There is Only One Emilio

Title: There is Only One Emilio
Author: Ashley
Rating: G
Summary: A poem written about all the different characters Emilio has played.

He's been a Young Gun,
He's been a delinquent,
He's played a Vietnam vet,
In a performance we just couldnt miss!
He's been a rough playing cowboy,
He's been a Seatlle cop,
He's played a jock in a jam,
But many times he acted like a ham!
He's been a brainy scientist,
And then a garbage man,
He's went from an actors son,
To all our honey buns!
He's played a Coach,
He's played a love sick student,
But in whatever he does,
We must remember,
Those are just his characters,
Because there is only one Emilio!!

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