Those Who Love Books

Those who love books understand
that time travel is as simple
as turning the first page,
That turning the last page
is like losing a friend
That returning again to that moment, that feeling,
means only going to the shelf once more.

Those who love books understand
the thrill of seeing a beloved name on a cover
knowing there is no price but that must be paid
to steal inside the world another time.

Every woman is beautiful when she reads;
Every man strong and noble,
Every love is everlasting
Every death can be undone with a kiss.

Those who love books understand
the need to own the words
the desire to rise at two a.m.
hunting for a familiar passage
the satisfaction of rediscovering it.

With each book you lend to someone new
a piece of your soul has gone wandering;
With trembling hands, you press it into the grasp
of someone trusted, beloved
When it returns to you read, it has doubled in value
for it is now a joy shared.

a joy shared

He loved books.
His house was filled with shelves
hardback, paperback, first edition, imported, used
fantastic dreams, impossible voyages
scientific marvels, harsh unrealities
these were his world
the starship of his mind adrift in countless worlds.

He understood that magic was truth
science merely an excuse to explain what we already knew
everything possible did exist somewhere
even if we could not see them
unicorns, gryphons, dragons of pink and blue and paisley.

They sold his books.
In boxes, crates, brown taped and markered
they loaded the pieces of his soul;
the auditors came, passed judgement over a lifetime
a few dollars per box
the used book store, home to unwanted memories,
took them in, separated them
scattered them to the winds.

A teenager wanders through the store
uncertain of her life her future what she wants and needs
sees the cover, picks up just one book;

Her world is momentarily opened to include
dusky boys upon the backs of elephants;
riding a turtle through time;
a hero upon a blue unicorn
a girl in a bathrobe riding through space in a shoe
she opens herself to newnesses beyond imagination.

Like a keeper of birds, he kept them close to him;
The birds have flown in a thousand directions
each a part of him
and so he lives on in a thousand ways.
A thousand lovers of books
will look at the imprint upon the page
and wonder, who was he that loved this book so much?

From "Idylls of the Wizard"
by Missy Reimer

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