Link to Emilio Online

If you would like to link to Emilio Online, you can choose one of these banners or buttons. To put the image on your site, copy the code beneath it. But, remember you have to remove the (*) to make the script work. Also, please upload the image to your own server. Thank you!

Banners and Buttons made by Terri

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_button5.jpg"*><*/a>

Banners and Buttons made by Ashley

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_button.jpg"*><*/a>

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_button2.jpg"*><*/a>

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_button3.jpg" *><*/a>

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_button4.jpg"*><*/a>

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_banner.jpg"*><*/a>

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_banner2.jpg"*><*/a>

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_banner3.jpg"*><*/a>

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_banner4.jpg"*><*/a>

<*a href=""><*img src="e_o_banner5.jpg"*><*/a>

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