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6/2002 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight. I'll be on a new schedule the next few months and may not have time for this stuff. Keep checking 'was Columns & Columnists' (C&C) and Radio Headlines yourself for the newest stuff.
6/30.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. But first:
6/30.5/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/30.4/02 - FYI - "Public radio stops internet broadcasts. The Dutch public broadcasting organisation is to stop streaming live internet broadcasts of two of its major radio stations." More and links at www.europemedia.net/shownews.asp?ArticleID=11247. Larry's tip. The Dutch are/were big in international shortwave broadcasting.
6/30.3/02 - OCR program picks for the week and more are at www.ocregister.com/show/radio30cci.shtml.
6/30.2/02 - "A Sirius addition to satellite radio," Holiday shows, ratings, program tips, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
6/30.1/02 - Ira Fistell's show, Sat & Sun, 9p-midn, KABC 790 AM, will/could start at 8p today. A good show.
6/30/02 - The Restaurant show on KRLA 870 AM. Steve Knight fills in for Elmer Dills this and the next two weekends. The show hours were recently shortened to Sat & Sun, 4-5p, but I believe Steve said the show next Sat could be 3-4p. A good show.
6/29.5/02 - World Cup Soccer, live, Sunday, 4 a.m., KWKW 1330 AM, in Spanish. Live TV at 4 a.m. on KABC channel 7 in English and KMEX channel 34 in Spanish. For info try the LAT at www.latimes.com/worldcup/, but you can't go directly there cause they force you to register for free first. Also, the news stations KNX 1070 AM and/or KFWB 980 AM could carry updates in English. Even the AM sports station, XTRA 690, KSPN 1110, KXTA 1150, and KMPC 1540, could carry something in English. Sunday at 9:30 a.m. KABC-TV channel 7 will carry a replay, but I didn't notice any radio replay.
6/29.4/02 - KXLU 88.9 FM overpowered by KTLW, says KXLU in an ad in this week's L.A. Weekly, Calendar section, page 112. They say KTLW installed a repeater near La Crescenta in mid-March, and it wiped out the KXLU signal in parts of both valleys, etc. If you can verify this interruption, they want you to sent a statement to them at KXLU, One LMU Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90045. Such a statement form is in the L.A. Weekly ad. I can hear KXLU ok but slightly weak in the S.F. valley. They have a site with this info at www.kxlu.com/, and KXLU appears connected with Loyola Marymount University.
6/29.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Tonight: comedy.
6/29.2/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/29.1/02 - "Feingold Bill would reform radio. Here’s how it would effectively limit the number of radio stations owned by conglomerates to present numbers not allowing for further relaxation of ownership limits, end the practice of warehousing stations where groups use friendly owners to hold licenses while they operate and leverage the stations for further profit and halt the current practice of independent record company money that is paid to group owners," teases insideradio.com.
6/29/02 - "Steve Parker - The Car Nut - Newstalk 920 KPSI - Palm Springs - Sundays, 10 am - 12 pm." He had a show in L.A. a few years ago. Site at www.steveparker.com/KPSI/kpsipage.html. Larry's tip, and he says "Steve Parker's "The Car Nut" does first live Sunday broadcast in Palm Springs." Also, Steve's main page says "Happy Hour with The Parkers! A live and local radio show with real fun and entertainment news for everyone! 1450 KGAM Palm Springs." Is Jackie Olden still cooking on KGAM?
6/28.7/02 - "NPR Retreats, Link Stink Lingers. In response to furious criticism of its online linking policy, National Public Radio will no longer require webmasters to ask permission to link to NPR.org." More at www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,53543,00.html. Tip from NYr bb.
6/28.6/02 - "Trial set for Rwandan 'hate radio'. A radio station is being accused by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda of playing a key role in inciting the 1994 genocide...Up to 1 million people died in the genocide." More at news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/africa/newsid_2072000/2072644.stm . Tip from moreover.com.
6/28.5/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. "Suspense" is good, "Lights Out" maybe.
6/28.4/02 - Don Imus. Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/28.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks. This list just moved to www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php. Also, it's often a longer list than in the paper.
6/28.2/02 - "Bill Seeks Limits on Radio Giants. Media: Sen. Feingold says his proposal targets abuses arising from industry consolidation. Saying recent radio industry consolidation has reduced the diversity of music played on the air and hiked concert prices for consumers..." More at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-64203,00.html.
6/28.1/02 - "For Independence Day, Local Radio Stations Will Celebrate America. 'Morning Edition' will pay tribute to inspirational locations; several stations will feature American music from classics to standards to R&B..."Morning Edition" airs on KPCC-FM (89.3) from 5 to 9 a.m., and from 3 to 9 a.m. on KCRW-FM (89.9)." More at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-64190,00.html. They list several other specials.
6/28/02 - No new Richard Wagoner Friday column this week in the RAVE! paper or his site at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . Rather, they're both showing last week's column. Maybe he's on vacation. Same, maybe, for Gary Lycan and his last Sunday column.
6/27.7/02 - Remember Shortwave listening? The internation broadcast stations? Can it survive? See the ctcr bb at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=10173.
6/27.6/02 - New KNX Drama Hour schedule, 9-10p, 2-3a, and internet starting 7/1/02. The only three changes for mid-year are marked with a +. Most shows are very good, but my very favorites are marked with an *. "Have Gun, Will Travel," perhaps my most favorite show, was one of the last radio Westerns, and one of the few shows that started on TV and went to radio. Types of shows: C is comedy, D is drama, P is police, PI is private investigator-like, SF is sci fi, and W is western.
6/27.5/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Do catch Don Imus on Friday.
6/27.4/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks. Looks like they just moved this list to www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php.
6/27.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Minor changes due 7/1/02 like "Have Gun, Will Travel," my favorite Western, returns. Details in the 6/27.6/02 Flash above. But tonight, two good series.
6/27.2/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #520, dated 6/26/02.
6/27.1/02 - "Brother, can you spare $.0007?. If the art of compromise requires a solution that doesn't make anyone happy, then the recent federal decision regarding online radio is some sort of masterpiece." See www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html, by Randy Dotinga. Also the KFMB/KOGO schedule switch, letters, and more.
6/27/02 - "YAHOO! shuts radio streaming" says allaccess.com, and that's all I know for now.
6/26/02 - Gone for a day.
6/25.4/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/25.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Good stuff today.
6/25.2/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/25.1/02 - "Clear Channel Radio Selects VitalStream for Internet Streaming. The Most Listened to Online Radio Network Broadcasts with VitalStream. VitalStream Inc. reinforced its technology leadership position in the streaming industry today with the announcement..." More at biz.yahoo.com/bw/020625/250217_1.html. Larry's tip. So they do plan to continue streaming?
6/25/02 - "Net Radio, Labels At Odds Over Royalties. With commercial radio outlets consolidating and playlists tightening, record labels and recording artists are having a tough time getting the airplay that fuels CD sales. Internet radio, on the other hand..." More at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-63805,00.html. Not posted on their site till today?
6/24.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Westerns tonight.
6/24.2/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/24.1/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/24/02 - Air Checks. Those into air checks, the way radio did sound, can try www.airchexx.com/ which was mentioned on the ctcr bb on C&C, which also lists other air-check links.
6/23.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. First:
6/23.1/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks. Some info is out-of-date, check 'Air Schedules,' above.
6/23/02 - OCR picks are up, but no column yet. Their picks for the week are at www.ocregister.com/show/radio23cci.shtml, but they haven't posted Gary Lycon's new column yet. Keep checking www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
6/22.6/02 - Hear KXNT 840 AM, North Las Vegas, NV. I can receive this station in the late evening, but it can fade out. They play the big talk hosts, on a different schedule than in L.A., so you can catch up on shows you missed. Their site is www.kxnt.com/. I don't see any streaming, but they do carry Kim Komando's computer show Saturday from 7-10a, which is just about her live time. Their site says they're 50,000 watts daytime and 25,000 at night. P.S. - This is about the first east/west station I've received in L.A. Several north/south stations come in ok.
6/22.5/02 - What's hot on the Internet. Check MeasureCast. Like, the only news/talk and sports talk outlets are Internet only. There are several classical music sites and one L.A. radio station: KCRW. Of the top 25, only eight are U.S. radio stations. See www.measurecast.com/.
6/22.4/02 - KNX Drama/Comedy Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Saturday is comedy.
6/22.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/22.2/02 - Elayne Boosler in for Jackson. Elayne Boosler, comedian, filled in for Michael Jackson yesterday on his KLAC morning show and did a good job. She mention Bill Maher and her appearance on his show and stuff. Give her a talk show, she's better than at least two what's-their-names. Her site at www.elayneboosler.com/ says it's under construction, but it works. Jackson does a good show and respects people, Mon-Fri, 9a-noon, KLAC 570 AM. Get over his accent, I did.
6/22.1/02 - Bill Maher leaves TV show, doesn't mention radio. Less at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-63609,00.html.
6/22/02 - "The Tavis Smiley Show" pulled from KCRW. "Citing complaints from "Morning Edition" listeners, KCRW-FM (89.9) pulled "The Tavis Smiley Show" from its morning lineup after only one week." More under Radio at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-63603,00.html.
6/21.12/02 - CNN radio-music poll at www.cnn.com/POLL/results/155061.content.html. This is part of a story, "Radio, radio: Where did all the music go?," at www.cnn.com/2002/SHOWBIZ/Music/06/20/radio.daze.ap/index.html. Tip from ctcrbb with several comments.
6/21.11/02 - FYI - "Woman sues radio station over prank call. A Florida woman is suing a radio station after it aired a prank call to her in which she disclosed sexual information about herself." More at www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_613068.html?menu=news.quirkies. From moreover.com. Florida radio get press, often bad press.
6/21.10/02 - Larry King switches topics, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/21.9/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10, KNX 1070 AM. Tonight, "Suspense" is usually good, "Lights Out" maybe.
6/21.8/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/21.7/02 - Comment on "Will satellites kill local radio? I hope so." See www.soehrman.com/ideas/satelliteradio.htm. Larry's tip. More in the trades and on the message boards at C&C.
6/21.6/02 - More on Internet music rates. Larry's tips.
6/21.5/02 - The end of Talk Radio Roundup? Read about it at www.talkradioroundup.com/. Too bad, they streamed talk audio and linked to many radio sites. The lack of recent news headlines was the first clue. The site will, he says, reappear as part of another, newer site, so stay tuned for the URL. He also links to what he says are the best other audio sources. Save and check www.talkradioroundup.com/ for the new URL and new info.
6/21.4/02 - "Mario Martinoli in his 5th year cooking up KABC weekends," laradio.com reminds us. Mario still does the KABC 790 AM restaurant show on Saturday, 4-6p and also does reviews/comments/whatever on a local TV station. His is probably the best restaurant show on L.A. radio.
6/21.3/02 - "U.S. Official Cuts Proposed Royalty for Online Music. Radio: Webcasters, musicians and record labels are displeased with the decision, which requires a per-song fee. A top federal official Thursday slashed the fees that many online radio stations must pay for music..." More at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-63505,00.html.
6/21.2/02 - "Sounding Out More Complete Ratings. In a switch from written diaries, Portable People Meters may offer a truer measure of tune-in, but the expense and accuracy remain issues." More at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-63491,00.html.
6/21.1/02 - "Effects of Consolidation" and "Darth Vader [CCC] Speaks" in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ .
6/21/02 - Matt Drudge fills for Bill Handel, Mon & Tue, 5-9a, on KFI 640 AM. I'm not sure Drudge will be a good fit.
6/20.9/02 - FYI - none in L.A. area. FCC Continues To Grant LPFM [low-power FM] CPs. A grand total of 311 construction permits have been issued for the service, according to the FCC's broadcast station database, with 21 of them awarded full licenses — meaning they're fully cleared to operate. The FCC announced six new CPs yesterday, and four of them are in Florida[:]...Chiefland...Dade City...Steinhatchee...Wauchula... [plus] Tonopah, AZ...Winnemucca, NV." L.A., no way, the dial is full.
6/20.8/02 - Read too much already? More on Pacifica at www.salon.com/ent/feature/2002/06/20/pacifica/index.html?x. This is on five pages (sections) with links to even more.
6/20.7/02 - Internet radio rates? Is this final?? Check the trades and message boards on C&C for even more.
6/20.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Two good series tonight:
6/20.5/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/20.4/02 - Program picks (27) for next week from the L.A. Weekly are available today at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3. Today's picks, saved from last week's list:
6/20.3/02 - FYI - "CARP rejected!. Although there's no guarantee that the Copyright Office will set a royalty rate that guarantees a healthy Internet radio industry, this is certainly a step in the right direction." See saveinternetradio.org/. Larry's tip. The 6/20.7/02 flash may be more correct.
6/20.2/02 - NPR says: "linking to or framing of any material on this site without the prior written consent of NPR is prohibited." "Public Protests NPR Link Policy." See www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,53355,00.html. Larry's tip, but he is de-linking from NPR per www.radiodailynews.com/nprdelink.htm. I link to just about anything, on or close to the topic.
6/20.1/02 - FYI - "Streamlined Radio Losing Listeners. When 13-year-old Dana Marino flips on her boom box, she wants to hear her favorite songs. And she often does — over and over and over again." More at story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020619/ap_en_ot/wkd_radio_daze_1. Larry's tip, more soon.
6/20/02 - "No. 1 in fuzzy math." San Diego radio ratings and more with archives at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html by Randy Dotinga.
6/19.5/02 - Down on digital radio with examples. See BB at forum.rronline.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12095. Known as IBOC from iBiquity, this may not be the technique to save broadcast radio. A few sources have mentioned problems.
6/19.4/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10, KNX 1070 AM. Tonight, a Western and sci-fi, but first:
6/19.3/02 - Larry King, Mo-Fr, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/19.2/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/19.1/02 - "Will satellites kill local radio? I hope so." He continues at www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/stories/story/0,10738,2871303,00.html. Larry's tip.
6/19/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #519, dated 6/19/02. Items like, "LIGHT BEAM TELEPORTATION CLAIMED Dr. David Whitehouse, BBC News Online science editor, reports that scientists at Australian National University have succeeded in teleportation..." You know, like the Star Trek transporter.
6/18.6/02 - What's hot in Internet radio? Check MeasureCast's top 25 list with links for 6/17/02 at www.measurecast.com/news/pr/2002/pr20020617.html. Also, for example, they say "10% of the week's Internet radio listening took place over the weekend," but the 6/18.4/02 Flash would suggest a higher weekend number.
6/18.5/02 - People Meters. A few recent stories suggest TV and radio rating differ when people meters are uses versus the old methods. More when a good story appears.
6/18.4/02 - FYI - Who listens to radio? When?. "Well-educated and upper income consumers listen to radio the most. In a typical week 98% of adults 18+ who had an income of $50,000 or more and held a professional/managerial position tuned into radio. 96% of college grads listened to radio while only 93% of the people who did not go to college listened to radio over the course of a week. Morning drive continued to be the dominant listening time with Saturday-Sunday 12midnight to 12midnight ranking second at 79%. Persons 12-17 years of age dominated at a 98% with persons 25-54 and 35-44 placing second at 97%. Listeners tuned into radio the most in their automobiles – 83%. And working women 18+ listen to radio Monday-Sunday and Monday-Friday at a rate of 97%." From insideradio.com. What's with the "12midnight to 12midnight" stuff? Oh, and people like me listen also. Many good shows are on the weekends.
6/18.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour. Tonight: the no-nonsense private insurance investigator and L.A.'s favorite cop.
6/18.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/18.2/02 - FYI - "Ethnic radio reflects population. TRENTON - When Anil Srivatsa launched his weekly radio show five years ago, he had a specific audience in mind: New Jersey's growing Indian population..." And more at www.bergen.com/page.php?level_3_id=7&page=3969509. Larry's tip.
6/18.1/02 - laradio.com says, "FCC combining six separate reviews governing media company ownership into one," in connection with the 6/18/02 Flash? Smoooth. Also, "Los Angeles Magazine names Best Radio Show," which I may recall was lame the last time. Only the headlines are free.
6/18/02 - "FCC Combines Ownership Rule Review. Regulation: Agency plans proposal by next spring on limits affecting broadcast, cable and newspaper industries." More at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-63208,00.html. Note the LAT has a new, wait-till-it's-over pop up to drive us nuts. Also at story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20020617/tv_nm/fcc_1 is Larry's tip, and others.
6/17.6/02 - FYI - "Teens say, "anything but radio" in a startling new study. Even the telephone beats radio listening,"" says insideradio.com from a 'new?' study. More when it's free.
6/17.5/02 - FYI - "Why Internet radio may fade. The Librarian of Congress is usually not considered a magnet for controversy. But on June 20th, the eyes of Internet broadcasters and music industry insiders will focus on James H. Billington as he decides what royalties Internet radio stations will pay to record labels..." More at www.csmonitor.com/2002/0617/p16s02-wmgn.html.
6/17.4/02 - Arbitron ratings, Spring 2002, second phase, for today, are available at www.radioandrecords.com/Subscribers/ratings/homepage.htm. Choose Market # 2 for L.A.'s 12+ numbers; persons at and over age 12. Didn't see big changes but will comment soon - but talkers tend to be down. The L.A. radio MSN board (whatever) at long URL provided the ages 25-54 info listed below (which is not usually available to the public).
Persons 25-54:
#1-KSCA (5.6) #2-KOST (4.2) #3-KLVE (4.0) |
#4-KBIG (3.7) #5-KROQ (3.6) #6-KTWV (3.4) |
#7-KFI (3.2) (tie) #7-KIIS (3.2) (tie) #9-KKBT (3.1) |
#10-KXOL (3.0) (tie) #10-KYSR (3.0) (tie) |
6/17.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/17.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Westerns tonight.
6/17.1/02 - Larry King should be back?, Mo-Fi, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/17/02 - "FCC to review TV, radio, newspaper ownership rules in one package," says allaccess.com.
6/16.4/02 - FYI - "A Vote for 'Thin Man.' Viewing the AFI Top 100 Romances on CBS Tuesday night, I was astonished that it excluded "The Thin Man," starring William Powell and Myrna Loy. This classic, Oscar-nominated film about a husband-and-wife detective team was the forerunner of modern romance films." From LETTERS TO THE EDITOR at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Calendar-X!ArticleDetail-62888,00.html.
6/16.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
6/16.2/02 - L.A.Weekly's picks.
6/16.1/02 - Program picks and several station schedule summaries from the OCR at www.ocregister.com/show/radio16cci.shtml.
6/16/02 - "J.J. Jackson returns to local airwaves," "Spanish Stations," program picks, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
6/15.6/02 - Daily News radio news. As I may have mentioned the Daily News terminated their series of rather good radio-show reviews early this year. Check C&C for a summary of all 81? reviews. Currently their only radio info is a list of San Fernando valley radio station which they print in their "U" section on Friday. I have emailed and asked them to put this list on their web site, but nothing yet. Their email is dnlalife@dailynews.com and the "U" site is www.u.dailynews.com. P.S. - Other than this list, neither "U," the paper, nor their sites regularly have a radio section, but the reviews are archived on the paper's site.
6/15.5/02 - Beatles' music - three shows Sunday morning -
6/15.4/02 - FYI - "Senator Preparing to Take on Big Radio. Prompted by growing complaints from recording artists and music fans, a Wisconsin senator is preparing a bill that would impose new restrictions on the recently deregulated radio and concert industries." More at news1.iwon.com/article/id/243948|politics|06-14-2002::17:39|reuters.html. Moreover's tip. Also, "SLOW SALES AT FAULT, EXECS SAY."
6/15.3/02 - "Infinity Wins Nat'l Awards. The company dominated, actually, as KROQ/Los Angeles scored Station of the Year honors for markets 1-25, KROQ GM Trip Reeb was named GM of the Year in markets 1-25, and KROQ's Amy Stevens picked up the award for Marketing/Promotion Director of the Year. Meanwhile, Infinity's Dan Mason was feted with Group Executive of the Year honors, and Howard Stern - based at Infinity's WXRK/New York - once again was named Syndicated Personality/Show of the Year." Says R&R.com. All this for a station and and a host to which I don't listen. Does anyone? Go figure.
6/15.2/02 - Larry King was gone again last night, and I missed why. The stand-in lady continued with crime.
6/15.1/02 - L.A. Weekly's pick. A mixed bag of music and Ira Glass. Seems they didn't have room in the paper again this week for these picks.
6/15/02 - KNX Drama Hour, saturdat is comedy, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Did you hear "Star Trek"'s Dr. McCoy (spell?) last night on Suspense?
6/14.6/02 - Larry King, Mo-Fr, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Larry, again, was gone last night and a lady talked crime. Now his schedule is toast, but here's what it says.
6/14.5/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. "Suspense" is usually good, "Lights Out" maybe.
6/14.4/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks. Music and more; maybe real jazz.
6/14.3/02 - "Tom Leykis upset his show has been moved and he wasn't told" says laradio.com. With his show, he's lucky to get air time anywhere, anytime.
6/14.2/02 - "Smoothly, J.J. Jackson Aims to Lead Boomers in the Wave. In a switch, the man known for his MTV and L.A. rock radio work will play jazz in drive-time." That's the Wave, Mo-Fr, 2-7p, KTWV 94.7 FM. Who's idea was it to call this stuff jazz? More at www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-62772,00.html.
6/14.1/02 - "Mornings are new on KRTH. Again" and more radio stuff in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ .
6/14/02 - Lakers stuff starting at 11a on KLAC 570 AM and 1150 AM, the call-letter-less station.
6/13.6/02 - Lakers' post-game action. There was some action at the Staples Center after the game last night but nothing like the stupid destruction in the past. The police, in quantity, fired smoke or tear gas (I don't know) and ran and drove around in formations. KFWB 980 AM and KCAL TV channel 9 had reports/video after 9p, but KNX 1070 AM went on with the Drama Hour. It was over before 10p. Looks like the police had it under control and did a good job. Or, try the reports at the L.A. Times - like at www.latimes.com/sports/la-me-celebrate13jun13.story?null, for which you may be required to regrestration for free.
6/13.5/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Two good series tonight.
6/13.4/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, Mo-Fr, KFWB 980 AM. Larry missed the show last night, and a lady filled in and talk about crime. The following schedule from his site confused me also.
6/13.3/02 - Program picks (31) for next week from the L.A. Weekly are available today at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3.
6/13.2/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #518, dated 6/13/02.
6/13.1/02 - "Missing kid plan finally in place [in San Diego]. Good things come to those who wait, and wait, and wait. After three years of delays, a system is fully in place to use radio stations to alert the public when children are kidnapped..." More at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
6/13/02 - "Olney working double time on KCRW. As Warren Olney sat in his small studio for an hourlong "To the Point" broadcast on KCRW-FM..." More on Warren and his "Which Way L.A.?," one of the best local-focus shows around.
6/12.7/02 - What's hot on the Internet. Of the top 25 streaming sites, L.A. has one station at #21: KCRW 89.9 FM. One sports talk at #4 and two news/talk from Cox Radio at #8 and #24 are all internet only. Classical music stations have three spots at #3, #5, and #15. More and links at www.measurecast.com/, the 6/11/02 report.
6/12.6/02 - "Univision to Buy Hispanic Broadcasting. Univision Communications Inc. (UVN.N), the No. 1 U.S. Spanish-language television group, on Wednesday said it would buy leading U.S. Spanish-language radio broadcaster Hispanic Broadcasting Corp [HBC]..." They own at least four radio stations in L.A. More and hot links at long url via moreover. R&R at www.radioandrecords.com/ also has the story and adds "HBC's two largest shareholders — the Tichenor family (including HBC President/CEO Mac Tichenor Jr., pictured) and Clear Channel Communications — ..." Shouldn't the headline be "CCC sells stations?"
6/12.5/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Some shows are better than the previews would suggest.
6/12.4/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, KNX 1070 AM. It's a Western, then old-style sci-fi, but first:
6/12.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/12.2/02 - FYI - "Women's radio format gets a 'soft launch'. The Twin Cities' newest radio station debuted Monday. WFMP-FM 107.1..." More at www.twincities.com/mld/pioneerpress/3441875.htm. Larry's tip.
6/12.1/02 - "Countdown of the Top 10 Best LARP of 2002 begins with #10 on- and off-air" starts at www.laradio.com, but this year you'll have to pay, it seems. Anyway, I recall I didn't care for last year's list which is on this site, somewhere.
6/12/02 - "Ask the Schools Chief", 10a, KFWB 980 AM. See reminders for link.
6/11.4/02 - Dance music in San Francisco? Check www.bayarea.com/mld/bayarea/entertainment/3440953.htm. Radio-locator says they don't have a site or streaming.
6/11.3/02 - Crime night on the Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Jonny is always good, and you gotta love Joe.
6/11.2/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/11.1/02 - Another view on satellite radio. "Satellite Radio on the Road to Oblivion" at www.pcmag.com/article/0,2997,s=1500&a=27904,00.asp. Larry's tip.
6/11/02 - Remember "Ask the Schools Chief" on 6/12, 10a, KFWB 980 AM. See reminders for link.
6/10.6/02 - "...partial solar eclipse (74% of the sun's diameter covered, 80% of its area covered in San Diego) in the late afternoon of Monday, June 10, 2002. We here in the southwest just happen to have the best seats anywhere in the U.S. In the Los Angeles/San Diego/San Bernardino triangle, solar coverage will begin at 5:14 PM, reach maximum at 6:23 and end at 7:23 (all times are PDT, plus or minus a minute or two depending on your exact location)." From CGC #517 in the 6/10/02 Flash. See if you can hear distant AM stations, more like at night.
6/10.5/02 - Satellite radio fights over audio quality. "Last week XM satellite issued a press release that showed how their sound quality was better than Sirrius. This week, Sirrius is apparently fighting back..That company announced they will introduce a new, advanced audio enhancing technology in time for its nationwide service roll out on July 1." Says www.newradiostar.com/ and more. PS - at one time, I believe the plan was to use the same system, some day.
6/10.4/02 - It's Western night on the Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Gunsmoke is one of the best.
6/10.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/10.2/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/10.1/02 - The Lewis/Tyson fight. KNX 1070 AM did carry round-by-round reports on the fight, as they often do, from after 8p till just after 9p. The Drama Hour started a little late. Check KNX for reports on these 'big' fights, usually Saturday night. PS - Tyson was KOed in the eighth round.
6/10/02 - The CGC #517, 6/5/02 newsletter works at www.bext.com/_CGC/. The 6/5.1/02 Flash reported it did not work. "CONDUCTED EMISSIONS LIMITS BELOW 30 MHZ REVISITED" may smooth the way for U.S. broadband internet over power line as in Europe, but their configuration differs.
6/9.6/02 - "The Splendid Table," a good food-talk and call-in show, is on 2-3p and repeated 9-10p on KPCC 98.3 FM. Their site at www.splendidtable.org/ has lots of stuff like audio highlights and archives, tastings, etc.
6/9.5/02 - Three Beatles' music shows each Sunday:
6/9.4/02 - "Same Time, Same Station." Jerry Haendiges hosted this old-time radio show today on KCSN 88.5 FM, noon-2p. The Gassmans have been gone for months. Jerry mentioned an associated site at www.otrsite.com/ with out-of-date info about the Gassmans, the show, and KPCC.
6/9.3/02 - Daily News program tips and some station-schedule summaries for this week are at 6/9/02.
6/9.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
6/9.1/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks. No room in their paper this week for the list.
6/9/02 - "Lots of music on tap next weekend," "LAKERS MANIA," program tips, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
6/8.3/02 - Internet radio report. In the top 25 webcasters are four classical music, two sports talk, one news/talk, and one L.A. station: KCRW 89.9 FM says Measurecast at www.measurecast.com/. The news/talk is from www.mediamazing.com/, and they want you to register for their free? service. They don't seem to offer 'news/talk,' only 'Spoken Word' which is provided by another company.
6/8.2/02 - FYI - FCC fines WNEW-FM, NY $21,000 for indecency language on 3 occasions. All three complaints arose from NEW-FM’s Opie & Anthony broadcast on three separate days." And more, says insideradio.com.
6/8.1/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks. These aren't in their paper this week, so read them on their site.
6/8/02 - KNX Drama/Comedy Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
6/7.5/02 - FYI. "WW1's G. Gordon Liddy, Laura Ingraham To Use AP Radio. The multiyear agreements call for the two hosts to use AP Radio content on their daily nationally syndicated Talk radio shows. Both shows will use AP NewsPower, which provides format-specific show-prep packages; entertainment, sports and business information and breaking state, national and international news." Says R&R.com. PS - the abbrevs are Westwood One and Associated Press.
6/7.4/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks. Something for whoever.
6/7.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Suspense is almost always good, but Lights Out sometimes isn't.
6/7.2/02 - Larry King change, Mo-Fr, 8-9p, 980 KFWB
6/7.1/02 - "A KPFK Pledge to Listen to Listeners. The liberal station's new general manager, who got her start in South Africa, knows a thing or two about activism and community involvement." See LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-TV-X!ArticleDetail-62064,00.html.
6/7/02 - Hear MX satellite radio this weekend at, I believe, Circuit City. Or, I heard a radio ad something like this. They have a site at www.circuitcity.com/, and they sell MX, but I didn't see anything about the demo. Call before you go.
6/6.4/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Two of my favorite series, but - Warning: it's easy to get lost in a Philip Marlowe story, even Chandler got lost.
6/6.3/02 - Program picks (31) for next week from the L.A. Weekly are available today at www.laweekly.com/calendar/radio_all.php3.
6/6.2/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/6.1/02 - "Spinning the Night Away. Take it from touring DJs: L.A. is the best city for electronic music." L.A. has music, but people sure like to bitch about what's on or not on the radio. Check LAT's www.calendarlive.com/top/1,1419,L-LATimes-Clubs-X!ArticleDetail-61904,00.html. PS - the paper had more pictures. See the BB at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/ for a few comments.
6/6/02 - "When disc jockeys attack," is Randy Dotinga's column this week at www.nctimes.net/news/2002/20020605/preview/14535.html
6/5.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks. Mostly music and linked from C&C.
6/5.2/02 - Larry King, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/5.1/02 - #517 is indexed but not yet available: Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #517, dated ???.
6/5/02 - Lakers and Nets, 6p, KLAC 590 AM. Also, a replay the last Lakers/Kings game at 3p, they said.
6/4.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p and 2-3a, KNX 1070 AM, and streams the next day. Johnny is always good, but where is Joe now that L.A. really need him? See C&C for links or go directly to www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html.
6/4.5/02 - FYI on radio consolidation in Kansas City, the business view. See "Consolidated radio ownership brings economies of scale, format variety," at www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/stories/2002/06/03/focus3.html. Or, should this be titled "The Joys of Consolidation?"
6/4.4/02 - More about "The Joys of Yiddish Radio and Theater." See www.newsday.com/news/columnists/ny-lssaul2730839jun04.column?coll=ny%2Dnews%2Dcolumnists.
6/4.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks. See C&C for link to weekly list.
6/4.2/02 - "Why Clear Channel is halting further acquisitions. Chief Financial Officer Randall Mays told an analysts conference they are taking a breather. With 1,212 stations, something more pressing may have become more important," says insideradio.com. PS - Some suppect if they include the number of stations they indirectly own or control, the number would be higher.
6/4.1/02 - The David Westerfield trial, I heard, starts today and 'John and Ken,' Mon-Fri, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM should mention it, a lot. Also check KOGO 600 AM in San Diego; their site at www.kogo.com/ suggests live coverage starts at 9a. PS - John and Ken have stuff on the KFI site but also have their own site at www.johnandken.com/. Revised.
6/4/02 - Power 106, Sirius, webcasting, and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday column, available today at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ . Click on 'Radio AM to FM' for his newest column. Archived and searchable.
6/3.4/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. "Gunsmoke" is one of my favorite westerns. With TV in rerun, try the Drama Hour. Schedule at www.knx1070.com/program/drama.html, but schedule changes are due 7/1/02.
6/3.3/02 - Joe Crummey in for Ira Fistell, last Sat and Sun and next Sat and Sun, 9p-midnight, on KABC 790 AM. Joe has been gone for a while, and some miss him. Ira does a good show, without nasty stuff.
6/3.2/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
6/3.1/02 - Talking about Cal Worthington, the LA Examiner says, "A crucial figure in the 1950s Southern California country music scene, Worthington was also a WWII bomber pilot, an LA radio traffic reporter (from his own plane), and his own advertising director: Cal came up with the non-canine "His Dog Spot!" commercials to rib other dealers who had posed with puppies." And more at www.laexaminer.com/.
6/3/02 - "Radio may be making a costly error by not simulcasting its signals online. Groups like Entercom and Infinity could be losing money by pulling their streaming off. For more details by RAIN, click here," says insideradio.com. Keep an eye on RAIN for radio/internet news. Other trade sites are linked from C&C.
6/2.5/02 - Tips for the week and station-schedule summaries from the OCR at www.ocregister.com/show/radio02cci.shtml. Yes, some of this info is incorrect, but I don't have the time to make my own tips list. Check 'air schedules' above for, I would hope, up-to-date info at the stations' sites. As always, if you need help finding a show, leave a message on my board.
6/2.4/02 - KNX 1070 AM.
6/2.3/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/2.2/02 - Elmer Dills shortens restaurant show. Elmer - who was on Sat and Sun, 3-5p, on KRLA 870 AM - said he would shorten the show to one hour, each day, I think, sometime. It's the lack of ads to support two hours.
6/2.1/02 - KRLA Mon-Fri changes. "Starting Monday, KRLA/870 AM airs the Hugh Hewitt Show 3-7 p.m. and the Dennis Prager replay 7-9 p.m.," says Gary's column below. Check their schedule at www.newstalk870krla.com/programs/.
6/2/02 - "KRTH adds Bryan to A.M. lineup," Tavis Smiley, program tips, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
6/1.5/02 - The top talk show hosts are getting listed at members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/top-hosts.html. I'll finish it as I get the time.
6/1.4/02 - Easier to complain about radio stations? Maybe, see www.nydailynews.com/2002-06-01/New_York_Now/Television/a-152751.asp. Larry's tip.
6/1.3/02 - The R&R site format change. Concerning the web-site format changes at the Radio & Records site, for the radio section, it looks like they cut back on news coverage. I don't read the music section, so no comment. Check www.radioandrecords.com/. What do you think? PS - this site is really intended for people in the business; too much info for me. But, it looks like the much requested 'Station Playlists' has returned, offering hours if not days of fun. The 12+ Arbitron ratings for all 285 radio markets are also available.
6/1.2/02 - KNX comedy/drama hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Saturday is comedy.
6/1.1/02 - L.A. Weekly's picks.
6/1/02 - "Favorite Types of Radio Stations (May 31, 2002). National Family Opinion recently took a poll to tell them their favorite type of radio station. The poll was taken among radio listeners, age 18 to 99." This is from San Diego Dave's site. I haven't seen the original, but the numbers look strange, since I've read that, for example, country is down.
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