
Emilio Online is best viewed with: 800x600 resolution, Internet Explorer 5,and Lots of colors. Your browser should also be image and Java enabled.

The pictures on this site are not copyright to me, they are copyright to there respectful owners(s) If you hold copyright to these pictures, email me and I will remove them.

The first picture in the gallery was given to Emilio Online by Ashley's All Emilio Site. Most of the other pictures came from Amy's Presenting Emilio Site. As did the information found in the biography and the filmography. If you would like to use any of the information or pictures for your own site please contact them first.

I would also like to give a special thanks to Ashley, the webmistress of All Emilio for all the help and friendship she has given me. Thank you, Ashley!
Also, a special thanks to Carolina, who has given me so much kindness, friendship, and honesty, Thank You! :)

The downloads on this site is meant for your use, but please do NOT redistribute them without my permission. The fan work on this site is meant for entertainment. If you would like to use them on your own site, you must first contact the authors, not me.

The image map is property of Emilio Online, please do NOT take it. It was made using Paint Shop Pro 5.01 and CuteMap.

Lastly, Please understand that I am NOT Emilio Estevez! And I do NOT know him. Please don't send me letters addressed to Emilio, I can't send them to him. Thank you and enjoy the site.

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