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By Our Correspondent Ginger Rogers

The Academy Awards was left shocked and confused last night after Best Picture winner, Michael Smith, announce 'I was taking the piss'.
The film he created, Independence Day II, was applauded by critics and broke records at the box office in America.

Loved By You
The film follows on with the story of 1996's Independence Day, the slated jingo saga.  After the name was bought by Smith, people applauded the move as it was seen as a way to inject new ideas into an already tired formula.
Smith courted controversy when he redesigned the aliens as fat rednecks claiming in the film that 'they must have been in disguise last time'.  Time International called this a 'credible plot twist'.

Unrequited Love
During his acceptance speech Michael Smith said 'I'm really grateful for the award, but, you know, I was just taking the piss.  I mean, have you even watched the film, it's awful.  Half the dialogue was lifted from the first film, I only spent fifteen pounds on special effects… the aliens were just fat truckers.  Jesus, you guys are dumb.  It just shows what toss people will pay to see.  Next year I hope to remake the remake of Godzilla.  Thank you all for the royalty checks."

The public backlash could not have been stronger.  One angry man shouted 'I can't wait for your next film, I've already booked tickets and you haven't made it yet.'
All around him others cheered on their movie making hero.  His response?  "Fuck off, why don't you all just die?"  But they only cheered louder.

Burning Rabbi
As the car sped away three Jewish religious leaders were mown down.
They are now being hailed as martyrs and will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Well, all this excitement as got me excited.  The film sounds soooooo good, I just can't wait to see it.
I know you can't either.

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