Favorite and other Radio
Programs for the Los Angeles (L.A.), California (CA) area.
3/24/01 - Numerous schedule changes since late 2000
have made these lists somewhat out of date. Most shows are still on
somewhere, sometime, so check the stations' web sites for the
details. If I can help, leave a message at the
Message Board. KRLA at 1110 AM is gone, now KRLA
is 870 AM.
Time Topic & Station midn- 5a News with "BBC World Service" (Starts 11p, M-F till 3a, S & S till 5a) 89.3 KPCC FM 2- 3a Old Radio Shows a.m. "Drama Hour" (repeat of prior 9-10 p.m. show) 1070 KNX AM 2- 4a Drama "Imagination Theater" (modernish, half-hour drama www.transmediasf.com) 760 KFMB AM * 3- 6a Talk/Interview with ("Best of Hugh Hewitt Show," started 8/00) 870 KIEV AM (Repeat of M-F, 6-9a) check ??News/Talk with "Judicial Watch Report" www.judicialwatch.org (variable schedule) (also Monday 2a?) 870 KIEV AM check ?Talk/News "McLaughlin Radio Hour" (variable schedule) 870 KIEV AM 5- 6a ??Drama "Imagination Theater" (modernish, half-hour drama www.transmediasf.com) 760 KFMB AM (temp only??, per site, was infomercial) 5- 6a News with AP's "Newsweek on Air" (www.newsweek.com) 600 KOGO AM 5- 9a News/Analysis with "Weekend Edition Sunday" 89.3 KPCC FM 6- 7a "Spotlight on the Community" 790 KABC AM 6- 7a L.A. talk with Socorro & Nelson "Sunday Edition" (first hour of below) 97.1 KLSX FM (also on 1110 KRLA AM) 6- 8a L.A. talk with Socorro Serrano & Nelson Salsa "Sunday Edition" 1110 KRLA AM (520-KRLA or 871-KRLA) 7- 8a Travel with Joseph Rosendo "Travelscope" (was 7a & noon to 1p & 2p) 870 KIEV AM (variable schedule) (moved about 4/00 or 5/00) 7- 8a Talk with "Satellite Sisters" (started 6/4/00, was 9-10a) (www.satellitesisters.com/ss/index.html 89.9 KCRW FM 7- 8a Travel with "Expedia Radio" (started 7/99) (was called "Expedia Travel") 760 KFMB AM AND 97.1 KLSX FM 7- 9a Gardening with Nick Federoff "Garden Talk" (Sat & Sun) (5/00 was 11th year) 640 KFI AM (Sun started 3/12/00) (?video? at www.adrenalineradio.com) 7-10a Cars with Leon Kaplin "Motorman Leon Kaplin" 790 KABC AM 8- 9a Home repair with Glenn Haege "Ask the Handyman" Sat & Sun, repeat of Sat show) 1110 KRLA AM (first heard 3/00) (1-800-654-2639) 8-10a Pets with Dr. Dennis Kelko "The Dr. Dog Show" (was 7-10a, was Sat also) 760 KFMB AM 9-10a Books/Whatever ("Book Talk" & "What's the Word" 90.7 KPFK FM (was Convention talk) 9-10a Food with Lynne Rossetto Kasper "The Splendid Table" (Sat & Sun) 89.3 KPCC FM (repeat of new Sat show, also www.splendidtable.org) 9-noon Computers with Jeff Levy "KFI on Computers: Jeff Levy" 640 KFI AM (also column in LAT Thursday Business section) 10-11a Cars with Tom & Ray Magliozzi "Car Talk" Sat & Sun) 89.3 KPCC FM (repeat of previous Sat show, was 9-10a) 10-11a ?Cars with Jon Woods & Gary Nugent "All About Cars" 600 KOGO AM (was sports) 10-noon Computers with "Computer Talk with Larry Piland" (repeat??, Sat & Sun)) 760 KFMB AM 10- 1p Computers with Marc Cohen & Mark Oleesky computershow@kabc.com 790 KABC AM "The KABC Computer Show with the Marck Brothers" 11-noon Quiz/News with Peter Sagal "Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me" (new show) 89.3 KPCC FM (quiz show on past week's news, also repeat at 9p) noon- 1p Pets with Dr. Tiffany "All About Pets" (was 12:30-1) 1110 KRLA AM noon- 2p Cars with David Stall "Motor Sports Weekly" 760 KFMB AM noon- 2p Internet with Mr. Alex (Gray) & Surfer Val (Whalin) (archived on site) 97.1 KLSX FM "The Earthlink [Network?] Internet Show" noon- 2p Medicine with "Dr. Dean Edell" 640 KFI AM noon- 2:30p Old Radio Shows with Barbara Sunday & Bobb Lynes "Don't Touch that Dial" 88.5 KCSN FM (some shows end at 2 p.m.) (started May 1974) 2- 2:30p News/Comedy with "Rewind" 89.3 KPCC FM 2- 3p Business with Mark Deo "The HOTBIZ.com Small Business Hour" (started about 3/19/00) 97.1 KLSX FM (www.hotbiz.com) * 2- 4p gone!! Cooking with Melinda Lee ("Food Talk" foodradio@aol.com, was often till 6 p.m.??) 640 KFI AM (BristolFarms.com has stuff, was till 5p, last show 8/00) 2- 6p Law with Jeff Isaac "Legal Assist Live" www.legalassist2000.com Sat & Sun) 760 KFMB AM (repeat?) (includes 'the best lawyer joke wins') (was 2-5p) 2:30- 3p Riddles/Games with "Says You" 89.3 KPCC FM * 3- 5p Restaurants with Elmer Dills "Good Life Sunday Brunch" (Sat & Sun) 870 KIEV AM (Steve Knight (doesn't work) Mr. Gadget, was 3-5 p.m., was 10-noon) * 3- 5p or 5-7p Restaurants with Merrill Shindler "Feed Your Face"? ('normal' is 5-7p) 97.1 KLSX FM (BristolFarms.com had recipes) 3 -5p Consumer Journalist with Judd McIlvain "The Troubleshooter" (Sat & Sun was sat only, started 7/00 1110 KRLA AM (was Sat only, was 7-8 a.m.) 4- 5p Computers with "Beyond Computers" (started 11/21/99, was 11-midn) 89.3 KPCC FM * 4- 7p Interview/talk/cars?? with Kenny Morse. Just a fill-in?? See Flashes about interviews. 790 KABC AM * 5- 6p Cooking with Chef Jamie Gwen "Chef Talk" (was Sat 5-6 & 7p & 8-9a) 870 KIEV AM (moved 6-7p about 9/00), KIEV/KRLA late 2001?, was Sun 9-10a 6- 6:30p News with "California Report" 89.3 KPCC FM ** 6- 7p gone to 870 AM 9a- Cooking with Chef Jamie Gwen "Chef Talk" (was Sat 5-6 & 7p & 8-9a) 1110 KRLA AM (moved 6-7p about 9/00) 6- 7p Science with "Exploration" (two half-hour shows) 90.7 KPFK FM 6- 8p Fishing "Rod 'N Reel Radio" 760 KFMB AM * 6- 9p Talk/Science? with Fred Ebert (Sat & Sun starting 9/2/00, was Sun only 4-7p) 640 KFI AM * 6- 9p gone Talk/interview with Kelly Lange (was 5-8p, ended 10/00 per GL?) 1110 KRLA AM * 7- 8p ?Movie interviews with Joe Wizan? (was Fri 4-6p only??) 1110 KRLA AM (me added 10/00) 7- 8p ?Cars with "Speed Freaks" (was Cars with Nick Diaz "AutoManiacs," returned 1/16/00) 97.1 KLSX FM (said info on site soon?) 7- 8p "60 Minutes" news (audio from the TV show) 1070 KNX AM 7- 9p Gossip with Matt Drudge (started 7/11/99, 11/13/99 - trouble on FOX TV show) 790 KABC AM AND 600 KOGO AM (L.A. went live 2/20/00) 7- 9p Readings with "KCRW Playhouse" 89.9 KCRW FM 7-10?p ??CART Auto Racing (variable schedule www.cart.com) 870 KIEV AM 8- 9p Travel with Rudy Maxa "The Savvy Traveler" 89.3 KPCC FM (was 4-5p) 8- 9p Movies with Max Keiser "The Hollywood Stock Exchange" 97.1 KLSX FM (was 8-9, 9-10, & 8-10) (3/5/00 lost 9-10, but site says till 10p) 8-10p Remodeling with Kathy Novo-Shumate & Mikal Shumate ("Let's Talk Remodeling") 760 KFMB AM (www.design-remodel-sandiego.com, 1-800-760-5362) 9-10p ????Gardening with Jerry Baker "On the Garden Line" (repeat of Sat, Sat & Sun) 1110 KRLA AM (was Glen Haege, usually infomercial) 9-10p ?Quiz/News with Peter Sagal "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me" (repeat of new show at 11a) 89.3 KPCC FM (was "Film Week," quiz show on past week's news, repeat of 11a) 9-10p Old Radio Shows p.m. "Drama Hour" 1070 KNX AM 10-10:30p gone? "California Artists Radio Theatre" (per LAT, was music) 90.7 KPFK FM * 10-11p "Jim Bell's Common Sense" (per site, haven't heard) 760 KFMB AM (temp only??, per site, was infomercial) 10-11p Media with "On the Media" (new show) 89.3 KPCC FM 10-11p gone? "Clergy on Call" with priest, minister, & rabbi to answer questions 830 KPLS AM (1-800-300-8830) 10-midn gone? Political Talk with Jackie Mason (2/13/00 - tape delay - no calls) 870 KIEV AM 10- 1a Talk with Rabbi Mentz (see site for bio) (was 9-midn) 640 KFI AM 11- 3a News with "BBC World Service" (M-F till 3a, S & S till 5a) 89.3 KPCC FM check ?Drama "Imagination Theater" (modernish, two half-hour drama) www.transmediasf.com 760 KFMB AM (variable schedule, check midnight?) check ?Talk/News "McLaughlin Radio Hour" (variable schedule) 870 KIEV AM check ?News/Talk with "Judicial Watch Report" www.judicialwatch.org 870 KIEV AM (variable schedule)
See Everyday, Mon-Fri, & Mon for more shows. |
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