Favorite and other Radio
Programs for the Los Angeles (L.A.), California (CA) area.
3/24/01 - Numerous schedule changes since late 2000
have made these lists somewhat out of date. Most shows are still on
somewhere, sometime, so check the stations' web sites for the
details. If I can help, leave a message at the
Message Board. KRLA at 1110 AM is gone, now KRLA
is 870 AM.
Time Topic & Station midn- 2a Talk/history with Ira Fistell (could be sports, also M-F, starts at 10p) 1110 KRLA AM ([*82]1-888-822-8255 & www.talkamerica.com on net 2) midn- 2a Consumer advice with Clark Howard 640 KFI AM (also M-F, 3-4 p.m.) (was 2-4a) midn- 5a News with "BBC World Service" (Starts 11p, M-F till 3a, S & S till 5a) 89.3 KPCC FM 2- 3a Old Radio Shows a.m. "Drama Hour" (repeat of prior 9-10 p.m. show) 1070 KNX AM 2- 5a Drama "Imagination Theater" (modernish drama) www.transmediasf.com 760 KFMB AM (three one-hour shows, each of two half-hour shows) 2- 5a Talk with Doug Stephan (soft talk)(could be 6 days except Sunday?) 1110 KRLA AM (1-800-510-8255) check ??News/Talk with John "McLaughlin Radio Hour" 870 KIEV AM (variable schedule) 5- 6a News with ABC's "Perspective" 600 KOGO AM 5- 6a Gardening with Nick Federoff "Garden Talk" (Sat & Sun, 5/00 was 11th year) 640 KFI AM (?video? at www.adrenalineradio.com) 5- 6?a ????Gardening [or infomercial] with Jerry Baker "On the Garden Line" (was till 7) 1110 KRLA AM (1-800-634-3881) (Sat & Sun, could go till 7 a.m.) 6- 7a Fishing 1150 KXTA AM 6- 7a ??Travel with John Hamilton "On The Go" (could be between 5-8a, does fade) 810 KGO AM (7/29/00 - heard at 6a, faded out at 6:07a) 6- 8a Gardening with Ken & Walter Andersen "Garden Talk" 760 KFMB AM (1-800-760-5362 & www.walterandersen.com) 6- 9a Law with Bill Handel "Handel on the Law" 640 KFI AM (also, different type of show M-F) * 7:06 - ? Pres Bush/Dems at 8:06 per 2/3/01 LAT 1070 KNX AM 7- 8a Home repair with James and Morris Carey "On the House" 1150 KXTA AM (1-800-repairit) 7- 9a Pets with Warren Eckstein "The Pet Show" (was 6-8a) 790 KABC AM 7-10a Computers with Kim Komando "The Kim Komando Computer Show" (live?) 97.1 KLSX FM 8- 9a "L.A. Speaks Out" (6/17/00 was 8:08-9:17a) (520-KJLH) 102.3 KJLH FM 8- 9a Internet-Computers with David Radin "Internet Insider" 1110 KRLA AM (1-888-923-8477) 8-10a Gardening with Bruce Asakawa "West Coast Garden Line" 870 KIEV AM (1-800-660-GROW) (also? on 600 KOGO AM) * 9-10a Shopping, discounts with "Geri Cook's Best Bargains" www.bargainsla.com 870 KRLA AM (was 10-11a) 9-11a Travel with Chuck Carmelli "The KABC Travel Show" (started 6/3/00) 790 KABC AM 9-noon Finance with Dave & Tom Gardner "The Motley Fool" (cars, computers, whatever) 640 KFI AM 10-10:05a Presidential Weekly Radio Address 1110 KRLA AM 10-11a Cars with Tom & Ray Magliozzi "Car Talk" (Sat & Sun, was 9-10a) 89.3 KPCC FM 10-11a Computers with Ric Allan & Doran Barons "Digital Village" 90.7 KPFK FM 10-noon ?Computers with "Computer Talk with Larry Piland" (Sat & Sun) 760 KFMB AM (1-800-760-5362, was sports talk) 11-11:30 Law with Chuck Alpert "On the Law with Chuck Alpert" (was 11:30-noon) 870 KIEV AM 11-noon Travel with Rudy Maxa "The Savvy Traveler" (was Sun 4-5p) 89.3 KPCC FM 11-noon News, the week's top stories "CBS News Weekend Roundup" 1070 KNX AM 11-noon Food with Evan Kleiman "Good Food" 89.9 KCRW FM 11-12:45p Movies with George Pennacchio & David Poland "The KABC Movie Show" (was 10-11a) 790 KABC AM 11- 1p Cars with John Retsek & Art Gould "The Car Show" 90.7 KPFK FM noon- 1p Food with Lynne Rossetto Kasper "The Splendid Table" (Sat & Sun) 89.3 KPCC FM (new show, sounds good, same at www.splendidtable.org/) noon- 1p ?Wine & food with Robert Whitley "Whitley on Wine" 1130 KSDO AM (San Diego, hearable in daylight) noon- 2p Cars with Dave Stall & Gerald Levy "The KFMB Auto Show" 760 KFMB AM noon- 3p Cooking with Melinda Lee "Food Talk" foodradio@aol.com (was Sun also) * 640 KFI AM (BristolFarms.com has stuff. Was Sun only, Sat started 10/13/99. Was 3-6p till 9/00) * check gone Sun only Medicine with "Dr. Dean Edell" 640 KFI AM 12:45- 1p Comments/News with Paul Harvey 790 KABC AM 1- 2p Law talk with "Primerus Law Hour" (topics & Q&A) 600 KOGO AM (1-800-600-5646) 2- 3p Consumer Journalist with Judd McIlvain ("The Troubleshooter" Sat & Sun) 1110 KRLA AM (was Sat only 7-8 a.m., then 1-3 till 7/00)) 2- 4p Law with Jeff Isaac "Legal Assist Live" www.legalassist2000.com (Sat & Sun) 760 KFMB AM (includes 'the best lawyer joke wins') (was 2-5p) 3- 5p Restaurants with Elmer Dills "Good Life Report" (Sat & Sun) 870 KIEV AM Steve Knight Mr. Gadget email:elmerdine@mindspring.com 4- 6p New Time Restaurants with Mario Martinoli & Amy Strong "The KABC Restaurant Show" 790 KABC AM (was 8-10a till 6/00?) 5- 7p ?Movies "The Movie Show" (was sports talk) 760 KFMB AM 5- 7p or 3-5p Restaurants with Merrill Shindler "Feed Your Face"?(Sat & Sun) 97.1 KLSX FM (BristolFarms.com had recipes) 6- 7p Home repair with Glenn Haege "Ask the Handyman" (Sat & Sun, 1-800-654-2639) 1110 KRLA AM (first heard 3/00) * 6- 9p Talk/Science? with Fred Ebert (Sat & Sun starting 9/2/00, was Sun only 4-7p) 640 KFI AM 6- 9p Computers with Kim Komando "The Kim Komando Computer Show" (power down 6:12p) 1130 KSDO AM (San Diego, daylight only, 7/29/00 was very weak) 7- 9p Movies with Leo Quinones "Film Freak" (was gone? & 9-11p) 97.1 KLSX FM 8- 9p Movies "Film Week" (repeat of Friday's show, new show) 89.3 KPCC FM 9-10p Interview with "Fresh Air Weekends" 89.3 KPCC FM 9-10p Old Radio Shows p.m. "Drama Hour" 1070 KNX AM 10-11p Old Radio Shows "Radio Hall of Fame Hour" (10:06, Fri & Sat, started 1/14/00) 1070 KNX AM (www.radiohof.org) * 10-midn ?News/Talk with "Judicial Watch Report" www.judicialwatch.org (variable schedule, per site) (also other times) 870 KIEV AM (live with calls in most areas, but not in L.A., live on web site 9-11a L.A. time)
See Everyday and Sun for more shows. |
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