When I started finding duplicate books as I was looking through my stacks, I realized once again that my memory was different. In September and October of 1996 I was grieving that my ST and LT memory weren't connected as they used to be and that my ST memory was very unreliable. I often couldn't recall recent events. Even when it mattered.
In November 96, I realized that my strategy had to be to accelerate my learning process. Before my concussions I'd relied on my memory as a crutch. It was time to start figuring things out and to be open what is available now.
About that time I found that reading NLP newsgroup was helpful and I started to look at NLP websites. They have been an inspiration to me. I've always wondered how to start using that other 90% of the brain that people keep saying that we don't use!
These days I use computer tools to track my interests. I gather and collate information about them. I add to my lynx-bookmarks file and to my savefiles every day. I use the search feature of my telecomm program to locate details for various keywords. I usually find what I'm looking for because if there is important information, I add it to more than one savefile.
When I am learning a new program, I make cheat-sheets and track my questions by writing them down in a spiral notebook. Now if only I could keep track of my notebooks! Logbooks are wonderful!
ST: Short term
11/96: 2 years 1 month post-bonk #2
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