Favorite and other Radio
Programs for the Los Angeles (L.A.), California (CA) area.
3/24/01 - Numerous schedule changes since late 2000
have made these lists somewhat out of date. Most shows are still on
somewhere, sometime, so check the stations' web sites for the
details. If I can help, leave a message at the
Message Board. KRLA at 1110 AM is gone, now KRLA
is 870 AM.
Time Topic & Station all day National Public Radio (NPR) - news, reports, stuff (some can't receive KCSN, I do) * 88.5 KCSN FM, 89.3 KPCC FM, 89.9 KCRW FM, 90.7 KPFK FM all day News, Traffic, Weather, sports, etc. (almost all day) 1070 KNX AM AND 980 KFWB AM all day "News Features" (short shows) 1070 KNX AM all day Classical music (KUSC & KMZT are full-time Classical) * 88.5 KCSN FM, 91.5 KUSC FM, 105.1 KMZT FM all day Sports talk, games, etc. (Games on other stations also.) * 690 XTRA AM, 1110 KSPN AM, 1150 KXTA AM, and 1540 KMPC AM 2- 3a Old Radio Shows a.m. "Drama Hour" (repeat of prior 9-10 p.m. show) 1070 KNX AM * 2- 5a Soft talk with Doug Stephan (not Sun on KRLA?) 870 KRLA AM AND 760 KFMB AM (1-800-510-8255) 9-10p Old Radio Shows p.m. "Drama Hour" (except see Tuesday) 1070 KNX AM 11- 6a? News with "BBC World Service" (not Sun?, some days midn and/or 5a) 88.5 KCSN FM (also on KPCC 89.3 FM Everyday) 11p->a News with "BBC World Service" (M-F till 3a, S & S till 5a) 89.3 KPCC FMMonday - Friday (also see Tue- Sat)
2- 3a Old Radio Shows a.m. "Drama Hour" (repeat of prior 9-10 p.m. show) 1070 KNX AM * 5- 9a Talk with Bill Handel 640 KFI AM 6- 9a Talk/Interview with "Hugh Hewitt in the Morning" (was Larry Marino - now 5-7p) 870 KIEV AM (started 7/00) (1-800-520-1234) site up 12/13/00? 9-11a Interview with "Larry Mantle's AirTalk" (also 9-10p, was 4-7p) 89.3 KPCC FM (Th 9p, Fr 10a, & Sa 8p is "Film Week") * 9- noon Talk/political with Rush Limbaugh (a little goes a long way) 640 KFI AM * 9-noon Talk/Interview with Dennis Prager (started 11/00, from KABC) 870 KIEV AM 9-noon gone! Interview with Michael Jackson (good quests!) 1110 KRLA AM noon-12:15p "News and Comments" with Paul Harvey (also 7-7:05 p.m. per site) 790 KABC AM (also see their site & KOGO/others for times) noon- 1p News, world with BBC & PRI "The World" (lots of world news in one hour) 89.9 KCRW FM (also on 7p) noon- 1p Interview with René Engel "Let's Do Lunch" (started 12/6/99, usually late) 88.5 KCSN FM "artistic, cultural, literary, and culinary..." noon- 1p Business with "Business Hour" 980 KFWB AM 1- 2p Business with "KNX Business Hour" bizradionetwork.com 1070 KNX AM 1- 2:30p Interview with Linda Othenin-Girard or Kitty Felde "Talk of the City" (was 9-11a) 89.3 KPCC FM (8/9/00 variable schedule food w/ Milliken/Feniger) was 2/14/01 2- 2:30p Business with "Marketplace" (also see 2:30 & 6:30p) 89.9 KCRW FM 2- 3p Technology news with "KNX High Tech Hour" (started 1/17/00) 1070 KNX AM 2:30- 3p Business with "Marketplace" (also 2 & 6:30p) 89.3 KPCC FM 3- 4p Consumer advice with Clark Howard 640 KFI AM (also 2-4 a.m.) 3- 4p Interview with Terry Gross "Fresh Air" (check first minute for preview) 89.9 KCRW FM (also on KPCC 8-9 p.m.) 3- 7p Talk/general with "The Larry Elder Show" 790 KABC AM (LAPD Chief Parks once a month, check site for date) * 5- 7p Interview with "Larry Marino in the Afternoon" (was 6-9a & 4-6p, last move 7/00) 870 KIEV AM 6- 6:30p News from KCBS-TV, channel 2. (some consumer reports??, was till 7) gone 1110 KRLA AM (their reports on restaurants started inspection reform) 6:30- 7p Business with "Marketplace" (also 2 & 2:30p) 89.3 KPCC FM 6:30- Interview with Warren Olney "Which Way, L.A.?" (was 1-2p & rebroadcast 7-8p) 7:30p 89.9 KCRW FM 7- 8p News, world with BBC & PRI "The World" (lots of world news in one hour) 89.3 KPCC FM (also at noon) 7- 8p gone Interview/Hollywood with Joe Sutton "Heart of Hollywood" 870 KIEV AM 7- 9p Talk with Karel & Andrew (starting 3/20/00, was 4-7p) 640 KFI AM (better general talk show) 7-10p Talk with "Ask Mr. KABC" (was 9-10, expanded 3/3/00) 790 KABC AM 7-10p Talk/interview with G. Gordon Liddy (remember Watergate?) gone 1110 KRLA AM 8- 9p Interview with Terry Gross "Fresh Air" (check first minute for preview) 89.3 KPCC FM (also on KCRW 3-4 p.m.) 8- 9p Interview with "Larry King Live [not]" 980 KFWB AM (repeat of CNN-TV 6 p.m. show) 9-10p Interview with "Larry Mantle's AirTalk" (repeat of 9-11a, was 4-7p) 89.3 KPCC FM ("Film Week" Th 9p, Fr 10a, Sa 8p) 9-10p Old Radio Shows p.m. "Drama Hour" (except see Tuesday) 1070 KNX AM (if sports, this follows) 9-11p Consumer advice with Clark Howard 760 KFMB AM (also on at several other times) 10-11p Interview with "Larry King Live [not]" (repeat of CNN-TV 6 p.m. show?) 1130 KSDO AM (San Diego, hearable in daylight only) * 10- 5a Talk with Art Bell (UFO's, etc.) www.artbell.com 640 KFI AMTuesday - Saturday (also see Mon-Fri shows that run into Tue - Sat)
midn- 2a gone Consumer advice with Clark Howard 640 KFI AM (also M-F, 3-4 p.m.) (was 2-4a) * 2- 5a Smart talk with Doug McIntyre (Tu-F:5a, Sat:5:30a) 790 KABC AM (started midn? after election, 2a in 01?)Monday
check ?Interview with John "McLaughlin Radio Hour" (also Sat & Sun?) 870 KIEV AM (variable schedule) check ?News/Talk with "Judicial Watch Report" (also Sat & Sun?) 870 KIEV AM (variable schedule)Tuesday
9-10p "60 Minutes II" news (audio from the TV show) 1070 KNX AM 10-11p Old Radio Shows p.m. "Drama Hour" 1070 KNX AMWednesday
10-11a 7/26/00 "Ask the Mayor" with L.A.'s mayor Richard Riordan 980 KFWB AM (monthly?, 4th Wed??) 4- 5p 7/26/00 Talk with L.A. Police Chief Bernard Parks & "The Larry Elder Show" 790 KABC AM (was Monday, monthly, variable schedule, check site?)Thursday
* 2- 2:30p Science "Exploration" (was 2-3) 90.7 KPFK FM www.mkaku.org 2:30- 3p Books/reviews with Michael Silverblatt "Bookworm" 89.9 KCRW FMFriday
11-noon? Science with Ira Flatow "NPR Talk of the Nation: Science Friday" 89.3 KPCC FM (was till 1p) 4- 6p Movies with Joe Wizan "The 'A' List" (started 7/00, was Sun) 1110 KRLA AM (520-KRLA or 871-KRLA) 8-11p Talk with Conway & Steckler (general talk, has had guests like Tomm Looney 97.1 KLSX FM (radio) & Surfer Val (internet) (also M-F, was 7-10) 10-11p Old Radio Shows "Radio Hall of Fame Hour" Fri & Sat 1070 KNX AM (10:06, started 1/14/00) (www.radiohof.org) 11-midn Internet? gone?? Science fiction & fact, the media, and more with Warren James 90.7 KPFK FM "Mike Hodel's Hour 25" & archives
See Everyday, Tue - Sat, Sat, or Sun for more shows.
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