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Clinton admits improper relationship


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By Our Correspondent Mikichev Korbechev

The world focuses its disgust and loathing on Clinton, the loose-zippered President of the US, and all the time the true figure of international evil goes unseen.
For months now a silent influence, not unlike the fictional 'force' has been permeating the relations between Middle East nations.
The intervention of British diplomats has caused tension to escalate across the region.

Lack of Evidence
The claims have been rebutted by many people.  "That is so wrong, I can't believe you people have the audacity to make that crap up," was all we could get out of Peter Mandelson by way of a comment.  Others, such as Robin Cook, were less responsive, "Just piss off, you, and shut the door when you leave… this car's new!"

The main reason that people don't think El Toni is responsible is because on the surface it seems that he has nothing to gain.  However, on closer inspection it emerges that there is a link.  Tony Blair has a cousin who lives in Saudi Arabia and is looking to buy properties for development and resale in, and around, Iran.  The property market is currently at an all time high so it seems in the interest of Tony that a war starts to devalue the houses.

This evidence has convinced us here, at the
Society, and we don't just believe any old toss.  Like that stuff in the World Weekly News about the Millennium Dome being a nuclear bunker!  If anyone believes that they should pull their heads out of their arses and drop their spousal siblings and shoot themselves.

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