straining to speak clearly recently .. You listen, you decide (Web site)." From Larry Shannon's 'RDN Central' at www.radiodailynews.com/ (which I usually designate as 'Larry's tip').
4/18.2/03 - Some headlines at www.laradio.com/ where details cost. See Reminders for show times.
4/18.1/03 - "OutQ devotes itself to gay issues, 24-7. Sirius radio taps into a market it says is underserved by other programmers." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney18apr18.story.
4/18/03 - Radio calendar - Gary Lycan/OCR's at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=35233§ion=SHOW&subsection=LISTINGS&year=2003&month=4&day=18.
4/17.14/03 - "Radio stations hopping onto AIM...Now Harrisburg, PA WHKF has introduced their own version. The screen name is "KissFmLive"...the DJs will actually get online and you can talk to them via a computer in the studio, rather than an automated computer system. I think it's really cool and a great way to get feedback from and interact with listeners. Any other stations have a screen name?" But, I'm not sure I understand this. From, maybe comments at, radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23810. Try http://www.993kissfm.com/main.html.
4/17.13/03 - "OPERATION HOMEFRONT...Operation Home Front is non-profit organization that is committed to helping our service men and women and their families in time of need." As of this evening KFI has raised over $470,000 to help. More at www.kfi640.com/homefront.htmlwww.
4/17.12/03 - "Blink Rumors." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3401.
4/17.11/03 - "Folk Explosion Jimmy Kay puts redemption songs back in the radio spotlight. If you had landed on KRLA-AM 870 at half past 10 one recent Sunday night..." More at www.laweekly.com/ink/03/22/features-lewis.php. P.S. - The KRLA site seems to show it at 10-11p with a page at www.sundaynightfolk.com/. A search could find more radio stuff, but their radio tips have been gone for a while. This story is in this weeks LA Weekly paper also, with the photo.
4/17.10/03 - "Re: XESURF 540 power. All my data bases show the station as 100 watts day and night. I must admit for that amount of power they have a tremendous signal into LA. I could almost believe that they have slipped a decimal point in the power listed." More at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3389.
4/17.9/03 - "Tijuana Tower sites profiled in Fybush.com. For those who are interested in finding out about Tijuana's TV and radio staions and their transmitters, check out this profile that Scott Fybush just did for his website: www.fybush.com/featuredsite.html." From radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3384.
4/17.8/03 - "What? You guys missed the "BLINK" on KIISfm.com today? Yep, they are gearing up for Blink 93.1. Keither Sutherland on the promo for KIISfm and a little pink circle stating KIIS is the place for Hit music. But they pulled it because its gone." From radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3377.
4/17.7/03 - Some headlines from www.insideradio.com/ where details cost.
4/17.6/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the details are free.
4/17.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
4/17.4/03 - FYI - "Coca-Cola radio valuable to the tune of $6,000. Can you tell me the value of this 2-foot-high Coca-Cola radio? Everything is original.
A. Even splitting the difference in value quoted by two reference guides on Coca-Cola collectibles, your early- 1930s, novelty radio in the shape of a Coke bottle, made by Crosley Radio of Cincinnati, has the potential of realizing about $6,000 if placed in the right auction. Of course it must be in working order, with no replaced parts or tubes." From www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=35048§ion=ACCENT&subsection=ACCENT&year=2003&month=4&day=17. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/17.3/03 - "Hollywood says thanks as Bob Hope nears 100. Legendary comedian and entertainer Bob Hope won the unique title of Hollywood's citizen of the century in a star-studded ceremony held to mark his upcoming 100th birthday." More at www.dailyherald.com/news_story.asp?intid=37728374. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/17.2/03 - "Entravision Communications Corporation Completes Acquisition Of Three FM Radio Stations...The stations include KSSC-FM, KSSD-FM and KSSE-FM, serving the greater Los Angeles market. In addition, Entravision owns three FM stations in Los Angeles (KDLD-FM, KDLE-FM and KLYY-FM), the largest Spanish-language media market in the United States." More at www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=50565. Larry's tip.
4/17.1/03 - "Club Buzz." Specifically, "Dance club rundown. Don't miss tonight's Choreographer's Ball at the Key Club, which features famed choreographers strutting their stuff. And we hear radio station KBIG plans to broadcast live from the club every Friday, with a new promotion called "Ladies Night." .... " From www.calendarlive.com/nightlife/cl-wk-buzz17apr17.story.
4/17/03 - "Host keeps reggae spirit alive. RANDY DOTINGA - North County Times - Disc jockey Makeda Dread didn't feel quite at home at a black-oriented San Diego radio station in the early 1980s." And more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html with archives.
4/16.11/03 - Larry King's page on KFWB returns to their site at www.kfwb.com/inside_features_larry_king.asp, but I still haven't heard Larry for a while. This updates the 4/15.14/03 flash. Why don't they run Larry daily, seven days a week; what, they have something better?
4/16.10/03 - "CC boycott? The NY Post reported the following on 4/16. A Hollywood boycott against four radio stations here is being planned against Clear Channel." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23724.
4/16.9/03 - "BLINK counter attack in LA?? Clear Channel's KIIS-FM (KISS-FM) has this logo on its website. Maybe they are awaiting BLINK on KCBS-FM?? KIIS-FM" But I didn't see it? From, comments, and logo at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/197768.html. Read this NYC bb for L.A. radio news.
4/16.8/03 - "Verdict on KLAC? [570 AM.] Well it's been about six months since the " NEW " KLAC appeared." More and several comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3333.
4/16.7/03 - MeasureCast's top 25 casters includes news/talk/classical music outlets in positions 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 15, and 17 with KFI in position 10. See details at www.measurecast.com/.
4/16.6/03 - "Dan Mason: HD Radio Is “Genius”. WEST PALM BEACH— April 16: In an exclusive Radio Ink article, former Infinity Radio President Dan Mason, now a consultant to iBiquity, says HD Radio will make radio once again the smartest appliance you own." Says www.radioink.com/ with more and free details.
4/16.5/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where stories are free.
4/16.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Wells can be ok.
4/16.3/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #570 dated 4/16/03.
4/16.2/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost.
4/16.1/03 - FYI - "CNN will limp away from the field...Despite the professional -- sometimes distinguished -- work of its journalists, a stunning admission by the network's top news executive has raised profound questions about the values that govern the core of CNN's news-gathering operation." This could be a tough issue for anyone. More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-et-rutten16apr16_c,0,7288037.story?coll=cl%2Dtv%2Dfeatures.
4/16/03 - "Two historic programs thought lost are found. 'Twelve Angry Men,' a 1954 TV program, and the 1935 radio broadcast of the trial surrounding the Lindbergh baby case head to a museum." Our Museum of Television & Radio. More at www.latimes.com/business/custom/cotown/la-et-king16apr16001424,1,1622341.story.
4/15.14/03 - Larry King missing from KFWB 980 AM? They haven't replayed his show even on nights when they didn't broadcast the Dodgers. Now Larry's page is missing from the KFWB site. This could last the whole baseball season?
4/15.13/03 - "Offering my show to ANY radio station." Want a free show for your station? See radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23672. The site is http://www.inetradioct.freeservers.com/page_1x.html.
4/15.12/03 - "laradio.com story about Hot morning show." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3310.
4/15.11/03 - "IBOC [HD Radio] in Vegas." More info and comments on HD Radio at radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1647.
4/15.10/03 - Stories at www.radioink.com/ where the details are free.
4/15.9/03 - A headline at wwww.insideradio.com/ where details cost.
4/15.8/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
4/15.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
4/15.6/03 - FYI - "History: VOA [Voice of America] began in response to the need of peoples in closed and war-torn societies for a consistently reliable and authoritative source of news. The first VOA broadcast originated from New York City on February 24, 1942, just 79 days after the United States entered World War II..." Larry's tip. More at www.voa.gov/index.cfm?sectionTitle=Fast%20Facts.
4/15.5/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost.
4/15.4/03 - "TELEVISION Gay and lesbian channel debuts. SIRIUS, a national satellite radio broadcaster, today launches a 24-hour channel called Sirius OutQ for the gay and lesbian community. Harvey Fierstein, currently starring in the Broadway show "Hairspray," will be a guest on the first show." Note how they misfiled this under TV. From www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick15.2apr15.story.
4/15.3/03 - "LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Fox News Channel Leads War Ratings." Specifically, "The radio airwaves are now filled with shrill, bombastic conservative voices who are not interested in ideas or discussion but in bullying" and "In radio and television especially, "liberal" is dead." More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-le-hilal15apr15,1,161229.story.
4/15.2/03 - The Inland Valley Voice DIGEST." Specifically, "RADIO * KWRM-AM (1370) is looking for qualified people who are interested in getting involved with sports radio. The station covers high school and college sports throughout Southern California. For information: (714) 278-7922." From www.latimes.com/news/local/ontario/sports/la-ivo-sdigest15apr15,1,1121344.story.
4/15.1/03 - FYI - "U.S. Nightly News Shows to Make Their Iraqi Television Debut." Mentions radio in Iraq. More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/inside/la-war-iraqtv15apr15,1,1326006.story.
4/15/03 - "Blink of an Eye" and "Anniversary" in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
4/14.9/03 - "Computer Talk with Larry Piland" has been further reduced to one hour, Sat 1-2p, KFMB 760 AM.
4/14.8/03 - "Le Show (Harry Shearer): A weekly, hour-long romp through the worlds of media, politics, sports and show business, leavened with an eclectic mix of mysterious music, hosted by Harry Shearer." Never one of my favorites, but worth mentioning for its mix of mostly music and some word or mostly word and some music but seldom it seems 50/50. More, listen, and archives at www.kcrw.org/cgi-bin/db/kcrw.pl?tmplt_type=program&show_code=ls. Bio at www.kcrw.org/cgi-bin/db/kcrw.pl?show_code=ls&tmplt_type=Everything. Also Harry has a site at www.harryshearer.com/. The show is on Sunday 10-11a, KCRW 89.9 FM.
4/14.7/03 - Elmer Dills is out of the hospital, and he called in to his show, now hosted by Steve Knight, to say hello. Elmer will get a pacemaker soon and could return to the show in a few weeks. Restaurants and food and stuff: Sat and Sun, 4-5p, KRLA 870 AM.
4/14.6/03 - Art Bell fills 4/18/03? "Art Bell to Host Coast to Coast April 18. There is information on the message board on the Fantastic Forum website that Art Bell will be filling in for George Noory on Friday April 18. As you may know Art Bell is a ham radio operator and he was heard telling a group that he would be hosting April 18. I guess it is a moot point since we no longer get Coast to Coast in the New York City area. However the show is streamed over the internet." From musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/197480.html, with several comments, mostly about reception in the NYC area.
4/14.5/03 - "It looks like Los Angeles will be "Blink"-ing soon! It appears that www.blink931.com has been registered. And from the way it looks, Infinity may soon be pulling the plug on KCBS-FM's Classic Rock format. Stay tuned...." Several comments, both ways, also under radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3263.
4/14.4/03 - A headline from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
4/14.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be ok.
4/14.2/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #568 dated 4/1/03 and #569 dated 4/12/03. These were just post today (or yesterday) on their site.
4/14.1/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost.
4/14/03 - OCR radio stuff from yesterday:
4/13/03 - busy
4/12.9/03 - Kim Komando's computer show was on Sa 7-8a as listed on the KLSX site, which is often incorrect/out-of-date. It was nice to hear her talk and talk and talk again: Kim Komando computer show Sa 7-8a KLSX 97.1 FM. P.S. - she often talks about kids and computers, but I didn't notice it today.
4/12.8/03 - "Phil Hendrie fears liberal backlash. After all the fallout over the Dixie Chicks and Janeane Garofalo voicing their opposition to the war, Phil is worried that his pro-war stance could cost him a TV sitcom that has been in development at NBC, so reported Matt Drudge. (Drudge has since removed this story from his web site.)" More at forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=190.1. P.S. - I still see the original Drudge story at www.drudgereport.com/hen.htm, as reported below.
4/12.7/03 - Doug Stephan moves to Su 3-5a. I was up early today and tried to get Doug about 4:35, but he wasn't on. The last info I saw was, "Doug Stephan Sat 2-5a KRLA 870 AM. Maybe?." Correction: now the KRLA site says Sunday 3-5a.
4/12.6/03 - FYI - We Love the Iraqi Information Minister.com/ is overloaded, but they'll try to get it up soon at www.welovetheiraqiinformationminister.com/. Does this guy need a talk show or what?
4/12.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Jack is usually good, but I don't care for Gildy.
4/12.4/03 - FYI - "Radio Free Iraq to Open Baghdad Bureau. PRAGUE, Czech Republic - After 23 years in exile, Iraqi journalist Kamran Al-Karadaghi is finally going home." More at www.bradenton.com/mld/bradenton/news/world/5620061.htm.
4/12.3/03 - Bush/Dems Saturday talks. www.moreover.com/'s tips. Links at 4/12/03 Flash and in Shows, above.
4/12.2/03 - FYI - "Digital radio 'shuns' the blind. Digital broadcasters are ignoring the people who are among the heaviest consumers of radio, the blind and visually impaired..." More at news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/2938239.stm.
4/12.1/03 - "KRLA nabs 'Savage Nation'," KPLS, Jackson, and more at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E26698%257E1316447,00.html?search=filter. Dated 4/10 but I just found it.
4/12/03 - President George W. Bush address and Democratic response. Saturday: Bush at 7:06a, Dems at 8:06a on KNX 1070 AM. Audio links/archives at www.knx1070.com/program/features.html#weeklypres.
4/11.14/03 - Weekend war coverage. Probably about the same as last weekend. KFI has Captain Dale Dye Sa noon-2p, Su noon-3p, KFI 640 AM. Dale's first shows last weekend were better than expected. KABC has four updates per hour. KPCC/KCRW and KNX/KFWB as usual?
4/11.13/03 - Recording audio on your VCR. Here's an interesting tip: "If you have a TV/second VCR and cable, I'd recommend tuning it to a channel with a running clock, such as the TV Guide Channel, Weather Channel or some local access channels. This makes it easier to skip through radio commercials." And to skip the old, five- or ten-minute news casts. More at forum.radioandrecords.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=22552. This follows up on the 4/8.6/03 Flash.
4/11.12/03 - "Tonight's Phil Hendrie Show - THE MOST DESPICABLE THING YOU PROBABLY EVER HEARD!" More and several comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23570.
4/11.11/03 - Jamie and Danny on Star. "Don Barrett headline tonight. Don's headline says that Jamie and Danny's show will be repeated in the evenings. That should really put the rating in the toilet at Star." Says radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3217w, commentless for now.
4/11.10/03 - "15 Senators write Powell about deregulation. Most of them are on the Senate Commerce Committee -- and they want to see the FCC's plans before the June 2 meeting." Says www.insideradio.com/ where details cost.
4/11.9/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
4/11.8/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" good, "The Shadow" can be ok.
4/11.7/03 - "Radio industry now tuning in to digital [HD Radio]. New technology delivers better reception, higher fidelity and more sophisticated services, but execs are moving slowly." More at www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/business/5609964.htm. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/11.6/03 - "RADIO HOST HENDRIE: MY PRO-WAR VIEWS COULD COST ME TV GIG. Los Angeles-based talkradio sensation Phil Hendrie Thursday night charged that his passionate pro-war views may cost him a TV sitcom that has been in development at NBC." More at www.drudgereport.com/hen.htm. Larry's tip.
4/11.5/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost.
4/11.4/03 - "KFWB news executive leaves. Crys Quimby, news and program director at KFWB-AM (980), is leaving the station to move to New York." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-quick11.1apr11,0,4110208.story?coll=cl%2Dradio. Yesterday's news. Nothing about why yet.
4/11.3/03 - "KIDS TALK BACK What are you doing for spring break?. The Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot went to Laguna Beach High School and asked the students, 'What are you doing for spring break?'" From www.latimes.com/news/local/coastline/news/education/la-cpt-kidstalk11apr11,1,7516192.story.
4/11.2/03 - "Crime Bill Passes Easily in Congress. Measure includes expansion of Amber alert system. Rehnquist assails sentencing changes, saying they 'would do serious harm.'" More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/front/la-na-crime11apr11,1,4971844.story.
4/11.1/03 - "Various villains seen in the increase of indecency. The FCC's recent big fine on a Detroit station is indicative of a jump in lewdness on the air." More at www.latimes.com/business/custom/cotown/la-et-carney11apr11,1,693630.story.
4/11/03 - FYI - "U.S. Takes to Airwaves With TV Service in Iraq. Now that Iraqi television has gone off the air, the information war is on." With some mention of radio at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/inside/la-war-iraqtv11apr11,1,6966695.story.
4/10.17/03 - Message boards and trades, out of time, will try to catch as time allows. Check:
4/10.16/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ with free stories:
4/10.15/03 - "Radio Halls of Fame. What You Need To Know About What's There And Where." And lots more at radio.about.com/library/wyntk/blwyntk-hallfame.htm. Check it out.
4/10.14/03 - FYI - A whale of a station. See radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23539. Too bad L.A. can't get a LPFM station; imagine broadcasting some typical L.A. sounds.
4/10.13/03 - More questions about HD Radio. More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/197158.html.
4/10.12/03 - Infinity Blinks. Could it go national? More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23543.
4/10.11/03 - Local Shortwave Listener interviewed by KFWB 980 AM. See groups.msn.com/losangelesradio/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=1&ID_Message=547.
4/10.10/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
4/10.9/03 - "'Dr. Laura's' mom's death ruled natural. LOS ANGELES - The mother of radio talk show host Dr. Laura was not murdered, as police originally thought, but died of natural causes, the county coroner's office has concluded." More at www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/entertainment/5599818.htm. www.moreover.com/'s tip with other links.
4/10.8/03 - "FAST GROWING TALK SHOW MOVES TO NEW NIGHT, HEADS FOR SYNDICATION. Top Los Angeles AM radio station KRLA [870 AM] moves “The Bradley Quick Experience” to Saturday nights at midnight (PT). In it’s first six months, the talk / celebrity interview hour about recovery from addictions and other behavioral disorders became the fastest growing show in the entire market during it’s previous Friday time slot." Does L.A. need this show, or what? More at www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=50145. Larry's tip.
4/10.7/03 - "KABC/KLOS/KDIS/KSPN’s Community Relations Director Nelkane Benton received the 2003 Public Service Spirit Award at the Annual SCBA/PIRATES..." Says Larry's www.radiodailynews.com/, but I didn't see it on their site at www.955klos.com/, to which Larry links.
4/10.6/03 - FYI - NYC - "77 WABC Personality - The Larry Elder Show." More at www.wabcradio.com/showdj.asp?DJID=15295. Larry's tip. I did listen when Larry was a local (L.A.) show but not much since he went national. Could be KABC lost some of their L.A. listeners. Now, John & Ken (L.A. and local) get most of my afternoon attention. P.S. - The term "South Central Los Angeles" was replaces yesterday with "South Los Angeles" by our city council. That'll fix all their problems!
4/10.5/03 - Did San Diego's David Tanny leave radio coverage? At the radio site it says "Editor: David Tanny Wayne Lewis...," with David Tanny name crossed out. The last notice I recall was that Dave was on vacation, which he often does. But, for a while the notice has read as above. What's up? Check calradio.tripod.com/.
4/10.4/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost.
4/10.3/03 - "Bend, inhale: Try it. In a world of turmoil, our public gardens are balm for the soul." Just for the reminder not to disturb others, "A garden is also a place to forget, if only briefly. Florence Richer of Upland was listening to news of the war as she drove to the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. As she drew close to the garden, she turned the radio off." More at www.calendarlive.com/visitor/cl-wk-cover10apr10.story.
4/10.2/03 - "Clear Channel to Cut Promoter Ties. The decision follows criticism by lawmakers who say music deals violated payola laws. Bowing to political pressure, Clear Channel Communications Inc..." Thus, I sometimes call them as CCC. More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-clear10apr10,1,5055374.story. LAT's slant on yesterday's news.
4/10.1/03 - "As the KRTH turns ... Morning crew brings new success to oldies radio." This and more in Fred Shuster's about-every-two=weeks column, this time at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E23540%257E1315071,00.html.
4/10/03 - "KOGO, KPBS in war news battle. Remember the fast-talking Federal Express guy from the commercials back in the 1980s?...Well, he absolutely, positively must have a new job training the newscasters at KOGO. They do an incredible job of packing tons of information into the tiny amount of time..." This and lots more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
4/9.14/03 - "NAB ANNOUNCES CRYSTAL RADIO AWARD WINNERS. ...recognizes radio stations' efforts to improve the quality of life in their surrounding communities." More at www.nab.org/Newsroom/PressRel/n2003/C3603.htm. Larry's tip.
4/9.13/03 - "I guess CC never bought this domain. www.clearchannelsucks.org/." Says radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23512. Another comment mentions www.cheapchannelradio.com/.
4/9.12/03 - "Don Barrett's coments on The Wave" and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3156.
4/9.11/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Wells can be ok. Based on the movie with a review at us.imdb.com/Title?0041959 and the same zither music.
4/9.10/03 - "FCC Chairman Powell: Elimination Of All Rules “Irresponsible”...ABC Radio Network talk show host Sam Donaldson grilled FCC Chairman Michael Powell on a number of pressing issues facing radio broadcasters." More at www.radioink.com/ where news is free.
4/9.9/03 - "There seems to be a compromise on the national Amber Alert bill" comments www.insideradio.com/ where details will cost you.
4/9.8/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ with free stories.
4/9.7/03 - "Dr. Bob Morey Live" is a rather different talk show 11a-noon, Mo-Fr on KPLS 830 AM. I caught a few minutes today. His site is www.bobmoreylive.com/.
4/9.6/03 - "DISH: A weekly serving of food news and views." Specifically, "Vegfamily.com is the creation of Erin Pavlina, a Los Angeles mother, author and radio talk-show guest..." More at www.sptimes.com/2003/04/09/Taste/DISH__A_weekly_servin.shtml. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/9.5/03 - "Clear Channel Cuts Ties with Independent Promoters. Clear Channel Communications Inc. on Wednesday said it would cut ties with music promoters who are paid by record labels to trumpet songs to radio stations, saying the long-standing practice gives the appearance of "pay for play."" If it walks like payola.... More at www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=2535351.
4/9.4/03 - "'Angry' Ark Royal crew switch off BBC. The BBC has been axed from the nation's flagship naval vessel following claims of pro-Iraqi bias." More at www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_768569.html?menu=news.wariniraq. Larry's tip. I asked about this in the 4/8.8/03 Flash.
4/9.3/03 - "Grossmont College Radio Streaming. Visit http://www.grossmont.net/kgfn/ http://www.grossmont.net/kgfn/ for the live stream. KGFN 89.1 (about 0.001 watt or so) is Grossmont College's student run radio station..." More at calradio.tripod.com/.
4/9.2/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/, but details will cost you.
4/9.1/03 - FYI - "This is dedicated to the coalition troops. LONDON -- Dedications and requests are staples of local radio stations everywhere, even in war zones." A few mentions of radio like, ""...While they're waiting, the radio can take their minds off things."" More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/complete/la-war-gritten9apr09,1,6689689.story.
4/9/03 - "Big-Time Investments Aim at Backing Minority Firms." Mosting interesting for the last sentence, ""It reminds me of when we had only five Spanish-language stations among 71 radio stations in Los Angeles -- but we reached 33% of the population," he adds with a smile. "I like the odds."" More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-flan9apr09,1,6666147.story.
4/8.8/03 - Is the BBC anti-war? I remember one source mentioning that the BBC seemed to be rather anti-gulf-war, but I haven't heard enough BBC to know. Does anyone have an opinion? At one time the BBC was thought of as the most even-handed news service.
4/8.7/03 - "Kim Komando Computer Show 7-8A" on Saturday says the KLSX 97.1 FM site. She does a three-hour show but one hour is better than nothing. At 7a this should be the first live hour of her show. She's been gone from L.A. radio for years?, so welcome back Kim. The last time I heard her she was less annoying than Jeff Levy, but talked a little too much. Her site is www.komando.com/.
4/8.6/03 - Recording from the radio. I have a few tips and links in the Hardware (whatever) section, but it also came up on the R&R bb at forum.radioandrecords.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=22552. Something I may not have mentioned is that some VCRs do need a video signal or they won't record audio.
4/8.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
4/8.4/03 - "Senate Panel To Again Review Media Ownership. Senate Commerce Committee staffer Bill Bailey told reporters at NAB2003 that a panel will probably hold a hearing on media ownership limits before the FCC plans to issue the revamped regulations June 2nd." More for free at www.radioink.com/.
4/8.3/03 - "Clear Channel did just 27 radio deals in 2002" says www.insideradio.com/. More will cost you.
4/8.2/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/. Stories are free.
4/8.1/03 - FYI - "Radio waves take soldier salutes to Middle East. With American troops fighting half a world away, people on the home front have yet another way to try and bridge the communication gap. Short wave radio signals..." More at www.wndu.com/news/042003/news_19329.php. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/8/03 - "Fabulous 570 Finds" and lots more in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
4/7.12/03 - "US talk radio bolsters support for the war. The United States' anti-war movement has enjoyed strong support from its allies in Hollywood and some church denominations, but the pro-war camp has found a powerful ally in talk radio." More at story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20030327/ts_alt_afp/iraq_us_war_radio_1. www.talkradionow.com/'s tip.
4/7.11/03 - Update - Dumb 'Hot Talk' KPLS 830 AM, the station with a URL but no site. The *items are from Gary Lycan's Sunday column, below. Some info from the 3/26/03 PennySaver. Expect changes since these schedules never last more than a few months. Weekends? Who knows? Also, why can't Gary report their complete schedule? Updated 4/8/03 - Monday-Friday schedule:
4/7.10/03 - FYI - "Most local talk" on a national level is discussed at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23440.
4/7.9/03 - Captain Dale Dye's new show. I did catch parts of his new show on Sat and Sun, and he did a good job all by himself. And it's his first show. See Reminder, above, for the schedule.
4/7.8/03 - A few stories from www.radioink.com/ which are free.
4/7.7/03 - "Audio guru Leonard Kahn announces "Cam-D" -- compatible AM Digital" says www.insideradio.com, but you need to pay for their stuff. So, who knows what this means?
4/7.6/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/. The stories are free.
4/7.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be good, if confused.
4/7.4/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. I'm going to stop reporting on Larry's shows during the baseball season since he's so often bumped by the Dodgers. Keep an eye on www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/ (and in Reminders), but even that gets bumped. And/or check the Dodger's schedule at losangeles.dodgers.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/la/schedule/la_schedule_calendar.jsp. The Dodgers seem to be off mostly on Monday.
4/7.3/03 - "KCLU, Thousand Oaks, named APTRA Station of the Year. KCLU-FM, on the campus of California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, was honored as station of the year by the Associated Press Television-Radio Association of California and Nevada." Congratulations, I didn't even know they had a station. More at www.rgj.com/news/stories/html/2003/04/07/38807.php?sp1=rgj&sp2=News&sp3=Local+News. www.moreover.com/'s tip, and they had some of these other stories also. Site at www.kclu.org/, it looks like they stream, and they air at 88.3 and 102.3 FM.
4/7.2/03 - "Rebel radio station makes 'antiwar' waves on air. SAN FRANCISCO: A generation after Pacifica radio made a mark opposing the Viet Nam War, the pacifist broadcaster is making a comeback, offering a dissenting voice among ''pro-war'' American media." KPFK is the Pacifica's L.A. outlet. More at www1.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2003-04-07/111006.html. Larry's tip.
4/7.1/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/. Some links below.
4/7/03 - "Radio Tunes In Warily to Its Digital Future. Technology offers better quality, sophisticated services. But only 20 stations use it, amid concerns about making the investment pay off." This has been call IBOC, HD Radio™, and a problem for night-time AM. More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-radio7apr07001439,1,2360264.story.
4/6.1/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
4/6/03 - Gary Lycan's and OCR's radio stuff:
4/5.6/03 - Weekend war coverage with Captain Dale Dye Sa noon-2p, Su noon-3p, KFI 640 AM. KABC has four updates per hour. KPCC/KCRW had updates. KNX/KFWB as usual?
4/5.5/03 - When will KFWB carry Larry King, rather than the Dodgers? I'm not sure, but the Dodger schedule at losangeles.dodgers.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/la/schedule/la_schedule_calendar.jsp may help.
4/5.4/03 - KFI #10 caster. KFI 640 AM moved into position 10 on MeasureCast's top-25 list, and CCC moves down to #2 netcaster. More at www.measurecast.com/.
4/5.3/03 - Trucking show question. On another board, MSN, where you have to join, Don asked:
4/5.2/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Note dates: Jack is almost at the end of WWII, like weeks before VE Day. But Gildy is just months before WWII, as the Germans advance into the USSR. Too bad they didn't mention world news.
4/5.1/03 - "Bush, in weekly address, says liberation of Iraq is near." Schedules above. More at www.wcax.com/Global/story.asp?S=1217817. www.moreover.com/'s tips.
4/5/03 - "'Savage Nation' moves to KRLA. Incendiary talk-radio host Michael Savage, accused of being racist, homophobic and misogynistic...moved earlier this week from KPLS-AM (830) to KRLA-AM (870)...weeknights from 5 to 8 p.m." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quicktakes5.2apr05.story. I've only listened a few minutes, but he sounds like a pussy cat, an older grumpy one.
4/4.15/03 - Weekend war coverage. The KFI weekend schedule almost returns to normal suggested Bill Handel this morning. However, they will add a War Show perhaps noonish, perhaps two hours on Sat and Sun. Ex-captain Dale Dye with a page at www.kfi640.com/daledye.html will host the show, but it doesn't say when. KABC has been doing a weekend war zoo show, but who knows if that will continue? NPR?
4/4.14/03 - Correction to the 4/3.12/03 Flash. Dumb 'Hot Talk' KPLS 830 AM now plays Neal Boortz in their Mo-Fr 7-9p slot. Neal, who I believe has not been on in the L.A. area recently, wins awards from someone, but I found his show somewhat boring. His site is www.bortz.com/. I'll try listening to KPLS enough to fill in their evening schedule, since they can't do it.
4/4.13/03 - FYI - "Text of WKRK Incident. If you want to know what gets you in trouble with the FCC, this is it." This must be rated for adults only, but I lack time to read it. More and comment at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/196658.html.
4/4.12/03 - "Less Local Talk Show Slots?" The question, comments, and info at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23361.
4/4.11/03 - FYI - "Mich. Public Radio host fired over remarks." More and comments under radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23379.
4/4.10/03 - "Where can I find the Playlist for KDL 103.1? The question and a comment at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3034. I haven't checked the comment, but this is about the most-over-asked question on the board.
4/4.9/03 - Confused by the last Power Ratio info? Here's even more at media.radcity.net/ZMST/PowerRatios.pdf. From www.insideradio.com/. When is the movie due?
4/4.8/03 - "Emmis Interested In Buying Fox TV Properties, L.A. Dodgers," says www.radioandrecords.com/.
4/4.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" good, "The Shadow" not.
4/4.6/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps.
4/4.5/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:
4/4.4/03 - "Covering the War en Español. The bonds between Spanish-language media and local Latinos make the reporting personal." Specifically, ""I like the Spanish stations, whether it's television or radio," said Armando Navaja, who straps a radio to his bicycle with elastic cords so he can listen as he pedals home from his Santa Ana landscaping job." That's a real radio listener. More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/homefront/la-war-spanishmedia4apr04,1,1242067.story.
4/4.3/03 - "DRV SAFE PLS While You Try to Read Amusing Vanity License Plates...Another was recently posted on the www.knx1070.com Web site, which offers an honor roll of quirky plates submitted by listeners..." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-only4apr04,1,2185624.story. My hot link.
4/4.2/03 - "A brief taste of war. After two days of conflict, KPFK's Jerry Quickley had to leave Iraq, but while he was there, he saw the plight, and spirit, of its people." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/complete/la-et-carney4apr04,1,4523502.story.
4/4.1/03 - FYI - "RIAA Reaches Deal on Royalties. The agreement brings a truce in the bitter fight between Webcasters and the music industry." More at www.calendarlive.com/music/cl-fi-webcast4apr04.story.
4/4/03 - "Hundreds rally in support of troops. Radio station sponsors event at Ontario Mills to counter efforts of antiwar protesters." Specifically, "The four-hour rally, sponsored by talk radio station KRLA-AM (590)..." As we know 'talk radio' and 'KRLA' refer to 870 AM. '590' refers to another station related to KRLA. Quotes from www.latimes.com/news/local/ontario/news/la-ivo-troops04apr04,1,4695882.story.
4/3.12/03 - Dumb 'Hot Talk' KPLS 830 AM, the station with a URL but no site, did release their Mo-Fr program schedule in the 3/26/03 PennySaver. Expect changes since these schedules never last more than a few months. Weekends? Who knows? However, this is not correct: Michael Savage move to KRLA 870 AM this week.
4/3.11/03 - Another source for radio info. The 4/3.8/03 Flash below linked to radio.about.com/mbody.htm, which I haven't checked out, but it seems to contain lots of info.
4/3.10/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows are often good.
4/3.9/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps. The Dodgers have been on more than Larry.
4/3.8/03 - "What Radio DJs Say About Their Audience. Revealed: Radio Lingo That Describes Certain Listeners!" More at radio.about.com/library/weekly/aa101602a.htm. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip.
4/3.7/03 - FYI - "Bulletin: A sudden indecency crackdown from the FCC puts Infinity -- and the industry - on notice. The FCC didn't just lay the usual $7,000 indecency fine on WKRK-FM, Detroit for a Deminski & Doyle airshift on January 9, 2002 -- it ran the fine up to $27,500." From www.insideradio.com/.
4/3.6/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/:
4/3.5/03 - FYI - "April Fool's ." Specifically, "Practical jokes and long-stories aren't restricted to radio programs or the yellow press in Germany." And, that's the only mention of radio. More at www.faz.com/ too long. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/3.4/03 - FYI - "FCC Warns Radio Station on Sex Talk, Seeks Fine. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Detroit radio station on Thursday was told by federal regulators to clean up its act or face losing its broadcast license after airing explicit sex talk that included violence against women." More at www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=2504396. Larry's tip.
4/3.3/03 - Want another radio message board? Over at calradio.tripod.com/ today they're asking if you want another radio bb. Like, L.A. has several already, see my list on C&C. Rather than more bb's, how about less bb's, but with higher-quality postings. Or, what about boards for specific radio topics, but that could be hundreds of boards?
4/3.2/03 - "MY FAVORITE WEEKEND Mike Nardone Radio host gives a heads up on underground beats. By Mike Nardone. One of the most influential allies of up-and-coming hip-hop on the West Coast is Mike Nardone, host of the underground-oriented "We Came From Beyond" on Sunday nights, 11 p.m-2 a.m., on KXLU-FM (88.9)." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/calwknd/cl-wk-fav3apr03.story.
4/3.1/03 - "AOL Plans to Expand Univision Partnership to Reach Latino Users. America Online Inc. today is expected to announce an expanded partnership with Univision Communications to attract more Latino users to AOL's broadband service..." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-univision3apr03,1,3330892.story. Also, sources have said that Latinos weren't buying computers fast enough.
4/3/03 - "Listeners cry: Bring back Bach! RANDY DOTINGA North County Times. At the age of 77, Art Astor has been in the radio business for nearly half a century. In all that time, he says he's never seen an outcry like the hullabaloo over the demise of classical music on North County station KFSD-AM." And more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
4/2.10/03 - The radio/war bb moved for some unknown reason to radio-info.com/boards/focus/index.cgi. I fixed it in Reminders also.
4/2.9/03 - The "Doug Stephan's Good Day Show" is still on KRLA 870 AM but only Saturday 2-5a. The call in number is 1-800-510-8255. Doug was also reported to be on www.talkamerica.com/, which may stream, but I didn't see Doug. Doug's site is www.dougstephan.com/, and this seems to stream. See his "Listen" page. Did I mention Doug does a very good show, but he usually did overnights, when I couldn't listen much. Also see the 4/1.7/03 and 4/2.6/03 Flashes. The times may be incorrect: 6-9a ET would be 3-6a L.A. time; something's wrong.
4/2.8/03 - "April Fool's Pranks --- Report 'em here." Radio pranks that is. Several comments under radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=23219.
4/2.7/03 - "Radio Ink Names 30 Most Admired Engineers In Radio. See the list at www.radioink.com/. For L.A. I only noticed, "15. Tom Koza (was Emmis-L.A., may now be Hispanic Broadcasting-L.A)"
4/2.6/03 - Some headlines. See www.radioandrecords.com/ for the stories.
4/2.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Wells can be ok.
4/2.4/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps. The Dodgers were on last night.
4/2.3/03 - "Shortwave radio still crackling away." Good general info on shortwave listening with links to stations (some might stream), time/frequence lists, a few receivers, etc. More at www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/edwardbaig/2003-04-01-shortwave_x.htm. www.moreover.com/'s tip. P.S. - In the past shortwave-receiver sales increases during international events.
4/2.2/03 - "Michael Savage Show Moves Around The Dial... Effective this week, the Michael Savage show has moved from KSDO 1130 to KFMB 760 from 4-7pm in San Diego, and in Los Angeles, he's moves from KPLS 830 to KRLA 870, Salem's flagship station, from 5-8pm. Talk Radio Network's Savage Nation airs weekdays. From rronline: as a result, KRLA afternoon host Hugh Hewitt divides his current 3-6pm shift to a split shift of 3-5pm and 8-9pm." From David Tanny's site, above.
4/2.1/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:
4/2/03 - "America's eyes and ears on the fields of war. World War II's news correspondents look back at a heady time for journalism." Several references to radio. More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-war-neuman2apr02.story.
4/1.10/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
4/1.9/03 - Larry King (or Dodgers), Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Expect bumps.
4/1.8/03 - "Westwood says 240 stations have signed up for the NBC News Radio service that debuts today." Says www.insideradio.com/. What about L.A.?
4/1.7/03 - "Doug Stephan Does Europe. The host of the syndicated Doug Stephan's Good Day has taken his ISDN hook-up on the road this week and is broadcasting his daily talk show live from London, Paris, Geneva and parts of Germany. Stephan says he's making the trip so that listeners can get a sense of what the rest of the world is saying about America in the wake of war in Iraq. He predicts that "we'll hear from many more people who support our efforts than we've heard from so far."" From www.radioandrecords.com/. Good show, but where can you hear it?
4/1.6/03 - "Michael Savage Debuts On KRLA/Los Angeles. Talk Radio Network's Savage Nation today moves from Orange County, CA talker KPLS to Salem's L.A. flagship, where he'll air from 5-8pm PT on weekdays. As a result, KRLA afternoon host Hugh Hewitt divides his current 3-6pm shift to a split shift of 3-5pm and 8-9pm." From www.radioandrecords.com/.
4/1.5/03 - "KPFK radio host returns from Iraq. War: Reporter says he's impressed with the natives' will to fight." More at www.presstelegram.com/Stories/0,1413,204~21474~1287214,00.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
4/1.4/03 - L.A. doesn't get "CNBC BUSINESS NEWS RADIO" show yet, anyway. Maybe because there are so many other business shows in L.A.? See www.westwoodone.com/Press%20Releases/03_31_03(cnbc).asp. Larry's tip.
4/1.3/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/:
4/1.2/03 - LETTERS O'Reilly by degree at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/suncal/cl-ca-letters30.1mar30.story.
4/1.1/03 - "KKJZ Celebrates Jazz in April" and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
4/1/03 - OCR radio stuff from Sunday, 3/30/03.
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