This page is where you can look through the poetry of the members of the Everyday Thoughts mailing list. There is only a few poems per person (just for webpage space sake) but a link to their email address or personal homepage is provided if you are interested in reading more of their poetry! Names are in attempted alphabetical order (using first names since many do not give last names) ...
DGlowAngel | Donna Winderbank | Jamie Mathews | Jenny | Jon Hamilton | Kara | Katherine Winters | Kristen Kipper | Lara | Margaret | Michael | Mike | Naomi | Rebecca | Dr. RomeAntic | Samara Miles
Just a note... please ask any of the above people prior to using their poetry on your webpage. These people were nice enough to agree to let me use their poetry on this page as a representation of the people on the list. Please do not just take their poems! :-) I also just wanted to say that I cannot be held responsible for the poems posted from others. The views expressed are those of the poets. Thanks!