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Once upon a time there was a friendly, curious
little firefly who lived in an almost-mythical valley called Ott. For those of you unfamiliar with Canadian geography, the Valley of Ott lies to the north of the booming metropolis of Everywhere Else, not too far (as dragons fly) from the legendary Land of Many Stars. Ott is surrounded by the Piney Forest, some kilometres south of the Lake of the Frozen Fairies, just a smidgeon to the east of Someday - and spitting distance from the village of Almost There. The firefly landed in Ott on woggly wings after a long, exciting journey from her faraway home beside the Wild Blue'n Gray Ocean..that's another story entirely! Click Here to visit The Phantom Ships. Click flag ![]() One lovely day in the cool crisp of an Ott October, the firefly was swept up by a mighty gust of invisible wind and landed, dusty and disheveled, in a wondrous, fascinating place... She was to discover, much later, that she had been abducted by a band of HTMLves, who vowed to set her free only after she had told them the story they wanted to hear! But the wicked elves, grinning broadly and laughing gleefully, bouncing joyfully on their little fat feet, refused to give her even a hint as to what that story might be... So, as the days come and go, the firefly spins her tales. Be welcomed, gentle human, to the "magic pages" and the firefly's stories.... ![]() ![]() ![]()