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DianaLand™ is shite say vistors


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By Our Correspondent Archie Nobhead

The recently opened DianaLand™ has been losing visitors daily as more and more people find out just how bad it is.
But a lesson has been learnt here, though not by Earl Spencer, who maintains that the shed with a picture of Diana cut from the Daily Mail is really rather good, but by Disney.

Bill Worship
Following last months tragic shooting of Bill Gates, Disney have signed the rights to create fun parks that commemorate Bill and his achievements.  "Bill's life was dedicated to making things great for people.  He gave people Mine Sweeper for free, for God's sake.  The guy was a saint!"  These are just some of the words spoken by Disney's PR department.
Whatever your experiences with Microsoft products you should surely remember that when someone dies, the public just can't get enough.

Another company, whose name escapes me, will be setting up a tribute park for Mother Theresa.  This will include The Small Dead Children ride and the Torture Arena side-show.
This one is not attracting as much interest as the other two and the signs are that it may die unnoticed.  Just like the philanthropist it wishes to commemorate.

Unfortunately for the developers analysts predict that interest in the 'celebrity dead' will soon falter as a new fad comes along.
Currently topping the bookie's sheets are CyberPolitiks™.  These small hand-held devices simulate a real country's political system in the palm of your hand.
However cynical and pessimistic you are, though, you should pay a visit to the DianaLand™ park, if only for the chance to say to your children 'I was at the biggest pile of toss ever.'

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