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Nicaragua aid initiative hampered


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By Our Correspondent Phil McJock

After three days spent  tracking the Caribbean storm Hurricane Mitch, US weather technicians lost it over Central America.
The disaster came after a work experience youth was manning the radar station and 'went to get a soda'.  On his return the large blip was gone.

Other workers at the outpost were quick to defend this loss of face.  'Hey buddy, when you can track a wildly fluctuating weather system using two decade old equipment and a glass eye you can call me stupid.'
Members of the US Senate have also been keen to distance themselves from this screw-up.  'I mean, you can't blame me.  I don't even know where my office is, let alone Nicaragua.'
The core problem seems to have arisen from a war in 1867 in which the US had its 'ass whooped'.  Subsequently all references to the country have been deleted from school curriculums.  On maps the territory is marked 'here be dragons', and small children are warned about it when they're bad.
As the designers of the program which was being used were unaware of the state's existence they did not include it.  So when the storm hit it just blipped off.

Red Crossed
The aid effort was seriously hampered by this as only European supplies could get through.  All the US planes, with their fancy computers, were unable to land as they registered a large expanse of sea.
This has been the source of much amusement around the world as various leaders have taken turns to do Clinton impressions and whack off on their secretaries.  All except Tony Blair, who issued this statement.  'I fully support Bill Clinton even if he shafts anything in a skirt.'

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