Flashes: 2003: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2002: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2001: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2000: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1999: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1998: 10 - 12 ||| Search this site - Read Me |
new Favorites:
Sun |||
old Best of old Favorites: Sat | Su | Everyday | Mo - Fr | Tu - Sa | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr air schedules Columns & Columnists (C&C) ||| Radio Headlines (daily) Calendar | Time or | weather in Los Angeles | New message board MENU |
Shows: - ??Larry King (or Dodgers) Mo-Fr 8-9p KFWB 980 AM ||| KNX 1070 AM: KNX Drama Hour daily 9-10p (We 10-11p), "60 Minutes" Sun 7-8p, "60 Minutes II" Wed 9-10p, Sat: Bush 7:06a, Dems 8:06a.
5/2003 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight.
5/31.9/03 - Art Bell returned Thu and Fri nights to fill for George. He talked about his new 1000" dual-loop antenna which gererates 400 volts, whatever. It's mentioned on the ctc site he said.
5/31.8/03 - "Re: Stephanie Miller." Comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4787.
5/31.7/03 - "Clark Howard Hits One Into The Cheap Seats. The Atlanta Braves will name their cheapest seats after radio's most famous tightwad — Jones Radio Networks' syndicated consumer crusader, Clark Howard. Two sections at Turner Field, where 186 seats regularly cost only $1, will be named the "Clark Howard Skyline Seats," beginning June 6. A diehard Braves fan, Clark is a regular spectator from the Skyline Seats." From www.radioandrecords.com/. P.S. - Clark Howard is rich, but Jack Benny has to be radio's most famous tightwad. Try both shows.
5/31.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. The June schedule is posted at KNX Drama Hour.
5/31.5/03 - "Digital radio still working bugs out. Sandards panel deals firm setback."
5/31.4/03 - FYI - "LETTERS Fond memories of the Met." See www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/calwknd/cl-wk-letters29.2may29.story.
5/31.3/03 - "If FCC relaxes rules, Viacom's ready. Ownership restrictions are expected to ease. The company already has one more station in L.A. than is allowed." Also, "Cutting Back on the Sage" (Larry Elder) and "On the Way Out." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/politics/la-et-carney30may30,1,4345225.story.
5/31.2/03 - "FCC rules: Little guy could lose. Critics say possible change in media-ownership rules would increase consolidation, crush competition. Call it the "Wal-Martization" of American media." And, "The vote is scheduled for June 2." Will we have or do we want radio as we know it? More at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=40918§ion=BUSINESS&subsection=BUSINESS&year=2003&month=5&day=27.
5/31.1/03 - "Listing of radio programs and formats." The title has changes, but this is still Gary Lycan/OCR's program listing from Friday. See www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=41371§ion=SHOW&subsection=LISTINGS&year=2003&month=5&day=30.
5/31/03 - Don Barrett interview. New World Press from Los Angeles, issue number 1, 5/12 to 6/2/03, has a bit of just about everything and is worth finding. They don't seem to have a web site yet, but they do have their own free paper machines, like I remember one next to an LA Weekly machine - and I did still see a few paper this week. They even have a radio column and interviewed Don Barrett of www.laradio.com/. This issue is 44 pages, like 11x17" but folded in half, and they plan on 17 issues per year.
5/30/03 - busy.
5/29.8/03 - Tips from www.newradiostar.com/with free stories:
5/29.7/03 - "Wilbur Entertainment To Syndicate “When Radio Was.” MediaBay’s Radio Spirits has retained Wilbur Entertainment to provide syndication and affiliate relations services for Radio Spirits’ “When Radio Was” program. “When Radio Was” features a variety of classic episodes from comedies like Jack Benny, Burns & Allen, and Bob Hope; detective and crime fighter programs such as Dragnet, The Shadow, Philip Marlowe, and Sam Spade; and many other series like Lone Ranger, Gunsmoke, Suspense, Inner Sanctum, and Dimension X." from www.radioink.com/ with free stories.
5/29.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both can be good.
5/29.5/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #576 dated 5/28/03.
5/29.4/03 - "Los Angeles Public Radio Station KUSC 91.5 FM Goes Digital With HD Radio(TM) Technology." More at www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/05-28-2003/0001954640&EDATE=. David's tip. Also, a link to another story below.
5/29.3/03 - Correction - "Radio highlights — The radio tips column in Tuesday's Calendar mistakenly included some information for Wednesday programs instead of Tuesday." From www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-a2-correx28.7may28,1,3352906.story. These tips are in the printed paper only.
5/29.2/03 - Correction - "Radio pranks — An article about radio pranks in Monday's Section A incorrectly stated that the agent for fired shock-jock-radio hosts Opie and Anthony did not expect them to work in radio again. The article should have said that the agent, now seeking a television deal for the duo, is not currently seeking radio work for Opie and Anthony but expects them eventually to return to that medium." From www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-a2-correx28.5may28,1,2435400.story.
5/29.1/03 - "Keeping it together on the air. Despite one host's move to the Northwest, KROQ-FM's "Kevin & Bean Show" stays the irreverent course." And other topics at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney28may28.story.
5/29/03 - "Shocker: Satellite radio rises. RANDY DOTINGA, North County Times. Eight-track tapes. AM stereo. Beta VCRs. It just seemed easy to assume that satellite radio would quickly add itself to this list of infamous failed technologies." More in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
5/28/03 - Busy.
5/27.12/03 - "Ask the Mayor" 5/28, School Chief 6/11, Police Chief?. KFWB 980 AM 10-11a.
5/27.11/03 - "Clear Channel starting liberal talk radio network -." More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/202231.html.
5/27.10/03 - "Two of Don Barrett's Tues headlines." Blink in L.A.? Keep an eye on radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4647.
5/27.9/03 - "Why is U.S. Radio So Terrible? FCC Should Ask: Andrew Ferguson. The 1996 Telecommunications Act relaxed rules limiting ownership in the radio industry, leading to fewer and fewer companies owning more and more stations." More at quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000039&refer=columnist_ferguson&sid=axohQw1effv4. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip.
5/27.8/03 - Stuff from www.insideradio.com/ where details cost:
5/27.7/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ with free stories:
5/27.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
5/27.5/03 - "Taking the `local' out of radio programming. HIGH-SPEED PHONE LINES LET TALK-SHOW HOSTS WORK FROM HOME -- OUT OF TOWN, OUT OF STATE. When the host on your local radio station tells you about the weather or traffic, there's a good chance that not only is he not in the radio studio, he may not even be in the state. A trend that started with large corporations saving money by having music disc jockeys tape shows for several markets, it now includes ``local'' talk show hosts, people who traditionally gave radio its local flavor." More at www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/entertainment/5950856.htm. Larry's tip.
5/27.4/03 - Some headlines at www.laradio.com/:
5/27.3/03 - "Radio downplays corporate image. Stations, some owned by big companies, tout their independence to appeal to listeners who care about ownership." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-radio27may27.story.
5/27.2/03 - "The Merry Pranksters of the Air. Some radio deejays will do almost anything to stand out from the crowd. But not everyone is laughing as hoaxes and stunts backfire." More at www.latimes.com/la-et-hoaxes26may26,1,5198747.story.
5/27.1/03 - "FCC rules: Little guy could lose. Critics say possible change in media-ownership rules would increase consolidation, crush competition." More at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=40918§ion=BUSINESS&subsection=BUSINESS&year=2003&month=5&day=27.
5/27/03 - "This One Time, at Radio Camp ...," "Cutbacks," "We Get Letters ..." in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
5/26/03 - holiday.
5/25.6/03 - FYI - "Sundays on WABC. Does the Sunday morning show on WABC with the priest and the rabbi get any ratings?" The old KIEV did something like this. More at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/201803.html.
5/25.5/03 - "Move Over, Right Wing Radio: The Liberals Are Coming. Massive media conglomerates like Clear Channel and the Cable Radio Network are actively seeking out liberal antidotes to Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. It's not politics; just good business. http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=15981." From forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=218.1.
5/25.4/03 - FYI - "Memorial Day Countdowns. This weekend is a big weekend for many radio stations, namely classic rock stations, to do their top 500 or 1,000 songs of all-time." More but maybe no local specifics at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=25251.
5/25.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
5/25.2/03 - "Highlights in the life of Bob Hope" at www.redlandsdailyfacts.com/Stories/0,1413,209~28189~1411762,00.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip with several more.
5/25.1/03 - "Muslims Speaking Out on Talk Radio. They're getting training on how to respond when callers label their faith violent, oppressive." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-radio25may25,1,6271883.story. Remember KIRN 670 AM.
5/25/03 - OCR's/Gary Lycan's radio stuff:
5/24.6/03 - Some ads at groups.msn.com/losangelesradio/_homepage.msnw?pgmarket=en-us:
5/24.5/03 - "Philharmonic inks new radio deal. The New York Philharmonic has found a new underwriter for its monthly live radio broadcasts for the 2003-04 season." More at www.crainsny.com/news.cms?newsId=5741. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
5/24.4/03 - "Creating Your Own Internet Radio Station. Creating your own online Radio station is quite easy with the help of Live365.com. If you can upload a file and make some easy choices, you, too, can be an Internet Radio Station owner. More: Broadcasting Options - Other Choices To Create A Webcast." More at radio.about.com/. Also check the other 'Spotlight' stories.
5/24.3/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy tonight, and "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good.
5/24.2/03 - FYI - "Cuba protests escalating U.S. government radio, tv broadcasts. HAVANA- Cuba's Foreign Ministry on Friday protested stepped up U.S. government radio and television broadcasts into communist Cuba..." More at www.tcpalm.com/tcp/home/article/0,1651,TCP_996_1985739,00.html.
5/24.1/03 - President Bush/Dems Saturday talks, KNX 1070 AM, 7:06a & 8:06. www.moreover.com/'s tips, with other links.
5/24/03 - Correction to the 5/23.1/03 Flash. "FOR THE RECORD Metropolitan Opera — KUSC-FM's broadcasts of the Metropolitan Opera begin at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays during opera season, not at 9 as was reported in Friday Calendar's Around the Dial column." From www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-a2-correx24.14may24,1,1198223.story.
5/23.16/03 - Holiday schedules. Expect a few changes on Monday 5/26, what with fill-in hosts and different shows. Try NPR, KFI, and for KABC see forum.radioandrecords.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=24108. Other ABC info is linked below. Captain Dale Dye will be in for John & Ken on KFI in the afternoon.
5/23.15/03 - new recorder - "Radio YourWay Records AM/FM. Palm-sized device puts programs on YOUR schedule. Pogo! Products has introduced a new device for recording AM and FM Radio. It's a digital recorder called "Radio YourWay(tm)" and fits in the palm of your hand." More and pic at radio.about.com/library/weekly/aa052103a.htm. Also mentioned below, perhaps on the NYr bb.
5/23.14/03 - NOAA Weather Radio. Comments and links at forum.radioandrecords.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=21709.
5/23.13/03 - "The company with the most power in radio." Think so? Comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/201674.html.
5/23.12/03 - "Metropolitan Opera." Comments on the NY radio bb at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/201715.html.
5/23.11/03 - "Strange noise on 690" and other chat at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4491.
5/23.10/03 - "U.S. AUDIENCE GROWS FOR BRITISH, INTERNET ONLY STATIONS..Only three U.S. broadcast stations make Internet listening top 10 from Arbitron....." From www.newradiostar.com/ with free stories. Also, no L.A. outlets made the list; KFI fell off the top-25 list.
5/23.9/03 - "ABC Radio Debuts America’s Most Wanted. The 60-second, John Walsh-hosted features will start Memorial Day (next Monday, 5/26)." This includes L.A.'s KABC. The story is free at www.radioink.com/.
5/23.8/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the best westerns.
5/23.7/03 - "New York Philharmonic gets new underwriter for radio broadcasts. A family foundation has agreed to underwrite the New York Philharmonic's live national radio broadcasts..." More at www.nandotimes.com/entertainment/story/896489p-6245789c.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip. Other stories about the loss of funding are below.
5/23.6/03 - L.A. Arbitron ratings, spring, a different format than above at www.radiodailynews.com/5-19losangeles.htm. Larry's tip.
5/23.5/03 - On TV - "PBS' Now With Bill Moyers Examines the Lobbying Effort By The Media Industry To Influence FCC Officials. On Friday, May 23 at 9 p.m. on PBS (check local listings), NOW with Bill Moyers continues its examination of media deregulation with a look at the close ties between Federal Communications Commission (FCC) officials and the media industry they regulate." More at www.broadcastnewsroom.com/2003/05_may/news/cw_pbs_nowfcc.htm. Larry's tip.
5/23.4/03 - KABC Mo-Fi schedule change. "Beginning Monday, June 2, Larry Elder, heard weekdays from 3 to 7 PM on TalkRadio 790 KABC, will be heard weekdays from 3 to 6 PM...As a result of the time change, the other station’s evening programs will all advance one hour." More and the schedule at www.radiodailynews.com/kabcelder.htm. Larry's tip.
5/23.3/03 - Of minor interest - "On Larry Mantle and the hell of other drivers." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/clv/la-clv-insideout23may23,1,4802751.story.
5/23.2/03 - "Noisy Neighbor to Move. Garden Grove woman sentenced for disturbing the peace says leaving the area is the only solution. A Garden Grove [Orange County] homemaker convicted of disturbing the peace...sentenced to 10 days in jail for playing the radio too loudly while doing the laundry." And more at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-radio23may23,1,5092231.story. The OCR had this yesterday, below.
5/23.1/03 - "Search is on for a new Met Opera sponsor. Opera buffs continue to express shock over ChevronTexaco's announcement a few days ago that after 63 seasons..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney23may23.story.
5/23/03 - OCR's "Radio calendar" by Gary Lycan at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=40366§ion=SHOW&subsection=LISTINGS&year=2003&month=5&day=23. Program tips and more, about 11 pages.
5/19/03 to 5/22/03 - Busy all week, I'll try to catch up Saturday. But try:
5/18.5/03 - "Best DX Radios: FM Stereo and AM." Comment at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24940.
5/18.4/03 - "Liberman closes on KMXN 94.3." More classical music or what? Comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4327.
5/18.3/03 - FYI - "IRAQ Iran Rules the Airwaves." Specifically, "As of May 15, none of the country's official broadcast media had resumed operations, which, in a country starved for news and information, has left a real vacuum. The U.S. has made some attempts to fill the void, but so far it is Iran that has made the greatest inroads." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/complete/la-war-opsamii18may18,1,6089469.story.
5/18.2/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
5/18.1/03 - No radio in the OCR today? Rather than four radio colunms as is typical in the Sunday OCR, I see none.
5/18/03 - Captain Dale Dye wasn't on KFI yesterday cause he was passing on the $877,207 (whatever) that KFI raised. Report says he'll be on today 5-7p.
5/17/03 - Busy, but I didn't see much.
5/16.15/03 - out of time, check the bbs on C&C. May be busy all Sat. Maybe Sun.
5/16.14/03 - "KFI." See radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4300.
5/16.13/03 - "Trio Of ABC News Radio Specials To Focus On Heroes, Baseball And Movies. Beginning next Thursday (5/22), ABC News Radio will make three hour-long, summer-oriented specials available to its affiliates." More at www.radioink.com with free stories.
5/16.12/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/16.11/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the best western.
5/16.10/03 - "Hahn, Chief Rip Council Over Funding." Specifically, ""That's what's going on here," Bratton said on "Airtalk with Larry Mantle," on KPCC-FM (89.3)." That's Mo-Th 7-7:30p. Did I missed this show? More at www.latimes.com/news/local/los_angeles_metro/la-me-bratton16may16,1,1550225.story?coll=la%2Dcommun%2Dlos%5Fangeles%5Fmetro. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
5/16.9/03 - "Tilting at L.A. radio windbags...Which is why Fontana Mayor Mark Nuaimi must have felt a little like Don Quixote this week when he skirmished over the air with KROQ-FM (106.7) disc jockeys Kevin and Bean, defending his city's honor." More at www.sbsun.com/Stories/0,1413,208~23249~1393889,00.html. From yesterday? www.moreover.com/'s tip.
5/16.8/03 - "WBEZ wisely passes on NPR's Slate show. Chicago public radio listeners won't get to hear a new weekday newsmagazine called "Day to Day" on WBEZ-FM (91.5). But it's probably just as well." What do they know? No L.A. station signed-up for it yet? More at www.suntimes.com/output/feder/cst-fin-feder16.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
5/16.7/03 - KABC's apd resigned. "It is with mixed emotions that I announce that Eric Stanger has resigned his position as Assistant Program Director of TalkRadio 790 KABC." What they need is better programs; there are only a few worth hearing, and even those need help. More at www.radiodailynews.com/kabcstanger.htm. Larry's tip.
5/16.6/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ with a new look. It's been over two weeks since the free offer started, so that may have expired, but see the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
5/16.5/03 - "EDITORIAL Update FCC Media Rules. The Federal Communications Commission is near the end of a controversial review of rules that limit the number of outlets a media company can own." More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-ed-fcc16may16,1,2214722.story.
5/16.4/03 - "Support free air time for candidates. The League of Women Voters of the Claremont Area urges citizens to support the Free Air Time bills in the U. S. Senate. Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.), Russell Feingold (D-Wisc.) and Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) will soon introduce legislation that will require television and radio broadcast stations to provide free air time to candidates and political parties before elections." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/rcv/la-rcv-freeair16may16,1,6650323.story.
5/16.3/03 - "Alone at Sea, He Paid Sail Price." Specifically, "Radio: Outdoor Radio, a weekly one-hour talk show devoted to various Southland outdoor activities, debuts Saturday from 9 to 10 a.m. on 1090 AM, with hosts Pete Gray and Dave Ezratty. Renowned surfer Rob Machado is the featured guest." 1090 where? More at www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-outdoors16may16,1,5260168.story.
5/16.2/03 - "KTWV gets its voice back. After a year away, Don Burns returns to the smooth-jazz format that he helped popularize. On smooth-jazz outlet KTWV-FM (94.7)..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney16may16.story.
5/16.1/03 - FYI - "Access to airwaves eased. FCC decision on spectrum licenses is expected to lead to better coverage for cell phones and other wireless devices." More at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=39395§ion=BUSINESS&subsection=BUSINESS&year=2003&month=5&day=16.
5/16/03 - "Radio calendar" from the OCR at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=39355§ion=SHOW&subsection=LISTINGS&year=2003&month=5&day=16. Programs, other programs, more programs, and highlights.
5/15.14/03 - Richard Wagoner's 5/16/03 column. "Subject: May 16 Column. There will be no column published this week. It will return (probably anyway) next week." Richard says on his bb. Is there a story here?
5/15.13/03 - "NPR COPS TO LIFTING LA TIMES MATERIAL." See www.laexaminer.com/, worth checking daily.
5/15.12/03 - "MOVE OVER SATELLITE RADIO...NEW ANTENNA BRINGS LIVE SATELLITE TV TO THE CAR...will deliver streams of commercial free music as well..." More at www.newradiostar.com.
5/15.11/03 - "Survey Says Radio Least Likely To Influence Buying Decisions. A Marshall Marketing & Communication-conducted survey to determine sources most likely to influence a consumer’s buying decisions reveals radio was tied with mail for the bottom slot." More at www.radioink.com/ with free stories. Is that good or bad? Comments?
5/15.10/03 - "The American Idol phenomenon arrives at radio. Portland, Maine-based Marketap says over 50 stations a day have been signing onto a syndicated feature called “American Radio Idol” that will give artists a chance to go on local stations around the country and compete for listener’s votes. The competition will air on six formats: rock, top 40, alternative, urban, country, and Christian contemporary." From www.insideradio.com/ where details cost.
5/15.9/03 - Some headlines from www.newradiostar.com/ where the stories are free.
5/15.8/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
5/15.7/03 - "Protest accuses NPR of bias against Israel. Three University of Massachusetts students stood outside the building that houses the WFCR studio Wednesday to protest what they see as National Public Radio's bias against Israel." More at www.gazettenet.com/05152003/news/5884.htm. Comments anyone?
5/15.6/03 - "SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN HOSTS MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL FOR ABC NEWS RADIO. -Specials on baseball and summer movies round out ABC News Radio’s holiday salute- As Americans prepare to celebrate Memorial Day, ABC News Radio announces three specials..." But, did they list three? More at www.radiodailynews.com/abcmemday.htm. Larry's tip. Also see the 5/14.12/03 Flash about another (the third?) special.
5/15.5/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #574 dated 5/13/03. Like:
5/15.4/03 - "Mike Cook's show "Hooked on Trivia" will be back on the San Diego airwaves on another 50,000 watt station. The trick? KFMB where his old show was had 50,000 watts at night. His new home at KCBQ is 50,000 watts daytime, but the power drops down at night so low that people north of Escondido can't even get his new station. KCBQ is on the Internet at kcbq.com and streaming the talk shows for all the fans to listen to worldwide, just like 760kfmb.com does. "HOT" (get it?) will be on Saturday nights from 6pm-2am beginning on May 31." From David's site. This follows up on the 5/14.14/03 Flash.
5/15.3/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ with a new look. It's been over two weeks since the free offer started, so that may have expired, but see the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
5/15.2/03 - "Radio Station Guide. Stations, call letters and frequency of L.A. market radio stations listed by category..." See the charts at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-radio,0,1536697.story?coll=cl%2Dradio. Note the errors; like 103.1 FM is still mis-listed as a Spanish-language station. Use the links on C&C like 100000watts and radio-locator.
5/15.1/03 - "An IOU for NPR. It was after 10 p.m. on a Sunday night, and I was in the car, cruising on the 405 and listening to Pledge Drive on KPCC-FM (89.3)." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/calwknd/cl-wk-here15may15.story.
5/15/03 - "Clock radios with the right bedside manner. THE first thing that millions of people see and hear in the morning is ugly." Three mini reviews at www.latimes.com/features/home/la-hm-clockradio15may15,1,479641.story.
5/14.15/03 - "Opinions on Digital IBOQ AM and FM. I've been listening to the samples on WOR: http://www.wor710.com/Engineering/iboc/publicaudio.htm. I must say that although the dial spacing implications may be bad, especially for those who DX stations, I must say it sounds impressive." More but no comments yet at radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1792. P.S. - The official name is now "HD Radio."
5/14.14/03 - Trivia returns to San Diego. "...Mike Cook ...hosted the game show "Hooked on Trivia" for the past 17 years on KFMB-AM until he lost his job in April. On May 31, Cook will resurrect his show on talk station KCBQ-AM. He'll broadcast each Saturday from 6 p.m. until at least 2 a.m.." From Randy Dotinga's column linked in the 5/14/03 Flash. KCBQ 1170 AM has a site at www.kcbq.com/, and it looks like they stream. If it's popular, how about running some on KRLA?
5/14.13/03 - "Christian Radio and Snake Oil Infomercials." More and a comment at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24852.
5/14.12/03 - "CORRECTED: 77 WABC Rewound Coming Memorial Day 5/26/03. Once again, Talkradio WABC salutes Musicradio WABC on Memorial Day (May 26, 2003). Vintage Musicradio WABC airchecks will be featured from 6AM until 6PM. As usual, Johnny Donovan and Peter Kanze have found and restored airchecks you've probably never heard before! At 6PM, the "Post Rewound Talk Show" hosted by WABC program director Phil Boyce will air and you will have an opportunity to call in and talk about the WABC Musicradio Era. Musicradio WABC Web Master Allan Sniffen will also be on the program. The "WABC Rewound" Message Board is now open for your comments, memories and trivia from WABC! http://www.musicradio77.com/popstds/wwwboard/" That's www.musicradio77.com/popstds/wwwboard/. From radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24833 (an the following, uncorrected posting). They appear to stream from the above link.
5/14.11/03 - FYI - "Will `Coast to Coast' return to NYC?... George Noory is proud to announce..." More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/200917.html.
5/14.10/03 - Some headlines from www.newradiostar.com/ where the stories are free.
5/14.9/03 - "Interep Winter Book Analysis Shows Modest News/Talk Gain. News/Talk generated its highest shares in over a year, but information from Interep’s Winter 2003 ratings analysis indicates the format’s year-to-year increases weren’t particularly dramatic (13.9 – 14.3)." More at www.radioink.com.
5/14.8/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/14.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Welles can be ok, but this one sounds interesting.
5/14.6/03 - FYIs from www.moreover.com/.
5/14.5/03 - "KLOS FM and Fleetwood Mac. Pictured along with Fleetwood Mac band members are..." See www.radiodailynews.com/klosfleetwoodmac.htm. Larry's tip. Is that Stevie Nicks? She looks better now than before. But, can she sing yet? Be nice.
5/14.4/03 - "FM stations rule in radio ratings. THE latest Nielsen Media Research radio ratings survey has seen a strong surge towards FM stations, as listeners tire of news of war and pestilence." More at www.bandt.com.au/articles/4f/0c01684f.asp. Larry's tip.
5/14.3/03 - "Fontana mayor defends city on radio show. Nuaimi trades barbs with L.A. personalities. FONTANA - Banjos played in the background as Mayor Mark Nuaimi defended his city to two Los Angeles disc jockeys who constantly deride the Inland Empire as redneck country...The appearance on KROQ-FM (106.7) prompted Todd Kelly of KCXX-FM (103.9) in San Bernardino to invite the mayor for a chat during his show this morning." More at www.sbsun.com/Stories/0,1413,208~12588~1388946,00.html. Larry's tip.
5/14.2/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ with a new look. It's been over two weeks since the free offer started, so that may have expired, but see the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free. Lines marked 'Below' are linked below.
5/14.1/03 - "Senators Assail Effort to Raise TV Station Cap. Bipartisan group unveils a bill to block a FCC plan to let broadcast chains expand." Specifically, "Jim Goodman, president of Capitol Broadcasting Co., which owns TV and radio stations in North Carolina and South Carolina, testified against further expansion. "Large media giants are trying to replace localism and community standards with financial opportunity and corporate objectives," he said." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-fcc14may14,1,851774.story.
5/14/03 - "Two radio hosts get second chances. RANDY DOTINGA, For the North County Times. If you want a career with lots of job security, stay far away from radio. Anything can trigger a pink slip ---- a dip in the ratings, a format change or a bad hair day." This and more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html, a day early.
5/13.17/03 - "Ask the L.A. Schools Chief," Wed, 5/14/03, 10a, KFWB 980 AM. "You can question the Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District ROY ROMER with "Ask the L.A. Schools Chief" on KFWB NEWS 980. Co- hosted by KFWB's Jack Popejoy, "Ask the L.A. Schools Chief" will air live on Wednesday, May 14th at 10:00 a.m." Details at www.kfwb.com/inside_special_ask_school_chief.asp. Belmont, test scores, social promotion, on and on - put the LAUSD in jail.
5/13.16/03 - "Uncle Mel Thinks Infinity Could Own 15 Radio Stations in Los Angeles". More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4216. This is mentioned in the 5/13.9/03 Flash.
5/13.15/03 - NPR Hiring. "SLATE, NPR TO CO-PRODUCE SHOW FROM LA. National Public Radio and Slate are teaming up to launch an hour-long weekday newsmagazine broadcast from LA, USA Today's Peter Johnson reported Sunday. "Day to Day" (which is hiring!)..." At least two positions refer to the "Mid-Day Show." From www.laexaminer.com/ where many terms are a hot link. Once again, www.laexaminer.com/ is a must-check-daily site.
5/13.14/03 - "Radios That Pick Up UHF tv audio? Just a quick question - can anyone recommend a reasonably priced radio that also receives audio from UHF tv stations?" More and a comment at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24781. My Sony just pick up VHF, not very well, and there isn't much on. I'd pay more (TBD) for good UHF reception.
5/13.13/03 - "What Clear Channel Owns. Someone please explain to me why companies like this should be allowed to control even more of the media. This list is remarkable..." A long list and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/200814.html.
5/13.12/03 - "portable, solid-state AM/FM radio recorder." Another mention and link at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/200903.html
5/13.11/03 - "Radio [frequency] spacing in the US." More and comments for tech heads at radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1775.
5/13.10/03 - UFO's in Chicago - "WLS Returns Noory To Midnight Start. The nationally syndicated “Coast to Coast with George Noory” reverts to a live 12 Midnight start time on Chicago’s News/Talk WLS. The show will air live Monday-Friday nights at 12 Midnight." More at www.radioink.com/ where the stories are free.
5/13.9/03 - Stuff from www.insideradio.com/ where details cost.
5/13.8/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/13.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
5/13.6/03 - "Media Ownership Rule Changes Glance. The Federal Communications Commission..." A list of changes? at www.newsday.com/business/nationworld/wire/sns-ap-media-ownership-glance,0,4970808.story?coll=sns%2Dap%2Dbusiness%2Dheadlines. www.moreover.com/'s tip. P.S. - There are many stories on this top, too many to list.
5/13.5/03 - "THIRD DAY Headlines Second Annual FISH FEST Christian Music Festival Sunday, July 27 at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater." Lots more and hot links at www.radiodailynews.com/fishconcert.htm. Larry's tip.
5/13.4/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ with a new look. It's been over two weeks since the free offer started, so that may have expired, but see the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free. This is the place for news about L.A. radio people.
5/13.3/03 - "NEA sets $66 million in grants. The L.A. Philharmonic and the S.F. Symphony are among the many recipients in California." Specifically, "Venice-based L.A. Theatre Works will receive $40,000 for "The Play's the Thing," [KPCC 89.3 FM, Sat 8-10p] a weekly radio theater series (intended for public stations nationwide) that will include up to 17 new radio plays, recorded before audiences in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-reynolds13may13.story.
5/13.2/03 - "ABC names an overseer to bolster news efforts. After criticism that it had been too slow in responding to breaking news, including the start of war with Iraq...Paul Slavin..." Specifically, "His responsibilities will include oversight of ABC Radio and the division's Internet news operations, as well as NewsOne, ABC's affiliate news service." More at www.latimes.com/classified/jobs/news/la-et-jensen13may13183422,1,6905446.story.
5/13.1/03 - "NPR will add show from L.A. National Public Radio, which already serves up "Morning Edition" and "All Things Considered," plans to add another weekday newsmagazine in July. "Day to Day," intended for midday broadcast, will be hosted by NPR correspondent Alex Chadwick and co-produced by the online magazine Slate, whose writers and editors will contribute. Each day's hourlong show will originate from NPR's studios in Los Angeles. But no local public radio station has signed up to carry it yet." From www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick13.1may13.story.
5/13/03 - "Proposed rules would open media ownership. Companies could own various media in the same city....companies could own newspapers and TV and radio stations in the same city..." Specifically, "Two existing "cross-ownership" rules - one preventing a company from owning a newspaper and a radio or TV station in the same city and another involving ownership of radio and TV stations in the same market - would be rolled into a single rule that lifts most of the existing restrictions, the officials said." More at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=38980§ion=NEWS&subsection=NEWS&year=2003&month=5&day=13.
5/12.19/03 - "Tivo-like Device For Radio. You know it had to be just a step away. Check out this article http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,58769,00.html." That's www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,58769,00.html. From musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/200784.html.
5/12.18/03 - Need the correct time? Can't remember http://www.time.gov/timezone.cgi?Pacific/d/-8/java? www.time.gov/ will get you there also.
5/12.17/03 - Elmer Dills returns. Elmer returned to his restaurant/travel show, Sat and Sun 4-5p, KRLA 870 AM. He sounded very different, probably cause KRLA has a nice, new studio, but they don't have the filters/etc set up for his voice yet.
5/12.16/03 - "media consolidation proposal & senate hearing & what YOU can do." More and hot links at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24674.
5/12.15/03 - "What is the best radio out there for fm stations." More and comment at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24704.
5/12.14/03 - "Chicago Tribune : New FCC regulations to rock media world." More and a link at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24675.
5/12.13/03 - "Is it time for AM and FM radio stations to start sweating a bit?" More and a link at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/200769.html.
5/12.12/03 - Steve Harvey comments. "Say It Aint So" at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4176.
5/12.11/03 - Larry Elder contemplates run for elective office? I think it was on Hannity, they mentioned he might have to give up his KABC show while he runs, whatever?
5/12.10/03 - "Shortwave AM/FM Radios. Can someone tell me about these radios." More, comments, and hot links at radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1770.
5/12.9/03 - "FCC Democrats Frustrated on Media Review. The Federal Communications Commission's two Democrats said Friday they are frustrated by lack of information on the agency's review of media ownership rules and their chairman's refusal to make proposed changes public." Me too. More at www.bradenton.com/mld/bradenton/news/politics/5827791.htm. www.newradiostar.com's tip.
5/12.8/03 - Listeners don't like more radio commercials. "PARAGON RESEARCH SHOWS LISTENERS ARE BECOMING LESS TOLERANT OF HIGH COMMERCIAL LOAD...51% say they're turning radio off... (May 12, 2003 7:09am) Paragon research released a study on Friday that shows listeners are becoming more aware that radio stations have increased the number of commercials they are playing and that they are loss tolerant of those spots." More and a hot link at www.newradiostar.com. This links to charts and tables at www.newradiostar.com/NEWS/paragon0512.htm.
5/12.7/03 - Stuff from www.insideradio.com/ where details cost.
5/12.6/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/12.5/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be good, but I'm easly confused.
5/12.4/03 - New NPR news show due in July. It's called "Day to Day," a weekday show, but it doesn't say who'll carry it. More at story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=669&ncid=669&e=2&u=/030512/180/41bza.html. Larry's tip.
5/12.3/03 - The LARadio.com web site has a new look and a few things are free. But, not much news today. Try www.laradio.com/. It's been over two weeks since the free offer started, so that may have expired, but see the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free. If you need news about L.A. radio people, this is the place.
5/12.2/03 - "LETTER TO THE EDITOR My Country. Many callers to radio and TV talk shows make the comment, "My country, right or wrong." It is time they got the full quote: "My country, right or wrong. Support it when it is right, dissent when it is wrong." Robert L. Fox, Los Angeles." Is that correct? From www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-le-harty12.3may12,1,2410113.story.
5/12.1/03 - "Nothing but air on KFSD-AM. Randy Dotinga, North County Times. Listeners who tuned to North County station KFSD-AM over the weekend heard nothing but static. Anyone who talked to the station's fired disc jockeys, however, could hear plenty of colorful words." And more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. From last week but just posted, as happens.
5/12/03 - "Radio calendar" was missing from yesterday's list of OCR's radio stuff, some how. See www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=38516§ion=SHOW&subsection=LISTINGS&year=2003&month=5&day=11.
5/11.1/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
5/11/03 - OCR/Lycan radio stuff:
5/10.15/03 - R&R bb on 100000watts.com. 'News From radio-info' and comments at forum.radioandrecords.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=23792.
5/10.14/03 - Congratulations on five years. The Computer Show with Marc Cohen & Mark Oleesky has been on KABC 790 AM for five years, they said today. Sat 9-11a, and one of the better computer show, and they can still say "I don't know."
5/10.13/03 - The difference between first and second place. I meant to comment on the difference between the number of stations owned by the largest and second largest owners. The 5/7/03 flash links to a story were second place Cumulus Media Inc. owns 270 stations nationwide in "small- and medium-sized markets." First place Clear Channel Communications (CCC) has been stated to own like 1200 (or 1300) stations, whatever, and a recent story (see the 5/2.8/03 Flash) suggested they could own even more under different names.
5/10.12/03 - "Larry Elder to run for office? Matt Drudge is reporting that Larry Elder is contemplating a run for elective office and that he has switched his voter registration to the Republican Party..." It may not help that his show is now national. From forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=207.1. Larry is on KABC weekday afternoons.
5/10.11/03 - "Anyone else tired of reading posts about 100,000 watts?" Info and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24621.
5/10.10/03 - "June 2nd and the FCC. On June 2, the Federal Communications Commission is planning on authorizing sweeping changes to the American news media." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4116. This issue could change your radio life.
5/10.9/03 - The chef is a fox. Chef Jamie Gwen, Saturday, 11a-1p, KABC 790 AM gets a new picture on KABC's site and on her site. Start at www.kabc.com/showdj.asp?DJID=14468. It's much nicer than the pic on the cover of her book, shown at www.chefjamie.com.
5/10.8/03 - KABC's Operation: Lend-A-Hand. Want to help the "spouses and children of Southern California’s brave service men and women." And, "As a special thank you for your donation of $35 dollars or more, you will receive a customized pack of the Iraqi Most Wanted playing cards." More at www.kabc.com/listingsEntry.asp?ID=84710&PT=.
5/10.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good.
5/10.6/03 - President Bush/Dems talk today. www.moreoveer.com/'s tip.
5/10.5/03 - FYI - "Tehran Is Quietly Making Its Agenda Heard in Iraq." Specifically, "At the same time, Iran is for the first time able to broadcast its Arabic-language television and radio shows into Iraq without them being jammed, and in many homes it is the only television that can be received. The news content is often anti-American." More at www.latimes.com/la-war-iraniraq10may10,1,7358149.story.
5/10.4/03 - FYI - "Vying for Eyes, Ears of Iraq." Specifically, "...about $165,000 a week -- and board member Norm Pattiz, creator of the Los Angeles-based Westwood One radio network, asked the heads of U.S. network news divisions to provide free programming." And, "Plans to start "Iraq and the World" and METN had their roots in the broadcasting board's successful launch of Radio Sawa..." More at www.latimes.com/la-war-iraqmedia10may10,1,165322.story.
5/10.3/03 - "Cards as sought after as the Iraqis on them ." Specifically, "KABC talk radio in Los Angeles is giving them away to callers who donate to a fund for military families." See the 5/10.8/03 Flash for details. More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/iraq/complete/la-et-neuman10may10,1,6483794.story.
5/10.2/03 - "'Infinite Mind' to survey mental-health cutbacks...discussing cuts nationwide in mental-health funding on a special edition Sunday of "The Infinite Mind," public radio's weekly program on mental health...which will air from 10 to 11 p.m. on KPCC-FM (89.3), is dubbed "State of Mind: America 2003" and is the program's second annual review on the status of mental health in the United States." Tell your friends. More at www.latimes.com/features/health/men/la-et-carney10may10,1,682016.story
5/10.1/03 - "LETTERS Radio crusaders." From www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-letters10.3may10.story. This story is linked at the 5/6.1/03 Flash. Are these two listening to the same show?
5/10/03 - "FCC Staff Said to Back Easing of Media Caps...up to three TV stations and one newspaper in major markets..." Specifically, "The staff report also will recommend leaving the FCC's local radio station caps unchanged and keeping the "dual-network" rule, which bans mergers among any of the top four networks: ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-fcc10may10,1,6492463.story.
5/9.19/03 - Saturday reminders for early birds: Every Saturday? - President Bush at 7:06a, Dems at 8:06a, KNX 1070 AM.
5/9.18/03 - 'L.A. Jason' computer show is gone. KRLA's computer show - KRLA 870 AM, Sun, noon to 1p - is gone. I must have missed the last few shows. It started 1/12/2003, ended 4?/2003, and had an associated site at www.lajason.com/. It was an ok show. Tip from http://pub15.bravenet.com/guestbook/show.php?usernum=1209483460&cpv=1, the guestbook for www.angelfire.com/rnb/moodyblues100/index.html, which lists streaming computer show.
5/9.17/03 - More on 100000watts.com as it becomes a pay site, etc., related to the 5/8.10/03 Flash. With comments.
5/9.16/03 - "O'Reilly bombs compared to Rush. In this report on his web site, Matt Drudge claims that Bill O'Reilly's radio show is bombing everywhere were he goes head-to-head with Rush Limbaugh." Old news, but new comments and links at groups.msn.com/losangelesradio/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=1&ID_Message=572&CType=0&CDir=1.
5/9.15/03 - "L.A. RADIO - The Way it Was! - A tribute to those stations that should not beforgotten." Remind me to check out www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/5515/laradio.html. Found within the postings under the link in the 5/9.14/03 Flash.
5/9.14/03 - "KIIS-AM sold by Clear Channel from R&R Online." With comments, sports info, and more at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4083.
5/9.13/03 - "Grooveradio.com sounds like complete ass. i am very dissapointed. i thought they would come back a lot stronger." No comments yet at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4097. P.S. - This was originally the Groove bb.
5/9.12/03 - "KLAC MORNING SHOW." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4098.
5/9.11/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/9.10/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the best westerns. "The Shadow" is usually poor.
5/9.9/03 - Zimbabwe - "Moyo Rules Out Foreign-Funded Radio Stations. INFORMATION minister Jonathan Moyo has warned regional media organisations with chapters in Zimbabwe and those funded by foreign organisations that they will not be allowed to operate community radio stations in the country under the Broadcasting Services Act." More at allafrica.com/stories/200305090146.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip. Where is CCC when you need them?
5/9.8/03 - UK - "Top award for radio star. BBC Radio Suffolk breakfast show host Mark Murphy is celebrating today after winning a top award at the radio equivalent of the Oscars." More at www.eveningstar.co.uk/ too long. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
5/9.7/03 - "Cynthia Fox will be joining the KLOS on-air staff as a part timer beginning next week on Saturdays. Cynthia is one of the signature announcers of Southern California Rock radio, having worked at KMET, The Edge and KLSX (Web site)." From Larry's site.
5/9.6/03 - San Diego - Happy Hare Martin "He's a legend that once had more than a 40-share in radio. His radio history in San Diego is touching 50-years. But if you happen to hear KPOP in the morning, Happy Hare Martin sounds .... youthful." And, "Today, he's taken the morning show at KPOP-AM 1360..." From www.sdradio.net/. Larry's tip.
5/9.5/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
5/9.4/03 - "Pioneer in TV animation is a one-woman chorus ." Specifically, "Like many animation actors, Bliss began her career in radio as a youth." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-mallory9may09,0,6473085.story?coll=cl%2Dradio.
5/9.3/03 - "Satellite TV Opens Window for Iraqis ." Specifically, "Through smuggled shortwave radios and word of mouth, Iraqis knew that much of what their leader said was untrue..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-war-satdish9may09.story.
5/9.2/03 - "Only in L.A." Specifically, "Also unclear on the concept: Henry Hespenheide heard a radio ad for a food and wine auction that was described as "a once-in-a-lifetime event that always sells out." If the event only comes once in a lifetime, Hespenheide asked, how would the promoters know?" More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-only9may09,1,6773158.story.
5/9.1/03 - A leap of faith pays off for Latin dance station. The challenge was stiff: Take a station that had broadcast evangelical Christian talk for nearly 80 years, flip it to Latin American dance music..." And, "KDL — simulcast from KDLD in Santa Monica and KDLE in Newport Beach..." At 103.1 FM and all over the Groove bb for months. More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney9may09.story.
5/9/03 - "FCC approaches deadline for changes. By Sandy Wells. DERIDED as a "a 19th century whistle stop tour by FCC Chairman Michael Powell...," ratings, and more at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E26698%257E1379396,00.html. His about-every-two-week column.
5/8.12/03 - "Ask the ___" schedule, KFWB 980 AM at 10a:
5/8.11/03 - For the SWL clubs mentioned in the 5/8.1/03 Flash:
5/8.10/03 - Comments on 100000watts.com as a pay site:
5/8.9/03 - "Webcasting Fee Structure May Have Loophole". Kurt Hanson, founder of Radio And Internet Newsletter, says he’s found a potential loophole that might allow webcasters to pay royalties on a percentage-of-revenues basis rather than a per-performance one." From www.radioink.com/ with free stories. See RAIN link above in Reminders.
5/8.8/03 - Stuff from www.insideradio.com/ where details cost:
5/8.7/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/8.6/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
5/8.5/03 - FYI - UK "Digital radio comes of age with millions of listeners. The day of digital radio has dawned in Britain, with official figures showing for the first time that millions of listeners are tuning in to the new stations, often through their computers and television sets...in the first three months of this year more people listened to radio as a whole than at any previous time in history." More at news.independent.co.uk/uk/media/story.jsp?story=404469. Cause there are more people, or what?
5/8.4/03 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #573 dated 5/6/03.
5/8.3/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
5/8.2/03 - "In praise of a car that runs." Specifically, "Plus, having a radio is really great." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/calwknd/cl-wk-letters8.1may08.story
5/8.1/03 - FYI - "DATEBOOK." Specifically, "The American Shortwave Listeners Club meets from noon to 4 p.m. the first Saturday of each month at 16182 Ballad Lane. The group will listen to international broadcasts via the shortwave radio bands. Stewart MacKenzie, (714) 846-1685 or visit
http://www.ocnow.com/community/groups/shortwaveradio." My cross-out cause that's the old URL which doesn't work. See the 5/8.11/03 Flash for the correct links. From at www.latimes.com/news/local/indynews/news/la-hbi-datebook08may08,1,3985348.story.
5/8/03 - A real transmission overhaul. Now there are two ways to listen to Internet radio, wherever you might be in the house. Through the miracle of Internet radio, you can listen to an all-accordion channel. Marches, waltzes, pop hits and, of course, polkas, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Then there's the station that plays Cambodian karaoke performances. Exclusively." And, "How do I know? Because I've been listening to the first wireless Internet radio — the Streamium MC-i250 from Philips Electronics, which goes on sale later this month." More and a hot link at www.latimes.com/technology/la-hm-speaker8may08,1,7403305.story. RAIN, see link in Reminders, has this also.
5/7.12/03 - Computer problem. I'm having a computer problem today and may not finish searching the boards, trades, etc. I'll try to catch as time allows. Check:
5/7.11/03 - FYI - "Oregon's cash-strapped government may de-fund public radio and TV. Reports www.insideradio.com/. Would CA try it?
5/7.10/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/7.9/03 - Check this site about every other day, whatever. They do post a new radio related story about every other day, so check often. I won't usually link, unless it's something special. Check radio.about.com/, and it's linked in Reminders also.
5/7.8/03 - My message board at members5.boardhost.com/laradio/ may not be up at this moment. Try again.
5/7.7/03 - John&Ken/Tilden/KUSC/KMPC/Steve Harvey. It seems allaccess.com does have news of general interest, but I already linked to some of these topics. Check groups.msn.com/losangelesradio/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=1&ID_Message=570.
5/7.6/03 - "100000 Watts to become pay site." Comments and the FAX at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24477.
5/7.5/03 - "Distant AM reception. Is there any methods of pulling in more distant station..." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24466.
5/7.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Third Man" with Orson Welles can be ok.
5/7.3/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
5/7.2/03 - "XM shares rise on Wal-Mart deal. XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., the largest digital-radio company, rose as much as 20% after Wal-Mart Stores Inc. agreed to sell receivers that pull in the broadcaster's signals. Wal-Mart will sell XM SKYFi units made by Delphi Corp. for $129.99 and adapters for home and car use for $69.99, Delphi said. Shares of Washington-based XM Satellite were up $1.69 to $11.39 on Nasdaq." Those may be the full retail prices. From www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-rup7.11may07.story.
5/7.1/03 - "Future for Clinton-Dole on CBS dims. The "point-counterpoint" face-off between former President Bill Clinton and former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole on CBS News' "60 Minutes" was announced as a 10-week deal, and it's looking like the deal may end there." I heard the numbers are poor as are "60 Minutes"'s. More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-jensen7may07.story. KNX carries the audio.
5/7/03 - "Big radio chain is whistling Dixie again. The nation's second-largest radio chain has lifted its ban on the Dixie Chicks, but two disc jockeys in Colorado Springs, Colo., have been suspended for playing the vilified country-music trio." And, "While Cumulus [Cumulus Media Inc.], which focuses on small- and medium-sized markets, owns no Los Angeles stations, it does own country outlet KHAY-FM (100.7) in Ventura, as well as other stations there and in Santa Barbara." More at www.latimes.com/business/custom/cotown/la-et-carney7may07201420,1,5839708.story. Enough with the DCs?
5/6.15/03 - KNEW 910 AM, San Francisco. I did tune them in last night, just after 8p and about every minute or two they did fade in enough to ID them. Phil Hendrie was on. But, by 8:30 I couldn't hear them at all. See the 5/5.6/03 Flash about why you might want to receive them. But, it looks like they stream or plan to stream.
5/6.14/03 - "Most Popular Radio Formats Fall 2002. It has been updated for Fall 2002: 1. Adult Contemporary + Soft Adult Contemporary: 10.4 (+0.7) 2. News/Talk: 9.2 (-0.2)..." A long list at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24454, but no source is given. I believe News/Talk has been number one per Talkers Magazine.
5/6.13/03 - "Does anyone have a tape of the Fox's last moments? I cannot get the signal where I live. However, I did manage to tape some of it on a recent visit to Escondido. I have 45 minutes on tape. However, I'd love more of it if anyone has it. In particular, I'm interested in the format change, or the last live shift. If KFSD was still alive as a classic hits station, it'd probably be among my favorites today. However, I can't complain... it flipped back to classical, and a well-done version of it to boot." From and comment at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=4001. See background at the 5/3.4/03 Flash.
5/6.12/03 - FYI - ""IT'S ABOUT TIME"...MICHAEL O'SHEA AND PARTNERS UNVEIL ALL COMEDY RADIO....format in development for four years... Former New Northwest and New Century radio exec Michael O'Shea today announced the creation of Hollywood-based All Comedy Radio (ACR)." And, "...presentation to radio stations in all size markets. Launch is set for July, 2003." More at www.newradiostar.com/.
5/6.11/03 - "Why Is Talk Radio Conservative? The liberal left dismisses conservative talk radio with predictable dark mutterings about "corporate interests" controlling radio as part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to withhold information from "the dis-enfranchised." More at newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/5/5/224737.shtml. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip, the right column.
5/6.10/03 - "matchbox twenty is the first artist to use radio text sent to car receivers using dMarc technology. When Clear Channel stations in Los Angeles play a matchbox twenty tune, they'll beam concert info to car radios using dMarc Networks' dRDS technology. The deal ties in Clear Channel Entertainment." From www.insideradio.com/ where details cost.
5/6.9/03 - "Portable Digital AM/FM Radio Recorder Unveiled. FirstLook Products' Radio YourWay allows users to record real-time AM/FM radio programs and listen to their favorite shows whenever and wherever they choose and will be available for $149.99 at the end of May from the company's website, www.firstlookproducts.com. FirstLook is targeting Talk listeners and hypes Radio YourWay's ability to have listeners enjoy the daily shows of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Howard Stern or Bill O'Reilly at their convenience. The tuner comes with a car-radio adapter and includes a timer, so the device can record shows the same way a VCR does. MP3 music files can also be played on the tuner. Radio YourWay's storage space is limited to four hours of radio broadcasts." From www.radioandrecords.com/. Send me one and I'll check it out. P.S. - I do link to several other recording devices/techniques.
5/6.8/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/6.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
5/6.6/03 - FYI "Radio station stunts and pranks." Don't try this at home. See www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/local/article/0,1299,DRMN_15_1940703,00.html. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
5/6.5/03 - FYI - "Hip-hop air war is raging. It's almost 8 a.m. and the tattoo artist with the clown makeup has already popped a Corona. This region's newest morning radio show..." Can L.A. catch up? More at www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/5792207.htm. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
5/6.4/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
5/6.3/03 - IN BRIEF Also. Specifically, "Camarillo-based Salem Communications Corp., which broadcasts religious and family-oriented radio programs, agreed to buy WAMG-AM in Boston from Mega Communications and KKCS-AM in Colorado Springs, Colo., from Walton Stations for about $10.1 million." From www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-rup6.6may06,1,2759260.story.
5/6.2/03 - "If You Are Your Area Code ..." Specifically, "Unlike 310, 909 is low on many lists and has been a target for at least one morning radio show. "Basically someone from 909 is someone who's on meth, has a car on blocks in their frontyard, is wearing a mullet, a tattoo, and ripped, faded, T-shirt," quipped Gene "Bean" Baxter of the popular "Kevin and Bean" morning radio show on KROQ-FM, which has featured insults about "the 909," or "The Valley of the Dirt People," for five years." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-codes6may06,1,6391458.story.
5/6.1/03 - "Crusading for truth, justice, on weekday afternoons. The talk show pair on KFI's "John & Ken Show" fight wrongs wherever they see them — and that's not difficult at all." And, "...weekdays from 3 to 7 p.m. on KFI-AM (640)..." Yes, this has become one of my favorite shows, but I wouldn't admit this to anyone, and it does cover local L.A. topics. More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney6may06.story.
5/6/03 - "No Blinking ... Yet," "On the AM Radio," and "Instant Concert" in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a few days early.
5/5.13/03 - "why can't I receive 91X anymore? I know this is an LA radio board, but I've just got to ask you radio heads out there to explain this if you can or might know the technical reasons behind it." More at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3963.
5/5.12/03 - FYI - "This is a RADIO Discussion Board. This is a radio discussion board. It's not a site to go off on political tangents (such as the Bill Bennett situation). If you want to discuss the politics of it then go to a more appropriate forum." This from the NYr bb with comments under musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/199715.html. See, even one of the better radio boards has it's in-fights.
5/5.11/03 - Got a life in radio? Start a site (or a blog) and write about it like Chuck Dunaway is doing at www.chuckdunaway.com/. He's up to Episode 18. NYr bb's tip. P.S. - the site may be slow due to traffic. P.S. - If you need help setting up on a free site (like Tripod) leave a message on the board (no email). Also, if you know of any L.A. radio people with sites, let me know and I'll link.
5/5.10/03 - "RFI on AM Radio. About 3 weeks ago I lost most of the AM radio reception in my area. No WFAN, WABC, WOR, WCBS. Just Static. This happens in my house and car till I leave this 5 or 6 block area...Anyone have a thought about this RFI?" More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/199828.html, the NYr bb.
5/5.9/03 - Fund raisers. "Infinity raises mula for Hope Previous. Infinity's KNX and K-Earth 101 raised $201,670 during their USO Bob Hope Center Radiothon this weekend. The money will help expand and renovate the Bob Hope Hollywood USO at LAX," says forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=198.1. KFI raised about $830,210 in about four? weeks. I don't see a number for KRLA who wanted $1,000,000? in one day??. Sean Hannity plans a drive also, sometime.
5/5.8/03 - FYI - TX - "Big news equals big ratings for local talk radio stations. The Iraq war began March 19. The winter Arbitron survey, which started Jan. 2, ended March 25. So the war only affected a small fraction of the survey, right? Not exactly." More at www.dfw.com/mld/startelegram/living/5783102.htm. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip, right column.
5/5.7/03 - "Mike Langberg: Net radio poses threat to local broadcasters. Arbitron doesn't understand me, which should make local radio broadcasters very nervous. On Thursday, I completed a weeklong stint filling out an Arbitron radio ratings diary after the New York company's computers selected my name at random. I put down a total of about 90 minutes of radio-listening...Yet I actually spent about 30 hours listening..." Lots of stuff here. More at www.siliconvalley.com/mld/siliconvalley/5788865.htm. www.newradiostar.com/'s tip, right column.
5/5.6/03 - "Clear Channel's KNEW, San Francisco wants to carry the entire Scott Peterson trial. Market manager Ed Krampf says the search for Laci Peterson "has captivated northern California for several months." The gavel-to-gavel coverage is pending the court's approval." Says www.insideradio.com where details cost. Surprise - 100000 watt lists their site as www.knew910.com/main.html, but radio-locator, my favorite, didn't list their site.
5/5.5/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/5.4/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Mr. and Mrs. North" can be ok.
5/5.3/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
5/5.2/03 - "RealNetworks to Offer Streaming Media to Mobile Users. Its software will deliver video and audio to digital devices, but usage fees could be costly." More at www.latimes.com/la-fi-real5may05,1,3058885.story.
5/5.1/03 - "LETTER TO THE EDITOR Media Monopolies' Effect on Dissent." Find for three mentions of 'radio' at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/opinion/la-le-whitlinger5may05,1,2386152.story.
5/5/03 - "KUSC to widen classical audience. The radio station and NPR will distribute round-the-clock programming to subscriber stations around the country. Hoping to bring Bach, Beethoven and Mozart to a wider audience, KUSC-FM (91.5) is joining forces with National Public Radio to distribute a 24-hour stream of classical music to stations nationwide." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney5may05.story.
5/4.1/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM.
5/4/03 - OCR radio stuff:
5/3.6/03 - 8-9:30+p, KABC 790 AM "Democratic Debate. Join TalkRadio 790 KABC, this Saturday, May 3rd for live coverage of the first Democratic Debate from the campus of the University of South Carolina, begininning at 8PM . Roundtable discussion follows the debate with Mr. KABC, Brian Whitman, Kim Serafin and Joe Crummey,[.] The Ira Fistell program will return on Saturday, May 10th." From www.kabc.com/viewentry.asp?ID=262041&PT=Host%20Detailed%20Information. Also see the 5/3/03 Flash.
5/3.5/03 - LAUNCH is #1 netcaster per www.measurecast.com/. They list: 1 LAUNCH, 2 Live365.com, 10 ABC Radio Network, and CCC didn't make the top 10. On the top-25 outlet list, for talk: 4 WLS-AM/890, 9 The Sean Hannity Show, 14 WSB-AM/750, and 15 KFI-AM/640 Los Angeles. Three classical music outlets also made the top-25 list.
5/3.4/03 - San Diego - KFSD 1450 AM flips back to fine arts/classical music. "out foxed. AllAccess.com reports that KFSD-AM 1450 San Diego flips back to fine arts/classical music on Monday. The station launched an all 70s format two months ago." From radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3918, with comments. They have a simple, one-page site at www.am1450thefox.com/.
5/3.3/03 - "New Nevada Radio Website." More at radio-info.com/boards/southwest/index.cgi?read=2943. The new site is www.nevadaradionews.com/.
5/3.2/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "The Jack Benny Program" is usually good.
5/3.1/03 - President Bush & Dems Saturday talks. www.moreover.com/'s tips with several other links. Sat KNX 1070 AM Bush 7:06a, Dems 8:06a.
5/3/03 - "Democrats Gather for a Debate in Deep South. Nine contenders for the presidential nomination assemble tonight in South Carolina in a bid to form opinions and capture voter interest." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-debate3may03,1,7134567.story. Specifically:
5/2.15/03 - "WRKO Boston airs Jerry Williams tribute tomorrow." The talk-radio guy. More, comments, and a different schedule at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24275. This has been in the news for the last few days. That's WRKO 680 AM with a web site at www.wrko.com/. A quick look didn't see anything about streaming, but who know? The site says the "Jerry Williams Tribute Show" is 2-4p their time, 11a-1p L.A. time tomarrow, but the posting above differs.
5/2.14/03 - "'Topless pics' anger Zeta Jones." Specifically, "The Hollywood couple's lawyers accused US radio operator Clear Channel Worldwide of "continued malicious conduct" for allowing the photos on its websites." More at www.itv.com/news/1943805.html. No, I didn't go looking for the pictures, nor would I suggest it. www.moreover.com/'s tip.
5/2.13/03 - "New site for radio jobs, career guidence. I found a site with services that will help us advance our careers...http://www.radiocareerconsultants.com/." More and comment at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=24311. P.S. - Questions asking for help often appear on the boards.
5/2.12/03 - "Groove Radio. Groove Radio is finally broadcasting. Same location www.grooveradio.com. It's more underground than my tastes, but I'm glad to see they are back and will check them out from time to time." The comments start at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3899. P.S. - The loss of Groove radio was why this board was started, at its old URL.
5/2.11/03 - Internet - "It’s A Number One “Launch” In Arbitron’s Internet Broadcast Ratings. Based on Total Time Spent Listening (TTSL), Arbitron’s Internet Broadcast ratings indicate Launch is the top Internet Broadcast Network for the week of April 14th." These are the MeasureCast.com numbers, I guess. A little more at www.radioink.com with free stories.
5/2.10/03 - "Harvey To Host Marconi Awards Show. Urban Contemporary KKBT (“The Beat”)-Los Angeles morning personality Steve Harvey has been tapped to host the Marconi Radio Awards dinner and show October 2nd at the NAB Radio Show in Philadelphia." A little more at www.radioink.com with free stories.
5/2.9/03 - TV - "Imus returns to his cable-TV simulcast on MSNBC. The I-Man was pre-empted during the channel's war coverage -- when its ratings grew during morning drive. But the radio-cable simulcast resumes Monday." From www.insideradio.com where details cost.
5/2.8/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/1.7/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of the best westerns. "The Shadow" even with Orson Welles is at best ok.
5/2.6/03 - San Diego - "KOGO, KyXy, my94.1, 760KFMB, KPBS, The Mighty 1090 are some of the radio stations that will be on hand to as the USS Abraham Lincoln docks at North Island today. Again, it is not said enough: Thank you for your duty!" From www.sdradio.net/. The time was not specified. Larry's tip.
5/2.5/03 - "http://www.boycott-riaa.com/ is a website with news and issues about music downloading and other resources and the awful truth about the Adolf Hitler of organizations known as RIAA. They outsuck Clear Channel by a mile. Check the website out today." From David's site.
5/2.4/03 - "Groove Radio is now streaming once again. Clear Channel has nothing on this dance music format." From David's site.
5/2.3/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free. Some are old news and are linked from this page.
5/2.2/03 - Sports - "Duck Calls Are Worth a Listen." "The Radio Side. If Duck telecasts draw minuscule audiences, imagine how many people listen on radio." A little more at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-sp-tvcol2may02.story.
5/2.1/03 - "One day a week, it's music of the Beatles. How can the Fab Four sustain five radio shows every Sunday? Programmers cite younger fans and recent CD and box set releases." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-matsumoto2may02.story. I believe the Beatles are on more than three stations, but I lost track. Soon the all-news and the all-talk stations could have Beatles hours also.
5/2/03 - "FINALLY. Crooning: Adult standards station KSUR-AM (1260) has licensed an Al Hirschfeld drawing, "The Crooner," for its logo. The caricature of a man singing into a microphone was commissioned in 1993 by a radio station in New York City." From www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quick2.3may02.story.
5/1.15/03 - President Bush speaks tonight about 6p, but maybe no one will listen since it's expected to announce the end of the war. Try the usual talkers like KNX/KFWB, KFI/KABC, and KCRW/KPCC. The KABC, KFWB, and KPCC sites state they'll air it.
5/1.14/03 - "1090 power. How many watts does the Mighty 1090 put out?" Is that XPRS 1090 AM from Rosarito, Mexico? From and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3857. I didn't see a real web site, but they appear to stream from www.1090am.com/. Also, PR at www.sdsportsvoices.com/sportswire_news_023.htm.
5/1.13/03 - Southwest bb becomes moderated. "Board Changes. Effective immediately, this board has been switched to message approval mode." More at radio-info.com/boards/southwest/index.cgi?read=2909. Either moderated or login boards help to keep the junk off the boards. Too bad this is necessary.
5/1.12/03 - "No more. I stopped reading this board about 2-3 weeks ago and thought, maybe I should check it out today. Offically, I say more [no?] more. This board should be retitled "KDL in LA". This board is a joke. I'm out...who's with me." From and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3866. Well, this board did start as a music-radio bb, so what does one expect?
5/1.11/03 - "Drudge report: Bill O'Reilly in BIG trouble. O'Reilly is getting his butt handed to him by Rush Limbaugh in almost every market." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/la/index.cgi?read=3870. For my comments see the 5/1.7/03 Flash.
5/1.10/03 - Some headlines from www.radioandrecords.com/ where the stories are free.
5/1.9/03 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p (except Wed 10-11p) and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM. Both shows can be good.
5/1.8/03 - "Cyber 9 - Website helps you "name that tune". Ever been frustrated by not knowing a tune playing on the radio? Now there's a web site that can help you find out! The website www.yes.net uses technology called EARS, which is short for Enhanced Audio Recognition System." More at www.ktsm.com/news/story.ssd?c=3bcfc5b81d554548. www.moreover.com/'s tip, but I hot linked it. This was also on a bb recently, and I linked to it in the 4/29.7/03 Flash.
5/1.7/03 - "RADIO 'NO FACTOR': CABLE KING O'REILLY DISASTER ON THE DIAL. Bill O'Reilly's Radio Ratings Revealed Publicly For The First Time. Just released ARBITRON radio ratings show FOX NEWS CHANNEL and bestselling author Bill O'Reilly in near-collapse, just one year after launching a nationally syndicated rival to Rush Limbaugh." More at www.drudgereport.com/bor.htm. Larry's tip. For me: O'Reilly is just ok, but I can't listen to Rush; his delivery drived me away after only a few minutes.
5/1.6/03 - Some headlines from www.laradio.com/ where details cost, except when they're free. See the 4/21.14/03 Flash about free.
5/1.5/03 - "FINALLY. Money talk: Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt and the other talk show hosts heard on KRLA-AM (870) will be broadcasting today from Oceanside, home of the Camp Pendleton Marine base, as part of an effort to raise money for the families of military personnel serving in Iraq." From www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/calwknd/cl-wk-quick1.3may01.story. They want to raise $1,000,000 in a day! They also broadcasting it in San Diego: KCBQ??
5/1.4/03 - "A week when irrelevance matters." Specifically, "Some big names in the food world gathered in Newport Beach to promote next week's dinner. Master chef and restaurateur Roy Yamaguchi graced the restaurant that bares his name, joining KABC radio personality chef Jamie Gwen. Gwen has moved to Newport Coast from Los Angeles, and is thrilled to be a part of the Newport scene." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/pilot/ent/la-dpt-crowd01may01,1,918891.story.
5/1.3/03 - "MY FAVORITE WEEKEND: RYAN SEACREST So many entrées, so little time." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/calwknd/cl-wk-fav1may01.story.
5/1.2/03 - "Media Put on a Show to Change FCC Rules. One of the guilty pleasures of covering business comes from hearing executives try to defend some openly venal and self-interested strategy as being all about the public interest." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-golden1may01,1,4180471.story.
5/1/03 - "Amber Alert goes national. Law signed by Bush is voluntary, but backers hope it will encourage all states to adopt child-abduction warning systems." More at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=37171§ion=NEWS&subsection=FOCUS_IN_DEPTH&year=2003&month=5&day=1. Yesterday's news.
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