Flashes: 2002: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2001: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 2000: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1999: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 1998: 10 - 12 |
New Favorites:
Sun * < * < * < * < * < * < * < * < * < * < * < * < * < * < * < * Favorites: Sat | Sun | Everyday | Mon - Fri | Tue - Sat | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri Best of | Radio Headlines (daily) | air schedules | radio misc. | Columns & Columnists (C&C) Calendar | Time or | alphabetical & numerical index of stations and site links weather in Los Angeles | Search this site - Read Me | Translate | New message board MENU |
Shows: - Larry King Mo-Fr 8-9p KFWB 980 AM ||| KNX 1070 AM: KNX Drama Hour daily 9-10p, "60 Minutes" Sun 7-8p, "60 Minutes II" Wed 8-9p ||| David Letterman Mo-Fi 11:35p-12:37a KLSX 97.1 FM.
11/2002 L.A. Radio Flashes. Read Columns & Columnists (C&C) daily if you can. They get most stuff before I do. So does Radio Headlines which are updated instantly. To save space, for example, 6a means 6 a.m., 8p means 8 p.m., & midn means midnight. I'll be on a new schedule the next few months and may not have time for this stuff. Keep checking 'was Columns & Columnists' (C&C) and Radio Headlines yourself for the newest stuff.
12/1/02 - I may have a Tripod problem that prevents me from starting the 12/02 page. Working.
11/30.5/02 - "Roy Laughlin Vs. Saul Levine...read from laradio.com...In a move reminiscent of the Top 40 wars of the 1960s, Adult Standards KSUR (The Surf) is making a pre-emptive strike against Goliath Clear Channel. KLAC is flipping from a Talk format to Adult Standards..." More at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/msg/12570.html, the sc groove bb.
11/30.4/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy tonight.
11/30.3/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/30.2/02 - Letters - "Let market decide. I never cease to be amazed at liberal pundits who rail at the inability of Michael Jackson to take hold since he was dumped by KABC for poor ratings." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-letters30.6nov30.story. Listen to Michael anyway, it helps to hear both sides, especially from a good, smart talker.
11/30.1/02 - Viacom tries to give up control of KFWB. With radio stations, a format change usually closely follows an ownership change. But if the Federal Communications Commission approves a shift in who controls KFWB-AM (980), surprisingly little different is expected on the air or behind the scenes."
11/30/02 - Sandy Wells' stuff from 11/27/02:
11/28.3/02 - Expect other holiday shows, best-of shows, some hosts can be gone, etc. Check around the dial. For a turkey hotline number try 1-800-butterball.
11/28.2/02 - Melinda Lee and her cooking show will fill in for Bill Handel on Thanksgiving Day, 5-9a, KFI 640 AM, she announced today. Call in at 4:55a if you must have your turkey or other question answered. Tune in early and catch the end of Art Bell's show. Or, what if Melinda and Art co-host a UFO-cooking show? (From 11/16.6/02 Flash.) Her site is www.melindalee.com/.
11/28.1/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/28/02 - Happy Thanksgiving. I'll try to catch up Sat 11/30/02. Use the links above to find stuff.
11/27.12/02 - Part 1 of part 2 of Randy Dotinga's column concerning alternatives to local radio. Remember, last week Randy did a part 2, but I wasn't sure what was the corresponding part 1. He says part 1 is at www.nctimes.net/news/2002/20021106/preview/123204.html. Part 2 is at www.nctimes.net/news/2002/20021120/preview/12700.html.
11/27.11/02 - Sony walkman tech talk and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=15943, the ctcr bb.
11/27.10/02 - "Talk Radio Editorial. Here is a good editorial from talk show host Neal Boortz. What are your thoughts on it?" From and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=16052, the ctcr bb. It links to www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=29799 and is an issue I have not yet mentioned. The printer-friendly version (click at the bottom) is much easier to read.
11/27.9/02 - L.A. Weekly's program picks for the week, Friday thru Thursday, are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php. However, they overwrote today's and tomarrow's tips. But, Thursday's tips are above.
11/27.8/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/27.7/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. No hard news all this week.
11/27.6/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for next Wednesday, but it's about the same for today:
11/27.5/02 - FYI GA - "Threatened license revocation and a $300,000 fine may be the biggest single-station FCC penalty ever." Says www.insideradio.com/ and no other details here for free.
11/27.4/02 - "Listeners React To Voicetracked Radio. Nearly half find stations 'less appealing.' The majority of radio listeners can identify a voicetracked radio show, and they don't like it..." Says www.radioandrecords.com/.
11/27.3/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #550, dated 11/27/02. I did try the new search engine they mention, but I had to 'X' my way out; it wouldn't 'back' out. Www.google.com sure seems to work better for me, but I haven't had any experience with this new one.
11/27.2/02 - More headlines from www.laradio.com/, who shows how to make dozens of headlines from one story.
11/27.1/02 - "Helms to the rescue," Christmas, and talk radio in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html, a day early.
11/27/02 - "AM resonance," "Christmas in November," and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, two days early. But, instead of KSRF, which I can't find, does he mean KSUR? (He has fixed it on his site, he says.) For more GE Superadio III stuff see radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1161, the engineering bb, with several comments.
11/26.5/02 - "More listeners tune to Internet radio. More people are spending more time listening to online radio stations as the fledgling industry continues to grow." More at jacksonville.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/stories/2002/11/25/daily4.html. Larry's tip.
11/26.4/02 - Small webcasters get a further break from SoundExchange. John Simson declares a temporary suspension of the obligation of small commercial webcasters to pay the new online royalty, through December 15." From www.insideradio.com/.
11/26.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/26.2/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/26.1/02 - Richard Wagoner's site isn't working at this moment, maybe he's posting a new column. Check members.cox.net/rwagoner/.
11/26/02 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/. I'm not sure what these mean, but I linked to the KSUR site days ago in the 11/20.7/02 Flash.
11/25.10/02 - "Revolution seen for U.S. airwaves." And, "It almost sounds too Star Trek to be possible: A multipurpose cell phone that also serves as an FM radio, walkie-talkie, garage door opener and TV remote control." Rather long at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=15901, the ctcr bb.
11/25.9/02 - "They're killing us" concerning the quality of AM audio. More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=15921, the ctcr bb.
11/25.8/02 - "Jesse Ventura Signs Off As Radio Host. For now, anyway. The pro wrestler-turned-Minnesota Governor's term is up this year, and he hosted WCCO/Minneapolis' Lunch With the Governor for the last time on Friday. But rumors are circulating that Ventura, who hosted a radio show at Sports/Talk KFAN/Minneapolis before being elected, might return to radio next year, possibly with a nationally syndicated program." From R&R.com.
11/25.7/02 - "SSI To Offer The Fresh Grocer To Radio. Syndicated Solutions Inc. partners with Farm Fresh LLC and widely known TV personality Tony Tantillo to syndicate a daily, short-form program beginning Jan. 6. The 60-second radio version of The Fresh Grocer will be available to stations on CD or via ABC Satellite." From R&R.com.
11/25.6/02 - "Premiere To Part Ways With Dreamland. The network will cease distributing the Whitley Strieber-hosted show at the conclusion of the Dec. 28 broadcast. Dreamland — which was originated by Art Bell — will be replaced by a four-hour Best of Coast to Coast AM, set to air Saturday nights from 9pm-1am ET starting Jan. 4, 2003. Bell recently announced he would retire at the end of this year." From R&R.com. But, Art's show will continue with George as host, if it is aired.
11/25.5/02 - "It's the earliest Christmas ever. Check the number of markets that have or soon will have 2 or more all-Christmas stations: Dallas, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Norfolk, Nassau-Suffolk -- and that's not all." From insideradio.com., without other details for free. L.A. just has one now?
11/25.4/02 - "Radio America Adds The Jason Jarvis Show. The independently syndicated program will be taken over by Radio America on Monday. Jarvis' daily three-hour Connecticut-based talk show joins a lineup that already includes Oliver North, Doug Stephan, Blanquita Cullum, Rodger Fredinburg and Alan Nathan." From R&R.com Friday. Try Doug Stephan if you're up late; like Mo-Fi, 2-5a, KRLA 870 AM, with a site at www.dougstephan.com/.
11/25.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/25.2/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
11/25.1/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/25/02 - "This Michael Jackson is the one twisting in the wind. Michael Jackson is in the news. Both of them. The one with a pointed nose who dangles babies from windows, and the other who brings a clear, articulate voice of reason to L.A." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-martinez25nov25.story. I do hope the radio Jackson is on the air for a long time.
11/24.4/02 - "Council OK's radio station. GLENDALE -- City Council meetings will hit the airwaves soon after the council voted unanimously Tuesday to allocate funds for a $40,000 city radio station. The low-power AM station, called the Traveler's Information Station, would reach anyone within five miles of City Hall, primarily providing public information notifications in case of disasters...
The Traveler's Information Station would reach almost everyone within city limits, including those in the canyons and La Crescenta, Wells said. Burbank, Pasadena and 160 other cities in California use the same type of low-power AM stations for public service announcements, as do many airports including LAX." More at www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200%257E20946%257E1001943,00.html?search=filter. This was also reported in the LAT; see 11/19/02 Flash.
11/24.3/02 - Today's LAT radio program tips are on pages 30 and 31 in the Calendar section. Several tips, but they're not listed in any index.
11/24.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/24.1/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/24/02 - Gary Lycan's Sunday radio columns:
11/23.4/02 - The "TOP [10] TALK RADIO AUDIENCES BY SIZE," from spring 2002, are listed on www.talkers.com/talkaud.html, but they haven't finished the numbers or the on-page link. See the new list over at members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/top-hosts.html.
11/23.3/02 - "The 25 Greatest Radio Talk Show Hosts of All Time," per TalkersMagazine are at www.talkers.com/greatest/index.html. They also link to bios and pics. Can you believe the poeple who came in above Jean Shepherd at position 23? Michael Jackson at position 11 will soon be homeless, but he does need a spot on the dial.
11/23.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy.
11/23.1/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/23/02 - from 11/15/02 - "KLAC sheds talk format, will switch to standards. KLAC-AM (570) will soon shut up and just play the music. The station, radio home to the Los Angeles Lakers and midmorning host Michael Jackson, is set to unveil a retooled standards format that suggests a musical martini of contemporary and classic artists from Dean Martin to Norah Jones." More at u.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,211%257E23540%257E990490,00.html?search=filter. Old news, but I may not have linked to this specific story before. I did on 11/15, oh well.
11/22.10/02 - No LAT radio tips on their site today. Yesterday, as mentioned in the 11/21.2/02 Flash, the L.A. Times did leak their radio-program tips from their paper onto their web site. Today the tips are gone, and they did not do it again today. It did look like the tips could become a daily web item cause their page mentioned in the 11/21.3/02 Flash had a hot link to the tips page. P.S. - If you do a search for 'Radio Tips' from today's Calendar section, it does show a listing for yesterday's tip page, but the tip page has been deleted.
11/22.9/02 - "Ban Callers Over 54? ... There were published reports Thursday that ABC radio is instructing its talk shows to not accept calls from listeners who sound older than 54 years old. At least that is the word of Chicago and WLS-AM[.]" More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/184406.html, the NYr bb.
11/22.8/02 - "Nearly 50 New LPFMs Approved By FCC. The agency yesterday granted construction permits for another 30 low-power FM stations..." says R&R.com, but nothing in CA, and don't expect any in L.A.
11/22.7/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/22.6/02 - L.A. Weekly's program picks for the week, Friday thru Thursday, are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php. However, the LAT radio tips mentioned yesterday have not appeared.
11/22.5/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/22.4/02 - "Clear Channel Ads to Discourage Downloads. Radio giant Clear Channel Communications said it would air advertisements to dissuade listeners from downloading copyrighted music from the Internet." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-rup22.4nov22.story. I don't understand this; ads during the music, or what?
11/22.3/02 - "Broadcasters Seek Ratings Reform. Four of the largest Spanish-language radio broadcasters called on Arbitron Inc. to reform its measurements, saying the ratings service badly undercounts their audience." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-rup22.1nov22.story.
11/22.2/02 - sports - "Papadakis Wants Last Laugh. People who know Petros Papadakis..." Mentions radio at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-sp-tvcol22nov22.story.
11/22.1/02 - "KMPC turns back dial to its golden age. Gathered at a reunion party for the AM mainstay of the '60s and '70s, former staffers ask, 'Did you Whittinghill this morning?'" More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney22nov22.story.
11/22/02 - KLAC, That Eighties Show, and Petty Ladd in Richard Wagoner's Friday radio column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/.
11/21.12/02 - Ten years of 'John and Ken" on the radio, or whatever. They'll play highlights tomarrow, 3-7p, KFI 640 AM.
11/21.11/02 - "DASCHLE BLAMES INCREASED THREATS ON RADIO. Senate Major leader Tom Daschle blasted Rush Limbaugh and other conservative talk show hosts for their criticism of Daschle and other Democrats...He said threats against him had gone up because of the shows." More at www.newradiostar.com/.
11/21.10/02 - Tips from www.insideradio.com:
11/21.9/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/21.8/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
11/21.7/02 - FYI - "Radio therapist 'Dr. Laura' makes three appearances in Southwest Michigan. When nationally syndicated radio host Laura Schlessinger took a walk along the bluff in St. Joseph Wednesday morning, it felt like she had entered not only another place but another philosophy of life." More at heraldpalladium.com/display/inn_news/news2.txt. Moreover.com's tip. It's rather long.
11/21.6/02 - "Clear Channel lays off 34 workers. For the second time within a year, Clear Channel Communications has laid off employees in its San Diego operations – this time 34, including some on-air talent." More at www.signonsandiego.com/news/business/20021121-9999_1b21clear.html. Moreover.com's tip.
11/21.5/02 - "Hendrie Takes Radio Show to TV. HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Syndicated L.A. radio comic Phil Hendrie, who claims to have "the funniest show in the history of radio," will soon see if he can bring his magic to the small screen." More at story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20021121/tv_nm/television_hendrie_dc_1. Larry's tip.
11/21.4/02 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
11/21.3/02 - Times Radio News. The LAT started listing some of their past radio-news stories at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/. You'll need to click for more. Also, click "Radio Highlights" for the tips below.
11/21.2/02 - "Radio Highlights. TIPS FOR TODAY. 1-2:30 p.m. -- Talk of the City With Kitty Felde..." and lots more at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-wk-tvradio21nov21.story. Copy this quickly if you want it cause the last few times it was posted by mistake and it was quickly deleted. Normally this only appears in their printed paper. But, a quick look through today's paper didn't find any hint of radio tips, which can happen on Thursday.
11/21.1/02 - Sandy Wells' radio columns in case you missed them:
11/21/02 - "TV on radio, and vice versa. It's time for the second part of this column's look at alternatives to local radio...," in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html. Where was the first part?? Anyone??
11/20.9/02 - Phil Hendrie, 'Ted's of Beverly Hills,' and the ctcr bb. Phil is on Mo-Fi, 7-10p, on KFI 640 AM.
11/20.8/02 - "Application for 93.5 move. An application has been filed to move the Redondo Beach 93.5 transmitter to the KNX tower as previously discussed." Slightly more at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/msg/12440.html. This has been mentioned before. P.S. - The KNX tower is in the park on 190th. St., just east of Hawthorne Bl., in Torrance.
11/20.7/02 - "L.A. owner Saul Levine's sticking with adult standards: "We're not going away."" From www.insideradio.com. Is that KSUR 1260 AM with a page at 1260thesurf.com/??
11/20.6/02 - "Sounding off on radio shows. Could radio dramas stage a comeback? The economics of radio and the tastes of audiences may have changed dramatically since the Golden Age of the '30s and '40s, but interest from performers such as Ed Asner and Jake Lloyd may help radio theater make a comeback decades after its heyday." More at www.sunspot.net/features/bal-to.radio20nov20,0,172392.story?coll=bal-features-headlines. Tip from www.newradiostar.com.
11/20.5/02 - "RADIO REGAINS HEALTH ACCORDING TO RAB...Advertising up 10% overall in 3rd Quarter. The Radio Advertising Bureau said yesterday that national radio advertising is up 17% and local increased 8% to give it the best growth quarter since it jumped 25% in Q2 in 2000." More at www.newradiostar.com (and R&R).
11/20.4/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Don't miss 'Have Gun.' But first:
11/20.3/02 - FYI - "Radio report says Haitian police firing at protesters. PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Six people were wounded Wednesday when police fired on thousands of student protesters demanding the resignation of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, private Radio Metropole reported." More at long URL. Moreover.com's tip.
11/20.2/02 - "[KKLA] 99.5 FM’s "Duffy & Company – Live From L.A." Named Finalist in 2003 National Religious Broadcasters Awards. National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) has named "Duffy & Company – Live From L.A." with host Warren Duffy, a finalist for the 2003 Best Talk Show of the Year. ...Airing weekdays, 4:00 – 7:00 p.m....interviews with well-known celebrities from the worlds of politics, entertainment, sports, and religion, with calls from... listeners and...commentaries on current events." More at www.radiodailynews.com/duffynrb.htm. I may not have heard this show.
11/20.1/02 - "San Diego Clear Channel begins the lay-off process due to XTRA Sports 690 moving to LA and Chase selling JSAed KSDO" says www.laradio.com/.
11/20/02 - "Museum to add shows in Spanish. With money and assistance from the country's largest Spanish-language television network, the Museum of Television & Radio will add a collection of Spanish-language radio and TV programs from this country, Spain and Latin America to its archives." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-quick20.5nov20.story.
11/19.12/02 - New radio favorites, the listing, a sample, is starting in the upper right-hand corner. Just Sunday for now. I'm working out a format as I go. If you have any comments or suggestions leave them on my Message Board, above, as usual. Or see a sample at Sun.
11/19.11/02 - KRLA 870 AM has a new URL and site. I never did like their last site; like to find a show, which they often move around, you must search each of the seven daily program listing. Well, it's still that way but slightly better. See www.krla870.com/. Concerning streaming: "Where's The Audio? Thank you for your support of our Internet broadcasts. In an effort to fully evaluate our Internet broadcast initiative, and to update our systems and infrastructure, we will be halting the streaming of this station for 60 days. During this outage, we will be inviting you to provide us with your feedback..." per www2.krla870.com/listen/.
11/19.10/02 - The MeasureCast charts are harder to read since Arbitron bought them, but maybe they can fix the typing mistakes. See www.measurecast.com/, they only use one font size, color, and style in the charts.
11/19.9/02 - "Report says format choice too limited. An activist group and the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) are in sharp disagreement over how much choice commercial radio is providing its listeners these days." More at www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/ent_radio/story/36559p-34508c.html. Tip from NYr bb.
11/19.8/02 - "Sen. Russ Feingold Joins Debate Over Radio-Consolidation Study. Senator fires back after NAB refutes report. After the NAB refuted the Future of Music Coalition's claim that "radical consolidation has damaged the public's radio airwaves and stifled localism, competition, innovation and diversity across the country,"..." More at www.radioandrecords.com/ but not enough for me to understand this issue.
11/19.7/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/19.6/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. Sounds like nap time.
11/19.5/02 - "Infinity: Think Nationally. John Sykes and Andy Schuon, two executives who tried to kill the radio star during their tenures at MTV Networks, are now trying to resurrect the medium by bringing national branding to programming." More at www.mediaweek.com/mediaweek/headlines/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1762772. Moreover.com's tip which I missed on 11/17 (but dated for 11/18).
11/19.4/02 - "Radio deregulation no hit for listeners, report says. WASHINGTON – Relaxed federal oversight of the radio dial may have helped a few big broadcasters make sweet music over the past few years, but the listening public has heard mostly static, according to a report released Monday." More at www.signonsandiego.com/news/computing/20021118-1817-media-radio-deregulation.html. Moreover.com's tip.
11/19.3/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #549, dated 11/19/02.
11/19.2/02 - "Pacifica Radio Network broadcasts from historic audio tape collection today as part of fund-raiser to preserve library," says www.laradio.com/. See another story below.
11/19.1/02 - "On the 37th night before Christmas...: "Who goofed?" asked Don Barrett's laradio.com Web site. That's also what a couple of listeners of KOST-FM (103.5) wanted to know last week." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-only19nov19.story.
11/19/02 - "City mulls radio station. Station would cost about $40K, provide local emergency updates. Council to discuss idea today. GLENDALE -- In case of a local emergency, city officials can reach 50,000 Glendale households by broadcasting updates over Charter Communications Channel 6. But that's not enough, Public Information Officer Ritch Wells says." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/glendale/news/la-gnp-radio19nov19.story?null.
11/18.12/02 - Are the headlines at RadioDailyNews.com harder to read? The headlines, I think, were mostly on one line, but now can run two or three lines. It's just harder for me to read. How about you? Try www.radiodailynews.com/.
11/18.11/02 - The L.A. Times' program picks for Sunday, now titled "The Guide," then "Radio," then "Tips for Today," "Compiled by Frank Torrez," was a longer list than usual, in this new format. Good news: they listed about 78 picks. Bad news: I didn't find the list till Sunday night when I had the time to read the whole Calendar section. Why: cause it wasn't listed in any index. Nor was it in the back, on the page with chess and bridge, where it has been. I had to thumb through the whole section, actually now two sections, to find it. And, they split it onto two pages: E25 and E26. But, I still can't find it on their web site.
11/18.10/02 - "are lower standards on talk radio becoming the norm and are they acceptable?" More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/183950.html, the NYr bb.
11/18.9/02 - KOST [103.5 FM] doing Christmas music says forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=103.1, the newest L.A. bb. Also, comments on the Groove bb.
11/18.8/02 - "ANN GABRIEL, PRESIDENT OF THE WEBCASTERS ALLIANCE...with an interview on Radio Star Radio on the passage of last week's bill in the Senate..HR 5469..click here to listen to this excellent mp3 interview (37 minutes long)," at www.newradiostar.com/. PS - I don't do net audio, so I haven't tried it.
11/18.7/02 - Headlines at www.insideradio.com/.
11/18.6/02 - "KFWB/Los Angeles Placed Into Trust. Infinity gives control of station to Bill Clark." Says www.radioandrecords.com/. More at the 11/16.3/02 Flash.
11/18.5/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/18.4/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
11/18.3/02 - "Radio Show Roundup: The Biggest Rock, Pop Holiday Concerts. Destiny's Child, Good Charlotte, Queens of the Stone Age, Zwan playing several shows. 'Tis the season for holiday radio shows." More at www.vh1.com/news/stories/1458739.jhtml. They do list a few dozen concerts. Looks like only one each in L.A. and Anahein but four in San Diego.
11/18.2/02 - Headline at www.laradio.com/:
11/18.1/02 - "Radio Report on Nuclear Arms Meets With Doubt. North Korea's state-run radio reported for the first time that the country has nuclear arms, but South Korean officials doubted the report's credibility." More at www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-briefs18.2nov18.story.
11/18/02 - "Saving voices of a generation. The Pacifica radio network is in a race against time to salvage its disintegrating library of historic tapes. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Eleanor Roosevelt, Abbie Hoffman, Cesar Chavez -- these and other famous figures from American history may be gone, but their voices live on in a massive library of recordings at the Pacifica radio network. But those are in danger of fading away too." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney18nov18.story.
11/17.3/02 - FYI - "Pyongyang radio suggests North Korea has atomic weapons. A North Korean radio broadcast appears to confirm for the first time it has nuclear weapons..." More at abc.net.au/ra/newstories/RANewsStories_728788.htm. Moreover.com's tip.
11/17.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/17.1/02 - Community info shows, Sunday morning. Today both were talking turkey. Often dull, seldom interesting, but worth checking.
11/17/02 - Gary Lycan's radio stuff:
11/16.7/02 - Melinda Lee remotes Sunday, offers food, and gives away expensive stuff. See her site at www.melindalee.com/, which links you to www.melindalee.com/absolute-remote.html for details.
11/16.6/02 - Melinda Lee and her cooking show will fill in for Bill Handel on Thanksgiving Day, 5-9a, KFI 640 AM, she announced today. Call in at 4:55a if you must have your turkey or other question answered. Tune in early and catch the end of Art Bell's show. Or, what if Melinda and Art co-host a UFO-cooking show?
11/16.5/02 - KCRW and KRLA, dissimilar L.A. stations, were on an old Measurecast-top-25 list at www.measurecast.com/news/pr/2001/pr20011113.html but not the newer list available at www.measurecast.com/ where 15 of the top 25 stations are internet only, with only one news/talk and three classical-music stations.
11/16.4/02 - PA - Loss of local news at www.wbre.com/news.asp?fstorynumber=1708&newstype=localnews. Tip from radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=15499, the ctcr bb, with the title "AM 590 WARM ANNOUNCES TOTAL LAYOFF OF STAFF!!!"
11/16.3/02 - Infinity doesn't sell a station, they trust it. "Infinity Agrees To Place KFWB Into Trust. Bill Clark to control L.A. News station. Clark...will serve as the station's trustee and licensee for the entire time KFWB is in trust. Clark tells R&R, "It's true. An application has been made with the FCC."...— far from a spinoff or outright sale of the AM property. The placement of KFWB into the trust does not affect its deal to become the flagship of the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2003...Infinity could very well end up running KFWB once again." More at www.radioandrecords.com/.
11/16.2/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy tonight.
11/16.1/02 - "Webcasters Free to Reach Deals. The Webcasting bill passed by Congress early Friday morning could save many small Internet radio stations from financial ruin, but it does little to solve the fundamental problems facing the Webcasting industry." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-webcast16nov16.story.
11/16/02 - San Bernardino - "A strong signal for local news. KVCR-FM has narrowed its programming to handle tight budgets, but keeps its focus on Inland Empire happenings. SAN BERNARDINO -- For an area that is a bigger media market than Memphis or Kansas City, the Inland Valley has only one radio broadcast outlet that carries local news. Before long, that station might become an all-news outlet." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/ontario/news/la-ivo-kvcr16nov16.story?null.
11/15.11/02 - More on KLAC music. Remind me to search for Fred's and Sandy's stuff.
11/15.10/02 - Correction. Check the story linked in the 11/15.1/02 flash; it also containt two other topics.
11/15.9/02 - Another talk radio bb is at www.radiodrops.com/forums/. This was posted on the ctcr bb. But, you must register with a REAL email address, which I won't do.
11/15.8/02 - KLAC's new web site is at www.570klac.com/fabulous570/ says the message boards like groove and ctcr bb, with some comments.
11/15.7/02 - Reports at www.radioandrecords.com/:
11/15.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/15.5/02 - Urban and Spanish Radio Growing. Country radio, while taking more bucks than a west Texas ranch hand, remains the number one format in the U.S., garnering 13.1% of listening, according to Katz Media. Yet ethnic formats, both Black and Hispanic, continue to grow and now account for three of the top ten most popular formats in the country. More at www.mediapost.com/dtls_dsp_news.cfm?newsID=187600. This may be a repeat of the 11/8.8/02 Flash below; however, another report below puts talk/etc on top. Larry's tip.
11/15.4/02 - Headlines at www.laradio.com.
11/15.3/02 - "Study Shows an Increase in Overlap of Radio Playlists. The report by an artists' rights group says that more stations with different formats play the same songs. Industry officials disagree." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-radio15nov15.story.
11/15.2/02 - "Congress Close to Approving Webcast Royalties Measure. The bill passed by the Senate would suspend fees online broadcasters must pay to record labels and artists. Hoping to rescue small Internet radio stations, Congress was close to approving a last-minute compromise late Thursday night that would temporarily suspend the royalty fees many Webcasters must pay to record labels and artists." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-webcast15nov15.story.
11/15.1/02 - "Scratching their backs. Commercial radio outlets advertise sister stations owned by the same parent company; public stations are also now cross-promoting. Seems like Radio 101: Once you have a listener, you don't go suggesting that he or she tune into another station. In commercial radio, more listeners means higher ratings, which increases advertising revenue. And in public radio, more listeners means more potential financial donors." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-carney15nov15.story.
11/15/02 - "Sinatra's in, talk is out at KLAC. You'll be seeing it in all the old familiar places: Adult standards are returning to KLAC-AM (570). Station owners plan to announce today that they are giving up the 14-month-old talk format and will return next month to playing the songs of Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett and Ella Fitzgerald. But with a twist... None of the roster of talk hosts on KLAC -- which includes L.A. radio fixture Michael Jackson -- will be retained or shifted to sister station KFI-AM (640), she said. "It's just a very difficult task to wedge another talk format into this market. We've had some very talented people, and I feel very sorry that it wasn't more successful."...The new KLAC will debut Dec. 12, Sinatra's birthday." More at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/cl-et-steve15nov15.story.
11/14.8/02 - "XM Cuts Staff, Makes Programming Changes. One day after confirming the departure of VP/Program Operations Dave Logan, VP/Corporate Communications Chance Patterson tells R&R the satellite broadcaster has let go close to 80 employees..." Says R&R.com. No one has stated they're in money trouble.
11/14.7/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/14.6/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM. This seems like a good time to have stronger guests on the show, not that there's anything wrong with these.
11/14.5/02 - L.A. Weekly's program picks for the week are Not available this week at www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php. Maybe some one is on vacation.
11/14.4/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/14.3/02 - "Happy Hour with The Parkers! Finally... a live and local radio show with real fun and entertainment news for everyone!" Also, KGAM 1460 AM? More at www.happyhourwiththeparkers.com/indexmain.htm. Larry's tip.
11/14.2/02 - Manila - Expose the mafiosi in the radio industry. There is a mafia in the radio industry, particularly among firms running the FM band, according to a friend who is familiar with radio and communications business." More at www.manilatimes.net/national/2002/nov/14/opinion/20021114opi4.html. Larry's tip.
11/14.1/02 - "Riding the Airwaves, Surfing the Net to Freedom in Iraq". Many tune in to foreign radio or go online to learn what they're not supposed to. It's their 'connection with the outside world.' BAGHDAD -- Nearly every night, Murtadha Eqabi manages to escape from the control that the Iraqi government tries to exert over everything the college student hears and sees. He turns on a radio." Internet news also. More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fg-iraqinfo14nov14.story.
11/14/02 - "Music to Return to KLAC?," "Two Become One," and "Sell Off" in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/, a day early.
11/13.14/02 - Thu, 11/14, 2-3p, KNX and KFWB: Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. "Next Thursday, November 14th at 2:00 PM, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld will talk live with people from around the country when Infinity Broadcasting presents Infinity Radio Connect: American Security, airing locally on KNX (1070 AM) and KFWB (980 AM)," wrote Richard Wagoner. I didn't see it on the KNX or KFWB web sites, but who knows?
11/13.13/02 - Minor comment on Letterman's first radio show. "Letterman has some fun with his new radio simulcast. He slyly jokes before going into one bit that radio listeners won't be able to follow it. No new affiliates to add to the 15 or so that Infinity announced 10 days ago," said insideradio.com yesterday.
11/13.12/02 - The LAT radio tips mentioned and linked in the 11/10/02 Flash are gone. Again, it must have been a mistake; they don't put the radio tips from the paper onto the web site.
11/13.11/02 - Better FM reception. "Do they make an antenna of some sort that can pick up FM radio further than its broadcast area...." See radio-info.com/boards/engineering/.
11/13.10/02 - "More early conversions to all-Christmas music. Clear Channel's San Diego "Kool oldies" will be all-Yule until Christmas. The 100000watts.com website counts at least 6 all-Christmas stations now -- more than two weeks before Thanksgiving." From www.insideradio.com/.
11/13.9/02 - "Huge Trend For News/Talk. KGO is once again the dominant radio station in Northern California. The ABC News/Talker extends its lead in San Francisco with a 6.5-6.8 move, builds a huge lead in San Jose with a 6.5-7.5 gain and climbs from third to first in Monterey..." More at www.radioandrecords.com/. KGO 810 AM puts a strong signal into L.A. at might, mostly with talkers you don't hear in L.A. Check their site and schedule at www.kgoam810.com/.
11/13.8/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/13.7/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/13.6/02 - UK - "Jowell poised to allow major radio consolidation. The Government is today expected to bow to intense lobbying from the radio industry and permit major consolidation to go ahead." More at news.independent.co.uk/uk/media/story.jsp?story=351893. Moreover.com's tip. Could happen here also.
11/13.5/02 - "Arbitron to Weight Hispanic Samples. During a meeting Tuesday with Spanish-language broadcasters in Los Angeles, Arbitron announced that it has committed to weighting its sample by the language preference of Hispanic diary keepers." More at www.mediaweek.com/mediaweek/headlines/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1760561. Moreover.com's tip.
11/13.4/02 - "A number of factors in charting popularity. Ever wondered how many other people in America are actually listening to, say, Howard Stern at the same time you are?" Well, that's a bad example: probably zero. More at www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/ent_radio/story/34928p-33050c.html. Larry's tip.
11/13.3/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #548, dated 11/13/02.
11/13.2/02 - calradio.tripod.com/is a new section of David Tanny's ever expanding web matrix. I'm not sure what's different, but he does list many info-source links, picks, and more down the sides. Try calradio.tripod.com/.
11/13.1/02 - "CAR GEAR Broader choice in satellite radio. Ford will put Sirius receivers in many models in 2003, raising the stakes against XM. Fans of satellite radio, limited to a single provider for the first half of the year, finally have a serious second contender to consider." More at www.latimes.com/technology/la-hy-sirius13nov13.story.
11/13/02 - "'80s is out, 'FM 949' is in" and more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html, a day early.
11/12.13/02 - ""ASK THE CHIEF" WITH L.A.P.D. CHIEF WILLIAM BRATTON ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th!" From 10-11a on KFWB 980 AM says www.kfwb.com/inside_special_ask_chief.asp. This is the new chief from NYC, doing his first show, and I wish him and the LAPD good luck.
11/12.12/02 - Top radio formats and the source are linked at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/183507.html, the NYr bb. It's: "1. Country, 13.1%, 2. Urban contemporary, 9.7%, 3. Contemporary hit (top 40), 8.8%, 4. Hispanic, 7.4%, 5. Adult contemporary, 6.8%, 6-7. Adult urban contemporary & album rock, 6.5%, 8-9. Soft rock and classic rock, 6.4%, 10-11. News-talk and hot adult contemporary, 5.8%." I had no idea News/talk was so low, can that be correct? Like, '6-7' must mean a tie.
11/12.11/02 - San Diego's "B 94.9 Changes Format 11-11-02. As of 10am, the station formerly known as 80's "B94.9" has changed formats to "FM 94.9 San Diego". The website says "It's About the Music" and their website (b949.com) is now forwarding viewers to a teaser page." More on my message board. David Tanny has it on his site also.
11/12.10/02 - GE Superadio III. Need a cheap, ok radio? Check out the comments at radio-info.com/boards/engineering/, but it can't be digital at this price. I'd much rather have digital tuning and at least find the station.
11/12.9/02 - The Letterman radio show has a link above in Shows so you can check for guests. But, I usually won't mention it here. I did catch the first few minutes of the first show last night, but I don't enjoy his show, or the other guy's. Conway & Steckler filled from 11-11:35p and just played a taped interview for more boring radio. Too bad, they might have had some new listeners and drove them away. And, KLSX has not yet updated their web site, a project for them that usually requires months of delay. More at 11/12.4/02 Flash.
11/12.8/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/12.7/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
11/12.6/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/12.5/02 - Today's Arbitron ratings are in at www.radioandrecords.com/Subscribers/ratings/homepage.htm, and click on Market #2. Talk/news is generally up except KFI, KLAC, and KKLA are down.
11/12.4/02 - "Letterman has some fun with his new radio simulcast," says insideradio.com. Something about he announced he had a joke that the radio listeners wouldn't get. More at 11/12.9/02 Flash.
11/12.3/02 - "Arbitron Meets Today With L.A.'s Spanish Stations. Spanish-language radio broadcasters in Los Angeles will gather at the St. Regis Hotel in Century City to discuss the large shifts seen in listening by Hispanics during the summer 2002 survey... A second discussion on the test's results will be conducted tomorrow." More at R&R.com.
11/12.2/02 - "Infinity Ups Weatherly, Logan To Top Programming Posts. Weatherly stays at KROQ [L.A.]; Logan moves to N.Y. Infinity names Kevin Weatherly SVP/Programming and Eric Logan VP/Programming. Weatherly remains based in Los Angeles and continues his duties as PD for Alternative KROQ..." More at www.radioandrecords.com/.
11/12.1/02 - A few headlines from www.laradio.com/. More soon.
11/12/02 - "Would-Be Doctor, Faith Healers Who Face Charges Were Touted by Radio Host. Renan Almendarez Coello publicized services on his show. D.A.'s office says it is not investigating him or the station." This has been in the news for a while. More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-cucuy12nov12.story?null.
11/11/02 - Holiday
11/10.8/02 - Reminder - Martin Yan, the Chinese chef, PBS star, and cookbook author will be on Sunday 5-6p, on KRLA 870 AM, the chef Jamie Gwen show, she said.
11/10.7/02 - KLAC gets The Truckin' Bozo? See www.thebozo.com/ which says, "570-KLAC-Los Angeles Starting In December." Is it a joke? Who knows? Tip from radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=15184, the ctcr bb.
11/10.6/02 - KLAC gets Charlie Tuna? "Rumors circulating the halls at Clear Channel... Top rumor, which I believe, Charlie Tuna is being pushed back to KLAC as morning show host, the only live shift that KLAC will have." From members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/msg/12184.html, the groove bb. Charlie has a site at www.charlietuna.com/.
11/10.5/02 - Filipino show. The ad in a Filipino newspaper says, "back on the air," "operation tulong," "a public service program," "live on KALI 900 AM radio nightly Monday-Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 p.m.," and "interview with stars on the air...live..!" I know nothing. Radio-locator shows the station in West Covina with a Spanish format.
11/10.4/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. But first:
11/10.3/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/10.2/02 - "Radio drama takes story line from lives of Mexican immigrants. Program details harsh realities. MEXICO CITY – Enrique Romero still remembers the night his story began. Alone in his office, he kept thinking about the tragedies and the abuses of undocumented workers he'd witnessed in his job at the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles. Finally, he picked up a pen and began pouring his feelings onto blank sheets of paper." And, "His message to Mexicans isn't that they should stay home. Instead, he wants to prepare them for the dangers of crossing the border and for the harsh reality of living underground in America." More at www.signonsandiego.com/news/mexico/20021110-9999_1n10novela.html. Moreover.com's tip. They say it will be made into a radio drama and broadcast on both sides of the border, but no specifics yet.
11/10.1/02 - Gary Lycan's radio stuff from the OCR. Looks like he might be doing a program-picks list on Friday also. Both picks lists also contain station-program summaries.
11/10/02 - L.A. Times' "Radio TIPS FOR TODAY," 24 of them, compiled by Frank Torrez, are at www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/suncal/cl-ca-radio10nov10.story. These are the program tips from the paper that they never print on their site, except once before, probably by accident.
11/9.7/02 - More broken headphones. My newest Koss headphones opened near the plug for the left ear this week. Wal*Mart gave me a refund for the last broken set, so I'll try it again. But, that was only about a month ago, just like the first set, so these don't last very long. See 10/2.9/02 Flash about the last set.
11/9.6/02 - The Engineering Discussion Board has a comment on HD radio at radio-info.com/boards/engineering/index.cgi?read=1147.
11/9.5/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy tonight.
11/9.4/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/9.3/02 - Measurecast's top-25 list of internet casters shows 15 internet-only casters, only one news/talk, zero L.A. outlets, three classical-music, one Christian-music (at number 6), and more at www.measurecast.com/, now owned by Arbitron.
11/9.2/02 - "Spanish Radio in the USA. You would think that since English is the language of the United States, those that choose to live here, would make the effort to learn English rather than cannibalize English and substitute another language such as Korean, Spanish or Vietnamese in place of it on the radio?" More and comments at members3.boardhost.com/scgroove/msg/12149.html, the Groove bb, the name-calling bb.
11/9.1/02 - Spanish-language stations drop in summer 2002 Arbitron results?. The Spanish stations, Arbiton, R&R, and others are still trying to determine if this is true, a mistake, or what. It's been discussed on the trade sites and the message boards for weeks, most currently at forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=86.1, the new L.A. bb.
11/9/02 - "SPANISH BROADCASTING SYSTEM looks to move KFSG/REDONDO BEACH closer into LOS ANGELES," said allaccess.com yesterday. That's KFSG 93.5 FM with a web site at www.kfsg.com/. Also check their www.kfsg.com/history/history.htm page for several pages of radio history and a mention of Aimee Semple McPherson. And, it looks like they stream. PS - this history helps to explain the 11/7.7/02 Flash, which confused me.
11/8.11/02 - "PROGRAM DIRECTOR : KPFK Radio 90.7 FM is seeking a Program Director to oversee all aspects of program planning, scheduling, and execution..." Also, they need a "NEWS DIRECTOR: KPFK is seeking experienced journalist..." It's all on their site www.kpfk.org/, under Job Openings, but I saw it first in Change Links www.change-links.org/, the list of L.A. happenings, but I didn't see the ad on this site.
11/8.10/02 - A general talk radio bb is starting at pub6.bravenet.com/forum/show.php?usernum=432940213&cpv=1, and it's built into an existing talk radio web site at www.radiotalk.org/.
11/8.9/02 - Comments on KLAC - adult standards vs talk. "KLAC Going Back To Standards. While I think older adults shouldn't be disenfranchised from the radio and have a format they can enjoy (such as adult standards), I have to question the management at KLAC about this move." More at and around radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=15117, the ctcr bb.
11/8.8/02 - "Country's #1, but black and Hispanic formats account for 3 of the 10 most popular formats. The new Katz Media Group Spring 2002 national format averages show the highest share yet for urban AC -- and also adult alternative rock. Katz finds evidence that ownership consolidation has encouraged format diversity," says www.insideradio.com.
11/8.7/02 - "KLAC/L.A. To Go Adult Standards Next Month. Earlier this week R&R reported rumors that Talk KLAC would flip to Adult Standards, and now sources inside the station are confirming those rumors - and KLAC staffers have reportedly been told the change will happen sooner rather than later. Don't expect the new format to be a mixture of some talk along with music, as other AMs have done in the past year or two; it will be all pop standards 24/7, with the exception of Los Angeles Lakers basketball. A mid-December launch date for the new KLAC format is expected to be announced soon." So says www.radioandrecords.com/Subscribers/TodaysNews/homepage.htm, on an inside page.
11/8.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Good stuff.
11/8.5/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
11/8.4/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/8.3/02 - Headlines at www.laradio.com/:
11/8.2/02 - "Playing by the Rules?. Top song on Radio Disney is by a Disney Channel actress under contract to a Disney label. Critics call for more disclosure from the parent company. Among radio broadcasters across the country, Hilary Duff's sugary pop tune "I Can't Wait" has fallen completely flat. A single station -- in Albuquerque -- has played the song just one time, and that was back in September. There is, however, a glaring exception: the Radio Disney empire. On its 52 stations nationwide, "I Can't Wait" is ranked No. 1...In Los Angeles, Disney's KDIS-AM (710) has played the song a whopping 850 times..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-lizzie8nov08.story. Actually, it's not a bad tune but slightly strange for the flat spots, if I'm thinking of the same song.
11/8.1/02 - "Departure widens talk radio's gender gap. After 14 years at KABC-AM (790), and with her air time ebbing, Gloria Allred vanished altogether from the airwaves last week. The disappearance of the attorney and liberal commentator didn't just change the lineup at her station; it also highlighted the overall scarcity of female voices in talk radio." And, "For a while -- six months, anyway -- Los Angeles had an entire station aimed primarily at women. Disney bought KMPC-AM (710)..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney8nov08.story.
11/8/02 - "Compromise on Webcast Royalties Sought. Religious broadcasters and record labels are meeting to discuss a bill blocked by Sen. Helms. With a lame-duck session of Congress about to begin, religious broadcasters and record labels are seeking a last-minute compromise on royalties that could clear the way for a bill to aid small Internet broadcasters." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-webcast8nov08.story?null.
11/7.11/02 - KXNT 840 AM from NV puts a variable signal into L.A. at night, but it's often a strong signal. They offer the big-name talk shows like Sean Hannity 3-6p, Bill O'Reilly 6-8p, and Clark Howard 8-11p (but aren't they an hour different?), or whatever. Check their site and schedule at www.kxnt.com/. This is one way to hear these shows which are only on during the day in L.A.
11/7.10/02 - Six radio-program tips was all the L.A. Times could print today. Isn't that sad?
11/7.9/02 - Radio trivia and more. "Every weekend, Mike Cook of 760KFMB will use the 50,000 watt microphone and the world-wide internet connection ... he' hosts the weekend trivia-challenge. It's a San Diego original programming -- and as Mike noted, with 19-years of broacast history behind it. Here's this week's 12-pack sampler of the over 300 trivia questions and game elements that will air during "HOOKED ON TRIVIA: THE RADIO GAME SHOW"tm with MIKE COOK this Saturday and Sunday from 9pm-2am on TALK RADIO 760 KFMB:.." More at www.sdradio.net/. San Diego Dave's tip. KFMB 760 AM is easy to receive in L.A. and has several good shows. Check their site and schedule at www.760kfmb.com/.
11/7.8/02 - The major message boards I check are listed on C&C at members.tripod.com/~chinesecookery/radio-info/columns.html/#message. Check them for a few new comments cause I ran out of time.
11/7.7/02 - Headlines at www.insideradio.com/. PS - it does have a new name, but this is the one I remember.
11/7.6/02 - Headlines and much more at www.radioandrecords.com/:
11/7.5/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Good stuff tonight.
11/7.4/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/7.3/02 - Hi-tech stuff in Robert Gonsett's newsletter at www.bext.com/_CGC/, #547, dated 11/6/02.
11/7.2/02 - Headlines at www.laradio.com. Several answers have been offered.
11/7.1/02 - "FCC Is Expected to Readopt Rules on Equal Employment. Courts have rejected the regulations twice, but the agency's chairman says they are vital to increasing diversity on television. WASHINGTON -- Hoping the third time is a charm, the Federal Communications Commission today is expected to readopt rules requiring broadcasters, cable operators and satellite providers to broaden their outreach for minority and female employees." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/cl-fi-fcc7nov07,0,7445209.story?coll=cl%2Dtvent.
11/7/02 - "In Search of Broad Technological Compatibility. Regulators will look into ways of sharing airwaves to be used in many wireless devices. WASHINGTON -- Cell phones, remote controls, wireless radios -- can't they all just get along?" More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-airwave7nov07.story.
11/6.10/02 - "Goodbye Webcasting and Radio as we know it.... Republicans have control of everything now in Washington. How do you all thing this will hold up for webcasting and media ownership?" More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=15001, the ctcr bb.
11/6.9/02 - "The news about KLAC saddens me. I have enjoyed Gil Gross in the morning ever since the format change. Micheal Jackson is a legend (one would assume he may retire after this). UnClear Channel had a great thing going." More at groups.msn.com/losangelesradio/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=1&ID_Message=329, what I called the MSN-connected bb. I would miss Jackson; I often disagree, but from him I'll listen.
11/6.8/02 - New KLAC format? "ALL ACCESS is reporting that KLAC staffers have been informed of the impending format change, and that they'll likely be playing all-Xmas music, after which the station will return to "a version of the Adult Standards format." Lakers games will continue to air, however. I had heard other rumors saying that they'd be going all-70's, but it's possible they may have changed their minds about that." More at forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=94.1, the newest L.A. board. Thanks for the thanks to me and the link. PS - You must sign up for 'All Access,' but it was free if you say your're a radio person. But, it was the most inside-the-business site and mostly uninteresting for general radio listeners.
11/6.7/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Don't miss 'Have Gun.'
11/6.6/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
11/6.5/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/6.4/02 - "When radio makes you surly, internet radio, and more in Randy Dotinga's Thursday column at www.nctimes.com/preview/radio.html, a day early.
11/6.3/02 - "Michael Powell can heave a sigh of relief. With the GOP takeover of the Senate, life just got much less complicated for the FCC Chairman. There may be fewer bumps on the road to re-doing media ownership rules next Spring -- under Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain." So says www.insideradio.com. Is that good or bad?
11/6.2/02 - "Plunging Arbitron Response Rates Alarm Advisory Council. Forget the Portable People Meter: The Council told Arbitron executives that they must make boosting response rates their top priority. Response rates are below 30% in many major markets. Arbitron says its telephone interviewers don't make it past the fourth sentence in 60% of their diary-placement calls." More inside-the-business stuff at www.radioandrecords.com. Arbitron ratings are meant to tell who listens to which radio stations and help to set the ad rates.
11/6.1/02 - "Hispanic Broadcasting buys N.M. radio stations. Dallas-based Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation (NYSE: HSP) has completed its purchase of five Albuquerque FM radio stations, previously owned by Simmons Media Group's New Mexico division, for $22.5 million." More at albuquerque.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/stories/2002/11/04/daily2.html. Moreover.com's tip. Just mentioned cause they also own a station in L.A. and plan to sell out to an L.A. company.
11/6/02 - "More Time for Media Study Comments. Still scheduled for completion in the spring, the FCC's review is expected to result in the easing of some ownership limits. The Federal Communications Commission's ambitious initiative to review the nation's media-ownership restrictions fell slightly behind schedule Tuesday as the agency agreed to extend the public-comment period by 30 days." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-fcc6nov06.story?null. This could be old news.
11/5.17/02 - "Premiere Lays Off 100 Staffers As 15 Shows/Services Are Cancelled. Premiere Radio Networks will "retire" such longform syndicated programs as Rhythm Top 30 Countdown With Ellen K and Rockline at the end of December and will offer the final installments of American Top 40 Flashback: The '80s, Audio Timeline, Guestlink Interview Service, Jim Cramer's Real Money and Spotlight On Specials on Dec. 31. Premiere will also stop offering..." Says r&r.com.
11/5.16/02 - Martin Yan, the Chinese chef, PBS star, and cookbook author will be on Sunday 5-6p, on KRLA 870 AM, the chef Jamie Gwen show, she said.
11/5.15/02 - Karel is on KGO 810 AM from S.F. I saw it on a bb, but I forget it was a San Francisco station we can receive in L.A. KGO does put a strong signal into L.A. at night. He was on last night, maybe about 9p, but he was just filling in. P.S. - Karel had maybe two or more different shows on KFI. He is rather different. Karel could be filling for Gene Burns, Mon-Fri 7-10p and Sat 10a-1p.
11/5.14/02 - Letterman's guests for this week are listed on www.cbs.com/latenight/lateshow/show_info/. This week there are only about two guests I'd want to hear, and they're both country singers, but I'll just bet they don't get to talk about much.
11/5.13/02 - Is KLAC about to dump it's talk format and return to Adult Standards -- or is something different in the works for the Clear Channel AM outlet?" So asks forums.delphiforums.com/laradio/messages/?msg=94.1, the newest L.A. bb. The MSN-connected bb has, "The rumor is getting more interesting about KLAC... Think 70's... Does that mean disco, or 70's pop hits, or even what Arrow used to do?"
11/5.12/02 - "Internet Offers Way Out of Freeway Traffic Jams. Web sites that provide real-time updates are underused but could become essential." More at www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-wheel5nov05.story. Will it replace radio reports?
11/5.11/02 - www.insideradio.com comments:
11/5.10/02 - "...Big City owns Los Angeles' "Viva 107.1" trimulcast (KSYY/Fallbrook, KLYY/Los Angeles and KVYY/Oxnard)... adds www.radioandrecords.com. Also, "Broker Mark Jorgenson tells R&R the stations will go to the "highest-quality cash bidder" and that the matter "will definitely be resolved before the first of next year.""
11/5.9/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/5.8/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/5.7/02 - "FCC Extends Deadline on Media Ownership Input. The Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday extended by one month the deadline for parties to send comments on the sweeping media ownership review the agency expects to complete by spring." More at www.mediaweek.com/mediaweek/headlines/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1755523. Moreover.com's tip.
11/5.6/02 - "Big City to Auction Off Radio Properties. Financially strapped Big City Radio has retained Jorgenson Broadcast Brokerage to auction off the company's 12 radio stations in suburban New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. Proceeds of the sale will be used to pay down debt." More at www.mediaweek.com/mediaweek/headlines/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1755186. Moreover.com's tip.
11/5.5/02 - "'Letterman' radio simulcast won't be airing locally. Beginning Monday, "The Late Show With David Letterman" will be simulcast on the radio in 15 cities, but not in Indianapolis." More at www.indystar.com/article.php?letterman05.html,entertainment. Larry's tip.
11/5.4/02 - Headlines from laradio.com:
11/5.3/02 - "CBS' "The Late Show With David Letterman" will be simulcast on 15 major-market radio stations owned by the network's Infinity Broadcasting starting Nov. 11." From www.calendarlive.com/printedition/calendar/qtakes/cl-et-quicktakes5.1nov05.story. Also reported below.
11/5.2/02 - "American Security on the Radio" and more in Richard Wagoner's Friday column at members.cox.net/rwagoner/
11/5.1/02 - Election Coverage update. The LAT says KNX 1070 AM and KFWB 980 AM will cover from 4p-midnight. Also, KCRW 89.9 FM will carry NPR coverage from 5p-midnight, with local and CA coverage from 7-8p on "Which Way, L.A."
11/5/02 - Election Coverage. When the polls close, or even before, check KNX 1070 AM, KFWB 980 AM, KCRW 89.9 FM, KPCC 89.3 FM, and perhaps others for wall-to-wall coverage. Some shows could be preempted. The KNX Drama Hour, the 9-10p version, is preempted, but the Wed 2-3a version should air.
11/4.7/02 - "RONFINEMEN.COM STARTS CHARGING READERS. Ron Fineman, the radio reporter who said he got the boot from KNX due to material he published on his Website is now charging readers an annual $25 subscription fee." Says www.laexaminer.com/. I seldom read it cause he only tried to cover TV, no radio coverage when I found the site.
11/4.6/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Starting time will be delayed by football. Try between 9:30p and 10p.
11/4.5/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
11/4.4/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/4.3/02 - "What happened to Radio? When did radio become all stock market lingo? Read R&R or All Access and all you read stories like.." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=14891, the ctcr bb.
11/4.2/02 - "Letterman's 'Late Show' Will Be on Radio, Too. One week from tonight, David Letterman's show is moving to radio. Not exclusively, of course. Mr. Letterman's hour-long "Late Show" will still run on CBS every weeknight." More at www.nytimes.com/2002/11/04/business/media/04LETT.html?ex=1037077200&en=987983e47f7ff2a4&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE. Larry's tip. In L.A. the report says he'll be on KLSX 97.1 FM, but I haven't see the time yet; could be 11:35p like the TV show. Will the show work without the cleavage? Let's see, or rather hear.
11/4.1/02 - Steve Blodgett at www.steveblodgett.com/ has expanded his site to include more L.A. radio plus SWL info with a long list of links.
11/4/02 - laradio.com and David Tanny are both off today. Any connection?
11/3.8/02 - Is Sam Rubin a Howard Stern want-to-be, or is he being pushed into it by Jack Silver, program director at KLSX 97.1 FM?
11/3.7/02 - Arrow goes all-Christmas music, then all-80's format?. This was on two bb's, but it could be the same poster. "Now here's an interesting rumor: Arrow, of all stations, will jump on the all-Christmas bandwagon, and then after Christmas come back with an all-80's format. Does this make any sense?" As in past years, some station or stations will probably do all-Christmas music, but I don't listen much, if at all.
11/3.6/02 - KXTA 1150 AM and XTRA 690 AM combine. "...Super Station. Another major development in sports broadcasting -- at least in Southern California -- is happening in radio. It appears likely that within the next few weeks, Clear Channel radio stations KXTA (1150) and San Diego-based XTRA (690) will combine into one "super station." The same programming will be carried by both stations, although what that will be remains to be determined. It's a safe bet it will include Jim Rome in the mornings and Lee Hamilton in afternoon drive time." More at www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-tvcol1nov01.story?null.
11/3.5/02 - Merrill Shindler's restaurant show will continue on Saturday 5-7p on KLSX 97.1 FM, but his Sunday show, he said yesterday, has been bumped for football, till year's end. In past years they just rescheduled his show earlier, before football, but you never knew if the show would be early or the regular time. Maybe this way is just easier.
11/3.4/02 - "ABC Radio Networks, NPR to Simulcast Election Special Nov. 4; Black Agenda 2002, an NPR/ABC Radio Election Special. More at www.usnewswire.com/topnews/prime/1031-141.html. Larry's tip. Election coverage can displace some regular show Tuesday evening.
11/3.3/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM.
11/3.2/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/3.1/02 - Less L.A. Times radio program tips. The LAT Calendar section this week was expanded to three sections. This is usually where they put their radio info, if any. But, even with three section they could only provide nine program tip; even less tips then in the old format. What have they expanded?
11/3/02 - Gary Lycan's Sunday radio column, this week, is at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=9903. His list of program tips is at www2.ocregister.com/ocrweb/ocr/article.do?id=9907§ion=SHOW&year=2002&month=11&day=3.
11/2.12/02 - "Interesting article on the dying cassette. What a depressing article! While almost all of my pre-recorded music is on Compact Disc..." More and comments at radio-info.com/boards/ctc/index.cgi?read=14810.
11/2.11/02 - Bill Maher (was TV's 'PI' host) didn't say much on Larry King's show last night. He just talked about his book, hinted about TV, and didn't mention radio.
11/2.10/02 - Sunday morning music. It's Sunday morning, not much on the radio, and I want something light or fun. Try KDIS 710 AM, the Disney kids/pop station. Around 8a they wrap up their top-30 count down, but most tunes sound about the same anyway. The words are clean, but who listens - it's the tunes and the beat that are interesting - for a few minutes. Just don't tell anyone I told you. Their rather slow site is at psc.disney.go.com/radiodisney/mystation/LosAngeles/index.html, and they might stream.
11/2.9/02 - More on Shortwave Listening. In addition to the ASWLC mentioned yesterday in the 11/1.13/02 Flash, there is also a Southern California Area DXerS Club (SCADS). DX means distant, like far-away stations. The ASWLC meeting is now in progress, check their site for details.
11/2.8/02 - Melinda Lee's Hawaiian show, scheduled for this weekend, was delayed because her husband was ill, but he's ok now. They will reschedule the show, maybe in the beginning of next year. Keep an eye on the KFI site or check her site at www.melindalee.com/.
11/2.7/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Comedy tonight, and they don't do blue.
11/2.6/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/2.5/02 - "WOR-HD, IBOC, Comments, ...Posted by Kerry Richards CE WOR...I have sat by and watched all of the wild, great, sometimes confusing and inaccurate, comments about WOR and our testing of Ibiquity's HD radio system." More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard//messages/182562.html. This nyr mb is a must-read bb, especially for tech stuff.
11/2.4/02 - "Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is the guest at 5 P. M. [Eastern time?] November 14, 2002 when Infinity stations join to air this special national call-in show...Inside Radio says at least 25 other Infinity stations will join in including both KNX and KFWB in LA..." More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/182603.html.
11/2.3/02 - "[Letterman's] "Late Night" debuts, according to Inside Radio, via a simulcast with CBS-TV on Monday November 11, 2002. The TV audio will be on the radio each Monday through Friday night on...KSLX LA..." More and comments at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard//messages/182601.html. Also see 11/2.1/02 Flash.
11/2.2/02 - "Happy 82nd birthday to radio. Today, Nov. 2, is the anniversary of the start of commercial broadcasting. KDKA in Pittsburgh began regularly-scheduled programming with the broadcast of the Harding-Cox election returns on Nov. 2, 1920." More, comments, and KDKA's link at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/182608.html, the nyr bb.
11/2.1/02 - "Letterman Show To Air On Infinity Radio Stations? Reports published on Friday suggested that a number of Infinity stations will begin simulcasting CBS-TV's Late Show With David Letterman later this month. Although an internal memo announcing the move has reportedly been circulated to Infinity programmers and managers, when contacted by R&R Infinity spokesperson Dana McClintock offered only an official "no comment" on the rumors. Infinity already simulcasts CBS-TV's 60 Minutes to radio." From R&R.com.
11/2/02 - "Hispanic Broadcasting's Net Income Rises 41%; Outlook for Year Raised. Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. -- the nation's largest Spanish-language radio network, which is awaiting federal approval to merge with Los Angeles-based Univision Communications Inc. -- said Friday that its third-quarter profit rose 41%." More at www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hispanic2nov02.story?null. This continues the stories in the 11/1.5/02 and 11/1.6/02 Flashes.
11/1.13/02 - Shortwave listeners' meeting, "...Saturday's ASWLC meeting in Huntington Beach 92649...Saturday, November 2nd, starting at 12noon and lasting to about 4pm. Location is at 16182 Ballad Lane..." More at long url, another L.A. bb. Club site at communitylink.ocnow.com/groups/aswlc.
11/1.12/02 - Comments on WOR-HD (IBOC) testing at musicradio.computer.net/wwwboard/messages/182562.html, the nyr bb, much more active and knowledgeable than the L.A. boards.
11/1.11/02 - KNX Drama Hour, daily, 9-10p, KNX 1070 AM. Good stuff.
11/1.10/02 - Larry King, Mon-Fri, 8-9p, KFWB 980 AM.
11/1.9/02 - LA Weekly's program picks for today:
11/1.8/02 - Can You believe? Three classical-music station made Measurecast's top-25 list, but not one talk or sports-talk station. Strange. Also, no L.A. stations again. See www.measurecast.com/.
11/1.7/02 - "Westwood One Seeks Another Bill O'Reilly. Radio show set to deliver $3 mil. in '03 cash flow Bill O'Reilly a factor for WW1. "We're busily trying to find another Bill O'Reilly," Westwood One's Joel Hollander told investors yesterday, saying the FOX News commentator's Radio Factor program has been "fantastic." "We broke even on that show in September..." More at R&R.com. I've only listened to parts of the first few shows and didn't hear anything that suggested I should return.
11/1.6/02 - "HBC's Mac Tichenor Jr. Slams Arbitron On L.A. Results. "Arbitron's methodology does not ensure that its survey sample reflects the population being measured," the Hispanic Broadcasting President/CEO said..."significant concerns" about how the ratings company measures Hispanics for several years. ..."where an apparently inexplicable decline in listening to Spanish-language radio stations is, in fact, clearly explained when you pull back the curtain and examine the characteristics of the survey participants in those ratings books." Tichenor said these supposed flaws in Arbitron's methods..." From R&R. Also see following Flash.
11/1.5/02 - Hispanic radio - up or down? The Arbitron ratings say Hispanic-radio listeners are down, but this story says ad income is up. See "Hispanic Broadcasting Net Income Rises" at www.reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=search&StoryID=1667942. Larry's tip.
11/1.4/02 - Old Headlines from www.laradio.com. I often listen to Drudge on Sunday, but I don't read him that often anymore.
11/1.3/02 - "From a new Culver City studio, NPR is boosting its West Coast presence. National Public Radio's Washington headquarters, though only a decade old...So the new state-of-the-art West Coast production studios -- scheduled to open Saturday..." More at www.calendarlive.com/tv/radio/cl-et-carney1nov01.story.
11/1.2/02 - HD (was called IBOC) radio stations. So far there seem to be two:
11/1.1/02 - Radio show pick of the week is Rhonda Britten's on KLAC with a page at www.570klac.com/rhondabritten.html. I haven't heard the show.
11/1/02 - L.A. Weekly's program picks for the week, Friday - Thursday, are at www.laweekly.com/calendar/content/radio_all.php.
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