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9/2002 | Los Angeles | Radio Flashes |
9/30.12/02 - "The House passes a bill that will keep Voice Of America operating - and expand Middle East radio services." From www.insideradio.com.
9/30.11/02 - "Motorola Set To Introduce Analog-To-Digital Receiver. The New York Times reports that several chip-makers and radio manufacturers have started to capitalize on radio's "slowness" in adopting digital broadcasting by developing receivers that can convert standard analog AM and FM broadcast signals into a digital format. In fact, Motorola has developed what's believed to be the most powerful set of microchips for such receivers and held a press conference today to officially unveil the next-generation tuners. The new chipsets are based on Motorola's Symphony line of audio processors. Motorola says the digital-conversion radios will go on sale late next year as replacements for standard car radios, and the company expects some car manufacturers to begin supplying Symphony-equipped radios in new cars in 2004. One of the first adopters will reportedly most likely be the aftermarket radio manufacturer for Hyundai and Kia." From www.radioandrecords.com.
9/30.10/02 - Richard Wagoner, already with a radio column, adds message board. Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column appears on his site at members.cox.net/rwagoner/ and in the RAVE! paper. Now he also has a message board linked from his site above or directly at pub8.bravenet.com/forum/show.php?usernum=680610666&cpv=1.
9/30.9/02 - FYI - "Nonprofit to buy AM stations for Catholic radio. A Green Bay, Wis.-based nonprofit plans to replace the sports format and the Spanish music format at two small AM stations with Catholic radio." More at www.bizjournals.com/twincities/stories/2002/09/30/story8.html. Moreover.com's tip.
9/30.8/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Tip: Monday night football could last till 9:30p-ish.
9/30.7/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/30.6/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/30.5/02 - "Shock waves Radio hosts walk thin line of what’s right, what isn’t. How far is too far? The debate started in the 1980s with the antics of shock jock Howard Stern and continued more recently when a New York duo found themselves on the unemployment line after a radio broadcast about a couple..." More at www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/lifestyle/092902S29SHOCKJOCK.html. Moreover.com's tip.
9/30.4/02 - "As Digital Radio Stumbles, New Products Fill the Gap. Sensing an opportunity in the radio industry's slowness to adopt digital broadcasting, a number of chip makers and radio manufacturers have introduced products that use software in receivers to sharply improve the quality and reach of broadcasts transmitted in the analog format." More at www.nytimes.com/2002/09/30/technology/30RADI.html?ex=1034049600&en=6a6c2230f6f480de&ei=5006&partner=ALTAVISTA. Larry's tip.
9/30.3/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #541, dated 9/30/02.
9/30.2/02 - "KROQ broadcasting digital" comments laradio.com, but there may not be any receivers on the market yet? Or, maybe he means satellite? Who knows? See info at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/msg/11636.html and following comment says it doesn't work well.
9/30.1/02 - Gary Lycan's OCR radio columns which they don't seem to post till monday.
9/30/02 - 9/28/02 - "REMEMBERING EARLY DAYS OF RADIO. A cast of 12 lined the auditorium stage at Glendale's Central Public Library this weekend for a live, radio drama performance..." More at www.latimes.com/tcn/glendale/news/la-gnp-radio30sep30.story?null.
9/29.3/02 - Computer show, Sat, 7-10p, KSDO 1130 AM. "Just posting to let you know that Kim Komando's new time-slot is 7 to 10pm Saturday nights on KSDO," was on my board today, but it's hard to receive in L.A. Maybe they stream.
9/29.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/29.1/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/29/02 - Gary Lycan's Sunday radio column doesn't seem to be on the OCR site yet. Checking.
9/28.6/02 - "WebTalkGuys Radio Show. This Saturday, the WebTalkGuys Radio Show explains how non-techies can maintain Web sites, what you’re worth at your job and how the Web can spoil Hollywood’s latest movies.." Missed it. More at www.tacomadailyindex.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=88&cat=23&id=10445. They have a site somewhere.
9/28.5/02 - "Radio is ready for 21st century. Since the arrival of radio nearly 80 years ago, listeners have suffered through static, whistles and station fade-out. The pain is finally about to go away. Local radio is going digital." Also, "Digital radios
9/28.4/02 - Radio columns from the best of LA Weekly. Their 'best of' issue this week only just mentioned radio. Here are their topics. These are from their Ether section at www.laweekly.com/bestofla/02/ether/.
9/28.3/02 - Complete list of computer shows? Streaming and archives? They're being compiled at members.fcc.net/jlkaplan/. I just posted a link to this site since I didn't have the time to submit the specific shows I list. Looks like they're doing a good job. Submit your suggestions. Found link on an R&R message board.
9/28.2/02 - Art Bell's phone problems. Art Bell didn't do his show last night because of phone problems in his part of NV. George filled in from another location and mentioned Art had phone problems all week which weren't fixed yet. Maybe they just need a new string or a better can.
9/28.1/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/28/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today. Tip: if you miss these shows one week, save the list for the following weeks.
9/27.11/02 - WORKING - R&R revises links to their talk/news/sports message boards. Maybe they're all linked from www.radioandrecords.com/Formats/NT_mb.htm?FORUM_ID=2. Do change their "Show all topics" box to read older and other messages. I'll check and update C&C someday.
9/27.10/02 - FYI - "U.S. RANKS 7TH IN RADIO/TV/INTERNET USAGE. A new study released today by RoperASW shows South Africa as the number one user of radio, TV and recreational use of the Internet. A South African averages 13 hours a week on line at home. The U.S. ranks 7th behind South Africa, Turkey, Poland, Britain, Germany and Canada in use of the three combined media. Britain leads in TV watching with an average of 24 hours a week in front of the tube." Also from www.newradiostar.com., with a hot link. Who knows what this means?
9/27.9/02 - FYI - "NEW MEXICO STATIONS HIT WITH $12,800 FINE. FCC levies $12,800 fine against Alpine Broadcasting for failure to have Emergency Alert System (EAS) installed at two Angel Fire, New Mexico stations (KKIT-FM and KXMT-FM)." From www.newradiostar.com.
9/27.8/02 - FYI - FCC indecency fines. "FCC refuses to back off indecency fines for Mancow and Tampa's Wild 98.7. But in a third decision this morning, it does reduce a contemplated $14,000 fine against Entercom's KNDD, Seattle to $12,000, based on its record of compliance. But no such luck for Emmis in Chicago or Infinity in Tampa. You can read the FCC's letters to the licensees, and sample some of the excerpts it finds indecent, at "fcc.gov" and "Daily Digest." From what was www.insideradio.com, with no hot links.
9/27.7/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Tonight, two of the best series.
9/27.6/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/27.5/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/27.4/02 - "New Twilight Zone dramas headed for radio," says laradio.com, with lots of other stuff. Don't know anything yet.
9/27.3/02 - Clear Channel Site to Showcase Artists. Clear Channel Communications Inc. has launched an online effort to trumpet the work of unsigned musicians. The Web site, Clear Channel New Music Network, will allow aspiring recording artists to register and post samples of their work. The site is designed to showcase the acts' work to record labels and music consumers. Clear Channel, the nation's biggest radio station owner and concert promoter, plans to promote the initiative on its stations, entertainment venues and other properties. The company said the Web site eventually could include an online radio channel." From www.calendarlive.com/music/cl-fi-rup27.7sep27.story. Larry says the link is ClearChannelNEWmusicNetwork.com. That's the same link listed at R&R; R&R web site will be down Fri night till Sat morn.
9/27.2/02 - "Webcasters May Get Reprieve on Royalties. Media: Lawmaker seeks six-month delay in fees Internet broadcasters must pay to record labels and artists. Offering a potential lifeline to hundreds of Internet radio stations, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee introduced a bill Thursday to give Webcasters a six-month reprieve on the new royalties they must pay to record labels and artists." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-webcast27sep27.story.
9/27.1/02 - "KTLA's Rubin Suspended for Week. KTLA "Morning News" entertainment reporter Sam Rubin has been suspended from the station this week. KTLA executives declined to comment on the action, saying, "This is a matter between KTLA and Sam Rubin." But the suspension comes after Rubin delivered an on-air tirade against KABC general manager Arnie Kleiner, calling him "a devil" and suggesting he was on drugs. Rubin accused Kleiner of preventing him from conducting an interview with Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa, the hosts of the syndicated "Regis & Kelly," seen locally on KABC. Neither KABC officials nor Rubin could be reached for comment. He is scheduled to return to the air Monday." He also does KLSX 97.1 FM, Mo-Fr, 11a-noon, following Howard, as a want-to-be. From www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/mreport/cl-et-morn27sep27.story.
9/27/02 - "Harcourt's 'Eclectic' Empire. In less than five years, the host of the KCRW show has become practically a household name. Just 4 1/2 years ago, Nic Harcourt was happily running a small station in Woodstock, N.Y., living on seven acres atop a mountain, and unsure that he wanted to accept the offer to move to Los Angeles and oversee the music at KCRW-FM (89.9)." Don't worry, I listen to the station ,but I haven't heard of him either. More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-et-carney27sep27.story.
9/26.6/02 - "Let's hope no jocks lose their jobs, as Playboy recruits for the pictorial of the "Women of Radio,"" mentions what was www.insideradio.com. I did see a report on this somewhere in the last few days if you're interested.
9/26.5/02 - Art Bell, look out. With Art missing so many shows and his current three-day-a-week schedule, there is room for another show. "More paranormal talk coming, with the November 4 launch of the Lou Gentile show. International Broadcasting Corporation claims it will place the paranormal investigator's new daily show on more than 50 stations. Topics: angels, ghosts, cults, the occult, UFOs and government cover-ups." Report from what was www.insideradio.com. Details as I get them, but I've never heard him. Some info and maybe streaming at www.ibcradio.fm/radioschedule.htm and www.lougentile.com/index2.html. Also check www.google.com/ for several other links.
9/26.4/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Two good series tonight.
9/26.3/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for next week, Friday through Thursday, are available at www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php.
9/26.2/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/26.1/02 - "Salem Launches Giveaway (September 27, 2002). KKLA 99.5 FM and 95.9 FM The Fish Launch The 50 Day, 50K Giveaway! Los Angeles' premiere faith-based teaching and talk station, KKLA 99.5 FM, and today's Christian music station, 95.9 FM The Fish...". Dave's tip from www.davesfunstuff.com/0106main.html. His Orange Co. and San Diego news links don't work today. May have originates as press release, see Larry's tip at www.radiodailynews.com/fish50day50day.htm.
9/26/02 - "Awards runneth over" is Randy Dotinga's radio column this week at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
9/25.7/02 - Satellite radio goes portable. "XM and Delphi introduce a satellite radio "boombox." It's part of the new SKYFi product lineup -- and promises to liberate sat-radio from the automobile or truck. Prices are reasonable, and product should be in the stores starting at the end of October." Under $300? More at www.mstreet.net/topheadline.asp?ID=46180&PT=Today%27s+Top+Stories. What was insideradio.com's tip. Larry links to XM at www.xmradio.com/newsroom/screen/pr_2002_09_25.html.
9/25.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Don't miss 'Have Gun', but first:
9/25.5/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/25.4/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/25.3/02 - Tips from www.laradio.com/.
9/25.2/02 - Gary Lycan Sunday radio column and program tips appeared today at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=3823. Usually there would also be a column just of program tips, but I didn't see that yet.
9/25.1/02 - "Actors recreate award-winning radio productions. Samantha Eggar and William Windom join cast for readings Saturday at Glendale Public Library. More at www.latimes.com/tcn/glendale/entertainment/la-blr-radio25sep25.story?null. Another story below.
9/25/02 - Wednesday, 10-11a, KFWB 980 AM, "Ask the Mayor".
9/24.7/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/24.6/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/24.5/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/24.4/02 - "ABC Radio Networks Demonstrates Leadership as New and Enhanced Networks Dominate RADAR." What?? More at www.radiodailynews.com/abccontinues.htm. Larry's tip.
9/24.3/02 - "Public radio's Terry Gross gets up close and personal via remote hook-ups" She's on locally. Larry's tip. More at www.startribune.com/stories/459/3320664.html.
9/24.2/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #540, dated 9/24/02. FCC website wins, KVCR-TV, and more.
9/24.1/02 - "Music returns to 1110 AM," new, stereo, KFI and more at Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/.
9/24/02 - 'Angels Shift Radio Stations. Disney-owned ABC Radio announced two major moves Monday..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-sp-angelradio24sep24.story.
9/23.8/02 - "Radio Hosts Take Feud With Mayor To City Hall. Armstrong & Getty Broadcast Live From Chavez Plaza. SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Radio talk show hosts Armstrong and Getty took their morning radio show on the road Monday, broadcasting live from Cesar Chavez Plaza across from city hall." More at www.thekcrachannel.com/news/1682054/detail.html. Moreover.com's tip.
9/23.7/02 - "Spanish Broadcasters outperform all majors in ratings race and at Head of the class. Spanish groups outperform in ratings race. "In spring 2002, Spanish-language broadcasters stole market share from general market operators..."" More at the members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/msg/11497.html message board.
9/23.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Westerns tonight.
9/23.5/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/23.4/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/23.3/02 - "MARK NUTRITIONALS NAILS RADIO FOR $40 MILLION. (September 23, 2002 9:29am) The Wall Street Journal reports this morning that diet program company Mark Nutritionals owes Clear Channel radio $10 million, Westwood One 4.9 million and Infinity $9 million dollars. The company, now in Chapter 11 bankruptcy lists 500 creditors..most of which are radio stations. The company lists only $10 millon in assets." www.newradiostar.com's tip.
9/23.2/02 - "ABC's KSPN/L.A. Grabs Anaheim Angels Broadcast Rights. The Angels have been on crosstown Clear Channel talker KLAC but the team was unhappy about their being bumped too often - a reported 27 games this season - by the NBA's Los Angeles Lakers, which are also heard on the station. The move to ESPN Radio is effective with the 2003 season and marks the second time in a year that a Southern California baseball team has announced it would shift away from a Clear Channel/L.A. station for the 2003 season; R&R reported last December that the Los Angeles Dodgers would transfer from Clear Channel's KXTA to Infinity's KFWB. Meanwhile, on Jan. 1, 2003 ABC Radio will swap the frequencies of KSPN (currently at 1110 AM) and Radio Disney KDIS (now at 710 AM)." OK, but who's on first? Why not put all sports on the sports-talk stations? www.radioandrecords.com's tip.
9/23.1/02 - Will ABC sell or buy stations? The last report suggested they might sell stations. "ABC buys two Portland radio stations. ABC Inc. is acquiring Portland radio stations KPBC-AM 1640 and KKSL-AM 1290 from Crawford Broadcasting Co. ABC Radio plans to broadcast Radio Disney, a live 24-hour radio detwork designed for children, on KPBC. KKSL will continue to be operated by Crawford under a marketing agreement with ABC Radio, which has more than 4,600 affiliate stations nationwide." More at www.bizjournals.com/portland/stories/2002/09/23/daily5.html. Moreover.com's tip.
9/23/02 - "Radio group to celebrate 80th anniversary. GLENDALE -- The California Artists Radio Theatre will celebrate its 80th anniversary of broadcasting from Glendale by presenting a few of its award-winning live radio dramas at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Glendale Public Library auditorium." More at www.latimes.com/tcn/glendale/news/la-gnp-radio21sep23.story. The group has a site at www.calartistsradiotheatre.org. The event seems to be 9/28, recorded, but free.
9/22.2/02 - Gary Lycan's radio column and progran tips. I can find them today in the OCR. His instructions were to browze under today's date, but that's not available yet. See 9/16.6 flash.
9/22.1/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/22/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/21.5/02 - KPLS 830 AM web site. It took many months, but they did have a site before, just pictures and a weekday schedule, but they never completed it. Now they are almost back to nothing again at www.kpls.com/. How do they get listeners without a schedule and a web site?
9/21.4/02 - "They always have talked on radio. (early talk radio of the 1930s)(Cover Story)"
9/21.3/02 - "U.S. webcasters hit hard by royalties decision. More than 30 percent of U.S. Internet radio stations have stopped broadcasting in the past year, and some webcasters are moving operations overseas to avoid paying a royalty that takes effect next month for copyrighted music. A new study indicates 1,770 webcasters have shut down in the past year, and U.S. webcasters make up less than half of Internet radio stations worldwide for the first time." More at www.washtimes.com/business/20020921-72728685.htm. Moreover.com/'s tip.
9/21.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/21.1/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/21/02 - "CELEBRITY SPORTS TALK LAUNCHES SUNDAY, SEPT.22ND ON KMPC 1540 AM LOS ANGELES & WSNR 620 AM NEW YORK. Hosted By Former NBA Star, Marques Johnson & L.A. Times Sports Columnist, J.A. Adande." More at www.radiodailynews.com/celebsportstalk.htm . Larry's tip. Please try lower case. Remember, I don't cover sports radio.
9/20.7/02 - "Record-Label Middlemen Seek New Deals With Radio Stations. Middlemen paid by record labels to push songs onto radio playlists are scrambling to renegotiate their deals with radio stations, a result of the ailing labels' attempt to reduce what they spend on the controversial practice." More at online.wsj.com/article_email/0,,SB1032384619777229755,00.html. Larry's tip. Remember, I don't usually mention music radio, so check around for yourself if interested.
9/20.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Two of the best adventure/drama series tonight:
9/20.5/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/20.4/02 - FYI - TV - English on Chinese TV. "CCTV's English service. Our apartment is one of the more than 317 million television households that receive China Central Television (CCTV). Our little bright-blue Jinxing TV is mainly tuned in to English-language Channel 9 since none of us understands more than 10 words of Chinese. Basically I am very grateful that CCTV does not only seek to entertain its more than 1 billion viewers across China, but also provides an extra channel for the international minority. And when they announced that CCTV-9 will be improved from September I really got excited." More at www.chinadaily.com.cn/star/2002/0919/vo2-1.html. Moreover.com's tip.
9/20.3/02 - "Inside the First Amendment: Turn the dial — Shock radio and freedom of speech. Some things apparently are too shocking even for shock radio. Infinity Broadcasting recently fired radio's notorious "Opie and Anthony" for broadcasting..." More at www.naplesnews.com/02/09/perspective/d819685a.htm. Larry's tip.
9/20.2/02 - Lost San Diego Dave again. My usual links to Dave's site aren't working again. Another reorg or bandwidth problem? Checking. See C&C for links.
9/20.1/02 - #1 with men (rather small boys) who slam women?. A few from laradio.com/.
9/20/02 - "Stations Win National Honors. Radio broadcasters' Marconi Awards recognize morning host Big Boy, Power 106 and Christian outlet KFSH-FM. They seem as different as can be--the hip-hop station and its morning-show host, and the outlet for contemporary Christian music--but they share recognition from their peers around the country, who named them the best in the business for the past year." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney20sep20(0,204543).story?coll=cl%2Dradio. L.A. radio is known for hip-hop and contemporary Christian music stations? Don't think so. Who does these awards anyway?
9/19.9/02 - Remember LPFM, the guys with no money? How do they pay for this? "The FCC's requiring Low Power FMs to join the EAS system. Now that there's at least one FCC-certified decoder, the agency is giving LPFMs one year to buy and install one. How about participation in the growing Amber Alert system?" From what was www.insideradio.com/. Remember, there's no room on the L.A. dial for low-power FM (LPFM). What's EAS - emergency alert system? FCC description of EAS at www.fcc.gov/eb/eas/.
9/19.8/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/19.7/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/19.6/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for next week, Friday through Thursday, are available at www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php.
9/19.5/02 - "JAPANESE RADIO TAKES HUGE LOSSES. (September 19, 2002 7:51am) If business seems a little down in North America stations can feel good they're not alone. A report from the telecom minister on Japan's 65 radio stations shows a combined net loss of 40.5 billion yen for the fiscal year that ended March 31..this compares to a profit of 53.4 billion yen the year before. said Wednesday." From www.newradiostar.com/.
9/19.4/02 - "Who's tops in talk. Rush Limbaugh is the greatest radio talk-show host ever, says the trade magazine Talkers. The magazine's September issue rates the top 25 radio talk-show hosts of all time, based on "talent, longevity, success, creativity, originality and impact on both the broadcasting industry and society in general." Larry's tip. More and TV at www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/ent_radio/story/19940p-18902c.html. Rush puts me to sleep, I won't listen to Howard, and more, so please don't judge talk radio per their shows. Find what you like.
9/19.3/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #539, dated 9/18/02. Seems they post them a day after they email them. Thus, the 9/18 posting appeared on their site today. Mentions LPFM map engine and more.
9/19.2/02 - "New Twilight Zone dramas headed for radio" says www.radio.com/. The TV guide suggested the TV show wouldn't be very good, so, rather, I watched some of the video for the new car show which really wasn't very good. Sort of Miami Vice but with cars and little action.
9/19.1/02 - "The most winning column ever" and some radio stuff at Randy Dotinga's www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. If you haven't read his last few columns on how to improve radio reception, get it before it's gone.
9/19/02 - "Dwight Whylie, 66; First Black Radio Announcer to Be Hired by BBC. Dwight Whylie, 66, the first black radio announcer hired by the British Broadcasting Corp., died Monday, apparently of a heart attack, while visiting the Caribbean island of Barbados...He became the first black BBC announcer when he joined the corporation's domestic services in London in 1961." More at www.latimes.com/news/printedition/california/la-me-passing19.1sep19.story?null.
9/18.10/02 - L.A. stations have been absent from Measurecast's top-25 list for a while, but KRLA 870 AM, of all stations, hits the list this week at #25. Could it be their new weekday morning show 6-9a? Or their new Sunday computer show noon-1p? See www.measurecast.com/news/pr/2002/pr20020917.html. Check the KRLA schedule and stream at www.krla870.com/.
9/18.9/02 - "News/Talk/Sports Format Strengthens Lead In Spring. Share jumps a point and a half from last year. With a 17.8 12+ share, the News/Talk/Sports format scored its highest-ever AQH numbers in Arbitron's tracking of radio formats in the 96 continuously measured markets, and it's way above the 16.2 it earned a year earlier. The rest of the Top 10 formats (spring 2001-spring 2002 trend): AC — 14.4-13.9; CHR — 12.3-11.3; Urban — 8.4-8.5; Country — 8.9-8.0; Spanish Language — 7.0-7.7; Oldies — 8.5-6.5; Classic Rock — 4.7-4.6; Rock — 4.7-4.3; Alternative — 4.0-4.2. These and more detailed results will appear in the R&R Directory, set for delivery at the end of the month." Also from www.radioandrecords.com/. Note that Spanish Language beats several other formats.
9/18.8/02 - "Is ABC Radio Up For Sale? According to a report from Banc Of America Securities analyst Timothy Wallace, Disney management told investors' during a recent meeting that the company's radio assets aren't central to its portfolio and that any significant new radio acquisitions were unlikely given current radio valuations. And while Disney management also indicated a sale of ABC's radio assets could occur if the price was right, Wallace deems such a divestiture "unlikely." What's more, Kaufman Bros. Equity Research analyst Paul Kim says Disney management indicated it has little interest in selling its radio assets unless an "irrational" price is offered. However, sources familiar with the company's operations say CEO Michael Eisner only made the comments about a sale after being pressured by analysts to discuss possible divestitures, and the sources insist the company isn't interested in selling its radio assets. In fact, one source notes that the company has been expanding its Radio Disney and ESPN Radio networks and that the company's radio operations have "obvious synergies" with the other divisions." From www.radioandrecords.com/. In L.A., please sell 710 AM, and let radio people run it. Or, how about an NPR AM station?
9/18.7/02 - "Stations cut farm news to consolidate. There's another change farmers have to deal with - it may be tougher to hear local farm news on their radio." More at www.sj-r.com/sections/news/stories/N09172002,k.asp. Moreover.com's tip.
9/18.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/18.5/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/18.4/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/18.3/02 - "Hahn Goes Public on Selection of LAPD Chief. Politics: Mayor launches a media campaign to prepare the city for his decision on a new leader for the Los Angeles Police Department." And he'll use the radio, it says. More at www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-me-hahn17sep17(0,420795).story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dpolitics. Moreover.com's tip, and they link to three papers; a FL paper doesn't require a log in unlike the LAT.
9/18.2/02 - "G. Gordon Liddy, one of the 25 Greatest Talk Show Hosts of All-Time, according to TALKERS Magazine," reports laradio.com. See links to national shows in Reminders, above.
9/18.1/02 - "AM Stereo fans want, well, AM Stereo, what's up in HD (digital) radio, what about the problems, and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/.
9/18/02 - "...John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou have signed what is described as a long-term contract to continue their afternoon hosting duties on talk-radio station KFI-AM (640)...," says the LAT repeating yesterday's R&R.com story from the 9/17.4/02 Flash.
9/17.7/02 - Quiz: What are NWS and NOAA? Answer: National Weather Service (NWS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Weather-radio story at www.rhinelanderdailynews.com/display/inn_news/news.txt. Moreover.com's tip.
9/17.6/02 - "Who relies on network programming the most? Kids stations (98%) and all-sports radio (91%). Radio Disney is the supplier for all but one of the "pre-teen" stations tracked by the M Street Database. While 9 out of 10 of the 391 sports stations rely mostly on network/syndicated fare." Was insideradio.com's tip. P.S. - Locally, Disney destroyed second-rate talker 710 AM.
9/17.5/02 - "KUSC [91.5 FM] aims to expand its classical music empire into Mexico," says what was insideradio.com.
9/17.4/02 - "KFI/L.A. Inks New Deal With John & Ken. Although specific terms of the new agreement were not disclosed, Clear Channel/Los Angeles Director/AM Programming Robin Bertolucci boasted that John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou "are going to be with KFI, ripping the lid off if issues that matter to our listeners, for a very long time." The afternoon talk duo will mark their 10th year on the air in L.A. this fall." From R&R.com. How many times were they fired before they got hot? KFI 640 AM, weekdays, 3-7p, but don't tell anyone you listen.
9/17.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/17.2/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/17.1/02 - "NPR Names Correspondent as Co-Host of 'All Things'. Radio - Melissa Block, who reported on New York for the network, will join the show in February. For the first time since 1989, National Public Radio on Monday named a new co-host for its afternoon newsmagazine, "All Things Considered."" And, ""All Things Considered" is heard locally weekdays on KPCC-FM (89.3) from 3 to 6:30 p.m. and on KCRW-FM (89.9) from 4 to 7 p.m." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney17sep17.story.
9/17/02 - "Lyric Opera's Radio Broadcasts Suspended. The Lyric Opera of Chicago has suspended...elsewhere in the country since 1977, including, at times, KMZT-FM (105.1) locally." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/mreport/cl-et-morn17sep17.story.
9/16.6/02 - OCR's Gary Lycan just appeared at:
9/16.5/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/16.4/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/16.3/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/16.2/02 - "Christian radio silencing weaker NPR stations. The Rev. Don Wildmon, founding chairman of a growing network of Christian radio stations, does not like National Public Radio. "He detests the news (on) NPR and believes it is slanted from a... liberal and secular perspective,"..." More at www.twincities.com/mld/pioneerpress/4076159.htm. Larry's tip. Related to 9/15.3/02 Flash.
9/16.1/02 - "European webcasters poised to dominate web radio. For the first time in history, international streaming channels now outnumber channels from the US." More at www.europemedia.net/shownews.asp?ArticleID=12562. Larry's tip.
9/16/02 - Gary Lycan's Sunday radio column - I still don't see it in the OCR (Orange County Resister newspaper). I did email them last week and no answer yet. Anyone know anything?
9/15.5/02 - Merrill Shindler's restaurant show on KLSX 97.1 FM, normally Sun 5-7p, could move to 3-5p-ish or even earlier as the football season begins. The Saturday show should remain 5-7p. P.S.- For the exact time you'll have to hear his previous Sunday show; they never post this info on their site.
9/15.4/02 - "Libertarians drop California gubernatorial candidate who spat on radio host. The Associated Press, 9/15/02 2:14 AM. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- California's Libertarian Party voted Saturday to drop its candidate for governor because he spat on a radio talk show host... [Gary] Copeland said he spat on KABC-AM radio host Brian Whitman after a Sept. 8 interview at the station's Los Angeles studio. Copeland said Whitman had applauded U.S. immigration control efforts, and that the host turned off the mike when Copeland was recounting past abuses of immigrants. Copeland got up to leave, heard several on-air comments from Whitman, then turned and spat on him..." More at www.nj.com/newsflash/national/index.ssf?/cgi-free/getstory_ssf.cgi?a0412_BC_SpittingCandidate&&news&newsflash-national. Moreover.com's tip. Some guber race.
9/15.3/02 - Religious radio & NPR fight for frequencies. "Religious broadcasters pushing public radio off air. Secular stations rally, battle to save their frequencies from wealthier rivals. The Rev. Don Wildmon, founding chairman of a mushrooming network of Christian radio stations, does not like National Public Radio." More at sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/09/15/MN3088.DTL. Moreover.com's tip.
9/15.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. But first:
9/15.1/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/15/02 - Regional radio links. If you got lost in the last radio-info reformat, here's a link to their regional bb's, forums, etc: www.radio-info.com/links/.
9/14.3/02 - Did you hear Jack Benny star as a Martian on the Drama Hour's "Suspense" last night?
9/14.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy tonight - maybe after the fight; see the 9/14/02 Flash.
9/14.1/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/14/02 - The De La Hoya & Vargas fight tonight is ppv so KNX 1070 AM might carry round-by-round reports. The event opens at 6p, but look for this fight between 7 & 9p. Such fights have in the past run into the Drama Hour from 9-10p, and the Drama Hour would follow the fight.
9/13.14/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Good stuff.
9/13.13/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/13.12/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for this week, Friday through Thursday, are available at www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php.
9/13.11/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/13.10/02 - "Adoption Of Digital Radio Standard Two Months Away? "I am hopeful that the commission will be able to issue a report and order this fall," FCC Commissioner Kathleen Abernathy told the crowd at the NAB FCC Policymakers' Breakfast this morning, "which in my mind means before November." And more says R&R.com.
9/13.9/02 - Talk KFI 640 AM up to #2. This period's Arbitron ratings are in at www.radioandrecords.com/Subscribers/ratings/homepage.htm, and click on Los Angeles or #2. Looks like all talk and all-news stations are up except KNX is flat. Classical KMZT beats all-news KFWB. R&R.com says, "In Los Angeles, CHR/Rhythmic KPWR stays on top, dipping 5.0-4.9, while News/Talk KFI soars 4.2-4.8 for No. 2. Alternative KROQ dips 4.8-4.7 to third." P.S.- they continue, "News/Talk WGN rises 6.0-6.2 to secure its No. 1 position in Chicago..." In some areas, talk is or has been number 1.
9/13.8/02 - "Harris has first major digital radio sale. Radio stations hope equipment helps them compete. Harris Corp. said Thursday that broadcaster Radio One Inc. has agreed to buy digital-radio equipment for stations in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Detroit and Los Angeles." More at www.floridatoday.com/!NEWSROOM/moneystoryA29679A.htm. Moreover.com's tip.
9/13.7/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #538, dated 9/10/02. LPFM, KVCR, and more.
9/13.6/02 - "Gary Franklin stops weaving his web" says laradio.com, but Gary's mostly ego-centered site is still up. C&C links to it at www.garyfranklin.com/, but I seldom even look.
9/13.5/02 - "Cable TV brings radio home," better radio reception, and more in Randy Dotinga's www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html.
9/13.4/02 - Radio stuff in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/.
9/13.3/02 - "FCC Reviewing Rules Governing Media Ownership. Regulations: Agency may consolidate or relax restrictions on issues such as a firm operating a newspaper and TV station in one market." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-fcc13sep13.story.
9/13.2/02 - Moment of silence for 9/11. Old news: "On Wednesday, Los Angeles radio stations will have a moment of silence at 8:45 a.m. to honor the heroes and victims of the terrorist attacks a year earlier...." From LAT 9/10/02.
9/13.1/02 - "Sinbad Returning to the Local Airwaves. Sinnbad, who until recently had a morning show on KHHT-FM (92.3), will return to the station starting Saturday in a weekly syndicated show. "Sinbad's Psychedelic Shack" will premiere at 8 a.m. and feature the comedian's favorite "old school" tunes." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/mreport/cl-et-morn13sep13.story.
9/13/02 - "TV Beckons, but He Still Idolizes Radio. The success of 'American Idol' thrust DJ Ryan Seacrest into the national spotlight, but he won't forsake his 'first love.' ...Seacrest is the host of a popular weekday afternoon radio show at adult alternative rock station Star 98, (KYSR-FM, 98.7)." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-jon13sep13.story.
9/9-02 - 9/12/02 - My schedule changes again. Check these L.A. Radio Flashes for updates on Friday, or Saturday, and/or Sunday. It's unlikely I even see this site Monday - Thursday. Check the links above for everything you'll need to know. Thanks for reading L.A. Radio and enjoy the shows. Leave questions on the new message board.
9/8.3/02 - More 9/11 stuff from the Daily News by Fred Shuster, their only radio writer. See "Downtown sculpture dedicated to victims of Sept. 11" at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E23523%257E838345,00.html?search=filter.
9/8.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. But first:
9/8.1/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/8/02 - OCR revises web site and I don't have the time to find Gary Lycan's radio column, if it's still in the paper. Someday. PS - and my old OCR links don't work either. The OCR site now seems to be at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/homepage.do. I did email asking for the location of his column.
9/7.5/02 - 100kwatt changes and ownership questions. A ctcr bb posting says, "There are NO changes planned to 100kwatts. It will continue to be free, updated regularly, and no categories of information will be deleted intentionally." See radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=12821. Site at 100kwatts.tmi.net/ with lots of details.
9/7.4/02 - On-line 9/11 special. From ctcr bb, "Hi everyone! Our latest update is online, and this week its a special presentation for the one year anniversary of 9/11. I have another program which will run later this week, but online right now is "9/11 Remembered". The show is produced by your webmaster and will air in Memphis on WGKX "Kix 106" Wednesday morning, 9/11/02. You can hear this 10 minute special right now by logging on to www.airchexx.com. Thanks, and God Bless America! Airchexx.com." I ran it all together. Site at www.airchexx.com/.
9/7.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy.
9/7.2/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/7.1/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #537, dated 9/6/02. This issue is about KVCR-TV's problem. They're an interesting PBS station with a restaurant review show, etc. - if you can receive them, and they may not be on any cable system. They have a site at www.kvcr.org/ and need help installing the a new klystron.
9/7/02 - "RADIO - KMZT Offers Daily Fill of the L.A. Phil. Beginning Sunday, the Los Angeles Philharmonic will have a daily presence on KMZT-FM (105.1). "Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra Festival," showcasing the best of the band's recorded performances, will air Sundays from noon to 2. Every other day of the week at noon, the station will present "The Masterpiece of the Day With the Los Angeles Philharmonic." From www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/mreport/cl-et-morn7sep07.story. I think I got the daily part, but does anyone understand this schedule? Their "Every other day" must mean except Sunday.
9/6.9/02 - laradio.com jokes. Concerning my 9/6.5/02 Flash, Don says, "It was a joke in response to the incessant spamming from Nigeria." I know what he means: I put one of my email addresses on another of my sites and got 100s of junk emails in days.
9/6.8/02 - Several 9/11 shows, starting this weekend. See www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney30aug30.story and today's Flashes.
9/6.7/02 - "Internet Listeners Want Streams Back; Don't Mind Hearing Ads. Radio outscores 'Net as 'most essential' medium. Two-thirds of the respondents to Arbitron-Edison Media Research's "Internet 9" study who use streaming media at least monthly are upset about losing a webcast that has gone offline during the controversy over digital rights and royalties. They also find audio ads a reasonable tradeoff for getting online programming for free, finding them far less objectionable than banners. Meanwhile, about one in four respondents say radio is the most essential medium in their everyday lives, with 20% rating the Internet as most vital. Both were beat by TV, which received 39% of the vote." More at www.radioandrecords.com/.
9/6.6/02 - Dave, offically David Tanny, who I've called 'radio Dave' and 'San Diego Dave,' once again reorganizes his web site. Only he has more clutter on this site than I, and he needs major navigational help. Try his www.davesfunstuff.com/0100main.html for Southern California radio info and his favorites: comedy, strange radio shows, whatever.
9/6.5/02 - "LARadio.com will fold on 12.31.02," is Don's sixth headline today and, if true, I'm sorry. Don has done good work for years. Don - If it's true, why not mention my site; I plan to be around, doing L.A. radio, for a while. See www.laradio.com/. OH, and Don, would you give me your URL also, please?
9/6.4/02 - "Radio Series Asks How We Cope With 9/11. How are Americans coping one year after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11? ..."The Infinite Mind"...three-week series airing Sundays at 10 p.m. on KPCC-FM (89.3), beginning this weekend." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-radioshort6sep06.story.
9/6.3/02 - "A One-Year Slice of Americana. NPR's 'Present at the Creation' series examines the nation's cultural icons, from OK to hamburgers. They're the pillars, large and small, that serve as the foundation of American culture:..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney6sep06.story.
9/6.2/02 - "Radio spotlight: 'Living With Terror After 9/11'. National Public Radio will air two specials this weekend on "Living With Terror After 9/11."" More at www.startribune.com/stories/459/3210175.html. See 9/11 radio shows for, "KCRW and KPCC will both air a live call-in show at 10 a.m. on Sept. 7. "Living with Terror: The World Speaks a Year After 9/11"..." and more. See the 9/6.4/02 Flash about the Sunday show.
9/6.1/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Good stuff.
9/6/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/5.8/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for next week, Friday through Thursday, are available at www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php.
9/5.7/02 - Music over for Web radio? Internet radio sites may have to shut their doors or become music-free zones under the new royalty plan, according to a research report." And, "Researchers said the only viable Web radio formats over the next 18 months to 24 months appear to be talk and sports radio." More at zdnet.com.com/2110-1106-956769.html. Moreover.com's tip.
9/5.6/02 - "KFI newswoman Vicky Moore escorted out of Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels," laradio.com reminds me. Yes, she was doing some soft stuff on the cathedral opening, a soft interview or something about the gift shop, whatever, and a church PR guy told he she needed permission from the church to be there. This is cause the church and KFI's 'John and Ken" show don't get along. Check www.johnandkenshow.com/ for possible info, or maybe KFI's site at http://www.kfi640.com/main.html, but with a fast look I didn't see it.
9/5.5/02 - FYI - "Clear Channel's Radio Pacts Irk Labels. Music: The chain's lucrative deals with independent promoters have resulted in massive playlist price hikes. Radio conglomerate Clear Channel Communications Inc. is pushing the envelope in the murky world of record promotion--and upsetting music executives in the process. Clear Channel has notified record labels that it has signed new pacts with three independent music promoters and granted them the exclusive right to pitch songs to Clear Channel program directors at its top black music, or "urban," radio stations." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-clear5sep05.story.
9/5.4/02 - from the strange dept. - "Iraq to launch telecommunications satellite. The Iraqi government plans to launch a telecommunications satellite with the assistance of foreign firms. The satellite, designed to reinforce television and radio broadcasting, will be built under contract with foreign parties, an Iraqi cabinet statement revealed." More at www.menareport.com/story/TheNews.php3?action=story&sid=226311&lang=e&dir=mena. Moreover.com's tip.
9/5.3/02 - Art Bell schedule change. To help save his back, Art will only do shows on Wed, Thu, and Fri. George, who has filled for him, will continue his own day (Sat??) and do Art's show on Mon and Tue. Art's site is www.artbell.com/, and the show is on KFI 640 AM, starting at 10p and going for hours.
9/5.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/5.1/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/5/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/4.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Don't miss 'Have Gun,' but first:
9/4.5/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/4.4/02 - "12+ Radio Listening Is At A 27-Year Low. Duncan's: Listening down 17% over 13 years. Duncan's American Radio's "Average Persons Rating," which is the percentage of the American population that's listening to the radio in any average quarter hour, is currently at a 27-year low." says www.radioandrecords.com/.
9/4.3/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #536, dated 9/4/02.
9/4.2/02 - Bill Handel and Art Bell. Bill returned from vacation today, and Art is expected back this week - Wed? or Thu? - we'll see.
9/4.1/02 - "Can you hear me now?," about radio reception, and other radio news at Randy Dotinga's www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. Better than usual, and he continues with AM reception next week. Tip - when your buy your next table or larger radio, make sure it has a pointable loop antenna that works; many new radios do have this, I noticed this weekend.
9/4/02 - Ask the Schools Chief, 10-11a, KFWB 980 AM. Info at "Ask the Schools Chief". Questions, answers, non-answers, whatever.
9/3.7/02 - Some radio-info site changes. Follow the several comments to radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=12617 about 100000watts.com, etc. That's the ctcr bb.
9/3.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/3/5/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
9/3.4/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/3.3/02 - "An Open Letter To Michael Medved. KVI's General Manager discusses Michael Medved's departure." This was/is the guy on KRLA, and I can't believe some of his ideas. More at too long. Larry's tip, and another link there. Michael's site is www.michaelmedved.com/.
9/3.2/02 - Sinbad, says laradio.com:
9/3.1/02 - "Mountain Radio, Digital Update," and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/.
9/3/02 - "Playboy Unveils Satellite Radio Show. Picking up the argument that indignant readers of the magazine have made for four decades--it's not just the pictures--Playboy Radio debuts Tuesday as a new channel on XM Satellite Radio." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/mreport/cl-et-4know2sep02.story?coll=cl%2Dmreport.
9/2/02 - gone.
9/1.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
9/1.2/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
9/1.1/02 - OCR program picks for the week and station-program summaries at www.ocregister.com/show/radio01cci.shtml.
9/1/02 - "They spun those stacks of wax in '62," "LABOR DAY SPECIALS," program picks, and more in Gary Lycan's Sunday column at www.ocregister.com/show/radio.shtml.
See the Radio pages on MENU for more info. |